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Staro 12.10.2010., 02:26   #1
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FinalWire AIDA64

Nasljednik popularnog Everesta, čiji je support, odnosno razvoj prekinut, a nastavljen od strane autora famozne AIDA32 aplikacije za nadzor i dijagnostiku računala.

Pa evo i par službenih informacija:

FinalWire Ltd. today announced the immediate availability of AIDA64 Extreme Edition 1.00 software, a streamlined diagnostic and benchmarking tool for home users; and the immediate availability of AIDA64 Business Edition 1.00 software, an essential network management solution for small and medium scale enterprises.

As a descendant of the award-winning AIDA16 and AIDA32 software, and the successor to the widely popular diagnostic utility Lavalys EVEREST, the brand new AIDA64 version leaps forward into the next decade by introducing a collection of 64-bit processor and memory benchmarks, an enhanced 64-bit system stress test module, and a further expanded hardware database.

"After the splitting up of Lavalys, we at FinalWire are happy to continue our efforts of delivering a dependable monitoring software to our faithful users" said Tamas Miklos, managing director of FinalWire. "Since the introduction of our first diagnostic utility ASMDEMO in 1995, we have built a passionate community of hobby users, hardware enthusiasts, and professional overclockers. Using the valuable feedback we have collected from them in the past few years, we have created a software for the new decade of 64-bit multi-core systems."
New and enhanced benchmarks

Besides introducing 64-bit variants of its proven memory and processor benchmark methods, AIDA64 implements an optimized ZLib data compression benchmark and an enhanced set of fractal computational floating-point benchmarks. It also adds a new CPU benchmark method to determine cryptographic hash value calculation performance. All AIDA64 processor benchmarks are now fully ported to 64-bit, scale up to 32 processor cores, and utilize MMX, 3DNow! and SSE instructions to unlock the full potential of modern multi-core Intel and AMD processors.
Solid-state drive support

AIDA64 further extends its exhaustive hardware database by adding 300 solid-state drives (SSD), making the database count over 115,000 entries total. On top of the usual ATA auto-detect information the new SSD database enables AIDA64 to display flash memory type, controller model, physical dimensions, and data transfer performance data. The new AIDA64 version also implements SSD-specific SMART disk health information for Indilinx, Intel, JMicron, Samsung, and SandForce controllers.
Improved stress testing, alerting and hardware monitoring features

The popular System Stability Test module is now ported to 64-bit to put the most demanding workload on both the system memory and all available CPU cores. Overheating, over-voltage, and cooling fan alerts are now fine-tunable with alert sound and emergency application launch. The real-time hardware monitoring module was further improved by adding Intel QST 2.0, Koolance TMS-200, and DIMM thermal sensor device support.
Upgrading from EVEREST

FinalWire provide free upgrade path for EVEREST customers until October 20, 2010. For terms and conditions, visit
Pricing and Availability

AIDA64 Extreme Edition and AIDA64 Business Edition are available now at Additional information on product features, system requirements, and language versions is available at Join our Discussion Forum at
About FinalWire

FinalWire is the global leader in the development of diagnostic and network management software products for Windows based computers. For more information, visit
Za one koje zanimaju detalji oko prekida Everesta i paljenja projekta AIDA64, neka pročitaju ovu temu na XS-u. Dakle u suštini radi se o Everestu čiji će support biti nastavljen od strane originalnog autora uz neke novine po pitanju benchmarkinga i stress testova ugrađenih unutar programa.

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Staro 12.10.2010., 08:42   #2
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Pa što nije prvotno bila Aida iz koje se izrodio Everest? ako se dobro sjećam, ja sam još tamo negdje 2002. imao AIDA-u na računalu jer nisam znao koja zuvčna je na ploči. nakon, mislim da 3.9 verzije je došao everest home edition kao freeware.
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Staro 12.10.2010., 09:38   #3
John Creasy
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Pa što nije prvotno bila Aida iz koje se izrodio Everest? ako se dobro sjećam, ja sam još tamo negdje 2002. imao AIDA-u na računalu jer nisam znao koja zuvčna je na ploči. nakon, mislim da 3.9 verzije je došao everest home edition kao freeware.

Pa bila je prvo AIDA, pa je onda nastao Everest.. Te kao što se govori, Lavalys ("distributer" Everesta) je nešto opako sjebo, tako da je glavni developer otkazao suradnju sa Lavalysom.. Iz toga je nastala AIDA64, koja će zamjeniti Everest..
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Staro 12.01.2011., 09:13   #4
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AIDA64 Extreme Edition v1.50.1219 Beta

* Preferences / HW Monitoring / new option: disk temp poll freq
* HW Monitoring / serial number indicator for similar drive models
* improved RAID member enumeration for JMicron RAID controllers
* SPD memory information for ECS 7AT-3L motherboard
* sensor support for Dell SMI of Vostro V130
* improved fan RPM measurement on Asus P7H55, P7P55 Series
* motherboard specific sensor info for Gigabyte H67A, H67M Series
* motherboard specific sensor info for Gigabyte P67A, PH67 Series
* fixed: slow startup on nVIDIA RAID controllers
* fixed: GPU temperature measurement on Zotac 8800GT
* fixed: motherboard specific sensor info for ASRock 890FX Deluxe3
* fixed: motherboard specific sensor info for ASRock 890FX Deluxe4
* fixed: motherboard specific sensor info for Intel DB65, DH61, DH67, DP67, DQ67 Series
Need a Gigabyte latest BIOS?
GA-P67A-UD7 (B3-F3h), Core i7-2600K @ 5.1 GHz
G.Skill F3-17600CL8D-4GBPS @ 2133 (8-9-8-24-CR2)
G.Skill F3-17000CL8D-4GBXMD @ 2133 (7-9-7-20-CR1)
Evga GTS 450SC,WD Caviar Black SATA3 1TB HDD,
Corsair Hydro-H50 (MX-2)
Gigabyte Superb 720W,Windows 7 SP1
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Staro 15.01.2011., 13:17   #5
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AIDA64 Extreme Edition v1.50.1224 Beta

* Hardware Monitoring / new items: VCCIO, VCCSA voltages
* Koolance sensor support via shared memory
* motherboard specific sensor info for Asus P8P67 Series
* improved motherboard specific sensor info for ASRock boards
* GPU information for nVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti (GF114)
* CHiL CHL8266 GPU sensor support is limited to GF100+ now
* fixed: sensor support for Nuvoton NCT677xF sensor chips
* fixed: motherboard specific sensor info for Asus Sabertooth X58
Need a Gigabyte latest BIOS?
GA-P67A-UD7 (B3-F3h), Core i7-2600K @ 5.1 GHz
G.Skill F3-17600CL8D-4GBPS @ 2133 (8-9-8-24-CR2)
G.Skill F3-17000CL8D-4GBXMD @ 2133 (7-9-7-20-CR1)
Evga GTS 450SC,WD Caviar Black SATA3 1TB HDD,
Corsair Hydro-H50 (MX-2)
Gigabyte Superb 720W,Windows 7 SP1
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Staro 19.02.2011., 04:13   #6
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Datum registracije: Nov 2008
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AIDA64 v1.60.1300

Support for AMD Fusion “Ontario” and “Zacate” APUs
Improved support for Intel “Sandy Bridge” processors
Further optimized 64-bit AVX-accelerated fractal and security benchmarks
Support for PCI Express 3.0 controllers and devices
GPU details for AMD Radeon HD 6xxx and nVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Enhanced support for AMD and JMicron RAID controllers
Need a Gigabyte latest BIOS?
GA-P67A-UD7 (B3-F3h), Core i7-2600K @ 5.1 GHz
G.Skill F3-17600CL8D-4GBPS @ 2133 (8-9-8-24-CR2)
G.Skill F3-17000CL8D-4GBXMD @ 2133 (7-9-7-20-CR1)
Evga GTS 450SC,WD Caviar Black SATA3 1TB HDD,
Corsair Hydro-H50 (MX-2)
Gigabyte Superb 720W,Windows 7 SP1
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Staro 14.05.2022., 18:50   #7
dbL's Avatar
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Nisam htio otvarati novu temu za aidu pa cu ovdje, mod neka prebaci ako je potrebno...

Dakle jel netko od vas koristi vanjski display, mobitel ili tablet za prikazivanje raznih senzora sa vaseg racunala, kao sto neki stavljaju i na kucista, tipa cpu temp, load, ram itd.

Ja sam koristio AIDA64 remote sensor koji mozete naci u preferences>lcd i kreirati vlastiti panel sa zeljenim senzorima i raznim drugim stvarima. U biti iskoristio sam stari tablet za koji nema niti kod proizvodjaca touchscreen za naruciti a meni je neispravan, dok tablet normalno radi sa misem.
Dakle lokalno hostate jednostavnu web stranicu koju onda otvorite u browseru na tabletu u fullscreenu, osim toga sam stavio always on i da se negasi display, max brightnes, aida64 start with windows minimized.

tablet mora biti spojen na istu lokalnu mrezu (wifi)
Evo verzija 01 koja je ruglo naspram kakvih predlozaka ima na njihovom forumu ali nema linkova uglavnom, pa ako imate svoj mogli bi sherati

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