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Staro 14.08.2017., 12:20   #571
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Staro 14.08.2017., 12:26   #572
Aiden Fierce
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Čisto ak nekog zanima, Vega zasad nije čudo za majn.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 12:31   #573
Manuel Calavera
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Čak to nije toliko strašno koliko izgleda. Oni samo nemaju out of the box ušemitost kao nvidia. Podsjećam da je fury uz undervolt bila na nivou gtx 980 po efikasnosti, a ovoj vegi FE su skinili skoro 100w i još je bolje boostala. Sad dali je to do nedostatka man-houra, vremena...

Lako moguće da ovoj vegi uopće nije potreban +50% power limit ako je na stock overvoltana kao svaki AMD proizvod. Vidjet ćemo, vjerojatno će netko u par dana nakon izlaska napraviti undervolting test
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Staro 14.08.2017., 13:03   #574
..starija garda
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To su govorili i za Polaris... Kako stvari stoje i navi će biti isto to.
Imam osjećaj da je polaris učinkovitiji od vege

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Staro 14.08.2017., 13:26   #575
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mislim da u 15h prestaej silenzio stampa pa tada ocekujte rivjue
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Staro 14.08.2017., 13:32   #576
[ZA DOM]Rino
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mislim da u 15h prestaej silenzio stampa pa tada ocekujte rivjue
Na moju veliku žalost već sad vidim da me pretjerano ne zanimaju...past će najvjerojatnije neka GTX1080 i gotovo

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Staro 14.08.2017., 13:35   #577
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Zesci fail je ova Vega.
Totalni užas.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 14:05   #578
Manuel Calavera
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Na moju veliku žalost već sad vidim da me pretjerano ne zanimaju...past će najvjerojatnije neka GTX1080 i gotovo
Netko je u komentarima onoga linka napisao da bi nvidia mogla dići cijene za gtx 1080 kad ovo čudo izađe

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Imam osjećaj da je polaris učinkovitiji od vege
Bit će rutavo. Praktično jedino što me zanima dali zračna vega 64 ima gori perf/watt od polarisa i fiđija (out of the box postavke)
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Staro 14.08.2017., 14:07   #579
[ZA DOM]Rino
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Netko je u komentarima onoga linka napisao da bi nvidia mogla dići cijene za gtx 1080 kad ovo čudo izađe
Haha s obzirom na moju kurčevu sreću ne bi me čudilo

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Staro 14.08.2017., 14:17   #580
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Ugh, izgleda da ću morati uzeti Coffee Lake + GTX 1080 combo(144Hz competitive rejsing), I hate myself.

Mooožda Vega 56 jer ću ipak imati FreeSync monitor.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:12   #581
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:14   #582
..starija garda
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Ja uzeo fs monitor , al pored rudara osudjen si na starog radeona 380 za soma kuna ili skuplje.. taj freesync je bio jeftin ali prekratko vremena

Generalno se trenutno isplati više 144monitor uz nevidiju za gejming

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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:20   #583
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56 jos koliko toliko, ako cijenom bude konkurentna, bolja je od 1070. Ali 64 je govno na stapicu....
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:23   #584
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Rezultati nisu loši toliko, ali kao što sam rekao - to su postigli tako da overklokaju stock do ibera. oC po pcper 1%, 3% i 7.5% za rx liquid, 64 I 56.

Buka velika. Još revieweri izbjegavaju usporediti sa normalnim karticama nego sa nvidijom referentnima.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:26   #585
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~Fury of the dwarves runs deep.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:39   #586
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V64 mogu odmah otpisati, prodati će manje primjeraka nego FuryX.

V56 djeluje kao dobra kupnja, jača od 1070 (više troši, doduše), idealna za 2K Freesync monitor.

Navodno su Vege grozne za mining (31-35 eth hashrate), tako da bi dostupnost mogla biti solidna u startu.

Također, cijene 1070 napokon idu dole, povraćalo mi se od cijena rabljenih.

Šteta što kasne godinu dana za Nvidiom, mogla je to biti dobra borba.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:41   #587
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U par igra sporija/jednaka od Fury X, negdje skoro dolazi do 1080 Ti... veća zbunjola nego kod Ryzen launch reviewa.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:45   #588
Manuel Calavera
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Zasad pogledao samo V54 kod HU u 25 igara na 1080p, 1440p i 4K, pa mogu reći skroz dobra gpu. Kad bi išla za iste pare kao gtx 1070 IMO bolja kupovina. 75C na 40% fana sa blowerom u nekoj igri, čak i potrošnja OK (on je gledao cijeli sistem), nešto više od 1070/1080, ali manje od 580 i fury x od kojih je jača

Na kraju će sve diktirati cijena i dostupnost.

Idem sad pogledat ove veće 64
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Staro 14.08.2017., 15:55   #589
Duhovit ko duh...
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AMD Radeon RX Vega 64 8 GB link

AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8 GB link
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Staro 14.08.2017., 16:14   #590
Manuel Calavera
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Baš pregledao TPU, imaju 3 kategorije igara od njih cca 25

- gdje su flop (čak ispod gx 1060, fury x, čak ponekad i rx 580), doduše vjerujem da se tu može puno dobit s driverima (neke 3-4 testirane igre)

- gdje su meh - V64 malo ispod 1080, a V54 malo ispod 1070 ili egal

- gdje izgledaju jako dobro - V54 egal ili malo ispred 1080, a 64 vidljivo ispred 1080, skoro na pola puta između 1080-1080Ti. Ova 2 i 3 grupa su negdje skoro polo-pola

V54 izgleda jako dobro kao kod HU. Perf/watt je tu negdje borba sa polarisima ovisno o rezi, s tim da se vidi da iznad voltaža V54 efikasnost krene opadat kod V64 (kod vodene je pretpostavljam još i gore)
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Staro 14.08.2017., 16:20   #591
Premijum AMDebil
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Jako izmješani i zbunjujući rezultati Vjerojatno tu još ima puno posla po optmiziciji drivera, posebno u igrama gdje je V64 slabija od 1070
S druge strane, potrošnja je horror
Zanimljivo da je što se tiče ocjena reviewova dobila relativno dobre ocjene, jel to konačno AMD skužio da treba malo podmazati recenzente koji put
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Staro 14.08.2017., 17:04   #592
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otprilike kao i kod rx4xx/5xx serije, undervolt+power offset...

HBM2 vs. Core Overclocking on RX Vega 56
Writing at the tail-end of back-to-back 22-hour work days – one eye now closed to block the monitor’s light – makes recollection of overclocking steps a challenge, but here’s what we’ve got:

The behavioral outcome of HBM2 vs. core overclocking is going to change based on the application, so these results will not apply evenly across all games. Some are more memory-intensive than others. We are using FireStrike for rapid prototyping. Impact in real-world games will vary heavily, though we do find that most games somewhat follow the behavior of FireStrike, even if the scaling isn’t identical.

Here’s a look at FireStrike 1080 graphics score increments as we overclock the card. Stock, we’re at 18816 points, for an AVG FPS of 90 in GT1. Increasing power target by 50% boosts us to 21188 – no other changes – and our power consumption goes from about 196W to about 300W at the PCIe cables. We’ll talk about power more in a moment. Anyway, that’s a gain of 12.6% performance from the power target offset. That’s not linear to all games, of course, but is significant here.

If we overclock HBM2 and offset the power target, we end up about 3.6% boosted at 950MHz over just the power target offset. That’s not a bad gain from HBM2 only. Overclocking to 980MHz HBM2 and with a 10% offset on core – because manual input didn’t hold – boosts us 6.4% over the power offset with no HBM2 overclock, or nearly 19.6% over stock. The memory overclock and power offset alone get us to 19.2% over stock, and the power offset gets us 12.6% over stock.

The take-away here is that HBM2 overclocking and the power offset are far more important than core overclocking on this very limited version of Vega. Core overclocking isn’t worth it for most users, though we can recommend considering the power offset approach. Naturally, this massively increases power consumption (by 50% -- go figure), but we have a solution for that, too – undervolting. We’ll look at that shortly. We’re completely starved for power up until the 50% offset, and even thereafter. This card is capable of more, but unless an AIB partner makes a custom card without the security check, we’re choked at 300W when the board and GPU can both easily handle 360W.

Still, a 180MHz OC on HBM2 gets it past VFE stock HBM2 speeds (945MHz), so not bad on that front. The performance uplift from an HBM-only approach is noteworthy, and more worth the effort. Core overclocking, in our still-limited and expanding experience, does not seem to impact tests quite as much as HBM+power offset. That said, we’re still experimenting with this card, so it’s not a closed book yet. There may be more to it. We are having trouble pushing beyond 9-10% on the core, though. We managed 10.5% for synthetic tests, but couldn’t get it to hold in games. For this reason, we’re revisiting overclocking at a later date for game benchmarking. Need more time to stabilize the OC.

AMD RX Vega 56 Undervolting
So, then – overclocking was disappointingly limited, might as well try the opposite. Let’s undervolt this thing.

Here’s a chart showing Vega 56 power as measured at the PCIe cables with a current clamp, running 12.3V. In absolute stock configuration and during a half-hour burn-in with FireStrike, the V56 consumes on average about 180W at the PCIe cables, not accounting for the other 28W or so at the PCIe slot. The PCIe slot is primarily responsible for fan power, at 2.4A and 12V – though this isn’t always true, it is on V56.

As for the line denoting a +50% offset, remember what we learned earlier: increasing power target alone can stabilize clocks and improve performance by upwards of 12% in FireStrike. Of course, doing this also increases power and lands us at 270W sustained power consumption at the cables, so it’s a bit of a trade.

When undervolting, we managed to stabilize at 1025mv (allegedly -- software is untrustworthy, and we haven’t probed during undervolting yet) with DPM states 6 & 7 set to a sort of fake “1652MHz.” Note that this creates a clock output of about 1524MHz, because AMD now has a dynamic clock, so 1652 becomes 1524 in reality. Anyway, we’ve dropped from 1200mv to 1025mv, increased the power target, and increased the clock speed overall. The result is here:

The first 300 seconds or so was when we were trying to work with AMD’s software issues, at which point we gave up on WattMan and resorted to Wattool. Doing this made undervolting work better, as seen when the line levels-out at around 210W. Note also that the line is nearly perfectly flat now, meaning that we’ve controlled for fluctuations in power delivery and clock frequency. The result is smoothed-out performance on the whole, while drawing 55W less power than the offset V56, but 30W more than the stock card. Ultimately, we get way better performance overall. This could be tuned to a finer degree, we think, though we stopped there for now.

RX Vega 56 Undervolting Frequency Plot
Let’s look at a frequency chart.

We’re at a higher clock than just the 50% offset – 1524MHz, steady as a sniper, versus 1475MHz. The stock card reports “1300MHz” here, resulting in a 224MHz boost for 30W more power – not a bad trade at all, and there’s plenty more room to play if getting serious about it.

Of course, the frequency numbers partly rely on the software being accurate – but validating with performance seems to align things, and our power numbers are from external tools.

RX Vega 56 Undervolting Temperatures

Finally, here’s a look at temperatures. The fan was left alone for all these tests, so there’s obviously maneuverability for users willing to move speeds around.

With the V56 at +50%, we were at 84C by the end of the test. The stock card and undervolted card both fluctuated around the 74-75C mark. Undervolting gave us more clock speed, a middle-of-the-road power metric, and didn’t impact thermals negatively. That’s a big improvement.
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Staro 14.08.2017., 17:07   #593
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Za mjesec dana će se dobiti realna slika odnosa u igrama. A što se potrošnje tiče, nije toliko problem koliko je zagrijavanje. Ionako svi imaju 700+ W gold napajanja

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Staro 14.08.2017., 17:14   #594
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Za mjesec dana će se dobiti realna slika odnosa u igrama. A što se potrošnje tiče, nije toliko problem koliko je zagrijavanje. Ionako svi imaju 700+ W gold napajanja

na V56 cak ni zagrijavanje nije problem uzevsi u obzir da se radi ref.cooler.

driveri su izgleda zbrda zdola, drzi se amd svoje tradicije, to uopce nije upitno

kao sto si rekao, za mjesec dva ce biti realnija slika kad se popegla software i driveri. zanima me sto je sa tile based rasterizerom nakraju
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Staro 14.08.2017., 17:27   #595
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E sad da nema majnanja, ovo bi bilo jako zanimljiv kraj ljeta/početak jeseni, kao onda kad smo imali R9 vs GTX970/980. tad je kartica bilo ko dreka i baš je bio lijepi hype čak i lani GTX 1060 vs RX480...

Ovo je sad nekako meh...

Prvo, Vega kasni barem godinu dana. Drugo, dostupnost joj je ovog momenta vjerojatno nikakva. Treće, kad se nereferentne kartice pojave, pobrati će ih mineri ili će cijene biti astronomske pa će se kupovati GTX1080 koji sada ima ko pljeve i za OK pare.

Inače, sve najbolje želim Vega seriji. Ko zna, možda budu po 2500 soma za kojih godinu dana u CaseKingu, kao onomad Fury

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Staro 14.08.2017., 17:38   #596
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ima na alzi preorder vege 64 za 599 ojreka
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Staro 14.08.2017., 18:04   #597
Manuel Calavera
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Mislim da će biti isto kao sa RX 480 referentnim. Čmrljava dostupnost tokom 8 mjeseca, onda u 9 mjesecu kreću AiB modeli, kroz 5-6 drivera odnosno cca 2 mjeseca od launcha će se vjerojatno i perf. boostat cca 10% +/-, kao što reče i Stevo iz HU

E sad kakav će utjecaj na dostupnost i cijene vege imati rudari nemam pojma. Uglavnom launch je kao očekivan. Zapravo mislio sam da će biti i gore temperature sa tim blowerima
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Staro 14.08.2017., 18:09   #598
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/ Ko zna, možda budu po 2500 soma za kojih godinu dana u CaseKingu, kao onomad Fury

Rijeci ti se pozlatile, za te pare odma 56icu uzimam
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Staro 14.08.2017., 19:07   #599
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Huh, ČABE . Malo su prećerali...
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Staro 14.08.2017., 19:29   #600
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4800... pa i nisu. Bude to išlo dolje kroz koji mjesec.

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