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Staro 24.07.2024., 02:23   #1
Registered User
Datum registracije: Oct 2011
Lokacija: svemir
Postovi: 8
Arcadyan VRV9518BA

Dali je netko na doticnom uređaju kod ht-a uspio tagirati vlan, najme zelio bih bez dodatne kupovine nekog rutera wifi-jem poslati maxtv na extender iz kojeg ide lan kabel u maxtv. Ako se ne tagira promet, to ne radi. Posto sam jos na starom firmwareu imam pristup ovome dole, a ako netko zna kako bi uspio osposobiti vlan i onda tagati promet neka javi.

var operation_func=8;
var vlan_func_enable=0;
var custom_page_flag=2;
var my_usb=1;

var MENU_LVL=0;
var MENU_TITL=1;
var MENU_NAME=2;
var MENU_URL=3;
var MENU_EN=5;
var MENU_GRP=6;
var MENU_ELM=7;

var MENU_USER = 5;
var MENU_SUPER = 7;
var realm = MENU_USER;
var dftWanPageFile = menu_physical_config ? 'arc_physical_config.php' : 'wan_config_pppoe.php';

var MenuList=[
    [ '0',          '100',       'gateway',            'at_a_glance.php',                      MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '101',       'glace',              'at_a_glance.php',                      MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '102',       'connection',         'connection_status.php',                MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '103',       'conn_status',        'connection_status.php',                MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '104',       'conn_cable',         'network_setup.php',                    MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '122',       'conn_xdsl',          'arc_xdsl_statistic.php',               MENU_USER, menu_xdsl],
            ['2',   '107',       'conn_moca',          'moca.php',                             MENU_USER, menu_MoCA],
        ['1',       '109',       'software',           'software.php',                         MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '110',       'hardware',           'hardware.php',                         MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '111',       'hw_system',          'hardware.php',                         MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '112',       'hw_lan',             'lan.php',                              MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '113',       'hw_wifi',            'wifi.php',                             MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '124',       'smarthome',          'smarthome.php',                        MENU_USER, true],

    ['0',           '800',       'wizard',             'wizard_step2.php',                     MENU_USER, menu_wizard],
        ['1',       '114',       'wizard',             'wizard_step2.php',                     MENU_USER, menu_wizard],

    ['0',           '801',       'wan',                'arc_wan_config.php',                   MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '802',       'wan_sub',            dftWanPageFile,                         MENU_USER, true],
          ['2',     '120',       'conn_physical',      'arc_physical_config.php',              MENU_USER, menu_physical_config],
          ['2',     '123',       'wan_pppoe',          'wan_config_pppoe.php',                 MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '112',       'lan',                'local_ip_configuration.php',           MENU_USER, true],
            ['2',   '105',       'conn_local',         'local_ip_configuration.php',           MENU_USER, menu_local_ip_config],
            ['2',   '202',       'static_dhcp',        'arc_static_dhcp.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_static_dhcp],
        ['1',       '113',       'conn_wifi',          'wireless_network_configuration.php',   MENU_USER, true],

    //Connected device
    ['0',           '200',       'connected_device',   'connected_devices_computers.php',      MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '201',       'connected_device',   'connected_devices_computers.php',      MENU_USER, true],

    //Parental control
    [ '0',          '300',       'parent_ctrl',        'internet_pause.php',                   MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '305',       'internet_pause',     'internet_pause.php',                   MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '301',       'ctrl_site',          'managed_sites.php',                    MENU_USER, menu_parental_control],
        ['1',       '302',       'ctrl_service',       'managed_services.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_parental_control],
        ['1',       '303',       'ctrl_device',        'managed_devices.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_parental_control],
        ['1',       '304',       'ctrl_report',        'parental_reports.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_parental_control],

    [ '0',          '804',       'securrity',          'firewall_settings_ipv4.php',           MENU_USER, menu_firewall],
        ['1',       'ip4',       'firewall_ip4',       'firewall_settings_ipv4.php',           MENU_USER, menu_firewall],
        ['1',       'ip6',       'firewall_ip6',       'firewall_settings_ipv6.php',           MENU_USER, menu_firewall],

    [ '0',          '900',       'voip',               'arc_tel_sip.php',                      MENU_USER, menu_voip],
        ['1',       '901',       'voip_line',          'arc_tel_sip.php',                      MENU_USER, menu_voip],
        ['1',       '902',       'voip_log',           'arc_tel_callLogs.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_voip],

    ['0',           '700',       'usb',                'dlna_settings.php',                    MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab],
        ['1',       '701',       'usb_media_share',    'dlna_settings.php',                    MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_media_sharing],
        ['1',       '702',       'usb_file_share',     'arc_account_management.php',           MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_file_sharing],
            ['2',   '703',       'usb_file_acnt',      'arc_account_management.php',           MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_file_sharing],
            ['2',   '704',       'usb_file_samba',     'samba_server_config.php',              MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_file_sharing],
            ['2',   '705',       'usb_file_ftp',       'ftp_server_config.php',                MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_file_sharing],
        ['1',       '706',       'usb_print_server',   'arc_print_server.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_print_server],
        ['1',       '707',       'usb_dongle',         'arc_usb_dongle.php',                   MENU_USER, menu_usb_tab&menu_usb_dongle],

    ['0',           '400',       'advanced',           'port_forwarding.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab],
        ['1',       '422',       'nat',                'port_forwarding.php',                  MENU_USER, (menu_advanced_tab&menu_port_forwarding)|(menu_advanced_tab&menu_port_triggering)|(menu_advanced_tab&menu_dmz) |(menu_advanced_tab&menu_nat_passthrough)],
            ['2',   '401',       'adv_port_forward',   'port_forwarding.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_port_forwarding],
            ['2',   '402',       'adv_port_triiger',   'port_triggering.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_port_triggering],
            ['2',   '404',       'adv_dmz',            'dmz.php',                              MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_dmz],
        ['1',       '403',       'adv_remote_mang',    'remote_management.php',                MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_remote_management],
        ['1',       '415',       'adv_ddns',           'dynamic_dns.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_dynamic_dns],
        ['1',       '405',       'adv_dev_discovery',  'device_discovery.php',                 MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab],
        ['1',       '407',       'adv_alg',            'arc_alg.php',                          MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_alg],
        ['1',       '427',       'adv_tr69',           'arc_tr69.php',                         MENU_USER, menu_advanced_tab&menu_tr69],
        ['1',       '428',       'adv_led',            'arc_led.php',                          MENU_USER, true],

    ['0',           '600',       'mta',                'arc_mta_status.php',                   MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],
        ['1',       '103',       'mta_overview',       'arc_mta_status.php',                   MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],
        ['1',       '602',       'line_diag',          'mta_Line_Diagnostics.php',             MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],
        ['1',       '603',       'sip_log',            'mta_sip_packet_log.php',               MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],
        ['1',       '604',       'call_qos',           'qos.php',                              MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],
        ['1',       '606',       'vqm',                'voice_quality_metrics.php',            MENU_SUPER, menu_eMTA],

    ['0',           '500',       'troubleshooting',    'troubleshooting_logs.php',             MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '501',       'ts_log',             'troubleshooting_logs.php',             MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '502',       'ts_diag_tool',       'network_diagnostic_tools.php',         MENU_USER, menu_diag_tool],
        ['1',       '503',       'ts_wifi_spectrum',   'wifi_spectrum_analyzer.php',           MENU_USER, menu_wifi_spec_analyzer],
        ['1',       '505',       'ts_reset_restore',   'restore_reboot.php',                   MENU_USER, true],
        ['1',       '506',       'ts_password',        'password_change.php',                  MENU_USER, menu_password_change],


//for realm=MENU_USER, we need to tranlate the html file name from xxx.htm to xxx_user.htm
//sometimes, the menu title need change too. If empty, it's not necessary to change.
var divided_html_for_user={
    "wizard_step2.php": {"t":"114", "r":"wizard_step1.php"}
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Staro 24.07.2024., 16:24   #2
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the_ghost's Avatar
Datum registracije: Jan 2007
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Zasto mislis da bi radilo ako tagiras promet? Nisam siguran da je ti je to moguce uopce izvesti s opremom koju imas.
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Staro 25.07.2024., 01:18   #3
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Datum registracije: Oct 2011
Lokacija: svemir
Postovi: 8
kakvu ti predlažeš
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