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Staro 04.11.2022., 20:30   #511
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Staro 14.09.2023., 20:31   #512
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Staro 04.10.2023., 23:42   #513
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skuzio da scythe ashura nema mounting kit za AM4 (trenutno na intel 1151 ploci).

jel netko od vas slao zahtjev za doticni scytheu i uspio to dobit ko sto je navedeno.

stvarno ce mi razvalit budget ako sad i cpu cooler budemo morali uzimati .

P.S. ak neko ima slucajno kit doticni za prodaju...

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Staro 05.10.2023., 21:05   #514
The Exiled
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Da, trebalo bi biti OK, ako naručiš direktno od Scythea, meni je uredno prošlo za Kotetsu kad mi je trebal AM4 kit za prvi Ryzen 5 1600 + B350 ploču, a isto sam ko i ti prelazil s Intela.

Mislim da je tokom ovih godina bilo još takvih upita, a bome je UziShop svojevremeno nudil nabavu tih mounting kitova, pa moreš provjeriti, ako još uvijek nude tu opciju.
AMD Ryzen 9 9950X | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Seasonic GX-750
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x12TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 05.10.2023., 21:51   #515
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provjerim uzi nakon sto vidim sta ce ovi odgovorit jer sam im poslao jucer upit. nadam se da ce mi poslat. dosta je star cooler pa ono. zato mi nije zao da sam za main cooler isao na noctua-u. kupio sam je kad sam slagao i5 2500k i eto jos je u upotrebi na AM4 jer su mi poslali.

btw ak neko zna jel to slanje/upgrejdanje kit-ova za noctua-u vrijedi za sve njihove coolere il je to samo za top model? jer ak je za sve mozda se i isplati uzet neki "normalni" cooler od njih pa si na miru sljedecih 10ak g il vise.

"normalni" tipa tower sa fan-om kao windale 4 il ashura ili onaj hyper 212 il kak se zval vec.
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Staro 05.10.2023., 22:26   #516
Split resist itself!
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Autor geronimo_2 Pregled postova
"normalni" tipa tower sa fan-om kao windale 4 il ashura ili onaj hyper 212 il kak se zval vec.
ili LC-CC 120 za sitniš

Pomelo mi sig -.-
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Staro 05.10.2023., 22:36   #517
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nadam se da nece bit potrebno i da cu rjesit ovu ashura-u jer cooler je prilicno dobar.
nije bas sitnis, jer vec smo debelo overbudget. sa ajmo upgrejdat samo gpu (do cca 300€) i dodat 1 SSD (cca 30€) smo dosli na "ipak bi trebalo i mbo/cpu" pa sad jos i ovo...
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Staro 20.02.2024., 21:41   #518
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: demetrius. 20.02.2024. u 22:03.
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Staro 03.03.2024., 19:22   #519
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Staro 05.03.2024., 00:02   #520
Nikad sit, uvijek žedan
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Deda Thermalright se vraća na stare staze Šteta što ih više praktički nema u EU otkad je propao diler.
Mislim da ih je kod nas Links uvozio.
Sent from AS/400.
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Staro 05.03.2024., 11:21   #521
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Ja kupovao prošle godine njihove modele s, izgleda da imaju neki svoj shop, a ima i nezavisnih sellera. Izbor je malo ograničen, ali daju se naći aktualni modeli.
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Staro 17.03.2024., 08:01   #522
suedamA obmaR
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Frezzer 36 na lipoj promociji, jel ima kakvih skrivenih troskova na posti
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Staro 17.03.2024., 17:33   #523
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Frezzer 36 na lipoj promociji, jel ima kakvih skrivenih troskova na posti
Kakvih skrivenih troškova? Njemačka firma, šalje iz Njemačke. Shipping:
Shipping costs within Europe are currently a standard rate of €5.99 due to the 23 years promotion.
PSN Steam
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Staro 20.03.2024., 18:14   #524
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Staro 21.03.2024., 21:29   #525
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: demetrius. 22.03.2024. u 21:24.
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Staro 02.07.2024., 23:23   #526
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Staro 02.07.2024., 23:35   #527
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Bas me zanima usporedba s thermalrightovim coolerima.
Ali cijena je paprena od 150e.

Steta da ce se morat cekat jos koju godinu da izbace crni.

Poslano sa mog SM-S908B koristeći Tapatalk
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Staro 03.07.2024., 20:26   #528
The Exiled
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AMD Ryzen 9 9950X | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Seasonic GX-750
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x12TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 07.07.2024., 21:50   #529
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Staro 16.07.2024., 22:05   #530
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Noctua Response to NH-D15 G2 Rattling (Shipping issue / Refund or Mitigation solution Available)

First of all thank you very much for choosing our NH-D15 G2. We’re sorry to hear that you have encountered an issue with your unit. We’re still in the process of conducting a thorough analysis, but our preliminary suspicion is that you have received a heatsink where the interlocking of the top fin has loosened a bit, probably in shipping. In this case, the airflow of the fans can cause the fin to vibrate, which may result in slight rattling sounds. From our measurement, the acoustic impact of this is very small (<0.5dB(A)).

However, we fully understand that this is frustrating and we’re working hard to provide a solution to customers who are affected by this as soon as possible. As a temporary mitigation, we would recommend either putting a piece of tape to the side of the fins (where they interlock) or inserting a small piece of plastic or foam with ~1.8mm thickness between the top fin and second fin. Both measures should prevent the top fin from moving and thereby eliminate the sounds you hear.

As we’ve said, we fully understand that this is frustrating for you and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience, so in case you don’t want to use these temporary mitigations until we can provide a customised solution, we can also offer you to return the cooler to us for a full refund. For both options, please contact us at Since we cannot rule out that the issue would occur again in transit, we cannot replace the heatsink at this stage.
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Staro 26.01.2025., 22:22   #531
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