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Staro 02.09.2008., 18:32   #1
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Google Chrome, Chromium

Evo sutra ce gore navedeni web preglednik biti spreman za download. Doduše beta verzija. Prvo će izaći za windowse a kasnije za ostatak oseva.

Google blog

Moja očekivanja su visoka...nadam se zapravo nekom hibridu IEa i JBPa
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Staro 02.09.2008., 18:36   #2
its slightly turbocharged
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hammer_of_thor's Avatar
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Čuo sam danas za to, ne nadam se previše, ali možda me iznenadi
Svakako ću probati, jedva čekam da vidim kakve opcije ima
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 02.09.2008., 18:38   #3
Pod naletima kopita zla
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Kako se nadaš previše? Ruku na srce google je trenutno Bog weba
Usluge koje se pružaju su savršeno dobre i pouzdane.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 18:38   #4
Keyser Söze
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da samo se nadam da nece prozdirati rame
ubija me ova recesija...jedem pljesnivi sir, pijem neka stara vina i vozim auto bez krova...
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Staro 02.09.2008., 18:57   #5
Rambus 3xtr1m
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I ja sam ćuo da će danas stići i odmah potražio download a zeznuli me, samo scenšotovi!

Google je bog weba ali nije bog softwera "prvi mačići se bacaju u vodu," pošto gugl ima toliko sitnih web alatića i specifičnih tražilica bilo bi lijepo kad bi to bilo sve integrirano na jedno mjesto.

Ryzen 7 2700X
Sonic Tower rev.1 (polirani) + 12cm Chieftec
2x 8gb Crucial
B450 Aurus Elite
Segate 500GB Server edition
Silwerstone Strider 560W +12@11.97-11.94V
GTX 1060
Samsung p2770, Hanns G 22' landscape
Samsung pleomax& Microsoft Sidewinder
Kensington Duo Wawe Pad

1. 2xP3 933, Intel OR840 Server, PCI MX440, 4x128Mb Rambus, 80gb segate, SmartBox 400W
2. P4 2.0 wille, Intel i850, 4x128 Rambus, GF2 GTS PRO, 80gb segate, MS 480w
3. P4 1.6 willie@2.0 - Abit th7 II, 4x128Mb Rambus@ 1078mhz, 9000pro, 80gb segate, silwerstone 400w
3 x Prestigio 710, 3 x Microsoft Optical desktop v2.0

i5 530
1x4gb, 1x2gb ddr3
16' wide - white body
Harman Kardon
MX revolution
Online with nokia E70

Battery grip
Beercan: 35-70, 28-85, 35-105, 70-210
Minolta: 28-80, 35-70, 28-100, 35-80, 28-105xi, 75-300
Sigma: 35-70, 28-135, 18-200, 70-300
Sony: 18-70, 55-200
m42: Zenit 135mm, Crestar 135mm, Helios 44m

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Staro 02.09.2008., 19:26   #6
Pod naletima kopita zla
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pa nije bog softwarea ali da je loš nije..ali ako ništa barem bi oni trebali znati kako i na kaj bi trebalo ličiti web preglednik
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Staro 02.09.2008., 19:33   #7
Rambus 3xtr1m
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Više sam u iščekivanju finalne verzije androida nego chroma. Za sad alternativni brovseri kao "sleipnir" su se pokazi dobrima i isto mislim da će chrome dobit svoje fanove.

Ali Opera je na tržištu već jako dugo mislim desetak godina a dobila je samo 10% korisnika, budemo vidjeli kako će dobar marketing i popularnost gugla kao tražilice utjecati na porast korisnika njihovog web software. Jer ipak svi mi u alternativnim brovserima već imamo inegrirane gugl tražilice i nije nam potrebno koristiti druge browsere do ovih na koje smo se naviknuli.

Ryzen 7 2700X
Sonic Tower rev.1 (polirani) + 12cm Chieftec
2x 8gb Crucial
B450 Aurus Elite
Segate 500GB Server edition
Silwerstone Strider 560W +12@11.97-11.94V
GTX 1060
Samsung p2770, Hanns G 22' landscape
Samsung pleomax& Microsoft Sidewinder
Kensington Duo Wawe Pad

1. 2xP3 933, Intel OR840 Server, PCI MX440, 4x128Mb Rambus, 80gb segate, SmartBox 400W
2. P4 2.0 wille, Intel i850, 4x128 Rambus, GF2 GTS PRO, 80gb segate, MS 480w
3. P4 1.6 willie@2.0 - Abit th7 II, 4x128Mb Rambus@ 1078mhz, 9000pro, 80gb segate, silwerstone 400w
3 x Prestigio 710, 3 x Microsoft Optical desktop v2.0

i5 530
1x4gb, 1x2gb ddr3
16' wide - white body
Harman Kardon
MX revolution
Online with nokia E70

Battery grip
Beercan: 35-70, 28-85, 35-105, 70-210
Minolta: 28-80, 35-70, 28-100, 35-80, 28-105xi, 75-300
Sigma: 35-70, 28-135, 18-200, 70-300
Sony: 18-70, 55-200
m42: Zenit 135mm, Crestar 135mm, Helios 44m

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Staro 02.09.2008., 20:05   #8
Pink Floyd fan
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Datum registracije: Nov 2001
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Evo vam link ako ste uzbuđeni, ovo će vas uzbuditi još više Baš me zanima kako će to ispasti, navodno već 2 godine razvijaju.

Autor Keyser Söze Pregled postova
da samo se nadam da nece prozdirati rame
Sudeći prema ovome:

By keeping each tab in an isolated "sandbox", we were able to prevent one tab from crashing another and provide improved protection from rogue sites.

Mogao bi trošiti dosta a opet i ne mora ovisno o implementaciji sandboxa. Sama ideja je hvale vrijedna.

Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 LGA1151
Core i7-6700K LGA1151 Skylake
Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT
Patriot Viper 4 Series DDR4 64GB (4 x 16GB) 3200MHz
RTX 2080 TI 11GB GDDR6
Samsung 850 EVO M.2 1TB SSD
Samsung 32" (2560x1440) CHG70 Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot
MacBook M1 Pro
MacBook Air M2
Moto Edge

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: LAcy. 02.09.2008. u 20:24.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 20:34   #9
Bill Gates
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pipe's Avatar
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Samo da ne naprave nesto glupo kao da se moze ic na google samo s tim browserom. Samo da bi ga promovirali.
[Project] Silent Bandwidth Killer [56k Warning!]
I ja imam na ploci.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:15   #10
Pink Floyd fan
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Prvo pročitajte strip a kad pročitate strip onda lijepo skinite i intalirajte Google Chrome. Da, ne morate čekati do sutra jer sutra je danas

Znam da će većina prvo instalirati i probati i onda ovdje postavljati pitanja koja su u stripu objašnjenja. Ako samo pola od onoga što u stripu piše bude istina, bit će super. Idem sad instalirati to čudo i vidjeti.

Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 LGA1151
Core i7-6700K LGA1151 Skylake
Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT
Patriot Viper 4 Series DDR4 64GB (4 x 16GB) 3200MHz
RTX 2080 TI 11GB GDDR6
Samsung 850 EVO M.2 1TB SSD
Samsung 32" (2560x1440) CHG70 Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot
MacBook M1 Pro
MacBook Air M2
Moto Edge

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Oglasni prostor
Staro 02.09.2008., 21:23   #11
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Neloš na 1. pogled
Rollin' on... Intel Core 2 Duo E6750~Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R ~OCZ 2GB 800 Mhz Gold~Gigabyte 8800 GTS 640MB~Logitech G9
MSI Wind UMPC black
Ridin' on...Optima 10Mbps FLAt or W'n'W 7.2 Mbps
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:26   #12
Pink Floyd fan
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Pročitaj post iznad svog, tamo sam već dao link za download a evo i prvog screen shota:

Zapravo radi jaaaako dobro i pod Serverom 2008 ako netko pita. Ja već godinama koristim vlastiti home page na kojem su mi linkovi na siteove koje svakodnevno posjećujem no sad to Chrome sam pravi ovisno o posjećenosti. Za one koje zanima potrošnja memorije neka pročitaju strip a meni je sad trenutno oko 43MB. Ima task manager, porno mode i sl. Kao što su sami napisali, pokupili su sve dobro od drugih i dodali ono što misle da treba. Kad se malo navikne na sučelje, za betu izvrsno! PCE forum radi normalno, uključujući edit, ima hrvatski spell checker

Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 LGA1151
Core i7-6700K LGA1151 Skylake
Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT
Patriot Viper 4 Series DDR4 64GB (4 x 16GB) 3200MHz
RTX 2080 TI 11GB GDDR6
Samsung 850 EVO M.2 1TB SSD
Samsung 32" (2560x1440) CHG70 Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot
MacBook M1 Pro
MacBook Air M2
Moto Edge

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: LAcy. 02.09.2008. u 21:42.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:35   #13
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atha's Avatar
Datum registracije: Jan 2005
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25mb....otvara se i zatvara u sekundi. Predobro.
Necu nista previse govoriti, sutra cu ga dignuti u firmi i tamo malo testirati.
Za sada izgleda dobro.
HTPC: Intel Core2Duo E8500 × ATI Sapphire HD4670 HDMI × 2x 1GB DDR2 × Samsung 160GB ×
Lenovo Key+Mouse
× Philips 49PFS5501 LED TV × Technics SA-EH780 5.1 × Windows 10
Laptop1: Lenovo x100e w/Windows 10
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:42   #14
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
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nije loše, stvarno je brz i za sada sve stranice idu bez problema. Još da srede malo bookmark management, skin (za XP) i da dodaju blokiranje reklama bilo bi i bolje...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:44   #15
ono ispred konpjuktora
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horza's Avatar
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ždere javascript za doručak. jedva čekam da ga ujutro odmjerim protiv firefoxa koji je trenutno u trunku... i tracemonkey jede js ko malu djecu.

inače, ima nekih problema s renderiranjem overlaping layera. baš vidim da mi se meni na jednoj jako bitnoj stranici menu potrgo. no dobro. otpisat ću IE6 i FF2, napraviti kak treba i reći da je kompatibilna samo s trenutnim verzijama browsera - pa ko voli nek izvoli

a baš me zanima kak vrti google gearse. javim se sutra s update-om i hopefully nekim benchmarcima

eh da ... i alt+s po defaultu radi.
rano je reći, ali mi se čini da bi JPB uskoro napokon mogao dobiti konkurenciju

Horza (death dwarf)
birthsign: rebel

character perks
+95 excel organisation, +50 weather resistance, -20 energy, -35 image of reality, -80 house choirs

major skills
open-source, discussion, self-hypnosis, poetry, schtulichism

greater powers
final waves (alcohol hypnosis +30, self)
bat brotherhood (skip sleeping, -20 energy/night)
misunderstanding jokes (demoralise +50 in 30ft radius)
summon unknown female (demoralise +75 on target)

artifacts of choice
tv remote (hibernate +20 on self)
lounge chair (fortify sleeping +60 on self)
linux (destabilise system +45 on target)

little is known about this dwarf. he is known to be active overnight and unpredictable.
Cyrodiil citizens have witnessed him in a "thompson" tavern near his lair.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:45   #16
Six Blade Knife
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S obzirom da je u beti vrlo solidno. Ima nekih zanimljivih opcija i vizualno nije loš. Što se tiče memorije dobrano tuče firefoxa. I da, jel itko može reći gdje je onaj padajući izbornik sa posjećenim stranicama kod navigacijskog toolbara?
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:45   #17
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atha's Avatar
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Horza zvuci odusevljeno.

edit: status bar se javlja po potrebi. kewl.
HTPC: Intel Core2Duo E8500 × ATI Sapphire HD4670 HDMI × 2x 1GB DDR2 × Samsung 160GB ×
Lenovo Key+Mouse
× Philips 49PFS5501 LED TV × Technics SA-EH780 5.1 × Windows 10
Laptop1: Lenovo x100e w/Windows 10
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:46   #18
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Facelessone's Avatar
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Opera ima pauzu, google chrome na testiranju

AMD Ryzen 7 5700X
BQ Pure Rock
MSI B450 Tomahawk Max
32GB (2x16GB) Fury Beast 3600MHz HX432C18FB2K2/16
MSI RX 6800XT GamingX Trio 16GB
500GB Crucial MX500
Fractal Define R4
Corsair HX850 Platinum
Logitech MX Master 3
Logitech MX Keys
Logitech Z2300
Dell U2715H
Iskon 200/100 Mbps

CPU Intel i7-4810MQ
VGA nVidia GT730M 1 GB
RAM DDR3 16 GB 1600 MHz
SSD 500 GB Sandisk Ultra
Display 15.5" 3K HD IPS 2880x1620
LTE Modem
9 cell battery
Napajanje 135 W
Windows 10 Pro
Logitech MX Anywhere 3s

AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650U
Radeon RX Vega 6
14" 1920x1080 IPS
Kingston KC3000 512GB
Windows 11 Pro
Logitech MX Anywhere 3s

Xpenology DVA1622 @ DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 4
Intel i3-7100
WD Red 8TB
WD Purple 4TB
Seagate IronWolf 3TB
Seagate SkyHawk 6TB
Nanoxia Deep Silence 4
Seasonic X650 SS-650KM Gold

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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:49   #19
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Eto koristim ga vec nekih sat vremena, za sada mi se cini oke, brz je i ne trosi puno memorije (50-takmv) jedinmo se zivcira bookmarks toolbar.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:51   #20
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tor's Avatar
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Opaaaaaaa, ovo djeluje stvarno mrak....
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:52   #21
Pink Floyd fan
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LAcy's Avatar
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Samo mi fali add block

Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 LGA1151
Core i7-6700K LGA1151 Skylake
Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT
Patriot Viper 4 Series DDR4 64GB (4 x 16GB) 3200MHz
RTX 2080 TI 11GB GDDR6
Samsung 850 EVO M.2 1TB SSD
Samsung 32" (2560x1440) CHG70 Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot
MacBook M1 Pro
MacBook Air M2
Moto Edge

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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:54   #22
Can You Hear Me? 142.8 dB
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super radi
pogledao onaj vodič iz prvog posta, page 3-4 pogotovo
znači javascript i slične stvari su blokale prilikom učitavanja npr
to mi išlo na živce, čekati i do 6 sekundi da IE učita stranicu, a pri tome sve bijelo.
(nije do CPU-a jer je ista stvar i na sporom Intel Atom, i na Quad core-u...)

ovaj google to učita brže ali se i sadržaj počne prikazivati čim stisnem enter.

way to go
Danas je teško biti budala, prevelika je konkurencija...

Water cooled PC
Moj najveci MOD

Novi hobby: RC model + HD kamera
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:58   #23
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Krenuli u testiranje...
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:58   #24
Pink Floyd fan
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LAcy's Avatar
Datum registracije: Nov 2001
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Jel' netko skužio kako se mijenja jezik za spell checker? Ima opcija u settingsima ali traži restart browsera, u FF su to ipak bolje riješili sa desnim klikom...

Gigabyte Z170MX-Gaming 5 LGA1151
Core i7-6700K LGA1151 Skylake
Thermalright Le Grand Macho RT
Patriot Viper 4 Series DDR4 64GB (4 x 16GB) 3200MHz
RTX 2080 TI 11GB GDDR6
Samsung 850 EVO M.2 1TB SSD
Samsung 32" (2560x1440) CHG70 Gaming Monitor with Quantum Dot
MacBook M1 Pro
MacBook Air M2
Moto Edge

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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:58   #25
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Autor LAcy Pregled postova
Samo mi fali add block
ma ne mogu vjerovat da i bez adblocka otvara stranice duplo brže od FF3
...sve kratice su mu na mjestu i sve nekako ima smisla

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 21:59   #26
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ajmo hitro i linux ver van.

stvarno brza stvar.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 22:03   #27
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Hmm...evo upravo stavih browser na lap...i skužih da ne radi scroll na touchpadu,dok istovremeno u FF radi normalno....
Rollin' on... Intel Core 2 Duo E6750~Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R ~OCZ 2GB 800 Mhz Gold~Gigabyte 8800 GTS 640MB~Logitech G9
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Staro 02.09.2008., 22:05   #28
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Jel' netko skužio kako se mijenja jezik za spell checker? Ima opcija u settingsima ali traži restart browsera, u FF su to ipak bolje riješili sa desnim klikom...
Ma dobro, nije ni ovo tak strašno. Jel još netko ima problema s prebrzim scrolom? Scrola mi cijeli page, malo je teško pratiti postove....
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Staro 02.09.2008., 22:06   #29
The Geek Wants Out
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The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 02.09.2008., 22:08   #30
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kod mene scroll radi normalno...
Ti imaš AMD a matori admin Pentijum, zato mu je prebrzo

Ajd idem i ja skinut pa probat...

Phenom X4 9850 BE&OCZ Gladiator MAX/DFI 790FXB-M2RSH/2x1GB SuperTaljent CL4/Sapphire 5850&AVerTV Hybrid Speedy/WD 320GB/Bare 120GB/500GB/Zamzung F3 1TB/Zamzung SE-S184/Corsair TX650W/Zamzung 205BW/TerraTec SiXPack 5.1+/Klipsch ProMedia 2.1

Amiga 1200 HD/DELL externi floppy :-)/Commodore 1084S
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