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Staro 27.11.2018., 19:55   #2491
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cjena 9600k pala,500 kuna razlike hmhmhtj ryzen bi trebo bit 1300 intel 1800 onda bi znao što kupit,koja bi razlika u fpsoviam bila sa mojom gtx 1060??isto oko 40 fpsova.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:01   #2492
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cjena 9600k pala,500 kuna razlike hmhmhtj ryzen bi trebo bit 1300 intel 1800 onda bi znao što kupit,koja bi razlika u fpsoviam bila sa mojom gtx 1060??isto oko 40 fpsova.
Krivo pretražuješ, za ryzene se ne pretražuje kao nekad za grafičke R7, R9, RX, već puno ime Ryzen 5.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:06   #2493
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dada,opet 1000 kuna razlika 1400 vs 2400 je 40 fpsova više vrijedno 1000 kuna više.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:09   #2494
The Exiled
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Solidnih 16GB memorije je razlika u cijeni između ta dva procesora. 1.000 kn više za grafičku karticu. Kak god okreneš, tu razliku lako možeš preusmjeriti na neku drugu komponentu ili periferiju.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:12   #2495
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gledam razliku z370 i z390 čipseata ako dobro vidim razlika je samo/ne samo nekom u CNVi Support i 3.1 portovima koje z370 nema,ja sam naviknuo dat ne više od 1000 kuna za ploču,tj ako ću postić takt recimo od 4,5 ghz sa pločom od 1000 kuna i onom od 1500 kuna.

mislim da neću ništa kupovat i5 4670k + gtx 1060 na 1080p sve vrti na full manje više sve igre.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:17   #2496
Manuel Calavera
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dada,opet 1000 kuna razlika 1400 vs 2400 je 40 fpsova više vrijedno 1000 kuna više.

Ček pod 40 fps-ova više sa gtx 1060 6gb misliš na R5 vs i5 9600K? FPS će ti biti identičan sa tom gpu, koji god uzeo.

Čak bi ti bio isti fps kao sa i5 4670K u 90%+ slučajeva (osim u eventualno par igara poput BFV, BF1 MP itd.). No mislim da smo o ovome već raspravljali da se ne ponavljamo
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:20   #2497
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da da s mojom grafom kolka je razlika,ne zanima me sa 2080 ti.testove vidjet,ako je isti fps sa mojom grafom zašto davat 1000 više za proc.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:22   #2498
Manuel Calavera
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To ti je "minus" balansirane konfe poput tvoje. Ako promjeniš samo cpu tj. platformu, a grafa ostane ista - sa fps-om ostaješ na istom u 90+% slučajeva jer ti je gpu iskorištena. Ako pak promjeniš samo gpu - može te cpu bottleneckat. Dakle da bi osjetio značajne pomake moraš promjeniti oboje - i platformu i primjetno jaču gpu. A to je skup sport, praktično 80% vrijednosti cijele konfe. No na kraju krajeva moraš krenit s nečim ako nećeš sve odjednom. Kasnije ubaciš nešto ranga ~ rtx 2070...
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:28   #2499
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da mislio više ali ovi testovi te potvrđuju samo par fpsova razlike.
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:32   #2500
Manuel Calavera
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Ma to ti je to. Što se tiče videa ta mala razlika može biti do:

- margin of error (statistička greška do 3%), ako su pravi testovi

- nedosljedno/neprofesionalno testiranje (pogotovo ako ne koristi ingame benchmark) nego solira po mapi, pa ne duplicira potpuno istu situaciju (i ponovi više puta da izvuče prosjek)

- jedan u nizu izmišljenih grafova na yt

U svakom slučaju to ti je to. Kažem naspram svog i5 bi sa bilo kojim od tih cpu-a eventualno dobio dosljedniji fps (manje dropove) u MP od BF1, BFV i sl. jer čisti quad stuttera, no 90+% situacija bi ti bilo isto tj. iskorištena ti je full gpu

BTW u krivoj smo temi
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Staro 27.11.2018., 20:37   #2501
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Odlikaši sa državnom stipendijom
Političari, uspješni gospodarski kriminalci i narko-bossovi.
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Staro 28.11.2018., 00:07   #2502
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Ček pod 40 fps-ova više sa gtx 1060 6gb misliš na R5 vs i5 9600K? FPS će ti biti identičan sa tom gpu, koji god uzeo.

Čak bi ti bio isti fps kao sa i5 4670K u 90%+ slučajeva (osim u eventualno par igara poput BFV, BF1 MP itd.). No mislim da smo o ovome već raspravljali da se ne ponavljamo
imam pitanje, znam da nije tema al da ne ponavljam u nekoj drugoj temi kad je već tu napisano. Da li bi isto tako bila razlika sa Ryzenom i intelom da pokušava igrati na 144 fps? Dakle smanjiti detalje na low da bi se postigao što veći fps, pričam o 1080p gejmingu?
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Staro 28.11.2018., 01:14   #2503
Manuel Calavera
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Da, trebalo bi biti, jer je ipak gtx 1060 tu dosta limitirajući faktor. dva-tri fps-a gore-dolje tj. statistička greška na stranu...
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Staro 30.11.2018., 20:55   #2504
The Exiled
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Taiwan’s TSMC could be about to dethrone Intel
For more than 30 years, Intel Corp. has dominated chipmaking, producing the most important component in the bulk of the world’s computers. That run is now under threat from a company many Americans have never heard of. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. was created in 1987 to churn out chips for companies that lacked the money to build their own facilities. The approach was famously dismissed at the time by Advanced Micro Devices Inc. founder Jerry Sanders. "Real men have fabs," he quipped at a conference, using industry lingo for factories. These days, ridicule has given way to envy as TSMC plants have risen to challenge Intel at the pinnacle of the $400 billion industry. AMD recently chose TSMC to make its most advanced processors, having spun off its own struggling factories years before. TSMC’s threat to Intel reflects a sea change in chipmaking that’s seen one company after another hire TSMC to manufacture the chips they design. Hsinchu-based TSMC has scores of customers, including tech giants Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., second-tier players like AMD, and minnows such as Ampere Computing LLC. The explosion of components built this way has given TSMC the technical know-how needed to churn out the smallest, most efficient and powerful chips in the highest volumes.

It’s been a decade since Intel faced major competition and its 90 percent revenue share in computer processing will again deliver record results this year. But some on Wall Street are concerned, and rivals are emboldened, because TSMC has a real chance to replace Intel as the best chipmaker in the business. Last year, the Taiwanese company amassed a bigger market value than its U.S. rival for the first time. What Intel investors really worry about is that the largest internet companies will start making their own chips. This week, Inc., the biggest cloud-computing company, announced its first in-house server processor. The Graviton (1 - 2) is made by TSMC, and it supports a new version of an Amazon cloud service that’s more than 40 percent cheaper than a similar offering powered by Intel chips, the company said. Intel was the first to use 14-nanometer technology at scale in 2013, according to Goldman Sachs. It won’t have 10-nanometer ready for prime time until the end of 2019 -- by far the longest wait in its history. TSMC has gone from 20-nanometer to 7-nanometer production in the same time. Intel’s holdup revolves around yield, the number of good chips that emerge from each production run. In plants that cost about $7 billion and run 24 hours a day churning out millions of chips each month, the slightest hiccup can be disastrous financially. Intel hasn’t ironed out enough of these manufacturing wrinkles yet, and the company won’t shift to 10-nanometer production until it’s sure everything works properly.

TSMC didn’t catch Intel all by itself, though. The company’s real break came a decade ago when the smartphone began filling consumers’ pockets. Intel dabbled in mobile chips, but the U.S. company never committed its best production and design to the area, preferring to prioritize its existing cash cow PC and server chip businesses. When smartphone sales took off, phone makers used other processors from companies like Qualcomm. Or they designed their own using ARM technology, like Apple. And TSMC factories churned these components out. The smartphone business is now almost six times as big as the PC industry by volume. That’s given TSMC the advantage of high-volume manufacturing experience that previously belonged to Intel. With billions of transistors on chips, a problem with a small number of those tiny switches can render the whole component useless. Production runs can take up to six months and involve hundreds of steps requiring maniacal attention to detail. Each time there’s a mistake, the factory operator has a chance to make tweaks and try a new approach. If the change works, that information is retained to try on the next challenge. The more production runs, the better. And TSMC has the most nowadays.

Still, this is far from the first challenge Intel has faced. The company is working on its production problems, and in the meantime will deliver new chips built with existing production technology that it says will keep the opposition at bay. Navin Shenoy, head of Intel’s server division, argues nanometer-based production measures have never been the only factor of success (although the company liked to talk about this more in the past). Intel’s near-term solution is to design better chips using the old production technology. Historically, the company has squashed rivals using a research budget that dwarfed anything else in the industry. But TSMC’s approach is even undermining this advantage. While Intel still outguns TSMC in capital spending on new plants and equipment, the tables are turned when you combine the research budgets of TSMC customers like Qualcomm, Apple, Nvidia Corp. and Huawei Technologies Co. According to Goldman Sachs, the combined budgets of TSMC’s customers are not only larger than Intel but the gap is increasing. By 2020, they will spend almost $20 billion, according to its estimate, at least $4 billion more than Intel.
Izvor: Bloomberg i HotHardware
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Staro 30.11.2018., 21:22   #2505
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Kolko god ne volim Intel zbog ovih ili onih razloga, ni malo me ne veseli da ih tsmc osjetno iza sebe ostavi ili jos gore da intel postane fabless.

Nadam se da ce se Intel vratiti kroz par god. i isto se nadam da ce se Samsung pridruziti i konkurirati sa svojim fabovina tsmcu i intelu.

Monopol tsmc nam ne treba kao sto namnije trebao intelov zadnjih 10ak god.
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Staro 30.11.2018., 21:35   #2506
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Ni meni se ne dopada monopol (neovisno s koje strane dolazi), ali nadam se da bude ih ovo financijski taman tolko zaboljelo da napokon skuže da više nisu samo oni i AMD u igri. Skupilo se manjih igrača (1 - 2) koji su 10 godina čekali svoju priliku.
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Staro 30.11.2018., 22:33   #2507
Manuel Calavera
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Ne treba mješati monopol s tim da je netko no1, a netko no2.
Biznis nije sport da se pamte/ostaju samo pobjednici, i no2 i no3 i sl. i dalje može poslovati odlično tj. nisu osuđeni na propast. Što vrijedi za node, vrijedi i za gpu tržište, cpu tržište i sl.

Što se tiče samog nodea intelov 10nm se previše podcjenjuje, dosta površnih medija i dioničara ne shvaća da je nomenklatura nodea čisti marketing i da je njihov 10nm ekvivalent 7nm tsmc. Također intelov node tradicionalno ima jači "high performance DNK" od ostalih, koji svoj rast mogu zahvaliti mobilnim proizvodima, tako da daleko je to od gotovog što se tiče najboljeg high performance nodea. Što se tiče količine proizvodnje tu je očito da je TSMC već sad pobjednik, jer uz AMD i Nvidiju (njima manje bitno) imaju i ogromno mobilno tržište.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 30.11.2018. u 22:40.
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Staro 30.11.2018., 22:40   #2508
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Jasno je sve to nama koji pratimo, ali isto tak ostaje činjenica da se Intelu zalomilo kojekakvih pizdarija, pa je sad lagano panika sa svih strana.

I kad napokon izdaju 10nm, to mora biti jebena stvar da anulira sve kaj ih je snašlo u posljednje dvije godine. Vidiš i sam koja sve živina kruži oko Intela i o kakvim tržišnim segmentima je tu riječ.

AMD je najmanja stavka u cijeloj priči.
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Što se tiče samog nodea intelov 10nm se previše podcjenjuje, dosta površnih medija i dioničara ne shvaća da je nomenklatura nodea čisti marketing i da je njihov 10nm ekvivalent 7nm tsmc.
Također intelov node tradicionalno ima jači "high performance DNK" od ostalih, koji svoj rast mogu zahvaliti mobilnim proizvodima, tako da daleko je to od gotovog što se tiče najboljeg high performance nodea.
Je, ali TSMC-ovih 7nm je već nekoliko mjeseci vani i postoje konkretni proizvodi bazirani na tom proizvodnom procesu. Intelovih superiornih 10nm nema ni u tragovima, tj. imaju jedan loš mobilni CPU na 10nm i to je to.
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Staro 01.12.2018., 01:27   #2509
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Izašlo je za kategoriju proizvoda u kojima intel ne sudjeluje (mobilno, gpu uskoro itd.) no za nekakvu teoretsku usporedbu treba pričekati procesore (epyc milan, ryzen 3xxx itd.), a prema svoj prilici epyc milan neće doći do 6 mjeseca, a ryzen za mase samim time do jeseni, s druge strane za intelov 10nm još uvijek stoji druga polovica 2019. (a i to se možda odgodi). Kreće rečeno u samom cpu segmentu će po svoj prilici biti razlika od par mjeseci (ako se opet ne odgodi), a to nije baš tako brutalno kašnjenje. Daklem oni kasne puno za svojim originalnim roadmapom, ali ne i samim konkurentskim 7nm cpu proizvodima
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Staro 01.12.2018., 08:59   #2510
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Intelov 10nm node ce biti losiji od originalno planiranog, isto me ne bi zacudilo da budu 5/10% minusa u taktu naspram 14nm+++
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Staro 01.12.2018., 17:15   #2511
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Manuele bojim se da nema ništa teoretsko u 7nm Zen2 EPYC Rome (1 - 2) procesorima koji su čak i prije službenog lansiranja (za AMD) uzeli itekakvog maha. Također, 7nm+ Zen3 EPYC Milan je već sad na dobrom putu da bude podjednako prihavćen u krugovima koji znače puno više od all-core 5.0GHz+ propagande. Kaj se tiče mobilnih i GPU tržišta u kojima Intel ne sudjeluje - to su si sami krivi, jer su u oba slučaja podbacili. Intel bi najrađe da sve 7nm TSMC narudžbe (neovisno o proizvodu) idu direktno k njima, tj. da se temelje na Intelovom 10nm procesu. IMHO, kad i napokon izdaju nešto konkretno u tih famoznih 10nm, to bude više reda-radi i ovo kaj Gigi veli - daleko od onog kaj su orginalno zacrtali, jer možemo se kladiti da su nakon uspjeha prve Ryzen + Threadripper generacije, krenuli istim MCM putem, jer to čak više i ne skrivaju.

Uglavnom, kaj god bilo da Intel sprema i na kojem god proizvodom procesu budu temeljeno, na ovaj ili onaj način bude jako sličilo Ryzen, Threadripper i EPYC modelima. Vlak za 10nm je odavno napustil stanicu i Intel se više ne zavarava da je riječ o Svetom Gralu proizvodnih procesa. Možda sve to ne bi izašlo na vidjelo da se AMD nije vratil s ruba bankrota i da ostali konkurenti iz raznih, a Intelu opet bitnih tržišnih segmenata - nisu razvili i više nego solidne alternative, ali jebiga - sve skupa se jako lijepo posložilo i danas više ne prolazi priča da je ~1.500 kn vrijedan Intel Core i3 + HT jako dobra kupnja.

Kaj se tiče Intelovih GPU planova, sudeći po ex-AMD/ATi/RTG ekipi koja se okupila oko tog projekta - i taj dio priče bi se mogel odigrati slično ko i CPU verzija. U prijevodu, Intel GPU bi sasvim lako mogel jako sličiti sadašnjim Vega i MI60 karticama, samo naravno Intelov marketing će to (kao i za procesore) zapakirati i prezentirati kao njihovu ideju i nešto što se dosad nije moglo ni zamisliti. I tu se vraćamo na ono kaj sam u ovakvim osvrtima već nekoliko puta napomenul - nVidia. Kaj god da Intel prezentira kao svoj GPU, nVidia će promptno rastaviti na sastavne dijelove i prije nego krene prva narudžba. Naravno, pod uvjetom da Intel GPU uopće bude u rangu s Quadro i Tesla modelima. U suprotnome će se Jen-Hsun samo nasmijati i odmahnuti rukom.
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Staro 01.12.2018., 20:06   #2512
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Mogao bi intel prezentirati intel inside cpu+ gpu marketinski vrlo dobro, nije da ovise samo o volji nvidie da ih uništi, dionice nvidie su samo u zadnjih mjesec dana potonule 25% tako da nisu ni oni imuni na sve.
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Staro 01.12.2018., 21:11   #2513
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Mogli bi definitivno, tim više, jer ovo (1 - 2) je jedan od načina na koji Intel plasira svoje proizvode. Igrom slučaja i nVidia koristi slične taktike, tak da bude stvarno zanmljivo vidjeti rasplet situacije.
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...Intel sa svojim Arctic Sound GPU rješenjima cilja na tržište koje trenutno okupiraju Radeon Instinct, a pogotovo nVidia Tesla kartice, a njihovi Xeoni se moraju kombinirati s nečim iz tuđe ponude.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 01.12.2018. u 21:16.
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Staro 02.12.2018., 20:15   #2514
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Vide se posljedice povećanja cijena u prodaji na mindfactory siteu

Što se tiče coffee lake refresha i7 i i9 krajnje simbolična suma ove jeseni, jedino se ovaj i5 9600K kako tako prodavao (zato što ga ima)
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Staro 06.12.2018., 20:22   #2515
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Nekolicina Intel aktualnih materijala:

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 09.12.2018. u 15:17.
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Staro 12.12.2018., 19:30   #2516
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Going Beyond Gen11: Announcing the XE Discrete Graphics Brand

Ovo je za 2020 god, a za 2019 su nove integruše, navodno i malo jače od gtx 1030
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Staro 12.12.2018., 20:51   #2517
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Having swallowed its pride and started again with 10nm chips, Intel teases features in these 2019-ish processors
"We have humble pie to eat right now, and we're eating it," Murthy Renduchintala, Intel's chief engineering officer, said yesterday.

In 2013, Intel claimed it could produce chips with a 10nm lithography process by 2015, then revised that timetable to 2016, and then late 2017. Then late 2019 at the earliest, or perhaps early 2020 for most system buyers. In mid-2018, Intel limped out a wimpy dual-CPU 10nm Core i3 processor, aimed at low-power Chinese laptops, and codenamed Cannon Lake, mainly so it could say it was shipping some silicon at that node. However, the Cannon Lake family is now effectively dead, and the process engineers have gone back to the drawing board to make their fabrication technology work properly for the mass production of future half-decent 10nm chipsets.

In the second half of 2019 or early 2020, at the request of an unnamed customer (Microsoft - Surface?), Intel expects to launch a multi-core processor that has large and small x86 CPUs, like modern smartphones have four, six or eight beefy Arm-compatible CPUs and the same number of smaller power-efficient cores. Arm calls this big.LITTLE. Intel hopes to produce a 10nm fanless system-on-chip with a set of high-performance cores to take on intensive workloads, and a set of low-power Atom cores to run all other code. This chip will be built out of a 3D packing technology that stacks dies on top of each other to form a system-on-chip. The base 22nm die houses all the I/O, SRAM, and power control circuits, while dies of 10nm compute cores sit on top, along with memory, storage, and any GPUs and other accelerators. This stacking tech, dubbed Foveros, allows Intel to mix and match components and sit them on top of each other to form a system-on-chip.

Intel teased another upcoming 10nm processor, this one codenamed Sunny Cove (individual core microarchitecture - not the chip) which, we're told, will have larger buffers and caches to handle data-heavy workloads, new vector instructions to run more operations, such as AES encryption, bit manipulation, and SHA hashing, in parallel, and similar tweaks and enhancements to reduce information-processing latency. Sunny Cove CPUs will form the basis of next-gen Xeon and Core products. being a 10nm component, this will land some time in the future.
Izvor: The Register i Gamers Nexus
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Staro 12.12.2018., 21:16   #2518
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Pitanje je sad da li je taj Sunny Cove novo ime za ice lake ili tiger lake, jer ne vjerujem da su odbacili te arhitekture, vjerojatno je došlo do rebrandiranja radi marketinških razloga. Ionako se nikad nije znalo što je ice ili tiger lake pod haubom
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Staro 12.12.2018., 21:28   #2519
The Exiled
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Marketing radi svoje, pa je sad naglasak na tim Sunny Cove CPU jezgrama koje su zapravo dio nadolazećih Ice Lake procesora (i popratne arhitekture), a cijela stvar je 10nm Skylake derivat na steroidima.
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Staro 14.12.2018., 09:30   #2520
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Datum registracije: Sep 2007
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I dalje rebrand rebranda ?
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