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Jelc 11.07.2007. 20:48

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
GSC Game World's made no secret about the need to be prepared for new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. announcements, but news that a full new irradiated shooty adventure in the pipeline is set to release in the first half of 2008 will likely raise an eyebrow or two. It's back to the Zone as we meet and greet S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

Revealed in the latest edition of PC Zone magazine, Clear Sky is a prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl. Without giving away too many plot for fear of spouting spoilers, it fleshes out the origins of one of the main characters in the first game who, stepping into the boots of a stalker from a rival faction this time around, you're out to kill.


According to GSC, the Zone we stalked in Shadow of Chernobyl was one of relative peace - really? - but a year earlier when Clear Sky is set the environment is far more hostile. The developer describes the area as being "agitated", with anomalies "extremely active and the landscape is vastly different to what you've seen before."

"Even the air isn't as pure as in the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - with these 'spatial bubbles' which are like confusing Möbius rings that whole expeditions of Stalkers simply can't find a way out of.", says project lead Anton Bolshakov.

PC Zone explains that Clear Sky's game world consists for 50 percent new territory and 50 percent twisted renditions of what you've played before.

Sitting comfortably with the main storyline is an AI-driven stalker war. Players will be able to ally themselves with any of eight factions and work with them to seize control of important locations and ultimately assault enemy faction bases.

Even though you may think you're a stalker god, the factions think otherwise until you prove your worth. So, you start out as a rookie and have to climb up the ranks. At the top of the ladder you'll be handed missions more intrinsic to winning the war.

It's explained that players are not forced into joining factions, but apparently the destruction of one of the primary groups is necessary to open up the main 'path' to the heart of Clear Sky's main event.

On the fixing/tweaking side, work's being done on the interface and the PDA (they need it), with AI receiving a general overall buff too to boost immersion along with physics. New monsters are a definite, and GSC's even said to be slaving away to provide a DirectX 10 version of the game, although it's not promising this will actually materialise.

The first half of 2008 then. We'll have first screenshots shortly.

Further details on S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, and exclusive screenshots, can be found in an extensive preview of the game in PC Zone magazine issue 184, which goes on sale on July 19.


Problem 11.07.2007. 21:35

lijepo zvuci :roller:

tor 11.07.2007. 22:21

?????? Svašta, ali ajd.

Jelc 11.07.2007. 22:45

Dečki-pa treba dignut malo para na istoj igri:)
Pogledajte samo kako to Valveu dobro ide...

E.T. 11.07.2007. 22:47

Ma to je bzvze... Trebaju se na simse ugledat ^^

death13 12.07.2007. 15:20

oce opet trebat 6 godina da je zgotove :)

Tekla 12.07.2007. 16:00

posto ce ova bit nova bolja i grafika i sve to trebat ce da je zavrse 12g.:D

buljo 12.07.2007. 16:45

Taman se izlazak očekuje kad se najavi DX 11 ^^

"Can('t) wait..."

Xenomorph 29.07.2007. 21:37

Bumo vidjeli

Jelc 25.08.2007. 22:14

IGN previews S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky in Leipzig, Germany
With the German Games Convention being made up of so many recycled demos from this summer's prior trade shows, it's particularly gratifying that GSC has taken the time to show us some of the new things they have in store for their STALKER prequel, STALKER: Clear Sky. We sat down with the developer to find out just what has changed since we last saw the title at E3.

To begin with, they're showing a brand new level that really highlights the graphical improvements to the 1.5 version of the STALKER engine. Normal mapping and parallax mapping add tremendous depth to even the flattest of textures. Small rusted out pits in sheet metal, intricate bark patterns on tree limbs, and weave patterns on uniforms that all respond realistically to light sources are just some of the small touches that the new mapping system allows for.

The light itself is particularly amazing. There are absolutely no light maps anywhere in the game. Every single light you see, including the sun, is a dynamic light source that functions exactly as you'd expect it to in real life. Better still, the game makes use of volumetric light effects to create shafts of light through clouds, window panes and even the dense and intricate foliage of trees. The still screenshots really don't do this feature justice.

Geared to run even on older DX8 machines, the game will have the same system requirements as the original STALKER. Still, players who have upgraded their system since then will be able to take full advantage of DX9 effects that look every bit as good as some of the DX10 effects we've seen on the show floor.

The new mission starts in a broad, marshy field. You're hiding in the tall grass from an attack helicopter when you suddenly get a message that some other nearby STALKERS are under attack from bandits. You, predictably, decide to help. The AI knows when to rush and when to sneak, when to hide and when to break cover. We saw the AI using cover very effectively in the first firefight. When you see both your friendly units and the enemy units doing it together as they shoot it out, you'll really feel like you've dropped down into the middle of a battle.


Lud76 26.08.2007. 09:53

O produkciji Stalkera mi se neda opet čitat, otišla skoro mladost na to :lol2:

kad izađe novi pm-nite me :D

žile 26.08.2007. 09:59


Autor death13 (Post 767667)
oce opet trebat 6 godina da je zgotove :)

I opet je ne napraviše kako spada:smoke:
Eh,those ruskies:D

Problem 26.08.2007. 20:34

kaj se mene tice STALKER je jedna od boljih igara koje sam igrao ove godine. To je ocito igra koju obozavaš ili mrziš :)

Ivano 14.09.2007. 01:11


Autor Problem (Post 798474)
kaj se mene tice STALKER je jedna od boljih igara koje sam igrao ove godine. To je ocito igra koju obozavaš ili mrziš :)

Slažem se. Ja spadam u one koji ju obožavaju. :respekt:Neznam zašto ali igra mi je jako prirasla...nekako je zarazno, atmosferično, kvalitetno inovativna. Normalno u isti koš ide masa bugova, nekad malo dosade, nekima iritatni Ukrajinci, kopije Fallouta, nekima (meni i ne) glup AI...ali ja bi joj dao negdje 93/100 bodova-zbog inovativne i kreativne strane. Ostalo sve mogu pregrist, jer igru su radili Ukrajici kojima je ovo (ako se ne varam) prva ozbiljna igra. Znači nešto ala naš Space Force Rouge Universe, ili Sirious Samovci...a pogle'te što su napravili. Igru koja je podrhtala svijet. A spadaju u isti koš ko' naši najuspješniji gamer-pogrameri.:care::care::care::care:

SRV 14.09.2007. 01:41

Jos da je nisu pravili 6 godina sve bi bilo kako Bog miluje.

Ivano 14.09.2007. 09:10

Slažem se.

Razer 14.03.2008. 22:53

Evo i novih SS-ova dotične igre, prikazane na Cebitu 2008.

http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/55147...r_Sky_2006.JPG http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/29104...r_Sky_2007.JPG http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/96176...r_Sky_2008.JPG
http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/5170S...r_Sky_2009.JPG http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/65168...r_Sky_2010.JPG http://www.max-save.org/thumbs/19060...r_Sky_2023.JPG

Izvor: PCGames Hardware (translated)

Tekla 15.03.2008. 20:13

jos se nezna koja ce konfa trebat za nju ??

Michel 17.05.2008. 16:42

Clear sky stalker .... demo ...ajmo reć
Khm "izašo" demo može se nać ne želim voće poglavito bananu pa......sami tražite.

Atmosfera je odlična grafika vrhunska poglavito texture moćne , sjene dinamičke zakon.... pod moj komp se može sve na max 1280 bez aa i zna usporit najviše zbog rama jer sam radi dx- 10 na visti a 1 gb i to ne ide baš ;)

Uglavnom ai je stavljen retardirano vjerojatno samo prezentacije radi....
Eto uživajte:chears:

Mala preporuka na početku levela tražite toranj na njemu je dragunov .... samo oprez ima par protivnika pridnu u travi hehe.
Btw i dalje je stalker sindrom 15 metaka za kill :D
Ali ništa što reality patch neće spasit kad igra jednom službeno izađe.
A onda svi kupit originale jer podržavamo developere :goood:

Michel 17.05.2008. 16:59

Demo je velik 390 mb otprilike pa se raspakira .......dosta...

Michel 17.05.2008. 19:03

Uf i napomena , testiro sam pod xp-om i vistom.
Sjene su dx 10 pod vistom i daleko su bolje. Pogotovo se vidi na sun rays efektu trave koji pada po podu u realnom vremenu. I da papa hardver...i srednju djecu...i bakicu dvije...

xGAME 17.05.2008. 19:15

to je ekspanzija ili stand-alone?

Michel 17.05.2008. 19:24

To je beta verzija nedovršenog novog stalkera koji će biti standalone.
Trebo bi službeno krajem godine.

Croc 17.05.2008. 19:39

Odkud ti ta beta verzija?

Codiac 17.05.2008. 19:50


mislim ako je DEMO onda je legalan nema tu sta :D

Michel 17.05.2008. 23:21

To je u biti E3 demo koji je eto slučajno po cijeloj kugli zemaljskoj završio.
I u igri dok se loada ako se ne varam piše nešto tipa : Made for E3 purpose only nešto u tom smislu....
U svakom slučaju da se naslutit da su ga namjerno pustili i to na način da ai izrazito loše reagira tako da se nemožete naigrat nego samo vidit atmosferu, a ona je nevjerojatna bar onako na prvi dojam. Kad sam došo do neke crkvice pa u full dinamičkom osvjetljenju baterijom unutra prošaro od onih sjena me jeza lagana uhvatila.... Ali texture su mi stvarno impresivne. Sve je prepuno bump mapinga a ono drvo istrunulu kako izgleda , pa kad vidite kamen ludnica , a zahrđale skale omg.

Još najimpresivnije su mi bile sjene od trave pod dx-om 10. Samo igra mi se toliko brutalno bolje ponaša pod xp-om da padam u napast igrat na dx9 bez problema ako ne uspjem ugradat dok puna verzija izađe.
Uglavnom ako bude i multi dobar razmišljam o kupnji igre za prave pinđe.

:offtopic: Prvi stalker mi je nakon prvog igranja ostavi totalno ne sređene dojmove. S jedne strane odlična atmosfera ali opet bugovito nekako sve, a ono koliko je metaka trebalo sprašit u protivnika da ne govorim. Da nije bilo onog reality moda ne bi nikako ni igro...... Međutim igru nikad nisam završio pred kraj mi toliko dosadila da ipak želim vidit cijeli clear sky prije nego se odlučim.....:offtopic:

srale7 18.05.2008. 13:53

igrao sam stalkera, jedno 3 min..Mislim meni je igra totalna koma.. Kao sto je netko gore spomenuo ili je volis ili mrzis..

Ali ne kuzim gdje je tu dobra amosfera??

...nekako je zarazno, atmosferično, kvalitetno inovativna
ja to stavrno ne nalazim u ovoj igri.. i jos mi je najgore kaj protivnici valjda nose neke uber pancirke, pa sa kalasem na 15 m trebam potrosit valjda 30 metaka da ga ubijem..
Sinuo sam ovaj demo, i isto razocaranje..

Tu se vidim ekipa pali na sjene, grafiku, ali meni je sve to nekak debilno..NHF

yedwy 18.05.2008. 14:21

Ja spadam u mrziš skupinu, totalno mi nije legla igrao manje od 5 min i deinstalirao..

Ista stvar ko sa Civilizationom valjda, ili si geek ili je nemreš smislit...

Michel 18.05.2008. 18:31

Zato ja stalno spominjem reality mod. Bez njega neide. Nakon njega je 1 headshot one kill a u tijelo 2-3 metka max.

srale7 18.05.2008. 18:33


Autor Michel (Post 1032367)
Zato ja stalno spominjem reality mod. Bez njega neide. Nakon njega je 1 headshot one kill a u tijelo 2-3 metka max.

Stvarno ne kuzim..Vidim da spominjes taj realiti mod i vjerujem da je onda koliko-toliko igrivije..
Ali yebemu mater, pa jel nisu to mogli fino stavit u igru, nego ovako izgleda kao da se boris protiv izvanzemaljaca?

EDIT i da se pohvalim, nakon jedno 30 ak puta sto sam zapoceo ovaj demo, uspio sam ubiti 1 lika (slovima:jednog). a mislim da je na easy..sta da je na hard? valjda bi igrao do 2010 da ubijem nekoga..Mislim, stvarno debilno da ne moze vise. Ne zelim po nikom pljuvat, ali skupina tih idijota koja je napravila ovu "yebenu" igru, jel oni kad zgotove sve, jel oni kazu:"Ajdmo mi sad to i probat da vidimo kak to izgleda uopce?"

Ja sam uvjeren da ne..jer da pogledaju i da imaju imalo osjecaja za bilo sta, nesto bi(a ima toga puno) promijenili..
A onaj prvi dio su radili 7 godina? mislim, budimo realni..ili su debili i ne znaju svoj posao ili su je napravili za godinu dana i ostalih 6 se zayebavali..

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