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Staro 08.10.2019., 19:10   #361
Manuel Calavera
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Staro 17.10.2019., 12:04   #362
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Staro 18.10.2019., 18:29   #363
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AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X, 3970X, 3960X CPUs Announcement Planned For November 5th
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Staro 20.10.2019., 14:52   #364
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Staro 23.10.2019., 08:11   #365
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Staro 01.11.2019., 14:03   #366
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AORUS Teases Their Flagship TRX40 XTREME Motherboard For AMD 3rd Gen Ryzen Threadripper CPUs – 16 Power Phases
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Staro 06.11.2019., 08:51   #367
The Exiled
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56 core Xeon Platinum 9282 ranges from 8% to 84% better performance (31% higher geomean) than AMD’s 64 core Rome-based system (7742) on leading real-world HPC workloads across manufacturing, life sciences, financial services and earth sciences.
For gaming, 8-cores is the optimal spot for performance scaling in modern PC gaming, and at 8-cores we get the best frequency scaling out of our Coffee Lake products and 14nm process technology today. And clock speed is what feeds the hungry primary threads of game engines today! The first thing I see with this set is that going from 8-cores to 12-cores results in less than 10% scaling in all games, and in that 12-game set, 9 of them improve by 5% or less. What about that 12-core to 16-core jump? Only one game in our results today sees an improvement (Ashes of the Singularity once again) while the other 11 games not only do not scale up in performance, THREE of them actually regress slightly, offering lower performance than a 12-core configuration.
Today something happened that many may not have seen. Intel published a set of benchmarks showing its advantage of a dual Intel Xeon Platinum 9282 system versus the AMD EPYC 7742. Vendors present benchmarks to show that their products are good from time-to-time. There is one difference in this case: we checked Intel’s work and found that they presented a number to intentionally mislead would-be buyers as to the company’s relative performance versus AMD. By Intel using the post-2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable version of GROMACS but the pre-AMD EPYC 7002 series which had been out for over a month, Intel’s numbers are highly skewed for the Platinum 9282 which only has a 20% lead. One can only conclude that Intel’s “Performance at Intel” blog is not a reputable attempt to present factual information. It is simply a way for Intel to publish misinformation to the market in the hope that people do not do the diligence to see what is backing the claims. Once one does the diligence, things fall apart quickly.
Linux kernel dev Greg Kroah-Hartman reckons Intel Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) - also known as hyper-threading - should be disabled for security due to MDS (Microarchitectural Data Sampling) bugs. OpenBSD was right, he said. "A year ago they said disable hyper-threading, there's going to be lots of problems here. They chose security over performance at an earlier stage than anyone else. Disable hyper-threading. That's the only way you can solve some of these issues. We are slowing down your workloads. Sorry."
Ryan Shrout i društvo se iz petnih žila trude najbolje što mogu, pa nije čudno da je ovaj materijal ugledal svjetlo dana taman prije sutrašnjeg predstavljanja novih Threadripper 3000 modela.
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Staro 06.11.2019., 14:45   #368
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AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32 Core & 64 Thread CPU Listed Online For Around $1200 US
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Staro 06.11.2019., 19:57   #369
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AMD Threadripper gets a new box

Meni malo gadna kutija, ako ce biti takva, ali koda je bitna kutija
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Staro 06.11.2019., 20:24   #370
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Sve je bitno, sad kad Ryan Shrout napravi kritički osvrt na potencijalno pakiranje i usporedi to s Intelovim - AMD nakon toga nema kaj tražiti u tom tržišnom segmentu.
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Staro 08.11.2019., 09:39   #371
Master Of Disaster
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TR3960X 1400$
TR3970X 2000$

koliko ce maticna kostati nitko nije spomenuo, mozda 500?
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Staro 08.11.2019., 09:51   #372
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Da i cijene novih ploča budu popularne, tak je bilo i s X399 modelima, a ove bi trebale biti i malo skuplje.
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Staro 08.11.2019., 12:53   #373
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A koja smijesna cifra za te CPU.
Intel bi to naplatio tri puta vise od crvene bande.
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Staro 08.11.2019., 13:17   #374
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TR3960X 1400$
TR3970X 2000$
koliko ce maticna kostati nitko nije spomenuo, mozda 500?

U najavi kažu oko 500-600$ za entry-level TRX40 ploče, Flagshipovi kao ovi gore u linkovima i do 1000$. Sve mobo dolaze sa hrpom PCIex 4.0 lanea, znači ništa jeftino, a i VRM-ovi su redom svi zvjerski... i oprema ploča isto.
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Staro 08.11.2019., 13:21   #375
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Hmm i dalje nevidim ponatu toliko PCI-E laneova i onda samo 4 (ili 5 u najboljem slucaju) PCI-E slotova na flagship maticnoj od 1000$.
RS1 - MB: WS X299 Asus Sage, CPU: i7 9800X, RAM:128GB, GPUs: 3*RTX 3090 24GB
RS2 - MB:Asus X99-E WS, CPU: i7 6850K, RAM:128GB, GPUs: 2*RTX 4090 24GB
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Staro 08.11.2019., 18:24   #376
Master Of Disaster
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U najavi kažu oko 500-600$ za entry-level TRX40 ploče, Flagshipovi kao ovi gore u linkovima i do 1000$. Sve mobo dolaze sa hrpom PCIex 4.0 lanea, znači ništa jeftino, a i VRM-ovi su redom svi zvjerski... i oprema ploča isto.
800$ - 1000$ za upper i high end ploce. ode bankaaa
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Staro 09.11.2019., 18:00   #377
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Evo i cjena za GB Aorus TRX40 seriju ploča, uglavnom očekivano s obzirom na segment kojem pripadaju... s tim sa će u EU ovo bit vjerojatno u EUR-ima...
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Staro 11.11.2019., 17:11   #378
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Evo i cjena za GB Aorus TRX40 seriju ploča, uglavnom očekivano s obzirom na segment kojem pripadaju... s tim sa će u EU ovo bit vjerojatno u EUR-ima...
za mjesec dana u USA..mozda cijelu platformu u kuferu donijeti
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Staro 12.11.2019., 16:20   #379
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Enthusiasts Rejoice, AMD’s New Threadripper sTRX4 Socket Is Here To Stay – ‘Long Term’ Longevity Confirmed
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Staro 12.11.2019., 17:11   #380
Manuel Calavera
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Ako je to istina razbili su kompatibilnost...

Ne može nikako biti "long term" jer je ovo predzadnja generacija na ddr4
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Staro 16.11.2019., 10:20   #381
Slobodan leni seronja
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Staro 16.11.2019., 13:57   #382
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800$ - 1000$ za upper i high end ploce. ode bankaaa
Meni tu nešto ne štima, jer je rečeno da je dobar dio komponenti koje su prije bile na samoj ploči sada ubačen na sam CPU, dakle ploče bi trebale zapravo biti jeftinije radi toga, a ne skuplje?

Barem tako kaže zdrava logika, jer ako s ploče skineš dobar dio komponenti i prebaciš na CPU, onda imaš manje komponenti na samoj ploči pa bi trebala biti zapravo jeftinija.

Ili vrijedi i dalje stara logika deri dok možeš? A koliko je to deri dok možeš najbolje se vidi koliko je Intel bio prisiljen spustiti cijene svojih CPU.
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Staro 16.11.2019., 15:34   #383
The Exiled
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Ove nove ploče podržavaju PCI-E 4.0, a to dodatno poskupljuje ionak skupe ploče, mada je cijeli kontroler integriran u sam CPU, tu je i novi PCI-E 4.0 čispet.

Dodaj k tome novi/bolji VRM sklop, novi(ji) socket, kojekakve I/O kombinacije na temelju PCI-E 4.0 podrške i cijena ide prema gore bez puno muke.

I tak jasno da i proizvođači žele dodatno zaraditi, pa je konačna cijena kombinacija (od) svega (navedenog) pomalo.
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Staro 16.11.2019., 18:43   #384
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Meni tu nešto ne štima, jer je rečeno da je dobar dio komponenti koje su prije bile na samoj ploči sada ubačen na sam CPU, dakle ploče bi trebale zapravo biti jeftinije radi toga, a ne skuplje?
Barem tako kaže zdrava logika, jer ako s ploče skineš dobar dio komponenti i prebaciš na CPU, onda imaš manje komponenti na samoj ploči pa bi trebala biti zapravo jeftinija.
Ili vrijedi i dalje stara logika deri dok možeš? A koliko je to deri dok možeš najbolje se vidi koliko je Intel bio prisiljen spustiti cijene svojih CPU.
I dalje ploce imaju chipset na sebi, bez obzira sto je dobar dio toga integriran u sam CPU. Chipset je tu za dodatne PCI-E linije, SATA i USB konektore i slicno. Onda jos dodas bolji audio codec, WiFi 6, 10 GbE, bolji VRM s boljim hladjenjem i nabere se troskova.
skupi-dupi-du, skupi-dupi-du, pam pam... pf
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Staro 16.11.2019., 19:37   #385
Manuel Calavera
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Ali i marža je veća
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Staro 25.11.2019., 14:22   #386
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AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X 64 Core & 128 Thread Monster CPU Becoming A Reality in 2020

BTW, nije li danas trebao biti NDA lift za TR3000 seriju, ne vidim još nigdje recenzije??
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Staro 25.11.2019., 15:08   #387
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Pa jel ne čitaš iste te linkove koje postaš

Stay tuned for our AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X review which goes live in a few hours. We will be posting our review of the 3970X with ASRock's latest TRX40 Taichi motherboard!
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Staro 25.11.2019., 17:15   #388
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The AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X and 3970X Review: 24 and 32 Cores on 7nm
I have never used the word ‘bloodbath’ in a review before. It seems messy, violent, and a little bit gruesome. But when we look at the results from the new AMD Threadripper processors, it seems more than appropriate.
Izvor: Ti Mater
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Staro 25.11.2019., 17:19   #389
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When you wake up in the morning, pass by that new Threadripper 3970X / TRX40 PC, and softly whisper the words, 'your majesty', then you know that AMD has done something really extraordinary.,1.html,1.html
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Staro 25.11.2019., 17:21   #390
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64-core čudovište sad komotno mogu naplatiti kolko god ih volja i odgađati čisto reda-radi.
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