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Staro 15.04.2019., 15:53   #2581
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FX 9590 dobio je nasljednika

Intel i9 9990XE

i7 9850H, 64GB, 17.3” FHD, RTX Quadro 3000
512GB PM981a, 2x 1TB A2000
W10 Pro

i5 8500T, H310I-IM-B, 32GB, 10GbE X-3
1x 150GB Intel S3520, 3x2TB Crucial MX500, 4x12TB Toshiba MG07ACA12TE
Truenas Scale
File Share, Plex, Jellyfin, Nextcloud, qBittorrent
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Staro 15.04.2019., 22:04   #2582
The Exiled
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Puget Systems je to jako lijepo sročil...
That seems on the face of it like a good combination, but unfortunately the i9 9990XE is more expensive than any of the other CPUs, runs much hotter, uses more power, cannot be purchased outside of limited auctions, and comes with no warranty. Those are not a great combination of traits for professional users, and for the time being will keep us from offering this processor in our workstations.
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Staro 23.04.2019., 20:23   #2583
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Intel Unveils Full Desktop Coffee Lake Refresh Lineup,39138.html
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Staro 24.04.2019., 10:11   #2584
...samo te gledam...
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Intel Unveils Full Desktop Coffee Lake Refresh Lineup,39138.html
Isti vrag, drugi tertapak… Drugim riječima, ništa generalno novo u odnosu na postojeće modele.
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Staro 24.04.2019., 10:54   #2585
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kak ne. veca cjena lol. nek si ga zadrze.
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Staro 24.04.2019., 21:16   #2586
The Exiled
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Nema straha, 10nm modeli samo što nisu, a konkurencija u međuvremenu ulaže Isusa i Boga u nove proizvodne pogone. Za to vrijeme dok Intel izda 10nm CPU vrijedan spomena, TSMC + Samsung budu već na minimalno jednoj EUV generaciji.
Waiting for Intel's 10nm processors for desktop PCs could take much longer. Newly published roadmaps will only mention 14nm CPUs for the mainstream desktop platform by the end of 2021 - 10nm is not even mentioned. The notebook will follow on Ice Lake in small series Tiger Lake in 10 nm. The fact that Intel does not offer desktop processors in the 10nm process in 2020 has already been suggested. The Client CPU Roadmap which was apparently created as part of Intel's Stable Image Platform Program (SIPP), confirms the notion that starting in the 2nd quarter of 2020, Comet Lake will begin another 14nm infusion after the Coffee Lake refresh is calculated. As expected, Comet Lake-S is expected to provide up to 10 cores for the mainstream socket. The successor is said to be Rocket Lake-S and one year later, so from the second quarter of 2021 also have up to 10 cores and again be manufactured in a 14nm process. If the information is confirmed, then by 2022 would not be expected to 10nm processors for desktops from Intel.
Izvor: ComputerBase
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Staro 24.04.2019., 21:27   #2587
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Znači 10nm će se tući sa Zen7 uArchom
Bez zejebancije, ali ovo je stvarno sad postalo ozbiljno u lntelu.

Sent from S7 Presidency Phone
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Staro 24.04.2019., 21:33   #2588
The Exiled
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Bome, ovo je lagano za prošla-baka-s-kolačima epizodu. TSMC ovih tjedana fila masovnu proizvodnju 7nm EUV čudesa, a prvi na spisku su AMD Zen2 i Apple A12, plus telekomunikacije.

Tak jasno da je Intel usput odustal i od proizvodnje 5G čipovlja, jer su Apple i Qualcomm odlučili zakopati ratne sjekire.
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Staro 25.04.2019., 00:01   #2589
Manuel Calavera
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Samo ne treba zaboraviti da je intelov 10nm cca ekvivalent 7nm od drugih tvornica, kao i 7nm od intela ~ 5nm od ostalih. Naming shema proizvodnih procesa je čisti marketing
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Staro 25.04.2019., 04:57   #2590
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Originalni intelov 10nm da, medjutim ovom novom 10nm ce gustoca vjerojatno biti skresana, ovisno o yieldovima mozda i 30%(sa 2.7x na 2x vs 14nm, intel ima vise librarya)

Isto tako dok intel zavrti produkciju na tom "slabijem" 10nm, tsmc ce vec debelo peglati po 7nm euv kojemu je gustoca 20% veca od sadasnjeg 7nm uv.

Treba cekat da izadje van medutim po svemu ovome ne mirisi na tolko dobro kako su se nadali, buduci da desktop verzije na 10nm odgadjaju moguce da imaju problem sa visokim taktovima.

A ovo oko intelovog 7nm najbolje se ne zamarati kad ce proci mozda i 3god. dok dodje 10nm

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Gigi1. 25.04.2019. u 12:47.
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Staro 27.04.2019., 16:36   #2591
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Bojim se da bude na kraju od Intelovih 10nm priča i obećanja, ostalo samo to - priče i obećanja, jer trenutna situacija je definitivno nezavidna, neovisno o tome koliko se trude sve skupa prikazati kao nešto što ide po planu.
Intel: CPU Shortages Will Persist Throughout Q3 2019
During its Q1 earnings call, Intel provided an update regarding its 10nm process technology as well as the ramp up of its Ice Lake-U processor for notebooks, which is the company’s first 10nm design that will be mass produced and broadly available. Qualification for the new processors has already started, so systems based on Ice Lake-U will be available by the holidays, as promised. Furthermore, Intel believes that it will be able to ship more 10nm parts than it originally anticipated.
Intel’s Ice Lake-U is a quad-core processor based on the codenamed Sunny Cove microarchitecture. Among other notable features, on the CPU side of matters Ice Lake-U supports VNNI and Cryptographic ISA instructions, as well as Intel's long, long awaited support for LPDDR4X memory. Meanwhile on the GPU side of matters, this is the first chip to integrate Intel’s Gen11 iGPU, which with up to 64 execution units, promises a big step up in performance.
Although Intel invested some additional $1.5 billion to boost its 14nm fab output last year, it looks like its supply problems are not going to be solved until the second half of this year.
The company admitted on Thursday during its earnings conference call that supply challenges will persist throughout the third quarter.
Apple Held Talks With Intel About Buying Its Smartphone-Modem Chip Business
Apple held talks with Intel about acquiring parts of its smartphone-modem chip business, a potential multibillion-dollar deal that would accelerate the iPhone maker’s efforts to develop wireless technology for its devices. The talks started around last summer and continued for months before halting recently, around the time Apple reached a multiyear supply agreement for modems from Intel rival Qualcomm. Intel is now exploring strategic alternatives for its modem chip business, including a possible sale—to Apple or another acquirer. Selling the modem business would allow Intel to unload a costly operation that was losing about $1 billion annually.
Izvor: AnandTech i The Wall Street Journal
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Staro 30.04.2019., 20:37   #2592
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N5: +15% perf or -30% power, +25% perf with ELVT. 1.8x logic density, 1.3x SRAM density, 1.3x analog density. Risk production started in March’19, high volume ramp in 2Q’20 at the recently completed Gigafab 18 in Tainan (phase 1 equipment installation completed in March’19).

Zakljucak, cekat da udri kriza, ubost dionicu kad se sve strmopizdi i onda prodat za koju god. jer ovi iz tsmc se podrapat trziste, eventualno im samsung moze biti konkurencija
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Staro 02.05.2019., 08:16   #2593
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Bojim se da će Intel shvatit da je voda došla do grla tek kad se pojave novi Threadriper i Epic procesori.
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Staro 02.05.2019., 10:22   #2594
Manuel Calavera
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At FMX, Intel Graphics-related news will be disclosed that Intel:
  1. Xe architecture roadmap for data center optimized rendering includes ray tracing hardware acceleration support for the Intel® Rendering Framework family of API’s and libraries.
  2. Establishing the Intel® Graphics and Visualization Institutes of XeLLENCE (Intel® GVI) and has selected three founding institutions (University of Utah, University of Texas, Austin and University of Stuttgart) to participate based on their significant open research and open source contributions related to Intel Rendering Framework, large scale graphics and visualization.
  3. Building on the Intel Rendering Framework with the introduction of the Intel® Open Volume Kernel Library (set for release in Q3 2019) to enhance support for volume rendering – a critical capability for scientific visualization and high-end digital content creation.
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Staro 02.05.2019., 20:41   #2595
The Exiled
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Lijepo to zvuči na papiru, ali kad se pogledaju pizdarije koje posljednje dvije godine proizlaze iz Intelove (PR) radionice, sve skupa (nadolazeći CPU + GPU proizvodi) djeluje poprilično neuvjerljivo.

Neovisno o AMD-u, uhvaćeni su nespremni na svim mogućim frontama (jebiga nakon 10 godina iste juhe, jelo više nema ni teka, ni okusa), a prokleti 10nm proces i AMD-ov Ryzen su samo ubrzali ionak neizbježnu situaciju.
AMD veteran Devon Nekechuk joins Intel
Devon Nekechuk has been with AMD for eleven years as Senior Manager of Product Management. In his role, Devon was primarily responsible for leading the development of a new GPU generation, architecture or a specific product from start to finish. This included the positioning on the market and in the context of launch events, he also helped to introduce the new products to the press and ultimately to the customers.
Intel to Use 5-digit Processor Model Numbering with 10th Gen?
Super je kak danas zakrpe za Spectre + Meltdown havarije predstavljaju kao dodatna sigurnosna rješenja koja konkurencija nema.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 02.05.2019. u 20:47.
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Staro 09.05.2019., 18:07   #2596
Manuel Calavera
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Staro 09.05.2019., 18:58   #2597
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Intel stock falls as analysts digest new game plan

Cak i ekipa koja ne zna hardver, vidi kako je ovo dobar plan
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Staro 09.05.2019., 20:07   #2598
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Ishitreno u najboljem slučaju; orginalni 10nm proces je mrtav, a ovo kaj sad pokušavaju još uvijek nije dovoljno dobro za malo ozbiljniju 10nm proizvodnju, ali eto - sprema se i 7nm+/++.
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Staro 09.05.2019., 23:56   #2599
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Jesam ja tu što propustio ili oni spominju decidirano samo mobilnu i serversku platformu? Ne vidim da se u tim planovima spominje desktop/HEDT segment.
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Staro 10.05.2019., 08:20   #2600
Manuel Calavera
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Da, desktop/HEDT (i pretpostavljam serveri) su na na 14nm do kraja 2021 (gore post #2586)

Izgleda da je gadno zapelo (clockovi i/ili yieldovi), što nije problem kod mobilnih jer su manji površinom, te su clockovi niži

Zanimljivo (i očekivano) je da za Xe gpu misle koristiti 10nm node, što znači da je jednostavnije napraviti gpu i/ili da to neće biti neki veliki čipovi sa nekim bjesnim clockovima (vjerojatno mainstreamuše ispod 200mm2)

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 10.05.2019. u 08:25.
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Staro 10.05.2019., 09:01   #2601
JC Denton
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Da, desktop/HEDT (i pretpostavljam serveri) su na na 14nm do kraja 2021 (gore post #2586)

Izgleda da je gadno zapelo (clockovi i/ili yieldovi), što nije problem kod mobilnih jer su manji površinom, te su clockovi niži

Zanimljivo (i očekivano) je da za Xe gpu misle koristiti 10nm node, što znači da je jednostavnije napraviti gpu i/ili da to neće biti neki veliki čipovi sa nekim bjesnim clockovima (vjerojatno mainstreamuše ispod 200mm2)

I/ili su skužili u čemu je problem sa 10nm sa trenutnim dizajnom CPU-a pa su to izbjegli u dizajnu novog GPU chipa, a CPU zahtijeva redizajn da bi to riješili. Pogotovo ako se uzme u obzir i ovo što si spomenuo - vjerojatno trebaju visoke clockove u usporedbi sa GPU-om (za GPU je 2k MHz "ohoho", a za CPu je "meh" ).
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Staro 10.05.2019., 09:05   #2602
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Oni su sami sebi skočili u usta sa 5ghz cpu sa skylake jezgrama (a neki se clockaju i preko), jer ice lake poboljšanja u IPC (brijem do 5%) vjerojatno ne mogu anulirati razliku prednosti u clocku 14nm naspram 10nm
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Staro 26.05.2019., 17:57   #2603
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Intel Computex 2019 Preview 5GHz All Core i9-9900KS and Ice Lake
Ahead of Computex 2019, Intel had a small group attend a pre-briefing around the company’s show announcements. Intel will have its keynote on Tuesday where we will share more content around Ice Lake from a previous briefing. During the pre-briefing Intel shared a perspective around PC application usage that focused on what applications consumers actually use. It shared a dataset from 2015 to today and highlighted a number of applications. The key to this is that it says the benchmarks being run (e.g. Cinebench) are not necessarily representative of real world usage. Instead, Intel is focusing on the developer community to push optimizations into the software stack to make its CPUs perform better in real application workloads.

One of the preview announcements was the Intel Core i9-9900KS 5.0GHz CPU. We were told that we will learn more about the CPU on Tuesday around pricing, availability, and TDP. What we know is that the CPU features eight cores and a 4.0GHz base clock with a 5.0GHz turbo clock. We were told that this is a special edition processor, but not a limited edition processor which means it is not a 1 of 1000 CPU affair. Intel also confirmed that the chip would have an active iGPU. This is one that would be absolutely exciting if it were to have an Intel Xeon E counterpart.
Izvor: ServeTheHome
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Staro 26.05.2019., 20:05   #2604
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Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 26.05.2019., 20:17   #2605
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Standardno, opet naglasak na 5.0GHz, s tim da ovaj put ide priča s real-world testovima.
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Staro 26.05.2019., 21:31   #2606
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Ovo mi djeluje kao i prethodno pretakanje iz šupljeg u prazno s "KF" serijom koja nema integriranu grafičku karticu. Nešto novo što u suštini i nije ništa novo.
Bojim se da će cijena biti opet visoka, kao i potrošnja i zagrijavanje.
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Staro 26.05.2019., 23:11   #2607
Manuel Calavera
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Ako 10nm neće još dugo na desktop jedino što im preostaje je prebaciti ice lake na 14nm ++++. S tim bi zadržali visoke clockove i nakon 100 godina napokon dobili i neki IPC napredak nakon skylake
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Staro 28.05.2019., 09:17   #2608
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The first Ice Lake-based products to arrive will target the mobile market, but the architecture will eventually make its way into Intel’s desktop and other processor segments as well. According to Intel, every single piece of IP in Ice Lake was affected versus previous-gen architectures. Ice Lake features new transistor technology, a new core graphics engine and additional platform integration. The first improvement over Skylake are the new Sunny Cove core which Intel says delivers 15 to 18 percent higher IPC. Thse cores come with AVX-512 as well as DL Boost which can provide over 2x improvement in inference workloads using the new AVX-512 VNNI vector extensions. 10th Generation Intel Core mobile processors will feature up to four cores (eight threads with Hyper-Threading) and boost clocks up to 4.1GHz, though future mobile processors with more cores and higher-clocks (in higher power envelopes) are likely to arrive as well. Intel's new Gen11 graphics engine features dual HEVC encoders and up to 64 EUs, to boost performance dramatically over Intel’s previous-gen graphics engines. There will be Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 processors in the Ice Lake-based Intel 10th generation family, with up to 8MB of last-level Cache, and TDPs from 9W on up to 28W. The processors will be used in a wide array of machines, from thin-and-lights, to more powerful (and larger) mobile workstations.
Izvor: WikiChip Fuse i HotHardware
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Staro 01.06.2019., 12:14   #2609
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Staro 01.06.2019., 13:06   #2610
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Citat jednog od komentara:

"By the way, back in my days we used to call 1% difference "margin of error"."

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