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Staro 05.05.2013., 23:39   #1
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Datum registracije: Dec 2005
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Postovi: 11,642
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Svi forumaši se mole da pročitaju ovu temu prije otvaranja novih tema kako bi Intel podforum održali čistim, urednim, te preglednim. Prije svega, u stickyima se nalaze teme koje obuhvaćaju sve informacije (skupa s vašim pitanjima i odgovorima) unatrag nekoliko godina. Ostale teme koje su ovdje izlistane sežu sve do polovice 2007., tako da će se naći štošta. Isto tako u stickyima se nalaze tri teme koje služe za vaša konkretna pitanja vezana za kupovinu ili nadogradnju pojedinih komponenti. Sve starije teme će biti navedene u ovom stickyu, te će vam biti nadohvat ruke ukoliko vam zatreba brza informacija, čime se sprječava nepotrebno otvaranje nove teme, a i štedi vaše vrijeme kod korištenja Tražilice. Tema će se periodično ažurirati novim entryima.

Info Threadovi - procesori/čipseti
Intel "Coffee Lake" LGA-1151 V2 Info thread‎

Intel "Kaby Lake" LGA-1151 Info Thread ‎

Intel "Skylake" LGA-1151 Info Thread

Intel "Broadwell" LGA-1150 Info Thread

Intel "Haswell-E" LGA-1150 Info Thread

Intel "Haswell" LGA-1150 Info Thread

Intel "Ivy Bridge-E" LGA-2011 Info Thread

Intel "Ivy Bridge" LGA-1155 Info thread

Intel "Sandy Bridge-E" LGA-2011 Info Thread

Intel "Sandy Bridge" LGA-1155 Info thread

Intel "Nehalem/Gulftown" LGA-1366 Info Thread

Intel "Lynnfield/Clarkdale" LGA-1156 Info Thread

Intel Atom Info Thread

Info Threadovi - matične ploče

Abit IX48-GT3

Abit IX38 QuadGT

Abit IP35 X/-E/STD/Pro

Abit AB9 QuadGT

Abit AB9 Pro


Abit Fatal1ty F-I90HD
Asrock Z77 Pro3/Pro4/Extreme3/Extreme4/Extreme6/OC Formula Info Thread

Asrock Z68 Pro3/Pro4/Extreme3/Extreme4/Extreme6 Info Thread

Asrock P67 Pro/Pro3/Extreme4/Fatal1ty P67 Info Thread

ASrock X58 Deluxe/Extreme/Supercomputer ‎Info Thread

Asrock P45X3 Deluxe

Asrock P43 PRO/USB3

ASRock 4Core1600 P35

ASRock 4CoreDual-SATA2/VSTA
Asus P8Z77-V/LE/LX/LK/Pro/Pro Thunderbolt/Premium/Deluxe Info Thread

Asus P9X79 LE/Vanilla/Pro/Deluxe Info Thread

Asus P8Z68 Vanilla/-M (Pro)/-V LX/-V/Pro/Deluxe Info Thread

Asus Maximus V Gene

Asus Maximus Extreme

Asus Rampage Extreme

Asus P6T Vanilla/Deluxe/V2 Info Thread

Asus Maximus III Formula

Asus Z77 Wolverine

Asus Rampage III Gene

Asus Rampage II Extreme

Asus P5Q Vanilla/E/C/Pro/Deluxe/Premium Info Thread

Asus P8P67/Pro/Deluxe/EVO/M Pro Info Thread

Asus Sabertooth P67

Asus P7P55D/Pro/-E/Deluxe/EVO/Premium Thread

Asus P5K Vanilla/E/C/Pro/Deluxe/Premium Thread

Asus Rampage III Formula

Asus Maximus III Extreme

Asus Striker II Formula

Asus Maximus Formula

Asus Blitz Extreme

Asus Blitz Formula
Biostar T-Power X58 Info Thread

Biostar TP45 HP/I45 Info Thread

Biostar P43-A7
DFI Lanparty UT X38/X48-T2R Info Thread

DFI LanParty DK P35/P45-T2RS (Plus) Info Thread

DFI Lan Party UT P35-T2R

DFI Lanparty JR P45-T2RS

DFI BloodIron P35-T2RL

ECS H61/H67/H67-M Info Thread
EVGA Classified SR-2 (Super Record 2)

EVGA Classified 760/762 Thread
Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3/DS3/UD4/UP5/UP7 Info Thread

Gigabyte GA-X79-UD3/UD4/UD5/UD7/G1.Assassin2 Info Thread

Gigabyte GA-P67A-UD3/UD3P/UD4/UD5/UD7 Info Thread

Gigabyte GA-X58(A)-UD3/R/P/UD4/UD5/Extreme/UD9/OC Info Thread

Gigabyte EP45/43-DS3x/DS4/DS5/DQ6/Extreme Thread

Gigabyte P31/P35 - DS3L/STD/R/P/DS4/DQ6 Thread

Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3/DS4/DS5/DS6 Info Thread
Intel Bad Axe2 Info Thread
MSI P67A-GD80/65/55/53/C43/C45 Info Thread

Teme vezane za kupovinu, odabir ili nadogradnju
Koji procesor kupiti - 4. dio
(stare teme: 1. dio, 2. dio, 3. dio)

Koju matičnu ploču kupiti - 5. dio
(stare teme: 1. dio, 2. dio, 3. dio, 4. dio)

Koju ploču i procesor kupiti? - 2. dio
(stare teme: 1. dio)

Savjeti za nadogradnju

Dual Core ili Quad Core procesor?

Recenzije matičnih ploča od strane PCE forumaša
Abit IX38 QuadGT, Review by Razer

Asus P5K Vanilla Review by Bullet1

Asus P5Q-E review by maX

Biostar TP45 HP Review by Razer

Biostar Tpower I45 review by maX

DFI LanParty LT X38-T2R review by Bullet

DFI LP UT-P35-T2R Review by IcyTexx (update by Razer)

Gigabyte P31-DS3L Review by Crash009

XFX nForce 790i 3-Way SLI Review by Razer

Ostale zanimljive i korisne teme
Pitanja oko kompatibilnosti

Upgrade sa LGA775 na Core i3/i5/i7?

Pravilno instaliranje Intelovih Chipset drivera na Win 7/8

The best of socket 370/478 thread

Vijesti o Intelovim procesorima i čipsetima

Asus P5B Deluxe BIOS overclocking postavke

NB strap i OC chipseta

Asus P4C800 i P4P00 BIOS optimizacije i podešavanje

Popis Core 2/Xeon procesora sa G0 steppingom

Core 2 Duo - Mali vodič za kupnju

Intel CPU Product Codes

Mali pregled novijih Intelovih stolnih procesora i chipseta

Intel "tutorial" - vodič kroz povijest

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Razer. 20.06.2022. u 16:20.
Razer je offline   Reply With Quote
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