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Staro 07.01.2008., 11:47   #1
RisingPower's Avatar
Datum registracije: Dec 2007
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Arrow Baterija

Je zaista normalno da indikator baterije stane na 99% dok uređaj radi na punjač? Evo što sam o tome našao na netu:

Some PowerBook G4, iBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook computers may not show the battery as 100 percent charged in Mac OS X, even when the power adapter is plugged in. The battery appears to stop charging between 93 percent and 99 percent. (PowerPC-based computers may stop charging between 95 and 99 percent; Intel-based computers may stop charging between 93 and 99 percent.) This is normal. The batteries used in these computers are designed to avoid short discharge/charge cycles in order to prolong the overall life of the battery. Because of this, when setting the Mac OS X battery status menu bar icon to display charge state by percentage, you may notice that the reported charge stays between 93 or 95 percent and 99 percent. When the battery level eventually drops below 93 or 95 percent, it will charge all the way to 100 percent.

E sad, što ako se baterija isprazni do kraja, stavi na punjač i opet zaglavi na 99%? Jel to još uvijek normalno?
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Staro 07.01.2008., 17:45   #2
RisingPower's Avatar
Datum registracije: Dec 2007
Lokacija: Zagreb
Postovi: 757
Malo sam radio s baterijom, zatim sam vratio punjač i sada je opet sve u savršenom redu na 100%

Btw, hvala kaj ste mi pomogli.
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Staro 07.01.2008., 18:06   #3
Baja 001
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Btw, hvala kaj ste mi pomogli.
A je bio problem od životne važnost ono
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Staro 07.01.2008., 18:11   #4
RisingPower's Avatar
Datum registracije: Dec 2007
Lokacija: Zagreb
Postovi: 757
Autor Baja 001 Pregled postova
A je bio problem od životne važnost ono
Da. Indikator koji stoji na 99% me je više zabrinuo od svih ratova, bolesti i prirodnih katastrofa zajedno. Sva sreća da se radilo o normalnoj pojavi...
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Staro 08.01.2008., 19:26   #5
Datum registracije: May 2006
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Postovi: 57
to je mac - košta kao svetog pere kajgana i još nezna puniti bateriju kako spada

"The batteries used in these computers are designed to avoid short discharge/charge cycles in order to prolong the overall life of the battery."

To ima baterija iz svakog notebooka!!
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