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Staro 31.03.2021., 20:10   #4471
The Exiled
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To bude tek šou, jer sljedeće tri generacije im imaju taj hibridni dizajn. Ostaje da vidimo kud to vodi, ali zasad (i dalje) samo pričaju i obećavaju.
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Staro 20.04.2021., 19:05   #4472
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U svakom slučaju zanimljivo, a Dr. Ian Cutress ujedno potvrđuje ulogu Jima Kellera (1 - 2) (ne samo u AMD Zen slučaju, već općenito diljem firmi u kojima se dosad nalazil) kao voditelja projekta.

Odnosno nekoga tko organizira timove koji onda konkretno rade na razvoju i dizajnu novih tehnologija i popratnih tehnoloških rješenja. Ianova Alder Lake analiza je također u rangu s dosadašnjim očekivanjima.
Samsung remains formidable competitor for TSMC, says Morris Chang
Samsung Electronics is still a formidable competitor for TSMC, according to Morris Chang, founder of the world's largest pure-play foundry. TSMC is based in Taiwan, which boasts a complete IC industry supply chain and a robust talent pool - both of which South Korea also has, said Chang. Both countries also have well-developed sea-air transport logistics, which are also critical to the local foundries' competitiveness worldwide, Chang added. As the largest chipmaker in South Korea, Samsung will be capable of competing against TSMC in the foundry segment, Chang indicated in a public speech. Similar corporate culture is another factor that makes Samsung the strongest competitor of the foundry he founded, Chang said.

Chang is also skeptical about Intel's ambitious bid unveiled earlier this year to regain its manufacturing lead. In its early years, Intel declined a bid to invest in TSMC, probably not thinking contract chip making would have a future, Chang disclosed. But foundry services have become so important that now Intel wants to play a part. Taking stock of the company's decision to enter the contract chipmaking sector more than three decades after its decision to not invest in TSMC, Mr. Chang described the situation as "ironic." The success of TSMC is not only because of the foundry model it has been embracing, but also because of the leadership of professional managers and its focus on R&D and innovation, according to Chang. For TSMC, it is of great importance to stay ahead of competitors, Chang added.

TSMC will be stepping up its 5nm chip output, scaling it up to as much as 150,000 wafers monthly starting in the second quarter through the end of this year.
Izvor: DigiTimes
Intel Data Center sales slump stokes concern about market share
Intel has released its figures for the first quarter of 2021 and presents a complex picture – some areas may continue the positive trend, while others may well be described as disappointment. The most important finding from the figures: Intel's net profit is shrinking sharply. Compared to the previous year, it has fallen by almost 50% to USD 3.4 billion. Its profit fell from 7 billion to 5.6 billion U.S. dollars. The margin fell from 50 to 23% and net profit fell from 3.5 billion to 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. Intel said sales of chips to cloud service providers fell 29% from the same period a year earlier.
Izvor: Bloomberg, The Next Platform i TechPowerUp
Intel seeks $10 bln in subsidies for European chip plant
Intel wants 8 billion euros ($9.7 billion) in public subsidies towards building a semiconductor factory in Europe, its CEO was cited as saying on Friday, as the region seeks to reduce its reliance on imports amid a shortage of supplies. The pitch is the first time Pat Gelsinger has publicly put a figure on how much state aid he would want, as Intel pursues a multibillion-dollar drive to take on Asian rivals in contract manufacturing. Gelsinger, on his first European tour since taking charge, met European Commissioner Thierry Breton in Brussels on Friday. The visit followed the launch of a plan for Intel to invest $20 billion in chip production in the United States. CEO Pat Gelsinger has also met with President Joe Biden in the White House to discuss the issue and hinted on being very open to the company receiving subsidies. On top of that, Gelsinger is prospecting for a location for a plant in Europe that he says would back Breton's goal of doubling the region's share of global chip output to 20% over the next decade. Gelsinger, who met Economy Minister Peter Altmaier and Bavarian governor Markus Soeder on the German leg of his European tour, was quoted as saying Germany would be a suitable location for a potential European foundry.
Izvor: Reuters
Intel will spend billions to expand in New Mexico and Israel, seeks more government support
Intel said it will spend $3.5 billion to upgrade its aging manufacturing facilities in New Mexico and confirmed it will spend $10 billion on a new factory in Israel, part of a broad push to expand the chipmaker’s production capacity under newly installed CEO Pat Gelsinger. After years of carefully managing its capital spending and returning money to investors, Gelsinger indicated the company is now budgeting for expansion instead. Intel’s spending spree follows severe deterioration of Intel’s manufacturing capabilities under its last two CEOs, Brian Krzanich and Bob Swan. The company lost its lead in advanced chip technology after successive delays to its 14-nanometer, 10nm and 7nm microprocessors caused by persistent manufacturing defects. As Intel struggled to adapt to new manufacturing technologies over the past several years, it spent little on new factories and instead committed billions of dollars to buying back its own stock. Stock buybacks typically have the effect of boosting a company’s share price, but they’re also an explicit admission that a business has more money than it knows what to do with.
We have previously mentioned that we thought that Intel was looking for government help and maybe a handout which was touched upon in Pat Gelsinger’s interview, up front.
While certainly not directly asking for money, it certainly sounds like Intel wouldn’t say no. TSMC is clearly in the drivers seat and is not likely to change any time soon.
Izvor: The Oregonian i SemiWiki
Intel’s Chief Revenue Officer: We have silicon, but shortages in Wi-Fi, substrates, panels
Supply has been a topic since 2019, really since the end of 2018. Intel continues to increase our capacity by two fold over those years. We’re continuing to build more and more, amd we’re continuing to increase our investments in CapEx as you heard Pat talk about. The real thing here is that demand continues to be strong and with COVID and the pandemic it has gotten even stronger. But what we’re now seeing is that there are new industry and ecosystem challenges where the rest of the component ecosystem can’t keep up. Whether it’s Wi-Fi components, substrates, panels, those are now kind of the bottleneck to the next level of explosive growth. So you might be able to find a CPU, but you may not be able to find a panel, or a battery, or some other component to actually be able to finish that kit. We have plenty have silicon dies and I want everyone to know that those investments are absolutely paying off, and now we have got to go work on all the ecosystem pieces.
Izvor: AnandTech

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 04.05.2021. u 16:10.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 08:39   #4473
The Exiled
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Exclusive info about Intel’s Alder Lake-S – Will the Intel Core-1800 be a threat to AMD?
Intel wants and needs to set with Alder Lake as 12th generation a big mark in the mainstream market for desktop CPUs this year, if they don’t want to lose the connection (also from their target group’s point of view). And it is not only a repainted and further upgraded 14 nm CPU, but in addition to the smaller structure width of 10 nm (according to Intel’s reading), it is finally also a completely new architecture with a completely different solution approach. In the ES of the Core-1800 in the (not final) B0-stepping presented today, there are 8 large Golden Cove cores (Core) and 8 small Gracemont cores (Atom) on the die. While the big cores are also capable of hyperthreading, this is not the case with the Atom cores. In total, you’ll find 16 cores that can process a maximum of 24 threads. According to various leaks, Intel quantifies the performance leap compared to a conventional solution (unfortunately not specified) with up to 20 percent in pure single-thread scenarios and a doubling of the multi-thread performance in the ideal case, which seems quite optimistic when you consider a current 8-core of the 11th generation.

The processor, internally called Intel Core-1800, sits in the new Socket V (LGA 1700) and has a TDP of 125 watts. The screenshot below, which I modified slightly to protect the source, shows a time of 56 seconds for the PL1 and a peak time of 2.44 ms for the PL2 of a whopping 228 watts. That this up- and down-switching is well suited to aggravate the already nervous load change behavior of the current Intel CPUs even more doesn’t even have to be mentioned. This is where the voltage converters of the mainboards come into play. The revision B0 of this ES is still quite early and the base clock is also still quite low with only 1800 MHz. More interesting are the Turbo Boost limits of the big cores, where 1-2 cores are already supposed to reach 4.6 GHz, with 3-4 cores it’s still 4.4 GHz, with 5-6 cores 4.3 GHz and with all 8 cores then 4 GHz. The small Atom cores clock with up to 3.4 GHz with <=4 used cores, otherwise only with 3 GHz.

According to the initial information, the new desktop CPUs will support up to dual-channel DDR5-4800 memory and the DDR4-enabled motherboards will support modules up to 3200-MHz.
Supposedly, only the high-end Z690 motherboards will offer DDR5 support, while all cheaper variants will still rely on DDR4.
Izvor: Igor's Lab
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Staro 05.05.2021., 12:58   #4474
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Dat ću samo svoje kratko mišljenje o malim jezgrama... Mislim da to nije loš potez.

Naime, igre rijetko kad pune sve jezgre, a dobitak od dodatnih threadova je marginalan. Dakle, kad se zadovolji potreba za glavnim threadovima preko velikih jezgri, dodatni threadovi nisu napravljeni tako da pune te dodatne threadove 100%. Zbog toga ima smisla da se u prostor i power budget jedne velike jezgre (2 threada) ubace 3 male. Ako svaki dodatni thread rastereti glavne za 5%, to je 5% dobitka povrh velike jezgre za isti floorplan i power budget. U nekim situacijama tu bi i 4t pristup možda osigurao isto...

Naravno, tu su problemi s Windows schedulerom koje treba riješiti i sve to, ali ako se softverski ispravno implementira, i naravno ne bude problema s latencijama i tko zna kojim drugim hardverskim izazovima, trebalo bi biti ok. Uz naravno sve prednosti power savinga koje to donosi u mobilnim uređajima.

Naravno, osim ako neka DX12 magija u novim engineima ne riješi te probleme multithreadinga. Plus, i dalje smo ovisni o toj prvoj glavnoj jezgri koja ne smije zaostati. Bit će zanimljivo to pratiti kad izađe i gdje je dobitak, a gdje gubitak. Prva značajna arhitekturalna promjena u Intelu u tko zna koliko godina (od Ringbusa vjerojatno)
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Staro 05.05.2021., 13:13   #4475
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Nije loš potez i ARM-ovo orginalno big.LITTLE rješenje je dokaz da takva implementacija itekako funkcionira, pogotovo kad su mobilna rješenja u pitanju. IMHO ovo kaj Intel radi, ne mora nužno biti na tom putu.

Prvenstveno, jer eto čak i s novim 10nm procesom, opet moraju ići na visoke taktove, kaj ponovno podiže potrošnju, tako da na kraju mogu reći da imaju 20% poboljšanja u odnosu na prijašnju generaciju.

Alder Lake bi sasvim lako mogel ispasti kao Rocket Lake po pitanju utjecaja na aktualno tržište, a Intelu zapravo treba arhitektura na tragu ili bolja od konkurencije, tako da ne moraju posezati za velikim i malim jezgrama.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 13:37   #4476
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Jedini je problem što je s tehnološkim vodstvom AMD jednako dekadentan kao i Intel na cjenovnom planu. Sad čekamo Nvidiu da s napravi nešto s ARM jezgr... Oh shit, a tek Nvidia
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Staro 05.05.2021., 13:41   #4477
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Jebiga, AMD sad nema nekog prevelikog razloga za spuštanje cijena, možda ih korigiraju na jesen, ako bude Alder Lake (u igrama) blizu ili bolji od npr. R5 5900X. Kaj se nVidije tiče, to je sasvim drugi brod i ocean u odnosu na ovaj dvojac.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 14:16   #4478
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Znam da nije x86. Ako će Nvidia ići u smjeru nekog gaming proizvoda s novim ARM portfeljem, neka konzola je prvi izbor. Zašto ne sad kad imaju sve in-house. Nešto moćnije od Shielda, naravno. GPU dio već imaju posložen što znači da je pola posla već obavljeno, igre bi morale prilagoditi infrastrukturu ARM-u, što nije nemoguće.

Ne znam tko bi na srednji rok mogao ući u CPU područje, osim možda Nuvie. Ako serveri počnu prelaziti na ARM ili u budućnosti Nuviu, to bi se moglo trickle downati na desktop jednog dana i razbiti duopol.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 14:27   #4479
The Exiled
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nVidia hoće još veći dio serverskog tržišta, zato im tu ARM akvizicija dolazi ko naručena, dok je nVidijina GPU dominantnost na AI/ML/HPC području ujedno i razlog zbog kojeg Intel sad izmišlja (toplu vodu) i vlastita GPU rješenja.

Po uzoru na Tegra rješenja za Nintendo Switch, lako mogu složiti jače platforme bazirane na Ampere i budućim generacijama koje pak prate moćnije ARM jezgre isto tak bazirane na najavljenim Neoverse implementacijama.

Kaj se Nuvie tiče, kupil ih je Qualcomm, tak da smo tu opet na ARM modelima kak god se okrene. nVidia svoj dio sigurno ne pušta, tj. grabi još više, AMD više nije šrot kakav je bil, jedino ostaje Intel da se skocka ili nek opet nađu novog glavnog direktora.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 16:49   #4480
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Dat ću samo svoje kratko mišljenje o malim jezgrama... Mislim da to nije loš potez.

Naime, igre rijetko kad pune sve jezgre, a dobitak od dodatnih threadova je marginalan. Dakle, kad se zadovolji potreba za glavnim threadovima preko velikih jezgri, dodatni threadovi nisu napravljeni tako da pune te dodatne threadove 100%. Zbog toga ima smisla da se u prostor i power budget jedne velike jezgre (2 threada) ubace 3 male. Ako svaki dodatni thread rastereti glavne za 5%, to je 5% dobitka povrh velike jezgre za isti floorplan i power budget. U nekim situacijama tu bi i 4t pristup možda osigurao isto...

Naravno, tu su problemi s Windows schedulerom koje treba riješiti i sve to, ali ako se softverski ispravno implementira, i naravno ne bude problema s latencijama i tko zna kojim drugim hardverskim izazovima, trebalo bi biti ok. Uz naravno sve prednosti power savinga koje to donosi u mobilnim uređajima.

Naravno, osim ako neka DX12 magija u novim engineima ne riješi te probleme multithreadinga. Plus, i dalje smo ovisni o toj prvoj glavnoj jezgri koja ne smije zaostati. Bit će zanimljivo to pratiti kad izađe i gdje je dobitak, a gdje gubitak. Prva značajna arhitekturalna promjena u Intelu u tko zna koliko godina (od Ringbusa vjerojatno)
Kad su igre u pitanju sve što traži neke dodatne prilagodbe, programiranja... piši kući propalo. Pre malo će biti takvih korisnika da bi se to developerima isplatilo osim ako im Intel ne da direktnu paru za taj posao.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 19:00   #4481
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Dat ću samo svoje kratko mišljenje o malim jezgrama... Mislim da to nije loš potez.

Naime, igre rijetko kad pune sve jezgre, a dobitak od dodatnih threadova je marginalan. Dakle, kad se zadovolji potreba za glavnim threadovima preko velikih jezgri, dodatni threadovi nisu napravljeni tako da pune te dodatne threadove 100%. Zbog toga ima smisla da se u prostor i power budget jedne velike jezgre (2 threada) ubace 3 male. Ako svaki dodatni thread rastereti glavne za 5%, to je 5% dobitka povrh velike jezgre za isti floorplan i power budget. U nekim situacijama tu bi i 4t pristup možda osigurao isto...

Naravno, tu su problemi s Windows schedulerom koje treba riješiti i sve to, ali ako se softverski ispravno implementira, i naravno ne bude problema s latencijama i tko zna kojim drugim hardverskim izazovima, trebalo bi biti ok. Uz naravno sve prednosti power savinga koje to donosi u mobilnim uređajima.

Naravno, osim ako neka DX12 magija u novim engineima ne riješi te probleme multithreadinga. Plus, i dalje smo ovisni o toj prvoj glavnoj jezgri koja ne smije zaostati. Bit će zanimljivo to pratiti kad izađe i gdje je dobitak, a gdje gubitak. Prva značajna arhitekturalna promjena u Intelu u tko zna koliko godina (od Ringbusa vjerojatno)
Ja sam potpuno drugacijeg misljenja. Imam osjecaj da Intel u ovom slucaju izmislja toplu vodu i da su pribjegli ovoj hibridnoj arhitekturi samo i iskljucivo iz razloga jer nisu u stanju (zasad) ugurati 16 "velikih" jezgri ispod IHS-a kao konkurencija. Da su kojim slucajem bili u stanju izvesti 16-core cpu na 10nm s koliko toliko normalnom potrosnjom i zagrijavanjem, kladim se da ovakav arch nebi bio niti u razmatranju. Kad sam vec kod potrosnje, i ovako ce biti visoka cak i sa tim "malim" jezgrama, toliko o ucinkovitosti... Meni osobno takva arhitektura ima smisla samo za mobilne uredjaje koji ovise o baterijama kao primarnim izvorima el. energije. Na desktopu s druge strane mi ovo ima ravno 0% smisla. Kazem, sve ovo mi djeluje ko krpanje neke vrste dok Intel ne bude imao mogucnosti koje npr. AMD ima sad. Kad se to dogodi nebi me uopce zacudilo da se naglo zaboravi na big.LITTLE ili HMP ili kako vec za desktop. Marketing masinerija ce naravno odradit svoje i jos jednom prebacit pozornost na ono sto je "bitno" za nas korisnike kao sto sad rade i radili su x puta u proslosti... I don't buy it, no naravno mozda se i varam... Vrijeme ce pokazati.
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Staro 05.05.2021., 19:11   #4482
The Exiled
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U slučaju da su čak i složili 16C/32T punokrvnih jezgri, cijela stvar bi vrlo vjerojatno završila slično kao Ice Lake-SP (1 - 2), ali naravno u desktop izdanju.

U prijevodu, generacijski napredak u usporedbi s prijašnjom (Intel) ponudom, ali još uvijek nedovoljno za neko ozbiljno ugrožavanje konkurencije.

Alder Lake izlazi u narednih 4 do 6 mjeseci, s tim da samo uži high-end ima DDR5 + PCI-E 5.0 podršku, tj. točno onaj zajeb koji Ian Cutress navodi kao problem kod lansiranja.

Ukoliko se opet i po ko zna koji put Ryan Shrout i društvo usredotoče na "single-core" i "gaming", onda uistinu ne bude ništa čudno, ako Alder Lake ispadne slično ko Rocket Lake.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 11.05.2021. u 16:15.
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Staro 11.05.2021., 16:58   #4483
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Intel’s 10nm Tiger Lake H Mobility CPUs Decimate AMD’s 5900 HX Mobility Flagship In Benchmarks


Ne znam je li ko gledao recenzije, danas izašao taj Tiger Lake H na 10nm FinFet procesu..
Ogroman članak u stilu Wccftecha, meni se čini kao vidljivo prenapuhani sponzorirani članak
koji opet diže Intel u nebesa..
Generacijski skok po ovim grafovima izgleda cca. 6 do 20%, za naravno odabrane igre i testove po mjeri Intela. Ne kažem da je proc. loš, ali zanemaruju potrošnju koja skače do čak 110W! I onda kažu... to nije bitno, jer je kao znatno brži od AMD-a!
U odnosu na prethodnu gen. clockovi su manji 200-300MHz, a potrošnja jednaka ili veća.
I koliko znam, flagship kod Amd-a je i9-5980HX a ne 5900, s kojim su radili usporedbu.
Na kraju, onako iz prve... ako na ovom nodeu baziraju Alder-Lake, bez drastične promjene arhitekture i IPC-a, neće napraviti puno.
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Staro 11.05.2021., 18:09   #4484
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IMHO, obzirom da su R9 5900HX i 5890HS/HX u prosjeku nekih 10% do 20% bolji od sada još uvijek aktualnog najjačeg Core i9-10980HK modela, dok je prema Intelovim najavama nadolazeći Core i9-11980HK taman toliko bolji od prošle generacije - onda s Tiger Lake-H generacijom dolaze u rang s mobilnom Zen 3 ponudom. U najboljim slučajevima (igre i single-thread PDF eksport u PowerPoint), ovisno o kojem naslovu se radi, možda ispadne 5% do 10% bolje od Zen 3, tako da će tehnički biti bolji i to im nitko ne može osporiti.
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Staro 12.05.2021., 20:28   #4485
N0teb00k n00b
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Ako im treba 110w da skinu zen3 s mobilnog trona onda imaju opaki problem.

Laptopi iz mog potpisa nemaju bas jadno hladenje i kad sam se poigrao sa thermal i power limitima sve preko 60w je bilo mission impossible za hladiti. Ok, neko ce reci prilagoditi ce hladenje, al oce kurac, "gaming" laptopi su sve vise i vise takva noise+throttling fiesta di cak ako i cpu ima iole normalne temperature vrm-ovi i m2 diskovi jako brzo krenu vrištati.

Ako s druge strane stvarno netko i napravi posel "kak spada" biti će to isključivo prenosivo računalo, a ne notebook.

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1x 150GB Intel S3520, 3x2TB Crucial MX500, 4x12TB Toshiba MG07ACA12TE
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Staro 13.05.2021., 18:58   #4486
The Exiled
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Ian Cutress je najavil novi intervju s Jimom Kellerom, s time da će se u prvom dijelu osvrnuti prvenstveno na Kellerovo novo radno mjesto u Tenstorrentu, dok bude drugi dio posvećen Jimovim mišljenjima o aktualnoj Intel i AMD situaciji.

U svakom slučaju bude zanimljivo čuti direktno od čovjeka čime se točno bavil (za svoje vrijeme) u obje kompanije, a posebice kad je Intel u pitanju, obzirom da je dan-danas njegova uloga (izuzev one rukovodeće) u te dvije godine, ostala misterij.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 13.05.2021. u 22:30.
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Staro 15.05.2021., 16:01   #4487
Dr. Strange
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brišite post.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Dr. Strange. 15.05.2021. u 16:03. Razlog: izbrišite mi post
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Staro 15.05.2021., 16:02   #4488
Blue Spirit
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mAriel ...iz koje si ti paštete iskocio da quotaš post star 15 godina.

Ili nabijaš za postove za tržnicu.


server rcon: oldschool

COD2 PCekspert ekipa
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Staro 17.05.2021., 19:02   #4489
The Exiled
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Intel 11th Generation Core Tiger Lake-H performance review: Fast and Power Hungry
In the context of today’s Tiger Lake-H reference laptop and system, the one thing we must preface the rest of the review is the power settings the laptop came in and the resulting behaviour and thermal characteristics of the Core i9-11980HK SKU we’ll be reviewing today. Intel’s reference laptop, out of the box as delivered to us by Intel seemingly was set up with no PL1 limit, or at least what we suspect is the maximum cTDP limit of 65W of the i9-11980HK. Generally speaking, this is no surprise as TGL-H is targeting the high-power desktop replacement laptop market which tends to come with capable and extensive thermal dissipation designs. At first, we started running our tests on the platform in this default reference setting, representing what we had hoped being the best-case scenario for the chip and platform, until we discovered some concerning thermal behaviour when under full load.

The worrying behaviour starts happening after around 2 minutes of load: we indeed see the CPU package generally trying to limit itself to around 65W, however it’s not a constant steady state, with very obvious large fluctuations between 65W and 35W. Looking at the temperature, we’re seeing maximum load figures in excess of 95°C, with some 96°C peaks in our coarse sampled data. What seems to be happening here is that the CPU is thermal tripping between the 65W and 35W states, unable to sustain the 65W state for any amount of prolonged time. We’ve confirmed that this throttling and power and frequency fluctuations happen on several workloads, and the only conclusion we can come to is that the reference system simply doesn’t have an adequate enough thermal dissipation solution to effectively enable the 65W cTDP mode of the CPU.
Unfortunately, we don’t have Intel’s previous generation H-Series processors in house for a direct generational comparison, but the next best thing is the 11980HK’s nearest competitor, AMD’s Ryzen 9 5980HS. This latter chip comes with a 35W TDP which is 10W lower than the new TGL-H SKU we have in house right now, and we see an obvious difference between the chip’s long-term thermals and power, ending up at different levels after some while. The Ryzen 9 has a prolonged 300s semi-turbo state where it sustains 42W power until thermal saturation of the laptop. During this period, with similar power consumption to the 11980HK and also quite similar thermal results of around 80-83°C, both platforms seem to be quite similar – except for the fact that AMD Zen3 cores able to operate at all-core boost frequencies of around 4GHz, while the Willow Cove cores of the TGL-H system operate at around 3200MHz and below.

Due to AMD’s recent shift to a 8-core core complex, Intel no longer has an advantage in core-to-core latencies this generation, and AMD’s more hierarchical cache structure and interconnect fabric is able to showcase better performance. In terms of the overall performance, the 45W 11980HK actually ends up losing to AMD’s Ryzen 5980HS even with 10W more TDP headroom, at least in the integer suite. The area where the new TGL-H and particularly today’s tested Core i9-11980HK performs extremely well and is undoubtedly the leader among mobile x86 CPUs, is in its single-threaded performance.

The new Willow Cove CPU cores alongside with the extremely high 5GHz boost frequencies achieved by the chip means that it manages to differentiate itself to even AMD’s more recent Cezanne Zen3 based Ryzen Mobile chips. Where things are quite as straightforward, is the multi-threaded performance, as this is where we have to mention TDPs, power limits, and just the result of the Intel reference platform laptop we’ve tested today. Intel’s new 10nm SuperFin process had promised to finally outperform the mature 14nm node – while we couldn’t get to a definitive conclusion based on the initial 4-core Tiger Lake designs due to the smaller core numbers, here in 8-core vs 8-core scenario at their latest microarchitecture implementations, we can still see that Intel is lagging behind in terms of efficiency and AMD’s 7nm CPUs.
Izvor: AnandTech i HotHardware
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: The Exiled. 17.05.2021. u 19:17.
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Staro 17.05.2021., 20:21   #4490
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Znači za neko zahtjevnije igranje na laptopu ili eventualno dužu video obradu ili rendanje (ko to radi).. pušiona.

"In gaming, we'll really have to wait. What we now expect from finalized thin systems is that they won't run games much differently from H35 variants unless those titles really hit the CPU hard."
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Staro 17.05.2021., 20:28   #4491
The Exiled
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IMHO, Hardware Unboxed bude kasnije samo dodatno potvrdil ove recenzije, dok se Ryan Shrout još jednom proslavil sa svojim .pptx materijalima.

Nažalost, Intel opet treba visoke taktove, kaj za sobom povlači poveću potrošnju i temperaturu da bude u rangu mobilnih Zen 3 modela ili (ovisno o situaciji) malo bolji.
While the performance lead isn’t large, it’s extremely solid at a 7-10% advantage throughout a very large number of workloads throughout our test suite. Still, what’s relatively concerning is that temperatures are still quite high even when tested in the 45W PL1 mode, we still see temperatures well in excess of 90°C and peaking at >95°C for transient periods. In terms of peak power comparisons, we see that the chip goes up to quite high transients, and has PL2 configurations of around 85-90W.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 19.05.2021., 11:50   #4492
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Ja se samo nadam da će što god bude nakon Alder Lakea biti konkurentno AMD-u jer ovo sada neide na dobro. Barem kao neka normalna budget verzija, ovo sada je Prescot 2 tj čini mi se da je on bio brz, leden i štedljiv prema ovim trenutnim nebulozama.
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Staro 19.05.2021., 12:15   #4493
The Exiled
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Alder Lake i dvije generacije nakon njega su na istu big.LITTLE foru, a već sad znamo da imaju PL2 debelo preko 200W+ za Alder Lake. Dakle, opet se ide na visoke taktove, jer bez toga nema performansi koje se spominju, a to onda opet i po ko zna koji put za sobom povlači visoke temperature i zagrijavanje. Budemo vidjeli kaj bude iz svega ispalo, ali Intel koji god da proces koristi i koja god arhitektura je u pitanju, izgleda da uvijek ide na istu foru. Mada, IMHO, 6C/12T i normalniji 8C/16T Tiger Lake-H modeli budu sasvim solidni kad ih se ne tjera na ovakve taktove koje HK modeli iz recenzija moraju imati, tak da bude sigurno vredu izbora.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 19.05.2021., 12:17   #4494
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Imao sam Smithfield D840 nikad ga nisam uspio ohladiti
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Staro 20.05.2021., 13:46   #4495
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AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 27.05.2021., 09:23   #4496
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Intel "Alder Lake-P" mobile processor PL values revealed
Intel is preparing its 12th Gen Core "Alder Lake" processors to target not just desktop, but also notebook. The "Alder Lake-P" mobile processor will be Intel's second to implement a hybrid CPU core design (after "Lakefield"). Coelacanth Dream revealed the power level (PL) values of the three key variants of the "Alder Lake-P" silicon. Intel will create broadly three categories of mobile chips targeting specific notebook form-factors—15 W, 28 W, and 45 W. The "Alder Lake-U" 15 W chips are expected to have a PL1 value (interchangeable with the TDP marked on the tin), of 15 W, but its PL2 value, which enables the highest Turbo frequency, can be as high as 55 W. The next category, the "Alder Lake-U" 28 W chips, have a PL2 value of 64 W. Lastly, the "Alder Lake-H" 45 W chip, which will go into notebooks of conventional thickness, is expected to have a PL2 value of a scorching 115W. Unless we're mistaken, "Alder Lake-P" is a hybrid processor with up to 6 "Golden Cove" performance CPU cores, and up to 8 "Gracemont" low-power cores. The performance cores feature HyperThreading, and are AVX-512 capable. Unlike the desktop "Alder Lake-S," Intel is investing in a larger iGPU. Based on the Gen12 Xe LP graphics architecture, the iGPU of the "Alder Lake-P" could feature 96 execution units, compared to just 48 on the "Alder Lake-S."
Izvor: TechPowerUp
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 27.05.2021., 10:03   #4497
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Taj proc sa nekim jačim ampereom unutra = oni gericom P4 laptopi sa početka 2000-ih.
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Staro 27.05.2021., 10:06   #4498
The Exiled
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To bude ispalo na sličnu foru ko ovi mobilni Tiger Lake-H modeli, pa je 45W samo na papiru. Alder Lake desktop modeli ionak imaju PL2 iznad 200W, tak da i tu sve po starom.

I onda u borbu sa Zen 4 za koji se sad ispostavlja da ima malo veći TDP od Zen 3, jer dodaju AVX-512 te idu na 24C/48T modele za desktop.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
AMD Ryzen 5 7600 | Noctua NH-U12A | MSI MAG B650 Tomahawk Wi-Fi | 128GB Kingston FURY Beast DDR5-5200 | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x10TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | eVGA 650 B5
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Staro 27.05.2021., 14:36   #4499
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"...i9-11900K...We managed to get to 5.2 GHz all-cores 100% stable, with no thermal throttling and an incredible and equally terrifying power draw of 485 W at full-load."


Toliko o potrošnji...
Dabogda ti Chris Bangle radio facelift.
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Staro 27.05.2021., 14:46   #4500
Dr. Strange
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"...i9-11900K...We managed to get to 5.2 GHz all-cores 100% stable, with no thermal throttling and an incredible and equally terrifying power draw of 485 W at full-load."


Toliko o potrošnji...
485w? damn, Intel obara rekorde.
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