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Staro 03.01.2023., 00:06   #241
The Exiled
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Ko bi ga znal, na kraju bude ispalo da je do tvornice koja zapravo proizvodi te hladnjake ...
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Obzirom da su sve to bili referentni modeli za recenzije, stvarno je moguće da su pogođeni određeni retail modeli ili je proizvođač tih hladnjaka sfušal određenu seriju i otišlo je u prodaju.

Igor Wallossek has provided a brief update to Der8auer findings. The possible issue being described is insufficient coolant added to the vapor chamber.

Igor does not want to spoil the der8auer’s new findings, so what is important is that the YouTuber is to share a new video tomorrow which should provide us more information.
Izvor: Igor’sLAB

Although the graphics card examined was an MBA design ("Made by AMD") affected by the temperature problems, Roman Hartung could not identify any obvious symptoms such as defects or design errors.
Eto, u prošlom videu je zaključak da AMD obavezno mora napraviti recall, jer je zahvaćeno sve pod Suncem, dok mu se u ovome sve čini OK.

Hotspot problem of AMD’s Radeon RX 7900 XTX (MBA): Even several batches of the vapor chamber affected, replacement of thousands of cards starts
However, I explicitly point out that all this information should be considered preliminary until an official statement from AMD and that there could still be corrections to the mentioned numbers. Of course, one can ask why all this was not recognized much earlier and why quality control obviously failed so grandiosely. This also has something to do with the fragmentation of production and supply chains. Both the chamber and the complete cooler come from a third-party manufacturer far in advance and are of course very difficult to test without the board assembled. If the PVT samples (Production Validation Test) worked, then later one takes samples from the current MP (Mass Production) at most. In the best case, such cards are tested e.g. at PC-Partner in special hot boxes, but are there in a vertical setup. And then it comes exactly to the occurred case, because the affected vapor chambers are not completely non-functional, but only more or less limited functional. However, this is almost impossible to monitor with granular tests.
Izvor: Igor'sLAB
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M

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Staro 05.01.2023., 20:40   #242
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Eto, u prošlom videu je zaključak da AMD obavezno mora napraviti recall, jer je zahvaćeno sve pod Suncem, dok mu se u ovome sve čini OK.
Pored ovog problema Nvidijn s kablovima izgleda smiješno. Sad ti znaj iz koje serije si karticu dobio, i kada je i da li je uopće problem riješen . Al fino da im je netko dokazao da problem postoji i zašto postoji. Nek se sad čupaju van kak znaju. Govna.

Ispada da je Intel imao najbolji launch 2022.
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Staro 05.01.2023., 21:04   #243
The Exiled
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AMD i nVidiju su snašle pizdarije sfušanih proizvoda treće strane, a Intel je super prošel, jer se kartice praktični nisu mogle ni kupiti.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 06.01.2023., 11:23   #244
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A ništa, kad presveta firma izda novu liniju proizvoda, prvo tečaj ili večernja škola, izdavanje svjedodžbe, itek onda kupovina
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Staro 06.01.2023., 11:32   #245
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Sve ja to razumijem ako bez puno pitanja preuzmu jedni i drugi i zamjene za ispravnu. I skupocjene aute u stotinama tisuća primjeraka sfušaju i javno objavljuju da je potreban masovni servis.
Meni se gade jedni i drugi zbog drugog/ih razloga, ove sfušane konektore koji traže pažnju ili sfušane hladnjake nije problem ispraviti uz malo dobre volje. Dugoročno najmanji problem i previše se na to fokusira kako bi se dokazalo ovo ili ono. Slično kao sigurnosne rupe na Intelu.
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Staro 06.01.2023., 11:43   #246
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Greške se dogode, korektne firme reagiraju i problemi budu rješeni.
Problem je u pokušajima prodavanja nekih firmi kao savršenih i bezgrešnih..... i uvjek je neko drugi kriv....
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Staro 06.01.2023., 13:03   #247
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Meni se gade jedni i drugi zbog drugog/ih razloga, ove sfušane konektore koji traže pažnju ili sfušane hladnjake nije problem ispraviti uz malo dobre volje. Dugoročno najmanji problem i previše se na to fokusira kako bi se dokazalo ovo ili ono. Slično kao sigurnosne rupe na Intelu.
Ovo. Da netko nije dokazao oni bi i dalje tvrdili da je 110 stupnjeva normalno za GPU, isto kao sto tvrde da je 95 super za CPU. Samo je pitanje koliko dugo, a znamo da su mogli biti hladniji. Pada mi na pamet kolega kojem je prdnuo 5900 i nema pravo na zamjenu jer je proc bio tray. Korporativna posla.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: stef. 06.01.2023. u 13:14.
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Staro 07.01.2023., 11:28   #248
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Off Topic pobrisan, dosta rasprave i prepucavanja o nvidiji u ovoj temi.
skupi-dupi-du, skupi-dupi-du, pam pam... pf
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Staro 08.01.2023., 18:30   #249
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Evo šta de8auer kaže za hotspot

I Jay

Srećom pa sam AMD hejter od prije još, a s ovom glupošću su mi još više pali u očima.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Thermaltake. 09.01.2023. u 19:04.
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Staro 09.01.2023., 22:40   #250
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vrhunac ironije je kad osoba korisnickog imena thermaltake kaze da je amd hater dok je thermaltake tvrtka sinonim za smece muljazu kradu i opcenito los ukus
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Staro 10.01.2023., 05:30   #251
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A kakve veze ima nečiji nick iz 2005-e?
Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 10.01.2023., 09:01   #252
The Exiled
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Vapor gate including failure of the entire quality management? Background on the cooler problem of the AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (MBA)
To be fair, I have to state that some of my conclusions are based on information from third parties (involved parties), but it seems completely plausible when looking at the usual business processes. I am, however, familiar with the processes at the manufacturers involved, because there are no real secrets there either. But what went wrong in detail must now be worked out and clarified by quality management as quickly and completely as possible. The globality and complexity of a quality management system includes all customer-supplier relationships and acts as a permanent, intensive interrelationship between them. And when we speak of quality here, the quality concept used stands as a unity of condition and quality requirement. The quality demanded is therefore not the maximum feasibility, but the correct realization of the quality requirements defined for a cooler. Errors can always happen and there is no such thing as 100% error-free production. But one must always strive to approach this unattainable ideal with a so-called zero-failure strategy.

What does it actually take to make a graphics card or do the finishing work? First of all, you commission board manufacturers to deliver the bare PCBs to the manufacturer, you buy all the components and sometimes even have the belts for the SMD components already assembled by third parties – and you buy a complete cooler. Before I go into this cooler and the other entanglements in the delivery process, let’s take a rough look at this with quality management first so we can also grasp the fundamental problem. While quality management is in the hands of AMD and, to a large extent, the contract manufacturer, third-party providers and suppliers must fit in seamlessly here. This is definitely a rocky road in the case of the RX 7900 XTX, as the cooler is supplied by Cooler Master. However, Cooler Master is also only “man-in-the-middle”, because the cooling construction including the vapor chamber is again made by Asia Vital Components Co, Ltd. (also known as AVC for short). So while QM is up to AMD and the contract manufacturer, Cooler Master has to subordinate and ensure QA on their part. The actual manufacturer AVC must in turn subordinate itself to the superordinate QA (and thus also to the general QM) and ensure QC on site during production.
Izvor: Igor'sLAB
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 11.01.2023., 11:58   #253
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Izgleda da je neko usro i šefa i stanicu i šest kilometara pruge.

AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPUs Mysteriously Start Dying, German Repair Shop Receives 48 Cards With Cracked Chips
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Staro 11.01.2023., 13:06   #254
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Izgleda da je neko usro i šefa i stanicu i šest kilometara pruge.

AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPUs Mysteriously Start Dying, German Repair Shop Receives 48 Cards With Cracked Chips
Ovo zvuči kao SF.
Sumnja za početak pada na drivere...hmmm...Fajn Vajn™
Ali slike su odlične, kao kad ti izgore kolači pa ostanu zaljepljeni za tepsiju...u ovom slučaju se kolačić kvalitetno zapekao za kuler.

A Vaporgate kako su ga nazvali ko naša birokratija, svi krive onog drugog i obrati se njemu sa FT1P obrazcem.
Slobodno me dodajte na PSN

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Disco. 11.01.2023. u 13:15.
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Staro 11.01.2023., 16:38   #255
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Izgleda da je neko usro i šefa i stanicu i šest kilometara pruge.

AMD Radeon RX 6000 GPUs Mysteriously Start Dying, German Repair Shop Receives 48 Cards With Cracked Chips

AMD runs out of RX 7900 XTX cards
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Staro 11.01.2023., 17:43   #256
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One email said: “We understand that you want to trade in your RX 7900 XTX. You must know that we cannot change your graphics card since we do not have stock in our warehouses. We can start the process as soon as the stock is renewed. But we currently don’t have an estimated restock date. If you prefer a refund, we can start the process immediately and send you the label to send us the graphics card. If you wish to wait for an RMA, please provide the following information:

– Maximum temperature and current temperature of the GPU
– How long does it take to reach that temperature?
– What application (game/benchmark/stress test) were you using when you noticed the temperature increase?”
Iako i kartica i hladnjak posebno imaju svoj QR/bar-kod . Ili stvarno nemaju pojma što je sve afektirano, ili muljaju.
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Staro 23.01.2023., 19:56   #257
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Zašto Asrock ima preporuku za napajanje 1000w, a svi ostali nemaju preko 850w? Uzeo bi možda Asrock, al me mući što ima Seasonic FOCUS Plus Gold 850. Dali bi bilo dovoljno?

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Staro 23.01.2023., 23:05   #258
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Ajd probaj zamislit da si složiš nekakvu konfu sa xtx-om i da ispadne da seasonic 850w nije dosta
Kakva bi to bila potrošnja, kakve bi to bile temperature, to američke utičnice polako već ne mogu izdržati, morat će stavljati PC na jednu strujnu utičnicu a GPU na drugu
P.S. 7900xtx sa konfom i tvojim cpu-om ne prelazi 500w u full loadu.
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Staro 26.01.2023., 14:15   #259
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Autor Disco Pregled postova
Ovo zvuči kao SF.
Sumnja za početak pada na drivere...hmmm...Fajn Vajn™
Ali slike su odlične, kao kad ti izgore kolači pa ostanu zaljepljeni za tepsiju...u ovom slučaju se kolačić kvalitetno zapekao za kuler.

A Vaporgate kako su ga nazvali ko naša birokratija, svi krive onog drugog i obrati se njemu sa FT1P obrazcem.
Izgleda da imamo rasplet
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Staro 26.01.2023., 14:37   #260
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Nisam gledao ali netko je spomenuo da su grafe bile kod majnera koji ih je prao ni više ni manje nego MiniWashom!

Jel to to ili je zaključak neki drugi...vidim da video traje 24 min pa mi se neda...

Pa vi kupujte od majnera.
Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 26.01.2023., 14:58   #261
The Exiled
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U nekoliko različitih tema (uključujući ovu koja nema veze s tim karticama) unazad nekoliko postova je ovo već pokriveno.

Kaj se kripto kartica tiče, ima tu svega: Gamers beware: miners are now painting GPU memory to make them look as new
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Radeon GPU cracking not caused by drivers, storing conditions and cryptomining to blame
The long story short is that it was not the driver after all. As it turns out, the graphics cards that were sent over to KrisFix also had one other thing in common that was previously not mentioned. Many of these cards were sold by the same seller within two weeks, with a strong suspicion that these cards were previously used for cryptomining. However, the main issue was not the fact they were used for mining, as many post-mining cards are used by gamers around the globe every day. It is the moist condition that these cards were kept in, that might have been the cause of the problem in the first place. The increased air humidity certainly might have affected each of these cards.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 26.01.2023., 15:18   #262
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Zaključak bi bio, kupiš novo u dućanu ili od provjerenog čovjeka sa računom i bok.
Od majnera ćeš dobit jeftinije sa razlogom.
Slobodno me dodajte na PSN
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Staro 26.01.2023., 15:38   #263
The Exiled
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Da, pa koliko je samo bilo upita na tu temu i svaki put je ispalo da su kripto kartice čak i bolje od novih, jer rade u kontroliranim uvjetima, itd.

Dok se tu farbaju memorije da izgledaju ko nove, a pranje miniwashom ne treba ni komentirati.
AMD Ryzen 7 Pro 4750G + Vega iGPU | be quiet! Pure Rock 2 Black | MSI B450 Tomahawk Max II | 32GB G.Skill DDR4-2666 Value | 256GB AData SX8200 Pro NVMe | 2x4TB WD Red Plus | Fractal Define 7 Compact | Corsair CX450M
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Staro 26.01.2023., 15:48   #264
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Ili nađeš minera sa opsesivno-kompulzivnim poremećajem kojem mora sve biti "pod špagu".
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Staro 26.01.2023., 16:01   #265
Dobro je sve.
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Uhh tih je puno

Sent from my M2012K11AG using Tapatalk
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Staro 15.02.2023., 10:05   #266
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Po meni je amd s ovom serijom grafi totalno drop the ball sto bi rekli u nfl zargonu.. Umjesto da su uletili s 30% nizim cjenama od nvidije. oni naprave ovako sranje.. A nisam niciji fanboy. osim svog novcanika..
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Staro 15.02.2023., 10:32   #267
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XTX jesu 20% jeftinije od 4080 u USA valjda, ali kod nas u Europi su cijene drugačije, XTX i 4080 koštaju jednako. Neka velika muljaža, čini mi se.
XT i 4070ti imaju omjer kako bi i trebale prema MSRP.
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Staro 25.03.2023., 23:30   #268
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S obzirom na sve xt Mora biti max 700e gpu.maxx
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Staro 18.04.2023., 21:53   #269
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Ina li tko 7900xt ovdje? Zanima me koliko topline generira pri max loadu,vidim da je slicns 3080ti koju sam imo a od nje me ubijala vrucina
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Staro 19.04.2023., 00:14   #270
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Po meni je amd s ovom serijom grafi totalno drop the ball sto bi rekli u nfl zargonu.. Umjesto da su uletili s 30% nizim cjenama od nvidije. oni naprave ovako sranje.. A nisam niciji fanboy. osim svog novcanika..
Veci je fail skupa a kastrirana 4070ti sa samo 12gb vram, neke AAA igre vec sada u 1440p koriste do 16gb vrama a sto ce tek biti kroz 2024-2025.
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