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Staro 18.02.2024., 16:09   #1
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Futeko iskustva?

pitanje iz usluge...frend planira uzet dune hd pro media player/streamer, vrlo povoljna cijena je na spomenutoj futeko stranici, koja je UK based.

ima li iko iskustva s njima, ja nemam iako iman zidoo (tako smo i dosli do stranice), ali ga nisam ja uzea tamo nego sam 2nd hand (uzeja od lika s njuske s kojim sam izgubia kontakt, naravno, kad smo zakljucili da uredaj radi kako je i oglaseno )

u shipping specifics navodi se slijedece: Import/Export Process

Our price for EU delivery is exclusive of tax. This is why our Europe delivery price is lower than the UK price. There may therefore be national taxes to pay when the parcel arrives in the destination country.

The parcel will be assesed by the national customs authority when it arrives in the destination country and any taxes deemed payable will be requested from the recipient by the delivery courier.

Customs Documentation

We send a full customs declaration with CN23 and customs invoice. All EU orders are declared at the full price paid and will include a copy of the Paypal payment receipt to allow national customs authorities to verify that price.


VAT will be assesed by your national customs authority and collected by the delivery courier before delivery. The VAT rate varies by country but is typically 15-25%. See here.

VAT is the main tax payable to the national customs authority before delivery.

Customs Duty

Media Players: TARIC 8528719100 - EU customs duty 0%.

Customs duty rates are identical across the EU. They do not vary by country.

e sad, cijena uredaja na stranici je 362E, kolike bi jos troskove moga otprilike ocekivat (vode nas kao euro 2 regiju)? ako imate iskustva s britanskim shopovima post brexit, slobodno nabacite iskustva/preporuke.

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Staro 04.03.2024., 13:34   #2
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Datum registracije: Mar 2024
Lokacija: Slavonija
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pitanje iz usluge...frend planira uzet dune hd pro media player/streamer, vrlo povoljna cijena je na spomenutoj futeko stranici, koja je UK based.

ima li iko iskustva s njima, ja nemam iako iman zidoo (tako smo i dosli do stranice), ali ga nisam ja uzea tamo nego sam 2nd hand (uzeja od lika s njuske s kojim sam izgubia kontakt, naravno, kad smo zakljucili da uredaj radi kako je i oglaseno )

u shipping specifics navodi se slijedece: Import/Export Process

Our price for EU delivery is exclusive of tax. This is why our Europe delivery price is lower than the UK price. There may therefore be national taxes to pay when the parcel arrives in the destination country.

The parcel will be assesed by the national customs authority when it arrives in the destination country and any taxes deemed payable will be requested from the recipient by the delivery courier.

Customs Documentation

We send a full customs declaration with CN23 and customs invoice. All EU orders are declared at the full price paid and will include a copy of the Paypal payment receipt to allow national customs authorities to verify that price.


VAT will be assesed by your national customs authority and collected by the delivery courier before delivery. The VAT rate varies by country but is typically 15-25%. See here.

VAT is the main tax payable to the national customs authority before delivery.

Customs Duty

Media Players: TARIC 8528719100 - EU customs duty 0%.

Customs duty rates are identical across the EU. They do not vary by country.

e sad, cijena uredaja na stranici je 362E, kolike bi jos troskove moga otprilike ocekivat (vode nas kao euro 2 regiju)? ako imate iskustva s britanskim shopovima post brexit, slobodno nabacite iskustva/preporuke.

Ja sam uzimao od njih 3 Zidoo uređaja do sada
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 04.03.2024., 13:37   #3
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flyer1's Avatar
Datum registracije: Oct 2007
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Postovi: 564
ajde nabaci info o troskovima slanja, carine...zapravo svega sto ne ulazi u samu cijenu uredaja navedenu na stranici....hvala
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Staro 05.03.2024., 19:18   #4
Registered User
Datum registracije: Mar 2024
Lokacija: Slavonija
Postovi: 2
Autor flyer1 Pregled postova
ajde nabaci info o troskovima slanja, carine...zapravo svega sto ne ulazi u samu cijenu uredaja navedenu na stranici....hvala
Evo ovako

Kada sam prvi zidoo x9s uzimao to je bilo prije 5-6 godina cijena je bila ta koja jeste na stranici Futeka. Cijena je bila ta koja je na stranici i u nju je uračunata dostava! U to vrijeme Engleska je bila u EU i nije bilo nikakve carine!

Druga dva sam uzeo nakon Brexita, i platio sam carinu na oba. Zidoo Z9X je prije 2 godine bio 210 eura sa dostavom i plus nekih cca 40 eura carine sam platio dostavljaču.

Pred Božić 2023 sam uzeo Zidoo Z2000 Pro koji je cca bio 500 eura sa dostavom + carina dostavljaču 120 eura.

Sama dostava je jako brza cca 5-7 radnih dana i mislim da DHL radi dostavu do carine a onda Pošta dostavlja na kućna vrata i naplaćuje carinu.

Eto ako sam imalo pomogao drago mi je!

A što se samog uređaja tiče, konkretno ovog zadnjeg što imam Z2000 PRO znači BRUTALA, priča za sebe. Sve što mi treba imam sa njim.

Ako još koga nešto zanima na raspolaganju sam
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Staro 05.03.2024., 23:30   #5
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flyer1's Avatar
Datum registracije: Oct 2007
Lokacija: home
Postovi: 564
znaci, cca 25% cijene bi ga mogla dograbit carina...mislim da je to sasvim prihvatljivo, ali neka covik odluci

matija, hvala ti na odgovoru, bude li jos neko eventualno potpitanje, napisem ovde
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