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Staro 07.10.2009., 23:08   #31
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sto se tice voltaze, evga voltage tuner i vozi
imam stariju krekanu verziju koja radi na mojoj bfg 260ki, korisno za malo veci oc, al samo benchmark, ne 24/7 setup

sad skinuo sa guru3d zadnju verziju,samo trebat patch stavit da bi radio na ne evga karticama,2V max voltaža.
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Staro 07.10.2009., 23:20   #32
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Patch, kojeg nema još od prve verzije EVGA-inog Voltage Tunera...tako da ti to pada u vodu.
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Staro 08.10.2009., 16:56   #33
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ne pratim te??što želiš reć,da ako podiežm voltažu uvjek će vraćat na početnu s tim patchom??
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Staro 13.10.2009., 19:52   #34
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Staro 14.11.2009., 01:26   #35
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Afterburner v.1.4.0 (2009-11-11)

Version History
Afterburner v.1.4.0 (2009-11-11)

Added initial AMD RADEON HD 5970 series graphics cards support

Added voltage control for cost down reference design AMD RADEON HD 4870 series graphics cards with L6788A voltage regulators

Added voltage control for custom design MSI R4770 Cyclone graphics cards series with uP6204 voltage regulators

Ineffective and slow temperature, clock, GPU usage and fan speed monitoring implementation provided by native AMD's ADL SDK has been replaced with own more effective low-level codepath. Due to new codepath hardware monitoring related CPU performance hit has been reduced drastically on the systems with AMD graphics cards and drivers.

On-Screen Display and Logitech LCD monitoring modules no longer explicitly read displayed data from hardware and retrieve cached data from monitoring graphs instead. Due to this change CPU performance hit is reduced when OSD or LCD monitoring features are enabled.

Fan speed slider position and numeric fan speed input field are now being refreshed in automatic fan speed mode only when MSI Afterburner window is active.

Added configuration file switch allowing power users to unlock unofficial overclocking codepath in AMD display drivers (similar to AMDGPUClockTool, ATITool and RivaTuner overclocking implementation on AMD graphics cards).
Unlike AMD's official ADL SDK overclocking ways, unofficial ones are not limited with CCC clock limit but have some alternate disadvantages (e.g. PowerPlay support limitation).
Please take a note that unofficial overclocking methods are not supported either by AMD or by MSI, so unlock and use it at your own risk.

Now it is possible to toggle performance profiler status info visibility in hardware monitor window via [Show status] option in the context menu.

Fixed L6788A database entry for AMD RADEON HD 4770 series graphics cards
GPU voltage monitoring feature is now locked and not available by default.
Unfortunately some inexperienced users don't understand the risk of running multiple tools accessing voltage regulator at the same time and tend to use helper voltage monitoring features in everyday hardware monitoring sessions in conjunction with third party VRM monitoring tools, intensively writing data to VRM and periodically causing it to enter wrong state due to write collision. Unfortunately such issues are wrongly treated by certain users as instability of our product. To prevent such rumors, since this version voltage monitoring feature is no longer available to beginners by default.

Experienced users understanding these specifics and accepting these risks may unlock voltage monitoring features via new safety option in [General]tab
AMD RV8xx I2C microcontroller is now being forcibly reset prior to starting new I2C transaction to minimize the risk of I2C collisions with third party tool without I2C synchronization protocol support (e.g. AMDGPUClockTool)
Added safety option allowing users to disable voltage control feature if it is not needed

Now Afterburner forcibly changes memory clock for all performance levels at once on AMD graphics cards with equal default memory clocks defined for all performance levels to bypass flickering issue caused by incorrect PowerPlay dynamic memory clock changing implementation on some cards

Added Catalyst driver family version detection for AMD graphics cards

Added option to display system time in the On-Screen Display

Added red and blue editions of default skin

Various minor user interface and skin tweaks

Added configuration file switches allowing power users to tweak Afterburner startup process and define startup delay or force the startup to be handled by Windows Vista / Windows 7 Task Scheduler to bypass UAC evaluation window (additional Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries installation is required for task scheduler based startup way)

MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.6.0. New server provides improved desktop windows notification mechanism and also features optional power user oriented task scheduler based startup way

Added skin format reference documentation. Now third party skin designers may use this local offline documentation to create their own skins for MSI Afterburner. Official MSI Afterburner skin creation contest is approaching!
Do you feel that you can design nice skins for MSI Afterburner? Stay tuned and don't miss your chance to win the prize!

Phenom X4 9850 BE&OCZ Gladiator MAX/DFI 790FXB-M2RSH/2x1GB SuperTaljent CL4/Sapphire 5850&AVerTV Hybrid Speedy/WD 320GB/Bare 120GB/500GB/Zamzung F3 1TB/Zamzung SE-S184/Corsair TX650W/Zamzung 205BW/TerraTec SiXPack 5.1+/Klipsch ProMedia 2.1

Amiga 1200 HD/DELL externi floppy :-)/Commodore 1084S
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Staro 28.11.2009., 22:32   #36
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Afterburner v.1.4.1

Fix incorrect database entry of MSI N240GT D3 series

Phenom X4 9850 BE&OCZ Gladiator MAX/DFI 790FXB-M2RSH/2x1GB SuperTaljent CL4/Sapphire 5850&AVerTV Hybrid Speedy/WD 320GB/Bare 120GB/500GB/Zamzung F3 1TB/Zamzung SE-S184/Corsair TX650W/Zamzung 205BW/TerraTec SiXPack 5.1+/Klipsch ProMedia 2.1

Amiga 1200 HD/DELL externi floppy :-)/Commodore 1084S
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Staro 29.11.2009., 20:17   #37
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Jel postoji kakva caka da se na 4850 da podizati voltaža sa afterburnerom?
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Staro 11.02.2010., 01:57   #38
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MSI Afterburner 1.5.0 Final Released

MSI is happy to release Afterburner 1.5.0. Staring from revision 1.4.0, we add TONS of features. There is NO doubt that Afterburner is most powerful graphics card utility from any AIB manufacturer. Below is some key feature highlights and changes:

* More over-voltage support: We add more and more SKU supporting over-voltage function. In our plan, MSI N240 and R5570 series above will support this exclusive function. You want higher performance, buy MSI!
* Kombustor: We add a standalone benchmark tool "Kombustor" as part of Afterburner. Now you can overclock, monitor and benchmark is one tool!

* Added video memory usage monitoring for NVIDIA graphics cards under Forceware 185.xx and newer drivers
* Added GPU usage monitoring for NVIDIA GT2xx and newer graphics cards under Forceware 185.xx and newer drivers
* Added VGA BIOS version detection for AMD graphics cards
* Added optional ability to display hint messages in hardware monitoring window area. The messages notify the user about runtime profile management activity (such as profile creation, removal or applying) and other application events
* Minor appearance tweaks in default skins
* Added compact versions of default skins (default green, red and blue editions)
* Now advanced MSI Afterburner properties also support floating tooltip based context help system similar to the main application window
* Now MSI Afterburner supports RivaTuner's user extendable localization system. Currently localization system includes default English, Russian, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Dutch language packs and affects context help system and non-skinned advanced properties interface. Similar to RivaTuner you can also create your own language packs for your native language and share your work with MSI Afterburner users community!
* Improved skin format. Now skinned fonts support characters remapping feature. All skins supplied with MSI Afterburner are using this feature, third party skin designers may decompile and peek into these skins to see an example of new feature usage
* Now hardware monitoring window font size can be redefined via the skin, third party skin designers may decompile and peek into compact versions of default skins to see an example of new feature usage
* Skin format reference documentation has been updated to v1.1 to reflect the format improvements mentioned above
* Added shared memory interface allowing any third party applications to access MSI Afterburner hardware monitoring statistics. The interface is intended for future MSI Afterburner Vista / Windows 7 sidebar gadgets, however, the shared memory layout is publicly open so third party developers can use it to access MSI Afterburner hardware monitoring statistics from their own applications. The SDK included in MSI Afterburner distributive contains open source sample demonstrating the access to shared memory from a third party application
* Added command line switches for forcing MSI Afterburner to be minimized to the system tray area on startup or during runtime and for opening desired advanced MSI Afterburner properties tab. The switches are intended for interraction with future MSI Afterburner Vista / Windows 7 sidebar gadgets. Sample code included in the SDK also shows you how to detect, start and minimize installed MSI Afterburner, how to open desired tab in advanced properties and how to use MSI Afterburner profiles from third party applications
* Reduced runtime skin engine memory footprint due to dynamic skin storage unloading
* Startup settings are now displayed next to the button
* Added button for locking profiles modification
* Now voltage control is also locked by default in safety options in advanced MSI Afterburner properties
* Added AccessibilityCheckingPeriod configuration file switch for improving the compatibility with AMD ULPS power saving technology on Crossfire systems. The switch allows low-level monitoring module to use AMD driver API to check GPU accessibility and detect and display GPU sleep state properly. Please take a note that AMD API implementation is ineffective and hardly suits to realtime monitoring due to high CPU stress resulting in periodic stuttering in games. That is why the compatibility switch is disabled by default, enable it only if you absolutely need to see slave GPU sleep state on the graphs and accept side effects like performance drop and stuttering resulting from ineffective AMD API implementation
* Added NVIDIA GT240M PCI DeviceID range to the core to provide more efficient hardware monitoring via low-level core on mobile NVIDIA GT240 based systems (bonus feature, official mobile systems support is still not declared)
* Graph limits are now adjustable in the graph properties in tab
* Added AMD RV810 graphics processors family supports
* Added voltage control for custom design MSI R5670 1GB series graphics cards with uP6262 voltage regulators
* Added voltage control for custom design MSI R5870 Lightning series graphics cards with uP6266 voltage regulators
* Added voltage control for custom design MSI R5870 Twin Frozr II series graphics cards with uP6266 voltage regulators
* Added voltage control for custom design MSI R5850 Twin Frozr II series graphics cards with uP6266 voltage regulators
* Added integration with external MSI Kombustor stability testing application
* Added workaround for overclocking bug of ForceWare 196.21. Please take a note that the workaround is applied only to 196.00 - 196.21 driver versions range in order to ensure compatibility with future fixed NVIDIA drivers.
* Now hardware database includes marketing names of MSI graphics cards so MSI Afterburner displays marketing names instead of generic graphics card model names when possible

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Staro 21.03.2010., 04:52   #39
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MSI Afterburner v1.5.1

*Added voltage control of MSI R5830 Twin Frozr II series.
*Added voltage control of MSI R5670-PD1G series.
*Fixed voltage control of MSI R5870 Lightning and R5870/R5850 Twin Frozr II
*Fixed description of R5670 1GB series
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Staro 30.03.2010., 00:16   #40
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Afterburner 1.6.0 Beta 1 + Kombustor 1.02

[Changelog] Afterburner 1.6.0 Beta 1
- Added initial NVIDIA GeForce GTX 400 series graphics cards support
- Added basic screen capture support by means of built-in screen capture engine of MSI On-Screen Display server. Now it is possible to assign the hotkey for capturing screenshots in BMP, PNG or JPG formats in DirectX applications and in BMP format on desktop or in OpenGL applications
- Added hardware monitoring history logging support. Now MSI Afterburner is able to save history in native RivaTuner Hardware Monitoring Log file format. The log files captured with MSI Afterburner can be viewed in any text editor like Notepad or in graphics form in RivaTuner's HML file viewer (RivaTuner must be installed for viewing log files in graphics form)
- Added new safety option allowing forcring constant voltage on some cards with voltage regulators supporting programmable dynamic voltage management (e.g. VT1165 or uP6266). New safety option may improve stability on some systems as well as provide power state independent voltage control on the systems with non-standard voltage control implementation
- MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.7.0. New server gives you a lot of improvements including:
- Stealth mode automatic disabling feature. Now the server is able to disable
stealth mode automatically if incompatible application like FRAPS is active.
You no longer need to disable stealth mode manually if you need to run the
server simultaneously with FRAPS, but keep in mind that stealth technologies will not be active in this case
- DirectX11 On-Screen Display and screen capture support
- Screen capture support for DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications using
multisampled antialiasing or non-standard frame buffer formats (e.g. sRGB)
- Optional On-Screen Display 3D rendering mode. New mode uses 3D accelerated DirectX functions to emulate previously used 2D framebuffer access function and render 2D text. New rendering mode provides On-Screen Display support in DirectX10 and DirectX11 applications using multisampled antialiasing and can also drastically reduce OSD related performance hit on the systems with badly optimized 2D acceleration in display drivers
- Now screenshot file extension is forcibly set to BMP if JPG or PNG screen capture is requested on desktop or in OpenGL application
- Simplified On-Screen Display coordinate space settings. Rarely used desktop and window coordinate space modes have been merged into single framebuffer coordinate space mode
- Now the server automatically selects framebuffer coordinate space instead
of viewport coordinate space when viewport is not accessible (e.g. if pure Direct3D8 device is in use)
- Improved application notification scheme during runtime profiles adjustment. Now runtime changes in OSD application profiles (e.g. OSD zoom ratio change on the fly) are reflected in affedted application almost immedaitely instead of approximately 1 second delay in the previos versions
- Reduced runtime skin engine memory footprint due to dynamic skin storage
- Updated profiles list
- Now MSI Afterburner distributive includes original 128x128 PNG application
logo (stored in .\Graphics folder) for dockbar applications like RocketDock
or ObjectDock
- It is no longer necessary to close the application to save monitoring window
attachment state
- Added Ukrainian localization

A few important notes on initial GTX 400 series support:

- It is no longer possible to adjust core and shader clocks independently on GTX 400 series. Shader clock is the primary and the only controlable GPU clock for this NVIDIA GPU architecture, the rest parts of core are clocked @ half of shader clock (1/2 ratio is hardwired). So you will have only shader clock slider unlocked on GF100 GPUs, core clock slider is no longer available on these cards. That is by design and must be so.
- It is no longet possible to downclock memory for 3D mode. So the minimum limit for memory clock matches with default 3D clock. It is also by design and must be so.
- Currently available public GF100 drivers have open issue with fixed fan control mode on GTX 400 series: once you enable fixed fan control mode, it is impossible to switch fan control back to default automatic fan speed mode. Reboot is required to restore automatic fan control mode. NVIDA are aware about issue and the fix is already available in new drivers (not available to public yet). So keep it in mind and in meanwhile don't forget to reboot the system to resotre automatic fan control mode if you play with fixed fan control mode in any tool. Alternately, just enable Afterburner's software automatic fan speed mode. It will do the job instead of NV driver until the fix is available.
- Voltage control for GTX 400 series in not implemented yet.

[Changelog] Kombustor 1.02
! Change: Xtreme burning mode displays a warning message (high power draw can cause instability).
! Change: GPU indices inversion to match Afterburner indices.
* Bugfix: in OpenGL 3 rendering, the instructions for use were wrong
* Bugfix: in clocks display (core, memory and shader) for NVIDIA boards.

Phenom X4 9850 BE&OCZ Gladiator MAX/DFI 790FXB-M2RSH/2x1GB SuperTaljent CL4/Sapphire 5850&AVerTV Hybrid Speedy/WD 320GB/Bare 120GB/500GB/Zamzung F3 1TB/Zamzung SE-S184/Corsair TX650W/Zamzung 205BW/TerraTec SiXPack 5.1+/Klipsch ProMedia 2.1

Amiga 1200 HD/DELL externi floppy :-)/Commodore 1084S
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Staro 17.08.2010., 16:49   #41
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Afreburner 2.0.0 Beta 6

Zadnja verzija Afterburnera koja otključava voltage control na gtx460 i sad je moguće downvoltat grafu. Sa minimalnim povećanjem grafa ide preko 900mhz.
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Staro 04.09.2010., 22:48   #42
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Afterburner 2.0.0 (2010-09-02)

Voltage control layer has been seriously revamped to give additional freedom to extreme overclockers with new custom design MSI graphics cards. Now MSI Afterburner is able to control up to 3 voltages on custom design MSI Fermi and other future custom design MSI graphics cards. New adjustable voltages include memory voltage and special multi-purpose auxiliary voltage feeding either memory bus (also known as VDDCI on AMD graphics cards) or PCIE bus and crystal (PEXVDD on NVIDIA graphics cards)
Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N480GTX Lighning series graphics cards with uP6225+uP6262 voltage regulators
Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N470GTX Twin Frozr II OV3 series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N460GTX Hawk series graphics cards with uP6262 voltage regulators
Added core voltage control for custom design MSI N460GTX Cyclone series graphics cards
Added auxiliary VDDCI voltage control for reference design AMD RADEON HD 5870 series graphics cards
Added fan tachometer monitoring for NVIDIA graphics cards. Please take a note that not all graphics cards are tachometer reading capable. So depending on graphics card and cooling system fan tachometer monitoring can be unavailable
Optimized NVIDIA driver-level clock frequency monitoring codepath
Minimum clock limits for all graphics cards have been reduced from 75% to 50%
Dynamic overclocking, voltage and fan speed limits. MSI Afterburner no longer uses static slider limits calibration and adjusts the limits dynamically when some external factors affect it (e.g. Overdrive clock limits on AMD cards or VGA BIOS fan speed and voltage limits on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 400 cards)
New temperature hysteresis settings for software automatic fan control mode gives you additional way to improve cooling system thermal and acoustic parameters
Now fan speed limits (i.e. minimum and maximum fan speeds accepted by VGA BIOS and display driver) are displayed in custom fan speed curve editor window
Built-in skin sizes have been reduced due to optimized internal skin panels representation and optimized compiled bitmap cache
Optional skin compression ability in the built-in skin compiler. Skin format reference documentation has been updated to document new compression options
Minor built-in skins appearance tweaks
Now MSI Afterburner uses previously undocumented power user oriented startup mode via the task scheduler under Windows Vista / Windows 7. MSI Afterburner launch no longer requires UAC confirmation at Windows startup. Please take a note that Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 runtime libraries must be installed to get new startup mode working
Now MSI Afterburner automatically fixes startup link if [Start with Windows] or [Apply overclocking at system startup] is enabled but the registry or task scheduler startup entry is missing
Startup profile is now displayed in [Apply at Windows startup] option floating tooltip instead of the main window
Now power users can enable optional DirectInput based hotkeys handler via the configuration file. DirectInput based hotkeys processing can seriously reduces hotkey response time in the applications heavily loading CPU (mostly 3D games) and leaving not enough time for processing standard keyboard input message queues. Please take a note that enabling such sophisticated hotkeys handling mode can cause some system security applications (e.g. pro-active application behavior analysis module of KIS) to warn you about possible keylogging threat
Improved skin engine, now skinned controls support horizontal and/or vertical centering. Skin format reference guide has been updated to document these new alignment modes
MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 3.7.2. New version gives you the following improvements:
Now screen capture events are identified visually by text message flashing in On-Screen Display during 0.25s
Built-in skin sizes have been reduced due to optimized compiled bitmap cache
Added On-Screen Display profile for Startcraft II : Wings of Liberty
Added configuration file switch allowing sending MSI Afterburner to system tray instead of closing on button click
[Start the task only when computer is running on AC power] option is no longer set in the startup task settings to allow automatically starting application via the task scheduler on laptops or on some UPS models
Added optional data filtering mode for all hardware monitoring graphs. Now it is possible to enable special math data filtering algorithm independently for each hardware monitoring graph to reject misreading spikes caused by sensor access conflicts when running multiple hardware monitoring tools at the same time
Now it is posssible to use both core and shader clock as the primary clock when adjust the clocks in linked mode
Fixed videomemory usage monitoring for non-primary NVIDIA graphics cards
Application restart is no longer required to apply new user interface language
Updated localization engine. Now floating tooltips based context help system supports macro definitions
Localization reference guide documentation has been updated to v1.1
Various typo fixes in different language packs
Added Korean localization

Phenom X4 9850 BE&OCZ Gladiator MAX/DFI 790FXB-M2RSH/2x1GB SuperTaljent CL4/Sapphire 5850&AVerTV Hybrid Speedy/WD 320GB/Bare 120GB/500GB/Zamzung F3 1TB/Zamzung SE-S184/Corsair TX650W/Zamzung 205BW/TerraTec SiXPack 5.1+/Klipsch ProMedia 2.1

Amiga 1200 HD/DELL externi floppy :-)/Commodore 1084S
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Staro 20.09.2010., 18:00   #43
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može li mi netko pojasniti što točno radit On-screen display?to mi se uključi kada uključim automatic profile managment...i kako je najbolje podesiti to čudo,dal da ostavim uključen OSD 3D ili da isključim?
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Staro 20.09.2010., 18:26   #44
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Za OSD je logično da pri pokretanju neke 3D aplikacije na zaslonu pokazuje opcije i vrijednosti koje odabereš (tipa zauzeće gpu-a, frekvencija memorije/jezgre/shadera, temperature, fps) što u ovom slučaju i pokazuje (ako je odabrano).

CPU: Intel i5 8250u

RAM: 16 GB

VGA: Intel UHD 620

SSD1: Samsung PM981 NVMe 256 GB

LCD: 14" Innolux N140HCG-GR2 (low power, 400 nits)

OS: Win 10 Pro x64

Battery: 57 Wh internal

ROM: Android 9
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Staro 20.09.2010., 18:41   #45
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aha ok tenks,može onda off ići to,jer ionako nisam primjetio ni kada je uključeno to da mi pokazuje nešto in game,a za frame imam fraps.
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Staro 24.09.2010., 20:33   #46
Tony Hawk
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Jel Afterburner radi sa svim karticama ili samo MSI?

A sto je sa Rivatunerom, vec dugo nije izasla nova verzija, jel uopce radi sa generacijom 400?
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Staro 24.09.2010., 20:48   #47
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To što ima prefiks MSI nema veze sa funkcionalnošću na ostalim karticama tako da je odgovor pozitivan. Podizanje voltaže preko istoga ipak ovisi o tome je li kartica ima Voltera čip na sebi.

Za rivu se čeka verzija 2.25 al neznam kad će izać s tim čudom.
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Staro 24.09.2010., 20:50   #48
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Riva radi sa fermijima ali treba editirat cfg i dodat podrsku za gtx400 ima m na googlu kak. probao i radi, bar najosnovnije stvari.
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Staro 24.09.2010., 20:58   #49
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Autor Tony Hawk Pregled postova
Jel Afterburner radi sa svim karticama ili samo MSI?

A sto je sa Rivatunerom, vec dugo nije izasla nova verzija, jel uopce radi sa generacijom 400?
Autor MAGARAC Pregled postova
Riva radi sa fermijima ali treba editirat cfg i dodat podrsku za gtx400 ima m na googlu kak. probao i radi, bar najosnovnije stvari.
koliko sam shvatio na guru3d forumu rivatuner se vise ne razvija, a Unwinder sad aktivno radi na MSI Afterburneru, kojeg mozes koristiti sa svim Nvidia i ATI karticama
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Staro 24.09.2010., 21:01   #50
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Autor DeadMan+ Pregled postova
koliko sam shvatio na guru3d forumu rivatuner se vise ne razvija, a Unwinder sad aktivno radi na MSI Afterburneru, kojeg mozes koristiti sa svim Nvidia i ATI karticama
Iako momci koji su radili Rivu sad rade Afterburner, u Rivi se još uvijek nalaze daleko korisnije opcije za power usera. Za OC je definitivno MSI jednostavniji i bolji no tweakanje je ipak drugi par rukava koji je bio naklonjen Rivi.
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Staro 24.09.2010., 21:12   #51
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Autor Bullet1 Pregled postova
Iako momci koji su radili Rivu sad rade Afterburner, u Rivi se još uvijek nalaze daleko korisnije opcije za power usera. Za OC je definitivno MSI jednostavniji i bolji no tweakanje je ipak drugi par rukava koji je bio naklonjen Rivi.
da, riva ima daleko vise power user feature-a, samo nazalost vec lagano mirise na abandonware
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Staro 25.09.2010., 16:15   #52
Tony Hawk
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Autor DeadMan+ Pregled postova
da, riva ima daleko vise power user feature-a, samo nazalost vec lagano mirise na abandonware
Ali upitno je koliko ti featurei stvarno nekome trebaju. Isprobao sam Afterburner jucer i tool jer stvarno solidan.. ima sve kaj mi treba.
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Staro 18.04.2011., 22:00   #53
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MSI afterburner-problem !?

Zamolio bih nekoga tko je imao sličan problem da mi pokuša objasniti kako ga riješiti.
Naime, opcija za prikazivanje On-Screen Display je podešena da mi prikazuje temperaturu, clock core grafičke, memorije u gornjem lijevom kutu monitora dok igram.
Nisam ništa igrao jedno dva mjeseca i sad kad pokrenem bilo koju igru više nema nikakvih podataka odn. nema tih pokazatelja na monitoru.

Ranije je program pokazivao te opcije i kad je uključen Gom player no sad ništa, nula bodova.

Da napomenem, imao sam verziju 2.1 beta 7, pa sam ju reinstalirao i stavio ovu stariju, 2.1 opet ništa, pa stavio i najnoviju 2.2 beta2, opet ništa.

Podesio sam sve u riva tuner statistic server kao i obično no nula.

Ako netko zna rješenje bio bih zahvalan jer najviše me zanima direktan prikaz trenutne temperature grafičke dok igram.

Možda netko zna za nekakav sličan program, bio bih zahvalan za informaciju, ja ne znam.

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Staro 10.05.2011., 14:07   #54
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MSI Afterburner

Naime, u navedenom programu mogu samo odabirati diskretne voltaže, tj. samo 1013mV, 1025mV, 1038mV, 1050mV... Koraci od 12 ili 13mV. Je li to normalno?

Ja mogu odabrati npr. 1040mV ali kad stisnem apply on se sam pomakne na 1038mV...

Verzija je 2.1.0 a grafa je MSI GTX 570 TFII OC. Stock voltaža 1013mV.
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Staro 10.05.2011., 20:03   #55
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Google kaže da se radi o hardwerskoj limitaciji, tj. da je povećanje voltaže moguće samo u koracima od 0.0125V zbog voltage kontrolera.
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Staro 10.05.2011., 22:55   #56
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Staro 21.06.2011., 01:46   #57
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MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 4 available for download

Today we release an updated Beta revision of Afterburner, this application successfully secured the leading position on graphics card utilities. We're happy to see MSI Afterburner is leading the overclock applications. MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 4 is ready, changes list includes:

Changes list includes:

MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.2.1. New version gives you the following improvements:
Tuned vertex buffer usage strategy improves performance in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications in raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode
Fixed vertex buffer corruption bug, causing On-Screen Display to flicker randomly in Direct3D8 and Direct3D9 applications when raster 3D On-Screen Display rendering mode is enabled
Now raster font uses managed texture instead of dynamic one to bypass broken high resolution dynamic texture pitch reporting on GTX 200 series graphics cards under NVIDIA 275.27 beta drivers
Raster font texture size is no longer fixed. Now the server is dynamically selecting minimum possible texture size to fit selected font into it
The skins have been changed slightly to provide more convenient raster font customization. Now raster font customization window can be open by clicking "Raster 3D" button. Holding "Ctrl" button while clicking "Raster 3D" button allows you to select pre-rendered font from bitmap file and holding "Shift" button while clicking "Raster 3D" button allows you to pre-render and save currently selected font to bitmap file
Fixed bug causing multiple used On-Screen Display slots to overwrite each other instead of merging the slots correctly
Added screencapture support for Direct3D10 and Direct3D11 applications using framebuffers with 10-bit RGB components (e.g. Dirt 3)
Improved tabbed text formatting
Now desktop video capture support and forcible Aero Glass interface toggling can
be disabled via the configuration files if necessary
Updated profiles list
Now SDK includes new sample code, demonstrating On-Screen Display usage from any third party application. The sample is displaying CPU usage in On-Screen Display and provides third party developers helper object for RivaTuner-styled grouped OSD text formatting
PowerTune settings are now being forcibly reapplied after changing the clocks via unofficial overclocking path to bypass bug in AMD driver causing PowerTune settings to be reset to defaults during programming PowerPlay table
Unofficial overclocking is now ignored for inactive ULPS enabled AMD graphics cards
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Staro 02.10.2011., 22:28   #58
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MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8

Today we release an updated Beta revision of Afterburner, this application successfully secured the leading position on graphics card utilities.
We're happy to see MSI Afterburner is leading the overclock applications. MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8 is ready,

Change list:

-Improved MSI On-Screen Display server v4.2.3:
-Improved video frames timestamping approach may improve smoothness of videos captured on low framerates
-Improved RTV1 codec provides better compression ratio (significantly better under certain conditions) without affecting the image quality and encoding performance
-Added alternate RTV1 compression mode providing 1.5x - 2x better realtime compression performance at the cost of some minor image quality loss. Video quality slider is now unlocked for RTV1 format, 100% quality selects original compression mode whilst any other value selects new high performance compression mode
-Now MSI Afterburner displays captured video file time, size, per-frame compression ratio and time in the On-Screen Display next to the video capture progress indicator
-Now multithreaded video capture optimization is forcibly disabled by default on single core CPUs
-Kernel mode RTCore driver has been upgraded to v1.6. New driver introduces -RivaTuner-styled experimental protected MMIO IOCTLs and removes outdated IOCTLs dedicated for some old and currently abandoned RTCore technology based applications (HIS iTurbo and RMClock)
-Now MSI Afterburner starts significantly faster than before due to optimized I2C devices scanning, cached database access and optimized GPU context switching in profile load routine
-Fixed RTV1 codec installation issue on 64-bit systems
-Now power users may unlock additional hidden video capture formats via the configuration file
-Now screenshot and video capture quality can be adjusted with precise 1% steps instead of 5% steps in the previous version
-Now video capture framerate can be adjusted in [1 FPS; 100 FPS] range with precise 1 FPS steps instead of [25 FPS; 100 FPS] range
-Added Polish localization
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Staro 13.11.2011., 15:53   #59
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Zna netko mozda zasto na 4870 ne prikazuje broj obrtaja?
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Staro 24.11.2011., 11:38   #60
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MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 9 Download
Added core voltage control for reference design NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti *** cores series graphics cards
Added core, memory and auxiliary PEXVDD voltage control for custom design MSI N560GTX-*** Twin Frozr III Power Edition series graphics cards with uP6218+uP6262 voltage regulators
MSI On-Screen Display server has been upgraded to version 4.2.4. New version gives you the following improvements:
o Now MSI Afterburner displays captured video file time, size, per-frame compression ratio and time in the On-Screen Display next to the video capture progress indicator only when "Show own statistics" option is enabled in the server's properties
o Added power user oriented application profile setting allowing MSI On-Screen Display Server to detect runtime function offsets dynamically on each 3D application startup. This provides On-Screen Display functionality support in applications using modified Direct3D runtime libraries (e.g. FXAA injection Direct3D runtimes)
o Updated profiles list
Added new compatibility option allowing using protected kernel mode low-level access to hardware instead of user mode one. This option can also be used to bypass Punkbuster related stability issues
Now MSI Afterburner restores default hardware automatic fan control mode when logging off from Windows
Now power users may enable optional single tray icon mode via the configuration file. When single tray icon mode is enabled, the primary application tray icon is being replaced with hardware monitoring tray icon(s) if monitoring in system tray is enabled and MSI On-Screen Display server's icon is not being displayed in tray when the server is loaded. Please take a note that MSI On-Screen Display server's properties are still accessible via "More" button in "OSD" tab
Now shared control memory reinitialization is initiated by delayed fan speed readback mechanism
Now MSI Afterburner can restart itself automatically instead of displaying restart requirement notification after changing some global compatibility options, e.g. unlocking voltage control or disabling low-level hardware access interface
Now DirectX web setup is integrated into the installer
Fixed critical typos in Polish language pack

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: DeadMan+. 24.11.2011. u 11:43.
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