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Staro 28.07.2022., 22:36   #5551
The Exiled
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AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 28.07.2022. u 23:49.
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Staro 29.07.2022., 11:35   #5552
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53 milijarde dolara poreznih obveznika:

Dobitnici ... Intel i GloFlo, većim dijelom Intel. U isto vrijeme, onu babuskaru Pelosi će na Taiwan pratiti cijela sedma flota:

“She’s not going to go with an armada,” Pavel said.

They also said that a stepped-up U.S. military presence to safeguard Pelosi risked raising tensions.
No shit!

Rekao bih da ovaj deal Nvidiju i AMD stavlja u prilično glup položaj, a dugoročno mogu popušiti Taiwan zbog geopolitičkih razloga.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: stef. 29.07.2022. u 11:52.
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Staro 29.07.2022., 11:58   #5553
The Exiled
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Međunarodni incident na pomolu, ali lako za to, glavno da je Intel startup dobil prijeko potrebne dinare. Izuzev nVidije i AMD-a, puno drugih (američkih) firmi bude pogođeno, ako ovi zakuhaju situaciju s Kinom i Tajvanom.

Opet s druge strane, ne kužim kak ne vide da silne milijarde koje idu Intelu nisu ama baš nikakva garancija za uspješnu domaću proizvodnju, kad se ta firma gubi u vlastitom voCtvu i planovima.

Konstantne izmjene kratkoročnih i dugoročnih najava i realizacija su sad već standardni dio paketa u koji je uključena obavezna promjena generalnog direktora svakih par godina.

Od 2006. do 2017. je bilo super i puna šaka brade, ali sad je i više, nego očito da konkretnog plana nije bilo. Išlo se za tim da AMD nestane, a oni nastave dalje ubirati po provjerenom quad-core receptu.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 29.07.2022. u 12:23.
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Staro 29.07.2022., 15:15   #5554
no fear
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Intel, Micron i Analog Devices u „službi”
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Međunarodni incident na pomolu, ali lako za to, glavno da je Intel startup dobil prijeko potrebne dinare. Izuzev nVidije i AMD-a, puno drugih (američkih) firmi bude pogođeno, ako ovi zakuhaju situaciju s Kinom i Tajvanom.

Opet s druge strane, ne kužim kak ne vide da silne milijarde koje idu Intelu nisu ama baš nikakva garancija za uspješnu domaću proizvodnju, kad se ta firma gubi u vlastitom voCtvu i planovima.

Konstantne izmjene kratkoročnih i dugoročnih najava i realizacija su sad već standardni dio paketa u koji je uključena obavezna promjena generalnog direktora svakih par godina.

Od 2006. do 2017. je bilo super i puna šaka brade, ali sad je i više, nego očito da konkretnog plana nije bilo. Išlo se za tim da AMD nestane, a oni nastave dalje ubirati po provjerenom quad-core receptu.
Manje bitno u igri je geopolitika i nacionalni interes --> Intel, Micron i Analog Devices u „službi”
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Staro 29.07.2022., 15:28   #5555
The Exiled
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Igre samo takve, posebice nakon nekoliko desetljeća "domoće proizvodnje" na drugom kraju svijeta, pa hajde da se sad sve vrati kod nas.

Iskreno, kak je krenulo - Pat Gelsinger, Raja Koduri, Ryan Shrout i sl. društvo bi začas mogli dobiti zamjene. I onda opet nova garnitura najavljuje svoje.
Intel let the chips fall where they might
This day always comes. It is the nature of monopoly and hubris.

It came for IBM. It came for Microsoft, and it is coming for Facebook. It will come for Google and, even though it is hard to believe, it will come for Amazon. And it is most assuredly coming for Intel right now, and it is probably going to get worse. Maybe not as bad as IBM in the early 1990s – because nothing was worse than that self-inflicted and self-described “near-death experience,” where Big Blue had the biggest write-offs in corporate history and eventually had to lay off half of its 400,000 workforce – but most assuredly for Intel, bad nonetheless.

Intel’s problems are not intractable, but they are incredibly expensive to fix, which is why the company is panhandling for money in the halls of the US Congress and in the corridors of power in Brussels, and why it is reportedly considering hooking up with private equity and hedge fund firms to raise the money to revitalize its foundries and therefore, it is hoped, its central compute engine business that, quite frankly, Intel’s former top brass took for granted. But it is worse than that. The chip design part of Intel took the foundry business as a given and the foundry part of Intel took the chip design business as a given, and AMD, the Arm collective (including homegrown Arm chips from cloud builders), and Nvidia have been doing all of the real taking – mostly of market share in compute. Given the roadmaps Intel has laid out and the substantial competition Intel is facing, they are going to keep taking it out of Intel’s hide as they ramp up new chippery and spend money to buy more manufacturing capacity from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.
Izvor: The Next Platform
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 29.07.2022. u 20:16.
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Staro 30.07.2022., 11:13   #5556
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AMD passes Intel in market cap
Isusati šta ćemo još doživjet.
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Staro 30.07.2022., 13:33   #5557
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AMD passes Intel in market cap
Isusati šta ćemo još doživjet.
Zato sto su se monopolom uquadirali (4 cores) i uljenili, a potrosaci nisu imali bolju opciju.

Amd kao underdog pred bankrotom je postao kreativan jer je vidio da nije vise šala, tehnologija i trgovina su utrke koje nemaju predaha i kraja.
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Staro 30.07.2022., 13:56   #5558
The Exiled
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Da nije tragikomično, možda bi mi bilo žao, ali onda se sjetim da je riječ o firmi koja je svojevremeno kvartalno plaćala stotine milijuna OEM ekipi samo da ne nude AMD opciju, općenito imaju stav najboljiJi smo, nema nitko jači, dok sve oko njh gori, a oni u rukama drže šibicu i kanister benzina. Otkad se AMD vratil s ruba propasti, u Intelu su odmah brže-bolje probali ići u ofenzivu dobrim starim provjernim metodama u kontekstu zalijepljenih procesora, ali nažalost nije prošlo, konkurencija ne samo da nije nestala preko noći, nego se još i namnožila u pogledu ARM, nVidia, Samsung i TSMC natjecatelja.

Unatrag pet godina prošli su kroz tri generalna direktora od kojih svaki priča veće šprancirane bedastoće od prethodnika, izgubili su kakvih 30% sveukupnog tržišta, a sad kad više ni rekordne zarade nisu zagarantirane, okreću se državnim poticajima i subvencijama, jer "domaća proizvodnja" im je bitnija od svega. ARC GPU je fijasko u realnom vremenu, kasne apsolutno sa svim mogućim najavama, dok istovremeno pričaju o nasljednicima nečega kaj nije, a vrlo vjerojatno i ne bude stiglo na tržište u obećanom obliku. U slučaju da stigne, opet kasne kakvih generaciju do dvije u odnosu na konkurenciju. Tak da, sami su si krivi za sve kaj ih je snašlo, jer nemreš 10 godina sjediti na rukama i onda kad voda dođe do grla, početi mahnito najavljivati hrpu toga kaj konkurencija već ima u ponudi i nadati se će se sve riješiti samo od sebe, jer u pitanju je Intel.

I za razliku od AMD-a, sumnjam da bude Intel u vrijeme kad je stvarno teško, krenul s uistinu inovativnim rješenjma, ali OK, možda se stvarno trgnu, potjeraju sadašnje voCtvo i krenu s friškom postavom.

Intel Core i7-13700K & Core i5-13600K Raptor Lake CPUs Gaming Benchmarks
The 13th Gen Core series will get more Efficient (Gracemont) cores, higher clocks and higher power PL1/PL2 levels. While the higher core count provides a boost in multi-threaded apps, it’s mainly the high clock and higher maximum TDP that allows the 13th Gen Core to offer better performance, especially in games. While average framerate has only increased by 7 to 12% at FHD resolution, the minimum framerates certainly did improve for all resolution. This is a 11% to 14% improvement for FHD. So it looks like the Core i7-13700K is around 5% faster on average than its predecessor while the bigger cache and higher clocks help it maintain an 11.82% higher minimum framerate. The Intel Core i5-13600K was also tested through the same gaming selection and yielded 6% better performance than its predecessor with 12.4% faster minimum FPS on average.
Izvor: Lolek i Bolek
Intel had to respin Sapphire Rapids CPU for volume launch
Intel disclosed during its earnings call on Thursday that it had to respin its 4th Generation Xeon Scalable 'Sapphire Rapids' processor before initiating high-volume production. This redesign and tapeout took time, which is why Intel is delaying the volume ramp of SPR CPUs to late 2022. As it turns out, Intel's previous iteration of its next-generation Xeon Scalable 'Sapphire Rapids' processor had a security vulnerability that required mitigation in hardware. As a consequence, Intel had to respin the CPU, mend the issue, tape out the new stepping, and then proceed with regular testing and validation procedures. This naturally postponed the volume launch of the product. Some Intel customers (probably among operators of hyperscale datacenters) are already running initial Sapphire Rapids processors unaffected by the security issue (perhaps because they come with certain features turned off). Intel admits that its Sapphire Rapids processors are late to the party, and they will be widely available only in 2023.
Izvor: Tom's Hardware
TSMC completes construction of 5nm Fab 21 in Arizona
TSMC recently held a topping-out ceremony for its Fab 21 near Phoenix, Arizona, to celebrate the completion of the construction, which progressed at breakneck speeds from March 2021 to July 2022. With the building ready, it is time for TSMC to install supplementary equipment and then move in semiconductor production tools. Now that the fab shell is complete, TSMC will need to install various anti-vibration devices, wiring, sewerage, ventilation, air conditioning, and so on. Once everything is ready, it will start equipping its cleanroom with various fab equipment, including scanners, etching, deposition, resist removal, metrology, and inspection tools, just to name a few. TSMC's Fab 21 is expected to start production in early 2024. Its initial capacity will be 20,000 wafer starts per month (WSPM) on TSMC's N5 (5nm-class) nodes. Meanwhile, the foundry's 1,100-acre site will be able to host additional phases of the fab, bringing the manufacturing capacity of the campus to around 100,000 wafers if there is enough demand for chips produced by the company. The cost of the current phase is estimated to be between $10 billion and $12 billion.
Izvor: Tom's Hardware
Never Ending Story: Intel’s Sapphire Rapids (maybe) comes in the 12th Stepping
Intel’s new Xeons, i.e. the scalable server processors of the 4th generation, are delayed again. Once again, one might say, and the reasons are very diverse. The problems and errors are collected under NDA in internal documents (“so called NDA sights”) and currently amount to almost 500 (!) entries, with the trend continuing to rise. With a total of 12 (!) steppings, they haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory either, and I can’t remember any project so far that needed so many steppings before you could even use it to some extent. This started with A0 and A1, then proceeded via B0, C0, C1, C2, D0, E0, E2, E3 and E4 until currently stepping E5! The market launch was planned about 1.5 years ago and the plan was recently updated again. Sapphire Rapids was originally supposed to compete against AMD’s Epyc Milan processors, but due to the delay, they now have to compete against AMD’s newer Genoa lineup.
Izvor: Igor'sLAB
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 01.08.2022. u 08:19.
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Staro 02.08.2022., 14:56   #5559
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Đizus krajst..12! iteracija procesora i još imaju 500 bugova, odron samo takav.. Epyc Genoa će ih doslovno pomesti a ovaj šrot neće tako skoro u prodaju.
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Staro 03.08.2022., 19:20   #5560
The Exiled
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Izuzev nadolazećih Raptor Lake modela, sve ostalo je nažalost pod jako velikim upitnikom. Izgleda da kaj god Intel i popratno voCtvo taknu, jednostavno ne urodi plodom, pa je odgođeno ili kompletno otkazano.
Intel: Trouble in the IDM 2.0 paradise?
It’s easy to blame predecessors, but wasn’t Gelsinger tasked to take Intel out of trouble when he was given the reins of this iconic semiconductor outfit in early 2021? What happened? Gelsinger’s transformative plan to turn Intel into a contract manufacturer for semiconductor devices is taking its toll. Even on that foundry frontier, which the company calls IDM 2.0, it’s worrisome that Intel plans to cut capital-expenditure plans for next year by $4 billion. That, for a start, shows that Intel and its chief Gelsinger are now under immense pressure. It’s worth mentioning that last year, Gelsinger claimed that Intel’s margins would remain comfortably above 50%. What’s apparent now is that Gelsinger has a big job ahead of him, and his vision of IDM 2.0 alone won’t cut to the chase. His honeymoon at Intel’s top job is over, and he seems to have some treacherous waters ahead of him.

Last week's news about Mediatek signing an agreement to use Intel's Foundry Services (IFS) led to some speculation as to what Mediatek would be manufacturing at IFS (first products will be using the Intel 16 process, what was previously known as its 22 nm node). MediaTek CEO Rick Tsai mentioned that IFS will be used for producing semiconductors for digital TVs and wireless access networks at an investor conference in Taiwan. This suggests that most of the components might not even be for Mediatek itself, but rather its subsidiaries, such as MStar or Airoha. MStar is a company that produces a wide range of lower-end smart TV chips, whereas Airoha has ended up taking over Mediatek's networking and Bluetooth business units.
Izvor: EETimes i TechPowerUp
Intel orders delayed, TSMC slows 3nm expansion
Intel plans to outsource the tGPU chipset in Meteor Lake to TSMC for manufacture. Mass production of this product was initially planned for 2H22 but was later postponed to 1H23 due to product design and process verification issues. Recently, the product’s mass production schedule has been postponed again to the end of 2023 for some reason, nigh completely cancelling 3nm production capacity originally booked in 2023 with only a marginal amount of wafer input remaining for engineering verification. In view of this, TSMC has decided to slow the progress of its production expansion to ensure production capacity is not excessively idle, leading to massive cost amortization pressure. In addition to formally notifying equipment suppliers of the company’s intention to adjust 2023 equipment orders, due to the high cost of 3nm expansion, TrendForce expects that this move will also affect some parts of TSMC’s 2023 CapEx planning. As a result, the scale of TSMC’s CapEx in 2023 may be lower than in 2022.

It is worth mentioning, although Intel has significantly adjusted its 2023 outsourcing plan, causing TSMC to postpone its 2023 expansion plans, looking at other advanced process clients including AMD, MediaTek, and Qualcomm, all of these companies successively plan to mass-produce 3nm products in 2024. At the same time, Apple's new 2024 iPhone is expected to fully adopt 3nm processors. The introduction of the aforementioned clients will inject momentum into TSMC's 3nm capacity utilization and revenue performance in 2024. Looking forward to 2024, with new products from clients such as AMD, MediaTek, and Qualcomm in place, 3nm process output is expected to be on track, further promoting strong growth in TSMC's revenue scale. However, the development status of Intel's own Intel 4 process and the accompanying outsourcing situation are still important potential growth drivers for TSMC.
Izvor: TrendForce
Too little, too late: Intel's legacy is eroding
Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger's carefully assembled house of cards is collapsing around him. And it's not really that surprising when you look at the hand he's been dealt. For those that haven't been following Intel product roadmap that closely, here's a quick recap of where things stand today. The company is stuck on an aging 10nm process; its desktop CPUs are ludicrously power hungry; its dedicated GPUs aren't particularly competitive, even when their drivers do work; its upcoming processor families are hopelessly behind schedule; and it just killed off Optane, which was arguably its most promising development in recent memory. Gelsinger's ascension to CEO can be attributed in large part to Intel's failure to bring a working 7nm process — now dubbed Intel 4 — to market on time. And in the 1.5 year since taking over, Gelsinger has managed to shift the conversation away from its long-delay process. Intel can claim up and down that Intel 4 is on track to ship in 2023 with Meteor Lake, but the company's track record suggests that's wishful thinking.

Seven years ago, when the Epyc comeback plan was formulated, AMD could not have dreamed in a million years that Intel’s vaunted foundries would run into so many troubles with 10 nanometer and then 7 nanometer processes. Intel kicked AMD out of the datacenter in 2009 because it had its foundry humming and a completely redesigned 64-bit Xeon line (which borrowed plenty of ideas from the Opteron, of course) at the same exact time that AMD started having issues with the Opteron architecture and everyone was really risk averse in the datacenter. Intel's Sapphire Rapids Xeon Scalable processors are without a doubt its most ambitious chips ever. In a single generation, Intel committed to not only delivering DDR5, PCIe 5.0, and CXL to the datacenter market, but that it would employ a multi-die chiplet architecture that would close the core-count gap with AMD. To put it bluntly, Intel has managed to squander its lead over rivals and its massive reserves of talent on over-ambitious projects that have time and again arrived late to the party.
Izvor: The Register i The Next Platform
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 05.08.2022. u 22:44.
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Staro 20.08.2022., 13:15   #5561
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Intel 13th Gen Raptor Lake Specs Leaked: Non-K Core i5s and Core i3 Based on 12th Gen Alder Lake
The next-gen Core lineup consists of 14 SKUs, including the lower-end non-K chips. Interestingly, while the higher-end parts are based on newer dies, the lower-end non-K offerings will be repurposed Alder Lake dies. The latter consists of the Core i3-13400, i5-13400, i5-13400, i5-13500, and the i5-13600. This means that the budget Raptor Lake offerings may feature just 1.25MB of L2 cache per P-core with the rest packing up to 2MB. The L3 cache should be scaled up across the board as the E-core count has increased throughout (excluding the i3-13100). The single-core performance will put a dampener on the show as Raptor Cove is roughly identical to Raptor Cove. Regardless, boost clock increments alongside fatter cache reserves should result in nifty gains in many lightly threaded workloads such as gaming and photo-editing. Intel plans to reveal its 13th Gen lineup on the 27th of September, followed by the retail launch roughly 15-20 days later.
Izvor: Hardware Times
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Obični (non-K) Raptor Lake Core i5 i Core i3 modeli koji stižu u proljeće 2023. budu vrlo vjerojatno opet ponudili najbolji omjer uloženog i dobivenog u kombinaciji s B660 DDR4 pločama.
Intel's Raptor Lake Reportedly Has 350W Turbo Mode, But Only on New Motherboards
Intel's 13th-Generation Raptor Lake processors will have a secret sauce to offer unbeatable performance in demanding applications: A new 350W power limit that you can trigger with a new turbo mode that will increase CPU clocks. There is a catch, though — the 350W mode will only work on select motherboards with Intel's 700-series chipsets. The new 350W MTP mode will allow Intel's next-generation Core i9 processors to gain about 15% higher performance, albeit for a limited amount of time. The mode will also require extremely capable cooling systems, so we would guess that the vast majority of next-gen Core i9 owners will have to use either an advanced liquid cooling system or a monstrous air cooler.
Izvor: Tom's Hardware
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 20.08.2022., 17:49   #5562
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Znači u ovoj "novoj" seriji nema ni jedan gamerski i5 bez malih jezgri? Kaj nema i5 13400f sa "samo" velikim jezgrama? Kaj nema čak ni F procesora kod jeftinijih modela nego moraš platiti integriranu grafu koju nikada nebuš ni upalio?
Ili nestalo "škarta" ili se povampirili pa nema više dobar cpu za sirotinju.
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Staro 20.08.2022., 18:04   #5563
Dr. Strange
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Znači u ovoj "novoj" seriji nema ni jedan gamerski i5 bez malih jezgri? Kaj nema i5 13400f sa "samo" velikim jezgrama? Kaj nema čak ni F procesora kod jeftinijih modela nego moraš platiti integriranu grafu koju nikada nebuš ni upalio?
Ili nestalo "škarta" ili se povampirili pa nema više dobar cpu za sirotinju.
Potpisao bih odmah 12 P jezgri, odlično za gaming i MT workload.
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Staro 20.08.2022., 20:41   #5564
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Adler lake jezgra pod novim imenom.

Igre za retardirane.
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Staro 20.08.2022., 21:04   #5565
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13th gen je refresh a hi end ce biti nafrizirana grijalica da smanje razliku naspram Zen 4 koji bi trebao biti puno bolja platforma.
Tek sa 14th gen Meteor Lake mozemo nesto novo ocekivati, a to je i novi socket od Intela.
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Staro 20.08.2022., 21:32   #5566
The Exiled
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U sljedećih nekoliko generacija namjeravaju tjerati hibridni big.LITTLE pristup, tako da osam većih jačih jezgri ostaje, dok se povećavaju manje šparne jezgre.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 21.08.2022., 12:36   #5567
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U sljedećih nekoliko generacija namjeravaju tjerati hibridni big.LITTLE pristup, tako da osam većih jačih jezgri ostaje, dok se povećavaju manje šparne jezgre.
...dok ne dostignu nivo proizvodnog procesa kojeg danas jedan TSMC ima, nebi se čudio da nakon toga "male" jezgre kao takve nestanu s lica zemlje
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Staro 21.08.2022., 12:43   #5568
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Točno to, isto kak je chiplet dizajn bil ismijavan, a sad sa Sapphire Rapids modelima rade istu stvar kakvu je AMD imal s orginalnim Threadripperima.

Jedino kaj je stvarno žalosno da taj hibridni big.LITTLE dizajn ne drži vodu za mobilna rješenja u kojima bi bil idealan, pa se opet ide na što veću potrošnju, uz što viši takt.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 21.08.2022., 14:40   #5569
Dr. Strange
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Točno to, isto kak je chiplet dizajn bil ismijavan, a sad sa Sapphire Rapids modelima rade istu stvar kakvu je AMD imal s orginalnim Threadripperima.

Jedino kaj je stvarno žalosno da taj hibridni big.LITTLE dizajn ne drži vodu za mobilna rješenja u kojima bi bil idealan, pa se opet ide na što veću potrošnju, uz što viši takt.
Big/little dizajn je super stvar na smartphonima, no na desktopu baš i ne, desktop workload je dosta kompleksniji pa je samim time i puno teže napravit algoritam koji će automatski prebacivati radnju na velike i male jezgre, kako će scheduler znati kad je najbolje prebaciti na malu jezgru i uštediti bateriju? Npr radim u photoshopu, po defaultu se pokreće u P jezgrama, i otvorim neki dodatak za kojeg scheduler zaključi da je bolje pokretat u e jezgri, no meni baš trebaju max performanse, postoji tisuće kombinacija gdje scheduler može krivo procijeniti, pogotovo kod nekih malo manje poznatih programa i zato se nadam da AMD neće krenuti tim putem nego se držati samo velikih jezgri.
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Staro 21.08.2022., 15:04   #5570
The Exiled
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Da, AMD već sad ima arhitekturu koja im omogućava da preslože svoje LEGO kockice kak god ih volja, dok Intel mora koristiti hibridni dizajn i još k tome sve pojačati na 11, da budu konkurentni ili bolji.
TSMC (Not Intel) Makes the Vast Majority of Logic Tiles on Intel "Meteor Lake" MCM
Japanese tech publication PC Watch has annotated the "Meteor Lake" SoC, and points out that the vast majority of the chip's tiles and logic die-area is manufactured on TSMC nodes. The MCM consists of four logic tiles—the CPU tile, the Graphics tile, the SoC tile, and the I/O tile. The four sit on a base tile that facilitates extreme-density microscopic wiring interconnecting the logic tiles. The base tile is built on the 22 nm HKMG silicon fabrication node. This tile lacks any logic, and only serves to interconnect the tiles. Intel has an active 22 nm node, and decided it has the right density for the job. The CPU tile is the only logic tile built on an Intel node, which in this case is the Intel 4 node. The company considers this process to be on-par or better than TSMC's N5, and it probably wanted the crown jewels of its IP—CPU cores—to be built on a native fab. The CPU tile contains the CPU cores, a last-level cache, and Foveros interfaces.

The Graphics tile is the second-most important logic tile, and contains an iGPU based on the Xe-LPG graphics architecture. An evolution of Xe-LP, the LPG features real-time ray tracing capabilities. Intel decided to use the TSMC N5 (5 nm EUV) node for this tile. Not all of the iGPU is based on this tile, some of it, such as the Display Engine, could be located on the I/O tile. The SoC tile is the largest in terms of area, and is built on the TSMC N6 (6 nm) node. This contains the memory controllers, PCIe root-complex, and the controllers and SerDes (serializer-deserializer) of the various on-package devices. The I/O die is the smallest die, and is essentially an extension of the SoC die. It's built on the same TSMC N6 node, and features the PHY (physical layer) components of the various I/O.

Intel confirmed that Meteor Lake and Arrow Lake are launching in 2023 and 2024 respectively. The series will launch for desktop and mobile platforms.
Izvor: TechPowerUp i Tom's Hardware
Intel Introduces First-of-its-Kind Semiconductor Co-Investment Program
Intel Corporation today announced a first-of-its-kind Semiconductor Co-Investment Program (SCIP) that introduces a new funding model to the capital-intensive semiconductor industry. As part of its program, Intel has signed a definitive agreement with the infrastructure affiliate of Brookfield Asset Management, one of the largest global alternative asset managers, which will provide Intel with a new, expanded pool of capital for manufacturing build-outs. SCIP is a key element of Intel's Smart Capital approach, which aims to provide innovative ways to fund growth while creating further financial flexibility to accelerate the company's IDM 2.0 strategy. Intel's partnership with Brookfield is expected to enhance the company's strong balance sheet by allowing Intel to tap into a new pool of capital below its cost of equity while protecting its cash and debt capacity for future investments and continuing to fund a healthy and growing dividend. Over the next several years, the structure is expected to provide a $15 billion cumulative benefit to Intel's adjusted free cash flow and is expected to be accretive to Intel's earnings per share during the construction and ramp phase. SCIP provides Intel the ability to replicate the co-investment model with other partners for other build-outs globally.
Izvor: TechPowerUp
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 23.08.2022. u 15:55.
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Staro 03.09.2022., 23:40   #5571
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lose kod ovog rata intela i amd je to sto su oboje otpustili kocnice u potrosnji i zagrijavanju. potrosnja nije neka stavka ali toplina je. kako smo dosli do toga da je 80 stupnjeva celzijevih normalna radna temperatura procesora a 90 i vise stupnjeva celzijevih normalna radna temperatura naponske regulacije na maticnim plocama.
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Staro 03.09.2022., 23:45   #5572
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Ne nužno, ima super procesora koji malo griju i ne naprežu matičnu. i5 12400 i prst u uho.
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Staro 03.09.2022., 23:47   #5573
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lose kod ovog rata intela i amd je to sto su oboje otpustili kocnice u potrosnji i zagrijavanju. potrosnja nije neka stavka ali toplina je. kako smo dosli do toga da je 80 stupnjeva celzijevih normalna radna temperatura procesora a 90 i vise stupnjeva celzijevih normalna radna temperatura naponske regulacije na maticnim plocama.
Ako su to temperature za koje proizvodjac kaze da su ok i posto imas 3 godine garancije, u cemu je problem?
Sta se vrm-a tice, tu si potpuno promasio posto vecina novih ploca koje nisu najnizi rang ima predimenzioniran vrm...
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Staro 03.09.2022., 23:49   #5574
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o njima se slabo pise i malo ljudi se sa njima zadovolji. mora biti i9k ili r9x. meni se svida i5 12400 ali mi se ne svida sto nema dobro pogodena budget ploca za njega. na lga1200 je bolji izbor ali to nije do intela.
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Staro 08.09.2022., 09:49   #5575
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Intel Expects More Market Share Loss Throughout 2023, Will Likely Exit More Businesses
Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger spoke at the Evercore ISI TMT conference yesterday, saying that the company expects to continue losing data center market share throughout at least 2023 and will only begin regaining in 2025 and 2026. Gelsinger also said that the company would likely exit other businesses, much like it recently began exiting Optane memory, as it continues to narrow its focus to its core competencies. Intel's recently delayed its Sapphire Rapids launch again, with the chips now slated to arrive in 2023. Gelsinger remarked that while the new chips are 'better than the AMD alternatives" in power and performance and will win in some benchmarks, the advantages aren't dramatic enough to slow AMD's advance. As a result, Intel's data center business won't grow at the same rate as the market, meaning the company will continue to lose market share.

"Competition just has too much momentum, and we haven't executed well enough. So we expect that bottoming. The business will be growing, but we do expect that there continues to be some share losses. We're not keeping up with the overall TAM growth until we get later into '25 and '26 when we start regaining share, material share gains," Gelsinger added. Notably, the statement isn't definitive about the company's performance in 2024 — Gelsinger specifically stated that the company wouldn't begin regaining market share until 2025.

"Now, obviously, in 2024, we think we're competitive. 2025, we think we're back to unquestioned leadership with our transistors and process technology," Gelsinger said. AMD has already taken data center market share from Intel for 13 consecutive quarters, reaching 20.2% of the market, and Gelsinger's comments point to at least five more quarters of share losses — and perhaps more. Gelsinger pointed to the company's Sierra Forest processors as a key innovation that will help the company address the other chip architecture steadily siphoning off market share — Arm. The Sierra Forest Xeon processors have efficiency cores optimized to provide the utmost power efficiency and performance density, so they'll have higher core counts.. Intel's Sierra Forest processors, which the company designed at the behest of its largest customers, look promising. However, Sierra Forest isn't scheduled to arrive until 2024. Meanwhile, AMD's 5nm Bergamo chips, which employ 128 simplified 'Zen 4C' cores in a similar density-improving arrangement to address the same market segments, arrive a year earlier in 2023. While it's clear that Intel has several tough years ahead as it works to rebuild, Gelsinger did point to leadership changes that will help accelerate the turnaround.
Izvor: Pat Gelsinger
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 09.09.2022., 10:40   #5576
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o njima se slabo pise i malo ljudi se sa njima zadovolji. mora biti i9k ili r9x. meni se svida i5 12400 ali mi se ne svida sto nema dobro pogodena budget ploca za njega. na lga1200 je bolji izbor ali to nije do intela.
Jos ako zelis itx kao ja

Ima li kakve sanse da se uskoro pojavi neki Intel cpu sa gpu a da je bolja od uhd 750? Treba mi integrirana gpu u rangu 1030 i meni dosta (ne igram igrice).
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Staro 09.09.2022., 10:51   #5577
The Exiled
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Sudeći prema službenim slajdovima, Raptor Lake i dalje zadržava UHD iGPU, odnosno samo malo poboljšanu varijaciju na temu.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 09.09.2022., 12:17   #5578
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750 je usporedivo sa cime? To je bas bas osnovno ili? 770 isto ili ?
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Staro 09.09.2022., 12:26   #5579
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Baci pogled, ako ti išta od ovih testova pomaže, ali općenito je riječ o iGPU modelima koji tjeraju multimediju i daju sliku na ekranu.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 11.09.2022., 18:25   #5580
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ntel 13th Gen Raptor Lake CPUs & 700-Series Motherboard Prices To See Price Hike In Q4, Up To 20%

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