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Staro 13.08.2021., 09:57   #4891
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Ovisi kakav forum ž 100% provjerenim informacijama na nekakvoj akademskoj razini, ili nešto aktivniji sa špekulacijama bez da se bojimo napisati vlastito mišljenje.
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Staro 13.08.2021., 14:15   #4892
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Wccftech jos nije izbacio istinu otkad postoje.

Da mrvice AMDu :facepalm:
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Staro 13.08.2021., 14:40   #4893
The Exiled
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Fora je u tome da se non-stop vrtimo u krug s jedno-te-istim, a sve dosad rečeno na temu kapaciteta i popratnih Intelovih nedaća smo naveliko komentirali (1 - 2). Wccftech ionak samo radi poprilično loš copy-paste ostalih portala, a onda kad više ne znaju što, onda se kreće za kreiranjem cijelih serija članaka koji kao referencu imaju jednu riječ iz nečijeg Twitter profila. Samo jebiga, lakše je prek mobitela jednim okom "pratiti" ovakve teme, pa odmah u startu preskočiti sve do zadnjeg posta i ajmo, udri brigu na veselje, dok se pokreće "rasprava" oko Intelovog bombardiranja srednjeg tržišnog segmenta (pri čemu jedini spomena vrijedni Core i5-11400(F) nakon početne euforije od ravno dva tjedna dan-danas drži nimalo popularnu cijenu za većinu budžet orijentiranih konfiguracija, do te mjere da je stariji 10400(F) + B560 ploča ipak bolje i ništa lošije rješenje, mada i to smo sve komentirali u tada aktualnoj Rocket Lake temi, pa je sve zajedno bilo okarakterizirano kao glupost) i AMD-ovih nepostojećih kapaciteta, od kojih će im i ono malo što imaju na raspolaganju - začas ostati ništa, a i to je bilo za očekivati.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 13.08.2021., 15:20   #4894
Dr. Strange
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Picajzla sve ovo sto ti pises su samo tvoje zelje i nadanja, srecom istina je bitno drugacija.
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Staro 13.08.2021., 15:39   #4895
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Istina je uvijek u sredini.
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Staro 13.08.2021., 15:47   #4896
The Exiled
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AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 13.08.2021., 19:29   #4897
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Evo malo detalja nove intel tvornice u izgradnji:
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Staro 13.08.2021., 20:29   #4898
Dr. Strange
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Evo malo detalja nove intel tvornice u izgradnji:
To nam je bitno ko politička situacija u Šri Lanci.
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Staro 13.08.2021., 20:30   #4899
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To nam je bitno ko politička situacija u Šri Lanci.
pa pokazuje kolko intel investira u buduce generacije... Bitnije je to nego ista prica u krug vec mjesecima...
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Staro 13.08.2021., 22:41   #4900
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To nam je bitno ko politička situacija u Šri Lanci.
Si vidio kolika bu to tvornica? Ima da štancaju na vagone silicija i da ostvare nove rekordne zarade. Jedino nas AMD moje spasiti jeftinim procesorima i jeftinim grafama.
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Staro 14.08.2021., 12:09   #4901
..starija garda
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Znaci kapaciteta fali svima, to je jasno, ali s druge strane cijene idu gore i prodaja ne posustaje tako da nema ni problema.
Svi oni rade godišnje planove, i svi ih probijaju više ili manje i nema tu nezadovoljnih osim mozda nekih kupaca koji su imali očekivanja..

Samo cu jos reci, 5900x kojeg sam kupio odmah po izlasku je jos uvijek u ducanima skuplji nego kada sam ga ja kupio..
To puno govori o tržištu, a ne samo o proizvodjacima

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Staro 14.08.2021., 16:18   #4902
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Nema trenutno nestašice u smislu da AMD i Intel proizvode manje čipova nego inače. PS5 i Xbox Series X|S se prodaju u većim količinama nego PS4 i Xbox One u istom vremenu nakon lansiranja. AMD i Intel prodaju više procesora i grafičkih nego ikad. Jednostavno je potražnja ogromna. Trenutno AMD nema nikakve potrebe izbacivati jeftinije procesore i sad im je odlična prilika za zaradu, čak i da gube tržišni udio ne isplati im se izdavati jeftinije procesore.
skupi-dupi-du, skupi-dupi-du, pam pam... pf
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Staro 16.08.2021., 09:10   #4903
The Exiled
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Power Consumption, Peaks and technical Details: Intel’s upcoming Alder Lake S and Raptor Lake S CPUs in an exclusive comparison
Let’s first look at the 125-watt class, where PL1 is well known. PL2 is 188 watts at Alder Lake S (ADL S) and can increase to 241 watts in the performance scenario, depending on the situation resulting from the power telemetry. For Raptor Lake S (RPL S) the PL2 in Perf (Performance) even rises up to 253 watts, the baseline again stays at 188 watts. And what does the PL4 do as an interval with a maximum duration of 10 ms? The baseline is 238 watts for both CPU generations and can go up to 359 watts for ADL S! RPL S, on the other hand, is somewhat more frugal with 314 watts. You can see that the PL2 is higher and the PL4 is somewhat lower with RPL S than with ADL S. This is interesting in any case.
Izvor: Igor's LAB
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 16.08.2021., 15:31   #4904
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Exiled, ovo mi nije trebalo. Sada bih najrađe pričekao Raptor Lake.
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Staro 16.08.2021., 15:44   #4905
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Exiled, ovo mi nije trebalo. Sada bih najrađe pričekao Raptor Lake.
Ti najbolje da pričekaš Neverending Lake.
Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 16.08.2021., 16:54   #4906
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Exiled, ovo mi nije trebalo. Sada bih najrađe pričekao Raptor Lake.
Vjerujem da bi se i tako brzo ohladio kad vidiš cijenu...taman da je TDP 65W.Brijem da bu i7 bar 3500 kn a vjerovatno i prek 4 soma. Di je DDR5 i nove ploče sa skupim vrm, dobro vodeno...računaj 10 somova za bazu
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Staro 18.08.2021., 13:28   #4907
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Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 18.08.2021., 15:26   #4908
..starija garda
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Vjerujem da bi se i tako brzo ohladio kad vidiš cijenu...taman da je TDP 65W.Brijem da bu i7 bar 3500 kn a vjerovatno i prek 4 soma. Di je DDR5 i nove ploče sa skupim vrm, dobro vodeno...računaj 10 somova za bazu

2027 nas čekaju auto krediti za komp.. bez 30000 kn na operativni lizing nećeš moći složiti kantu i to bez monitora i trafostanice ispred kuće itd

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Staro 18.08.2021., 18:30   #4909
The Exiled
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AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 18.08.2021., 20:58   #4910
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Autor picajzla0707 Pregled postova
a sad je i intel uzeo većinu 3nm za svoje potrebe = amd ostaje na mrvicama

AMD Set To Become TSMC’s 2nd Largest Customer

AMD Expected to Become TSMC's Second Largest Customer

AMD May Soon Become TSMC’s Second-Largest Customer by Revenue

Digitimes believes that the order flow for TSMC's 3nm process, which is slated to enter mass production next year, shows that Apple, AMD and MediaTek will become TSMC's top three customers.
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Staro 18.08.2021., 21:19   #4911
The Exiled
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TSMC Wafer Wars! Intel versus Apple!
The big fake news last week came from a report out of China stating that TSMC won a big Intel order for 3nm wafers. Bob Swan signed the N3 deal with TSMC due to the delays in Intel 10nm and 7nm to motivate Intel manufacturing to get those processes out as planned. TSMC then increased CAPEX to build the additional N3 capacity required to satisfy the Intel wafer agreement. To be clear, wafer agreements are signed 2-3 years before the chip makes it into HVM and TSMC can build fabs faster than that so there will be no N3 shortages for anyone who signed a wafer agreement (apple, AMD, NVIDIA, QCOM, etc…).
Izvor: SemiWiki

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AMD ove godine postaje TSMC-ov drugi najvažniji klijent, odmah nakon Applea, a ovi uredno financiraju TSMC-ov R&D, jer svake godine žele novo, a nakon toga AMD i ostali imaju provjereni recept.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 18.08.2021. u 21:45.
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Staro 18.08.2021., 22:42   #4912
Dr. Strange
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Picajzla na aparatima.
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Staro 18.08.2021., 23:06   #4913
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e jesi se veselo nasmijao, još kad bi pročitao što piše u vijesti, možda bi se manje smijao

apple uzme 80% kapaciteta, a za amd kažu:

AMD's strong performance in nearly all of its product segments, especially the server segment in which the company sells its EPYC processors, can lead to it become TSMC's second-largest customer with a 10% revenue share, believes DigiTime

moooožda bi amd mogao dosegnuti do 10%, vjeruje digitime
ne, uopće nisu mrvice

mislim, kamo sreće da amd pokupi što više proizvodnih kapaciteta može, to bi značilo da će ranije i puštati jeftinije procove i grafe što bi za nas korisnike značilo samo plus, ali sa tih moooožda 10% kapaciteta su i dalje daleko od značajnijeg povećanja tržišnog udjela i puštanja ičega osim najskupljih proizvoda u novoj seriji bilo gpu ili cpu
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Staro 18.08.2021., 23:38   #4914
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80% za Apple haha, da je bilo otvoriti članke i pogledati revenue tablice za Apple.

Ti baš ne znaš di si šupalj.
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Staro 19.08.2021., 00:01   #4915
The Exiled
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AMD Reports Q2 2021 Earnings: Company-wide growth drives doubled revenue
For the second quarter of 2021, AMD reported $3.85B in revenue, making for yet another massive jump over a year-ago quarter for AMD, when the company made just $1.93B in a then-record quarter. Now, half-way through 2021, AMD’s financial trajectory is all about setting (and beating) records for the company, as evidenced by the 99% leap in year-over-year revenue – falling just millions short of outright doubling their revenue. AMD’s big run-up in revenue is also reflected in the company’s other metrics; along with that revenue AMD’s net income has grown by 352% year-over-year, now reaching $710M. And if not for an unusual, one-off tax benefit for AMD’s Q4’2020, this would have been AMD’s most profitable quarter ever – and indeed is on a non-GAAP basis. Meanwhile, as you might expect from such high net income figures, AMD’s gross margin has risen even further and now sits at 48%, up 4 percentage points from the year-ago quarter and 2 points from last quarter.
We remain on-track to launch next-generation products in 2022, including our Zen 4 processors built with industry-leading 5nm process technology and our RDNA 3 GPUs.

— AMD CEO, Dr. Lisa Su
Izvor: AnandTech
AMD claims its largest share of the overall x86 CPU market in 14 years
According to Mercury Research, AMD's x86 processor share is close to its all-time high. AMD's share of the overall x86 CPU market climbed to 22.5% in the second quarter of this year. Intel still claims the lion's share of the x86 space at 77.5%, but that number is down a tick over four percentage points from the same quarter a year ago. AMD has not been this competitive since the Athlon 64 days. Not by coincidence, AMD's share of the x86 CPU market peaked in the fourth quarter of 2006, when it accounted for 25.3%, or a quarter of the x86 sector. And the last time its share of the overall CPU space was as high as it is now, was nearly 14 years ago, in the fourth quarter of 2007. Case in point, at places like Amazon and Newegg, AMD leads Intel in their respective lists of best selling desktop processors. And over at Mindfactory, a popular retailer in Germany, AMD accounted for 76% of desktop CPUs sold last month, compared to 24% for Intel. Outside of the consumer desktop category, Mercury Research says "AMD set a new record for both server CPU units and revenues." This means AMD is making big strides in the lucrative data center market, where its Epyc processors have been chipping at away at Intel's Xeon footprint.
Izvor: Interneti
The big fake news last week came from a report out of China stating that TSMC won a big Intel order for 3nm wafers. Bob Swan signed the N3 deal with TSMC due to the delays in Intel 10nm and 7nm to motivate Intel manufacturing to get those processes out as planned. TSMC then increased CAPEX to build the additional N3 capacity required to satisfy the Intel wafer agreement. To be clear, wafer agreements are signed 2-3 years before the chip makes it into HVM and TSMC can build fabs faster than that so there will be no N3 shortages for anyone who signed a wafer agreement (apple, AMD, NVIDIA, QCOM, etc…).
If AMD becomes TSMC's second-largest client, it will not only be able to negotiate more favorable financial terms with the foundry, but it will also be able to influence the development of TSMC's future process technologies, process recipes, and get access to the latest nodes faster. This will further increase AMD's future products' competitiveness as the company might extract some additional performance or increase its transistor budgets over time. In any case, if AMD becomes TSMC's second-largest customer, it will be far easier for the company to secure chip supply from the world's largest contract maker of semiconductors.

Dok čekamo AMD-ovu propast, poCjetimo se dosadašnjeg razvoja događaja.

AMD Reports Q2 2021 Earnings: Company-wide growth drives doubled revenue
For the second quarter of 2021, AMD reported $3.85B in revenue, making for yet another massive jump over a year-ago quarter for AMD, when the company made just $1.93B in a then-record quarter. Now, half-way through 2021, AMD’s financial trajectory is all about setting (and beating) records for the company, as evidenced by the 99% leap in year-over-year revenue – falling just millions short of outright doubling their revenue. AMD’s big run-up in revenue is also reflected in the company’s other metrics; along with that revenue AMD’s net income has grown by 352% year-over-year, now reaching $710M. And if not for an unusual, one-off tax benefit for AMD’s Q4’2020, this would have been AMD’s most profitable quarter ever – and indeed is on a non-GAAP basis. Meanwhile, as you might expect from such high net income figures, AMD’s gross margin has risen even further and now sits at 48%, up 4 percentage points from the year-ago quarter and 2 points from last quarter.
We remain on-track to launch next-generation products in 2022, including our Zen 4 processors built with industry-leading 5nm process technology and our RDNA 3 GPUs.

— AMD CEO, Dr. Lisa Su
Izvor: AnandTech
AMD claims its largest share of the overall x86 CPU market in 14 years
According to Mercury Research, AMD's x86 processor share is close to its all-time high. AMD's share of the overall x86 CPU market climbed to 22.5% in the second quarter of this year. Intel still claims the lion's share of the x86 space at 77.5%, but that number is down a tick over four percentage points from the same quarter a year ago. AMD has not been this competitive since the Athlon 64 days. Not by coincidence, AMD's share of the x86 CPU market peaked in the fourth quarter of 2006, when it accounted for 25.3%, or a quarter of the x86 sector. And the last time its share of the overall CPU space was as high as it is now, was nearly 14 years ago, in the fourth quarter of 2007. Case in point, at places like Amazon and Newegg, AMD leads Intel in their respective lists of best selling desktop processors. And over at Mindfactory, a popular retailer in Germany, AMD accounted for 76% of desktop CPUs sold last month, compared to 24% for Intel. Outside of the consumer desktop category, Mercury Research says "AMD set a new record for both server CPU units and revenues." This means AMD is making big strides in the lucrative data center market, where its Epyc processors have been chipping at away at Intel's Xeon footprint.
Izvor: Interneti
The big fake news last week came from a report out of China stating that TSMC won a big Intel order for 3nm wafers. Bob Swan signed the N3 deal with TSMC due to the delays in Intel 10nm and 7nm to motivate Intel manufacturing to get those processes out as planned. TSMC then increased CAPEX to build the additional N3 capacity required to satisfy the Intel wafer agreement. To be clear, wafer agreements are signed 2-3 years before the chip makes it into HVM and TSMC can build fabs faster than that so there will be no N3 shortages for anyone who signed a wafer agreement (apple, AMD, NVIDIA, QCOM, etc…).
If AMD becomes TSMC's second-largest client, it will not only be able to negotiate more favorable financial terms with the foundry, but it will also be able to influence the development of TSMC's future process technologies, process recipes, and get access to the latest nodes faster. This will further increase AMD's future products' competitiveness as the company might extract some additional performance or increase its transistor budgets over time. In any case, if AMD becomes TSMC's second-largest customer, it will be far easier for the company to secure chip supply from the world's largest contract maker of semiconductors.

AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 19.08.2021., 00:30   #4916
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80% za Apple haha, da je bilo otvoriti članke i pogledati revenue tablice za Apple.

Ti baš ne znaš di si šupalj.
čitaj vijesti o kapacitetima koji dolaze, ne onima s kojih se apple već odselio ako pričamo o budućim kapacitetima

glavno da ti nisi šupalj kad niti 10% kapaciteta za amd smatraš ičim bitnijim od onoga što su dosad imali
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Staro 19.08.2021., 01:01   #4917
The Exiled
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Apple je odavno završil sa svojim TSMC 5nm potrebama i to smo isto tak već raspravljali, a u kontekstu prihoda koji se spominju u člancima koje je sti linkal (wafer-per-month-per-year), TSMC od Applea ima 25.4% prihoda, dok se šrot AMD polako, ali sigurno penje na 9.2%, te su pri tome ujedno odmah iza Applea, a ispred Intela.
AMD significantly increased its purchases from TSMC in 2019 — 2020 as its market share and shipments increased. Sales to AMD accounted for 4% of TSMC's revenue in 2019, increased to 7.3% in 2020, and are on track to rise to 9.2% in 2021.
Kaj se pak samih kapaciteta tiče, taman da AMD ima zakupljeno 100% TSMC-ovih pogona, to automatski ne znači da ćemo imati jeftinije procesore, grafičke kartice i konzole, jer bez konkurencije nemaju ama baš nikakvu potrebu sniziti cijene. Mogli su dosad komotno maknuti sve resurse koje TSMC koristi za proizvodnju Zen 2 i RDNA modela (za sve tržišne segmenta) i preusmjeriti ih u bolju raspoloživost za nove Zen 3 i RDNA 2 opcije, pa nisu, jer se sve živo prodaje, a bazirano je na istih TSMC-ovih 7nm. Tak da dokle god Intel ne smisli novi Conroe, Sandy Bridge ili Nehalem, AMD nema previše poticaja za neke veće korekcije, a najbolji dokaz za to je Intel koji je više od desetljeća sa 100% vlastitih kapaciteta polako dizal cijene u nebesa, te su tek pojavom prave konkurencije bili prisiljeni skresati cijene (1 - 2) i presložiti ponudu.
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Apple već više od godinu i pol dana okreće TSMC 5nm za svoje potrebe, tak da su oni svoj dio već fino namirili, pa kapaciteti ostaju na raspolaganju drugima, a AMD više nije dno-dna po pitanju klijenta.
TSMC’s 5nm process node has been in mass production since 2020, and notably powers hundreds of millions of new SoCs powering Apple’s A14 chips in the iPhone 12 series as well as the new M1 Mac chip. Although HiSilicon was a lead customer of TSMC at 5nm, TSMC had halted all production for the company last September due to trade restrictions. TSMC today updates that it has shipped 500k N5 wafers, which would roughly represent a few hundred million chips. While this lead to Apple essentially having sort of exclusivity for the N5 node in 2020, as more companies are starting to ramp up their 5nm products TSMC will need to ramp up a lot more production capacity, which the company is heavily investing in
Kaj se AMD-ove toliko priželjkivane propasti tiče, ko zna možda se i nakon svega (1 - 2) i to napokon desi, pa možemo mirno dalje - u sljedeće desetljeće stagnacije. Intelove TSMC 3nm potrebe će za početak uključivati 4.000 wafera mjesečno, a kasnije se to penje na 10.000 wafera mjesečno za proizvdonju određenih tile-based (chiplet) rješenja, koja će onda Intel dalje interno pakirati i kombinirati u gotove proizvode. Osim toga, TSMC za razliku od Intela aktivno radi na novim proizvodnim kapacitetima, pa možda ipak AMD potraje još koju godinu i onda mogu lagano u vječna lovišta. nVidia će za sljedeću GPU generaciju koristiti TSMC 5nm + Samsung 5nm procesa, pa i tu ne bude baš tak crna priča.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 19.08.2021., 01:31   #4918
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Apple je odavno završil sa svojim TSMC 5nm potrebama i to smo isto tak već raspravljali, a u kontekstu prihoda koji se spominju u člancima koje je sti linkal (wafer-per-month-per-year), TSMC od Applea ima 25.4% prihoda, dok se šrot AMD polako, ali sigurno penje na 9.2%, te su pri tome ujedno odmah iza Applea, a ispred Intela.
tvoje su analize postale legendarne, jedino je od njih legendarnije tvoje neznanje

apple je tek počeo s 5nm, otkako je krajem prvog kvartala ove godine završio sa 7nm, a što je ujedno i razlog za 'polako, ali sigurno penjanje' amd-a na 9,2%, dakle tek nakon što se apple zasitio 7nm, ne zato jer je amd odjednom postao važniji klijent tsmc-u
AMD has reportedly become TSMC’s number one customer in regard to purchasing 7nm wafers. Apple was previously the main customer for this node but has now moved its focus mainly on to 5nm. By securing more of TSMC’s 7nm output, AMD might be able to tackle the shortage of Ryzen 5000 chips and ensure delivery for EPYC Milan orders.

zadivljujuće je kako ti uspjevaš jednostavne vijesti iz biznisa pretvoriti u nekakve bajke, isto kao što amd-ovih 10% server tržišta uporno nazivaš 'dominacijom'

upravo zato jer je apple ove godine prešao sa 7nm na 5nm i time je amd dosegao 9,2% kapaciteta, tek sad smo dobili jeftinije 5600g/5700g procesore i 6600xt grafe, ne zato jer ih prije nisu mogli ili nisu htjeli izbaciti, nego zato jer nisu imali kapaciteta dok se apple nije izdovoljio

sa 80% 5nm kapaciteta za apple amd će imati jednako ili čak i manje kapaciteta za zen4, rdna3 i konzole, pa ćemo opet vidjeti samo najskuplje 300+ usd zen4 procesore i rx 7700/7800 i jače grafe, ne zato jer ne žele prodavati jeftinije i sudjelovati u segmentu koji je daleko veći od high enda, kako ti to tumačiš, nego zato jer ponovo neće imati proizvodnih kapaciteta za sve, pa će kao i u aktualnoj seriji prvih godinu dana izbaciti ono u čemu imaju najveću zaradu po primjerku - skupe procesore i grafe, a jeftinije će izbaciti kad se apple izdovolji 5nm

ali ove rasprave s vama fanbojima su iste kao s djecom kad im kažeš da djed mraz ne postoji, valjda je bolje ostaviti da uživate u svojim fantazijama i kasnije se čudom čudite kako je amd i dalje na +-20% tržišnog udjela i protiv intela i protiv nevidije
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Staro 19.08.2021., 01:57   #4919
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Ne, srčeko, tvoje analize su postale legendarne, jer od prvog dana na ovom forumu težiš biti u pravu na Internetima, a vidimo iz priloženoga da ne znaš o čemu pričaš. Ništ, čekamo dalje da se tvoja predviđenja o AMD-ovim mrvicama obestine.

Ne znam baš da sam ja neki fanboy ičega, ako u istoj godini kupim Intel Tiger Lake i Zen 2 APU, ali OK - valjda ti je tak lakše, kad se prosereš iz posta u post, jer si srdit kad ti AMD ne da "obećani" 5600 za 1.500 kn.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 19.08.2021., 04:57   #4920
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Ja bih htio da 12, 16 i 24 jezgreni procesori zamijene 4,6 i 8 jezgrene, ali da su na istoj potrošnji. To će biti velik skok naprijed ako se ostvari.
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