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mamutarka 09.06.2019. 22:50

Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)

Coming 2020, Microsoft Flight Simulator is the next generation of one of the most beloved simulation franchises. From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and stunning aircraft in an incredibly realistic world. Create your flight plan and fly anywhere on the planet. Enjoy flying day or night and face realistic, challenging weather conditions.

Neo-ST 30.06.2019. 20:25


On behalf of the entire Microsoft Flight Simulator team, we humbly and deeply express our gratitude for such an overwhelmingly positive response to our announce trailer! We recognize that without people like you, we don’t get to make experiences like this that span more than 35 years and maintain such a passionate following. Thank you for being patient enough to weather the turbulence caused by some of our previous missteps. Thank you for being willing to look to the possibilities of the future while asking us to be accountable for the past. We hear you, we value you, we want to make the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator for you, with you.

While this is not the moment to answer every question being asked, we do want to take the opportunity to answer a few important ones:
  1. We are making Microsoft Flight Simulator. Emphasis on the word SIMULATOR.
  2. Designed for PC, optimized for multiplatform support (e.g. Xbox).
  3. Yes. We are supporting 3rd Party Content Development and Community Content creation. We are aware of the concerns in the current eco-system and are working to address them.
  4. Yes. We genuinely want to work closely with the community in the development of this title.
  5. Accessibility is important to us. Whatever your abilities are, if you want to fly, we are going to do whatever we can to make that happen. Yoke and pedals, mouse and keyboard, controller, etc. No pilot should be left behind.

Over the next few months, we will be communicating our plans for the rest of the year, including important updates to the Preview Build/Insider Programs, and important development beats. Maintaining a collaborative relationship with the community starts with transparency and clearly communicated expectations. Early August is our current timeline for kicking off the communication of the development roadmap. We will continue to add clarity to this timeline throughout the summer. If you’d like the latest updates, please make sure to sign up for the Insider Program.

This is just the first step in an adventure we are honored and excited to be taking with all of you. The reaction we received from our recent trailer was an incredible reminder that we are not alone in this passion we have for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, honestly expressing your feedback and concerns, and for taking this next step with us.

From all of us here working on Microsoft Flight Simulator:

Thank you.


Microsoft Flight Simulator Team


Lewis 01.07.2019. 14:39

izgleda odlicno, ne igram igre uopce ali ovako nesto bi mogao zaigrat (kad bi imao kad :)).

Mommistake 01.07.2019. 15:20

Meni je uvijek bila želja imati simulator u kući, bilo to simulator za aute ili avione.

Ali kada ovo vidim, VR naočale, kompletan setup za avione i neki udobar stolac, mogao bi dane i sate provesti na tome. :)

renc 02.07.2019. 13:40

Najbolja/najrealnija combat simulacija je IL2 GB.
Najbolji "study sim" je DCS.
MS Flight simulator je nekada davno bio pravi...dugo ništa i evo ga sad opet, vrlo zanimljivo kome nije combat bitan.
Za "ozbiljnije igranje" simulacija te za pravi doživljaj potrebno je kupiti kvalitetan letački hardver: VKB ili Virpil joystick te gas (throttle). Također i rudder pedale. Best buy pedale i jedne od najboljih na tržištu radi čovjek iz Hrvatske, pedale su MFG Crosswind. Virpil ima jedan odličan model ali je skup kao i ove Thrustmaster TPR pendular pedale.
Također za avio i racing sim obavezno je nabaviti neki head tracker. Može EDTracker pro (povoljno i dobro, poslati mail prvo) ili TrackIR.
Može se ići i na VR što je vrlo skupo i nije još doseglo vrhunac tehnološki, također zahtijeva onda i jači PC od klasičnog head trackera.
Za povremenu zajebanciju dovoljan je neki običan jeftinjola joystik koji koristi twist stick funkciju za rudder.

Uložio sam već gomilu love u letačku opremu i guštam ko svinja.
Inače combat flight sim genre izumire, ne igra to puno ljudi, da nije rusa koji rade IL2 i taj letački hardver (VKB, Virpil) ne bi bilo ni nas par tisuća koji to igramo. Lova je u battle royale, FPS i sličnim ****** za cijelu obitelj. Ali dovoljno nas je da napunimo par servera i tarapana.

MOD: Bez vrijeđanja drugih članova!!!

mamutarka 16.08.2019. 13:43


Neo-ST 30.09.2019. 21:55

:eek: :respekt:

Neo-ST 09.10.2019. 13:48

Microsoft Flight Simulator lead on PC cloud power, Xbox One debut, mods and updates

Neo-ST 26.10.2019. 21:29

mamutarka 11.11.2019. 23:51






MadManBD 12.11.2019. 00:33

Izgleda nestvarno :care:

Strider 14.11.2019. 21:56

OuttaControl 14.11.2019. 23:00


Autor MadManBD (Post 3353314)
Izgleda nestvarno :care:

ili izgleda prestvarno :goood:

mamutarka 14.11.2019. 23:51

čekamo sys req :D

mamutarka 02.01.2020. 12:46

scarzz 02.01.2020. 13:01

Brutalno dobro izgleda

DoxyTheCroat 02.01.2020. 13:16

Još od Crysisa nismo imali neki napredak ili skok u video igrama.
Bogme ovaj simulator bi mogao biti taj dugo očekivani napredak.

mamutarka 22.04.2020. 14:25

Microsoft Flight Simulator minimum specs
CPU: Ryzen 3 1200 / Intel i5-4460
GPU: Radeon RX 570 / NVIDIA GTX 770
HDD: 150GB
Bandwidth: 5 Mbps

Microsoft Flight Simulator recommended specs
CPU: Ryzen 5 1500X / Intel i5-8400
GPU: Radeon RX 590 / Nvidia GTX 970
HDD: 150GB
Bandwidth: 20 Mbps

Microsoft Flight Simulator ideal specs
CPU: Ryzen 7 Pro 2700X / Intel i7-9800X
GPU: Radeon VII / Nvidia RTX 2080
HDD: 150GB (SSD recommended)
Bandwidth: 50 Mbps

OuttaControl 22.04.2020. 21:00

Pa čak nisu neki bolesni zahtjevi, sad, il ce bit dobro optimizirana, il preview videi lažu :D

JC Denton 22.04.2020. 21:31

S obzirom na ideal specs, čini mi se da će bit dobro "threadana"... :)

sharyn 22.04.2020. 22:44

sve 5 osim bandwitha; to bi moglo bit nezgodno :D

JC Denton 23.04.2020. 13:53


Autor sharyn (Post 3399706)
sve 5 osim bandwitha; to bi moglo bit nezgodno :D

5G će riješit probleme :lol2:

Neo-ST 23.04.2020. 16:52

Šta će mu toliki bandwidth ?

mamutarka 23.04.2020. 18:20

igra ima 2 milijuna GB, moš birat oćeš letit offline ili online, online je da imaš svoju kuću i sve detalje zemlje, učitava se u hodu dok letiš

Neo-ST 23.04.2020. 18:28

A offline? Dobijem wire frame grafiku ili šta?

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk

mamutarka 23.04.2020. 18:38

nekakav generički svijet valjda, grafika je u oba slučaja ista, ali sadržaj ne

mamutarka 13.07.2020. 15:47

MadManBD 13.07.2020. 16:40

Znaci treba istražit koji joystick kupit :D

delavi 15.07.2020. 20:21


Autor MadManBD (Post 3422085)
Znaci treba istražit koji joystick kupit :D

Ako si ozbiljan flight simmer onda joystick/throttle:

ili https://virpil-controls.eu/

i rudder pedale:


A za one casual letače ovo je najbolja opcija:

Head trackeri bez kojih nema smisla igrati driving i flight simove:
TiR 5
budget opcija: ED Tracker Pro

ili VR...ali za VR trebat ćete nuklearni PC za ovaj simulator....

To su vam moje preporuke nakon 25g virtualnog letenja. Kao što vidite to je malo ozbiljniji hobi od klasičnog gejmanja a i skuplji a prosječna dob igrača je cca 35g.

Ako vas kojim slučajem umjesto letenja cessnica, boinga i sličnog ipak više zanima letenje u borbenim avionima prvog i/ili drugog svjetskog rata onda je najbolji izbor prilično realni simulator kojeg možete naći ovdje. Osim odlično odrađenog simulatora borbenih aviona imaju i daleko najbolji simulator tenkova iz drugog svjetskog rata koji može korespondirati sa avionima u misijama.

xGAME 16.07.2020. 18:57

Ovaj TrackIR sam neko vrijeme gledao da si piknem kad sam igrao Elite Dangerous, no onda sam prestao igrat tu igru :D
Pošto uskoro izlazi Flight Simulator i izgleda bezobrazno dobro, sad si me podsjetio nazad na TrackIR.

Pretpostavljam da ga ti posjeduješ?
Na kojoj rezoluciji to koristiš i jel to uopće igra neku ulogu? Ne mogu se otjet dojmu da sve ispod ultrawide screena nije baš za to, no vjerojatno se varam.
I jel čudno/nepraktično kad okreneš glavu pa ne gledaš direktno u monitor, nego prema rubu ekrana?

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