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Staro 18.11.2011., 14:10   #1
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Koji OS za mali Asus EEE 4G ?

Imam ovaj netbook već ~3 god. i služi mi samo kao "download računalo", tj. ne gasi se i preko noći vrti torrente, itd.
Laptop ima ugrađen SSD od 4gb, originalno s njim je bio Xandros Linux, međutim makao sam ga jer ne znam raditi na Linuxu pa sam stavio Win XP.
To mi je također bio nužan potez jer neke korisne stvari koje rade na Win ne rade na linuxu, kao npr. Teamviewer kojeg često koristim da pristupim netbooku, moddani display driveri koji dopuštaju rezolucije veće od 800x600 (inače je toliko tvornički limitiran), ostali "toolsi" koji dižu takt procesora sa 600 na 900mhz, kontrola ventilatora, itd.

Sve je bilo u redu nekih godinu-ipo, a onda se mali HDD napunio do kraja (iako sam prebacio sve temp-ove, cacheove, itd. na externi disk) i više nisam imao šta brisat, pa sam izbrisao Windowse

Nakon toga sam nekidan stavio isto Win xp ali nLite-anu verziju (250mb instalacija), pa to ne radi kako treba, ima više problema - da ne duljim.

Promatram ponovo opciju vraćanja Xandrosa na njega međutim mislim da će mi to zadati glavobolje, ponajprije zbog Teamviewera, shareanja externog diska i povezivanja istog na "glavno" računalo, a da ne spominjem ove moddane toolse koji rade isključivo na Winxp.

Svejedno bih htio čuti šta vi preporučate, dakle neki mali lagani OS, mogućnost instalacije barem Teamviewera i da ne zauzme cijeli disk?

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Staro 18.11.2011., 15:05   #2
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neznam za xandros, ali meni je na ubuntu i linux mint normalno teamviewer radil
a za povezivanje win-win sam radije koristil integrirani RDC
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 18.11.2011., 15:09   #3
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
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TeamViewer za Linux neće sam da se nađe, ne radi ?
Više od 800x600 na 7" je čisti mazohizam, sa nLite se može smanjit instalacija XP ali treba pazit šta ćeš maknit u protivnom dobiješ loš rezultat.
Za tu igračku je dokumentirano dosta modifikacija, između ostalih ubacivanje usb sticka za povećanje raspoložive memorije:
nabaviš brzi usb stick, cca 16 Gb, rastaviš i spojiš interno na jedan od neiskorištenih izlaza orig. usb hub - a.
Ako ti služi samo kao torent mašina, digni neku Linux verziju s tim da ćeš upravljat s njim daljinski preko mreže i nekog pc - a.
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Staro 18.11.2011., 15:29   #4
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Autor domis Pregled postova
neznam za xandros, ali meni je na ubuntu i linux mint normalno teamviewer radil
a za povezivanje win-win sam radije koristil integrirani RDC
Može bit da sam i ja nešto pobrkao, znam da sam jednom stavio Ubuntu na jedan komp i bio je neki problem sa Teamviewer-om, mislim da se nije startao sa sistemom (a to je vrlo bitno, ako dođe do restarta i slično) pa sam pola dana proučavao linux samo da ubacim TV u startup. Sad sam već totalno sve zaboravio

Autor Nikky Pregled postova
Više od 800x600 na 7" je čisti mazohizam, sa nLite se može smanjit instalacija XP ali treba pazit šta ćeš maknit u protivnom dobiješ loš rezultat.
Za tu igračku je dokumentirano dosta modifikacija, između ostalih ubacivanje usb sticka za povećanje raspoložive memorije:
nabaviš brzi usb stick, cca 16 Gb, rastaviš i spojiš interno na jedan od neiskorištenih izlaza orig. usb hub - a.
Ako ti služi samo kao torent mašina, digni neku Linux verziju s tim da ćeš upravljat s njim daljinski preko mreže i nekog pc - a.
Ma naravno da je mazohizam, negledljivo je preko 800x600, nego tu ima jedna druga caka zašto mi trebaju više rezolucije, a to je da kad se spajam na EEE-a preko TV-a, i na njemu je npr. 1280x1024, u TV-u je ekran točno toliki ali nije skaliran, pa je puno lakše upravljati. Da u isto vrijeme otvoriš ekran od EEE-a, vidio bi samo smanjene hijeroglife, ali kod Teamviewera je drugačija situacija, valjda koristi drugačije drivere.

Ovo za memoriju sam i ja mislio, ali samo "ubost" jedan usb stick i ciao, da sad ne lemim po njemu, samo i ovako je ultra spor, s tim stickom bi bio još sporiji...

Autor Nikky Pregled postova
Ako ti služi samo kao torent mašina, digni neku Linux verziju s tim da ćeš upravljat s njim daljinski preko mreže i nekog pc - a.
Da, samo tome služi. Pitanje je koju linux verziju? Ako se dobro sjećam, Ubuntu kad se instalira nije puno manji od XP-a, a EEE ima 4gb hard disk...
Drugi problem je daljinsko upravljanje, ok Teamviewer bi se još dao namjestit, ali da li je moguće shareat externi disk koji je spojen na EEE-a, tako da ga na lokalnoj mreži vidim na kompu koji ima Win7 ?
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Staro 18.11.2011., 19:26   #5
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
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Ni ja nisam na ti sa linuxom, nešto sitno znam.
Mislim da bi moralo biti moguće shareat externi disk.
Kad sam govorio Remote varijantu mislio sam da složiš neku NAS varijantu / instalaciju kojom se upravlja preko mreže preko browsera ili posebne aplikacije. Mnoge takve NAS kombinacije imaju bilo u startu bilo preko dodatka Torent klijent.
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Staro 18.11.2011., 20:51   #6
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Moram ti priznat da nemam pojma o čemu pričaš
Može neki link na NAS varijantu, da vidim o čemu se radi i kako to složit?
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Staro 19.11.2011., 15:54   #7
Nikky's Avatar
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Kad sam mislio na Remote upravljanja torentima onda sam mislio na ovako nešto:
Umjesto spominjane NAS verzije, možda je bolje da probaš Puppy Linux (traži male resurse) + Transmission tj. BitTorrent client.
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Staro 19.11.2011., 16:47   #8
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
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Hvala, eksperimentirat cu pa javim...
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Staro 20.11.2011., 15:12   #9
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Instalirao sam na njega Leeenux linux:

Probao sam i Pupeee linux, ali mi je ovaj dosta bolji.
Sada kreću problemi... kako instalirat Teamviewer na njega i napraviti da se pokreće sam, pa shareanje foldera, itd.
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Staro 20.11.2011., 15:38   #10
Nikky's Avatar
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Kad si već odabrao taj Leeenux onda pogledaš spomenuti wiki jer ti tamo piše važan info a to je Package manager=dpkg a to pak znači Debian package management system.
Za install TeamViewer ili ga povuci / pronađi kroz dpkg ili dl. debian paket sa support stranice:
potom vidi kako se deb paket instalira.
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 20.11.2011., 15:40   #11
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Da, to sam naknadno shvatio, tnx anyway
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Staro 20.11.2011., 15:52   #12
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lutherus's Avatar
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dpkg ne znaći Debian package management system već je dpkg baza za Debian package management system.
Note to the AMD haters: nobody cares
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Staro 22.11.2011., 21:35   #13
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
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Da ne otvaram novu temu, zapeo sam na jednom problemu (btw. makao sam Leeenux i stavio Puppy).
Trebam staviti da se Teamviewer pokreće skupa sa sistemom. Kod Leeenuxa sam imao startup manager gdje sam ga jednostavno dodao, ali ovaj puppy to nema pa moram manualno, a to ne znam.
Čitam na netu da ga treba dodati u rc.local ali ne znam kako.
Teamviewer se nalazi u /opt/teamviewer
ali onda ima još subfoldera: teamviewer/6/...

EDIT: e da, skoro zaboravio. Kupim jučer class10 SDHC 16gb karticu, tako da dignem winxp na nju i neće. Kod instalacije winsa, onaj plavi ekran, dođem na odabir diska za instalaciju i karticu ne prihvaća, da je "corrupt" (iako nije, testirano). Probao formatirati u Fat32/ntfs, ništa ne prolazi.
Bačeno 189kn. Hoće je netko kupit?
EDIT2: đizs...ovo je procedura. Lakše se ubit.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 22.11.2011. u 21:48.
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Staro 23.11.2011., 23:56   #14
Tomy B.
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Imam već riješen taj image, da ga probam upload-ati negdje tokom noći.
If You want to be old and wise,
You gone be young and stupid first!

Pošteni trgovci: .1. .2. .3.
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Staro 24.11.2011., 09:24   #15
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kasko's Avatar
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Option 3: TinyXP Beast Edition II


- Updated to September 2010
- Includes Internet Explorer 6
- Includes Windows Update


Windows Statistics:

Complete Installation: 511 MB
Windows Folder Size: 496 MB
RAM Usage: 63 MB
Running Processes: 15


Whats Removed?

- Accessibility Options
- Briefcase
- Charmap
- ClipBook Viewer
- Defragmenter
- Games
- Internet Games
- NT Backup
- Pinball
- Screensavers
- WordPad

- Display Adapters
- Modems
- Printers
- Scanners

- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean

- ActiveX for streaming video
- AOL ART Image Format Support
- Images and Backgrounds
- Luna desktop theme
- Media Center
- MIDI audio support
- Mouse Cursors
- Movie Maker
- Music Samples
- Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
- Speech Support
- Tablet PC
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Player 6.4
- Windows Sounds

- Client for Netware Networks
- Communication tools
- Comtrol Test Terminal Program
- Connection Manager
- FrontPage Extensions
- H323 MSP
- Internet Connection Wizard
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- IP Conferencing
- MSN Explorer
- Netmeeting
- NetShell Cmd-Tool
- Network Diagnostic
- Network Monitor Driver and Tools
- NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol
- Outlook Express
- Peer-to-Peer
- Share Creation Wizard
- Synchronization Manager
- TAPI Application Support
- TCP/IP Version 6
- Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)
- Web Folders
- Windows Messenger

[Operating System Options]
- .NET Framework
- Administrative Templates
- Administrator VB scripts
- Application compatibility patch
- Blaster/Nachi removal tool
- Color Schemes
- Desktop Cleanup Wizard
- Disk and Profile Quota
- Disk Cleanup
- Document Templates
- DR Watson
- Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97)
- Extra Fonts
- File and Settings Wizard
- Help and Support
- IExpress Wizard
- Input Method Editor
- Manual Install and Upgrade
- MS Agent
- MS XML 2.0
- Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
- Private Character Editor
- Remote Installation Services (RIS)
- Search Assistant
- Security Center
- Service Pack Messages
- Symbolic Debugger (NTSD)
- Tour
- Web View

- Alerter
- Application Layer Gateway
- Beep Driver
- Distributed Link Tracking Client
- Error Reporting
- Extensible Authentication Protocol Service
- Health Key and Certificate Management Service
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
- Indexing Service
- Internet Authentication (IAS)
- IPSEC Policy Agent
- Message Queuing (MSMQ)
- Messenger
- Network Access Protection (NAP)
- Network DDE
- Performance Logs and Alerts
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Remote Registry
- Removable Storage
- Telnet
- Text Services Framework
- Volume Shadow Copy
- WebClient



Included Hotfixes:

KB892130 - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool ActiveX Control
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB916157 - When you receive a Stop error message or a fatal system error message, a user-mode process dump file is not created in Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB923561 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office text converters could allow remote code execution
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (August 2010)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007 (cdrom.sys)
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - "<Drive Letter>: is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951608 - Update for Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952004 - Description of the security update for MSDTC Transaction Facility (April 2009)
KB952011 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954155 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Runtime Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder)
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955704 - Support for the exFAT file system format
KB955759 - AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009
KB955830 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956048 - An application that calls the Image Color Management (ICM) functions in the Icm32.dll module may crash
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956572 - Description of the security update for Windows Service Isolation (April 2009)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956844 - Vulnerability in DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958690 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB958869 - Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959426 - Blended threat vulnerability in SearchPath could allow elevation of privilege
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
KB960859 - Vulnerability in Telnet Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB961118 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
KB961187 - If you reconnect a removable storage device to a computer running Windows XP, the OS cannot find the removable storage device
KB961451 - Receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects
KB961503 - You cannot input characters as expected by using a non-English Input Method Editor in Windows Live Messenger
KB961605 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB961742 - Update for Windows XP SP3 to enable RemoteApp™
KB967048 - Error message on a Windows XP-based computer that has a USB card reader: "Stop 0x000000D1"
KB967756 - Update for Windows Installer 4.5
KB968389 - Update to help strengthen authentication credentials in specific scenarios
KB968537 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB968585 - A handle leak occurs in the print spooler service after you resubmit a print job to a shared printer on which the "Keep printed documents" option is enabled
KB968730 - Windows XP clients cannot obtain certificates from a Windows Server 2008-based certification authority (CA) if the CA is configured to use SHA2 256 or higher encryption
KB969059 - Vulnerability in Indexing Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3
KB969238 - A data transfer is corrupted when you transfer data from or to a USB device on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB969557 - When you use the Windows Key+L keyboard sequence to lock a Windows XP-based computer shortly after you log on to the system, the operating system may be automatically unlocked and the desktop can be accessed
KB970254 - The modem does not work and you cannot open the "Network Connections" window after you unplug and plug in the modem several times when a PPP connection is established in Windows XP
KB970430 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the HTTP Protocol Stack (http.sys)
KB970483 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) could allow elevation of privilege
KB970553 - Error message when you query Win32_Product class after you install applications by using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 with "Per-User" option in Windows XP: "0x80041001 - Generic failure"
KB971029 - Update to restrict AutoRun entries in the AutoPlay dialog to only CD and DVD drives
KB971165 - The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection
KB971234 - The Defrag.exe tool crashes when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB971314 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the XPS Essentials Pack in Windows XP
KB971345 - The LimitProfileSize Group Policy setting does not take effect when the size of a user profile is larger than 4 GB on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB971513 - Update for the Windows Automation API
KB971657 - Vulnerability in Workstation Service Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB971961 - Security Update for Jscript 5.7 for Windows XP
KB971737 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
KB972270 - Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB972422 - A Windows XP-based computer stops responding at the "Windows is loading your profile" screen when you connect to the computer by using an RDP connection
KB972435 - Slow performance when you try to open a redirected drive on a remote computer through a Terminal Services session
KB972878 - The "Guaranteed service type" Group Policy setting returns to the default value after you restart a client computer that is running Windows XP
KB973502 - Credential Roaming service update for Windows XP
KB973507 - Security update for the Active Template Library
KB973540 - Security update for Windows Media Player 9
KB973624 - After you use a smart card to log on to a computer that is running Windows XP, Digest authentication fails
KB973685 - Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 3
KB973687 - When an application uses MSXML to process XHTML, redundant retrieval requests for well-known DTD files from the W3C Web server cause XHTML parsing to fail
KB973815 - Security update for Microsoft MSWebDVD ActiveX Control
KB973869 - Security update for Microsoft DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control
KB973904 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974112 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974266 - Group Policy Preferences Client-Side Extension Hotfix Rollup
KB974318 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Authentication Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974392 - Vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem service could allow denial of service
KB974571 - Vulnerabilities in Windows CryptoAPI Could Allow Spoofing
KB975467 - Vulnerability in Local Security Authority Subsystem Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB975558 - Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975560 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975561 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975713 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Handler could allow remote code execution
KB975791 - Update to Notepad.exe in Windows XP
KB976002 - Browser Choice update is available in the European Economic Area
KB976323 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and Windows SMTP Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB977816 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB977914 - Vulnerability in Microsoft AVI filter Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978338 - Vulnerabilities in Windows ISATAP Component Could Allow Spoofing
KB978542 - Vulnerability in Outlook Express and Windows Mail Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978601 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB978706 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Paint could allow remote code execution
KB978695 - Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9 for Windows XP SP3
KB978835 - Service cannot access the \?? namespace in Windows XP
KB979099 - Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
KB979309 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB979402 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB979482 - Vulnerabilities in Media Decompression Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB980195 - Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits
KB980218 - Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB980436 - Vulnerabilities in SChannel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981073 - FTP clients may not connect correctly to an FTP site that is hosted in IIS 5.0 or IIS 5.1
KB981322 - Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981349 - Vulnerability in VBScript 5.7 Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981793 - Cumulative time zone update (May 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB981852 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB981997 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982214 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982316 - Permissions Update for Windows XP Telephony
KB982551 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem could allow elevation of privilege
KB982665 - Vulnerability in Cinepak Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982802 - Vulnerability in Remote Procedure Call Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB983234 - Update to Visual Basic Virtual Machine (MSVBVM60.DLL)
KB983246 - Update for Microsoft DAC
KB983458 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2079403 - Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2115168 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2121546 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Runtime Subsystem Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2124261 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ASP Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2141007 - Update to implement Extended Protection for Authentication for Outlook Express and Windows Mail
KB2158563 - Cumulative time zone update (September 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB2160329 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2183461 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP
KB2229593 - Vulnerability in Help and Support Center Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2259922 - Vulnerability in WordPad Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2264107 - This update helps protect against DLL preloading vulnerabilities in software applications on the Windows platform
KB2270406 - "0x000000D1" Stop error message when you try to refresh a webpage in Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2282612 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2286198 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2290570 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Authentication Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2347290 - Vulnerability in Print Spooler Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.2
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.229
Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.223
Microsoft Update Web Control 7.4.7600.226
MSXML 4.0 SP3 4.30.2107.0

Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.11
KB905474 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (Supressed MU Nag to Install)

Imaš još jednu soluciju, MicroXP. Taj je ko munja, ali je maknuto pun k?rac komponenta windowsa, znači ako on po defaultu sadrži sve kaj ti treba, way to go. Ako ne, uštedi si vrijeme i znoj i stavi Beast edition 2.

Option 4: MicroXP v0.86


- Updated to September 2010


Windows Statistics:

Complete Installation: 251 MB
Windows Folder Size: 248 MB
RAM Usage: 42 MB
Running Processes: 15


Whats Removed?

- Accessibility Options
- Briefcase
- Charmap
- ClipBook Viewer
- Defragmenter
- Games
- Internet Games
- NT Backup
- Pinball
- Screensavers
- WordPad

- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
- Cameras and Camcorders
- Display Adapters
- Display Adapters (old)
- IBM PS/2 TrackPoint
- IBM ThinkPad
- Modems
- Portable Audio
- Printers
- Scanners
- Serial Pen Tablet
- Sony Jog Dial
- Tape drives
- Toshiba DVD decoder card

[Hardware Support]
- ATM Support
- Bluetooth Support
- Brother Devices
- Firewire (1394) Support
- Firewire Network support
- Infrared
- Iomega Zip drive
- Multi-port serial adapters
- Smart Cards
- Sony Memory Stick
- Teletext codec

- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean

- ActiveX for streaming video
- AOL ART Image Format Support
- Images and Backgrounds
- Intel Indeo codecs
- Luna desktop theme
- Media Center
- MIDI audio support
- Mouse Cursors
- Movie Maker
- Music Samples
- Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
- Speech Support
- Tablet PC
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Player 6.4
- Windows Sounds

- Active Directory Services
- Client for Netware Networks
- Communication tools
- Comtrol Test Terminal Program
- Connection Manager
- FrontPage Extensions
- H323 MSP
- Internet Connection Wizard
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- IP Conferencing
- MSN Explorer
- Netmeeting
- NetShell Cmd-Tool
- Network Diagnostic
- Network Monitor Driver and Tools
- Network Setup Wizard
- NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol
- Outlook Express
- Peer-to-Peer
- Share Creation Wizard
- Synchronization Manager
- TAPI Application Support
- TCP/IP Version 6
- Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)
- Web Folders
- Windows Messenger

[Operating System Options]
- .NET Framework
- Administrative Templates
- Administrator VB scripts
- Application compatibility patch
- Auditing Resource Dlls
- Blaster/Nachi removal tool
- Certificate Management
- Color Schemes
- Command-line tools
- Desktop Cleanup Wizard
- Disk and Profile Quota
- Disk Cleanup
- Document Templates
- DR Watson
- Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97)
- Extra Fonts
- FAT to NTFS converter
- File and Settings Wizard
- File System Encryption
- Group Policy Management Console
- Help and Support
- IExpress Wizard
- Input Method Editor
- Jet Database Engine
- Local Security Settings
- Manual Install and Upgrade
- MS Agent
- MS XML 2.0
- Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
- Private Character Editor
- Remote Installation Services (RIS)
- Search Assistant
- Security Center
- Service Pack Messages
- Shell Media Handler
- Symbolic Debugger (NTSD)
- Tour
- User account pictures
- Web View

- Alerter
- Application Layer Gateway
- Automatic Updates
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
- Beep Driver
- COM+
- Distributed Link Tracking Client
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
- Error Reporting
- Extensible Authentication Protocol Service
- Fax Service
- Health Key and Certificate Management Service
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
- Indexing Service
- Internet Authentication (IAS)
- IPSEC Policy Agent
- Message Queuing (MSMQ)
- Messenger
- Network Access Protection (NAP)
- Network DDE
- Network Location Awareness (NLA)
- Network Provisioning
- Performance Logs and Alerts
- Protected Storage
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Remote Registry
- Removable Storage
- Route Listening Service
- RPC Locator
- Secondary Logon
- Service Advertising Protocol
- Simple TCP/IP Services
- System Event Notification (SENS)
- System Monitor
- System Restore Service
- Task Scheduler
- Telnet
- Terminal Services
- Text Services Framework
- Uninterruptible Power Supply
- Universal Plug and Play Device Host
- Volume Shadow Copy
- WebClient
- Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
- Windows Management Instrumentation
- Windows Time


Hundreds of other files are also removed from this installation.

See the file here:

\XP05\I386\SVCPACK\NLITE\Last Session.ini


Included Hotfixes:

KB892130 - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool ActiveX Control
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB916157 - When you receive a Stop error message or a fatal system error message, a user-mode process dump file is not created in Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB923561 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office text converters could allow remote code execution
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (August 2010)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007 (cdrom.sys)
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - "<Drive Letter>: is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951608 - Update for Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952004 - Description of the security update for MSDTC Transaction Facility (April 2009)
KB952011 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954155 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Runtime Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder)
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955704 - Support for the exFAT file system format
KB955759 - AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009
KB955830 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956048 - An application that calls the Image Color Management (ICM) functions in the Icm32.dll module may crash
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956572 - Description of the security update for Windows Service Isolation (April 2009)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956844 - Vulnerability in DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958690 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB958869 - Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959426 - Blended threat vulnerability in SearchPath could allow elevation of privilege
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
KB960859 - Vulnerability in Telnet Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB961118 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
KB961187 - If you reconnect a removable storage device to a computer running Windows XP, the OS cannot find the removable storage device
KB961451 - Receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects
KB961503 - You cannot input characters as expected by using a non-English Input Method Editor in Windows Live Messenger
KB961605 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB961742 - Update for Windows XP SP3 to enable RemoteApp™
KB967048 - Error message on a Windows XP-based computer that has a USB card reader: "Stop 0x000000D1"
KB967756 - Update for Windows Installer 4.5
KB968389 - Update to help strengthen authentication credentials in specific scenarios
KB968537 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB968585 - A handle leak occurs in the print spooler service after you resubmit a print job to a shared printer on which the "Keep printed documents" option is enabled
KB968730 - Windows XP clients cannot obtain certificates from a Windows Server 2008-based certification authority (CA) if the CA is configured to use SHA2 256 or higher encryption
KB969059 - Vulnerability in Indexing Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3
KB969238 - A data transfer is corrupted when you transfer data from or to a USB device on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB969557 - When you use the Windows Key+L keyboard sequence to lock a Windows XP-based computer shortly after you log on to the system, the operating system may be automatically unlocked and the desktop can be accessed
KB970254 - The modem does not work and you cannot open the "Network Connections" window after you unplug and plug in the modem several times when a PPP connection is established in Windows XP
KB970430 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the HTTP Protocol Stack (http.sys)
KB970483 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) could allow elevation of privilege
KB970553 - Error message when you query Win32_Product class after you install applications by using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 with "Per-User" option in Windows XP: "0x80041001 - Generic failure"
KB971029 - Update to restrict AutoRun entries in the AutoPlay dialog to only CD and DVD drives
KB971165 - The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection
KB971234 - The Defrag.exe tool crashes when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB971314 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the XPS Essentials Pack in Windows XP
KB971345 - The LimitProfileSize Group Policy setting does not take effect when the size of a user profile is larger than 4 GB on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB971513 - Update for the Windows Automation API
KB971657 - Vulnerability in Workstation Service Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB971961 - Security Update for Jscript 5.7 for Windows XP
KB971737 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
KB972270 - Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB972422 - A Windows XP-based computer stops responding at the "Windows is loading your profile" screen when you connect to the computer by using an RDP connection
KB972435 - Slow performance when you try to open a redirected drive on a remote computer through a Terminal Services session
KB972878 - The "Guaranteed service type" Group Policy setting returns to the default value after you restart a client computer that is running Windows XP
KB973502 - Credential Roaming service update for Windows XP
KB973507 - Security update for the Active Template Library
KB973540 - Security update for Windows Media Player 9
KB973624 - After you use a smart card to log on to a computer that is running Windows XP, Digest authentication fails
KB973685 - Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 3
KB973687 - When an application uses MSXML to process XHTML, redundant retrieval requests for well-known DTD files from the W3C Web server cause XHTML parsing to fail
KB973815 - Security update for Microsoft MSWebDVD ActiveX Control
KB973869 - Security update for Microsoft DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control
KB973904 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974112 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974266 - Group Policy Preferences Client-Side Extension Hotfix Rollup
KB974318 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Authentication Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974392 - Vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem service could allow denial of service
KB974571 - Vulnerabilities in Windows CryptoAPI Could Allow Spoofing
KB975467 - Vulnerability in Local Security Authority Subsystem Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB975558 - Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975560 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975561 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975713 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Handler could allow remote code execution
KB975791 - Update to Notepad.exe in Windows XP
KB976002 - Browser Choice update is available in the European Economic Area
KB976323 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and Windows SMTP Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB977816 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB977914 - Vulnerability in Microsoft AVI filter Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978338 - Vulnerabilities in Windows ISATAP Component Could Allow Spoofing
KB978542 - Vulnerability in Outlook Express and Windows Mail Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978601 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB978706 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Paint could allow remote code execution
KB978695 - Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9 for Windows XP SP3
KB978835 - Service cannot access the \?? namespace in Windows XP
KB979099 - Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
KB979309 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB979402 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB979482 - Vulnerabilities in Media Decompression Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB980195 - Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits
KB980218 - Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB980436 - Vulnerabilities in SChannel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981073 - FTP clients may not connect correctly to an FTP site that is hosted in IIS 5.0 or IIS 5.1
KB981322 - Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981349 - Vulnerability in VBScript 5.7 Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981793 - Cumulative time zone update (May 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB981852 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB981997 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982214 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982316 - Permissions Update for Windows XP Telephony
KB982551 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem could allow elevation of privilege
KB982665 - Vulnerability in Cinepak Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982802 - Vulnerability in Remote Procedure Call Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB983234 - Update to Visual Basic Virtual Machine (MSVBVM60.DLL)
KB983246 - Update for Microsoft DAC
KB983458 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2079403 - Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2115168 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2121546 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Runtime Subsystem Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2124261 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ASP Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2141007 - Update to implement Extended Protection for Authentication for Outlook Express and Windows Mail
KB2158563 - Cumulative time zone update (September 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB2160329 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2183461 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP
KB2229593 - Vulnerability in Help and Support Center Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2259922 - Vulnerability in WordPad Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2264107 - This update helps protect against DLL preloading vulnerabilities in software applications on the Windows platform
KB2270406 - "0x000000D1" Stop error message when you try to refresh a webpage in Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2282612 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2286198 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2290570 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Authentication Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2347290 - Vulnerability in Print Spooler Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.2
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.229
Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.223
Microsoft Update Web Control 7.4.7600.226
MSXML 4.0 SP3 4.30.2107.0

Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.11
KB905474 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (Supressed MU Nag to Install)

Preporučam TinyXP rev11, odaberi tinyXP beast edition 2 tokom odabira instalacije.

Meni je isti iznimno brz i nije okrljašten baš.

Option 3: TinyXP Beast Edition II


- Updated to September 2010
- Includes Internet Explorer 6
- Includes Windows Update


Windows Statistics:

Complete Installation: 511 MB
Windows Folder Size: 496 MB
RAM Usage: 63 MB
Running Processes: 15


Whats Removed?

- Accessibility Options
- Briefcase
- Charmap
- ClipBook Viewer
- Defragmenter
- Games
- Internet Games
- NT Backup
- Pinball
- Screensavers
- WordPad

- Display Adapters
- Modems
- Printers
- Scanners

- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean

- ActiveX for streaming video
- AOL ART Image Format Support
- Images and Backgrounds
- Luna desktop theme
- Media Center
- MIDI audio support
- Mouse Cursors
- Movie Maker
- Music Samples
- Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
- Speech Support
- Tablet PC
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Player 6.4
- Windows Sounds

- Client for Netware Networks
- Communication tools
- Comtrol Test Terminal Program
- Connection Manager
- FrontPage Extensions
- H323 MSP
- Internet Connection Wizard
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- IP Conferencing
- MSN Explorer
- Netmeeting
- NetShell Cmd-Tool
- Network Diagnostic
- Network Monitor Driver and Tools
- NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol
- Outlook Express
- Peer-to-Peer
- Share Creation Wizard
- Synchronization Manager
- TAPI Application Support
- TCP/IP Version 6
- Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)
- Web Folders
- Windows Messenger

[Operating System Options]
- .NET Framework
- Administrative Templates
- Administrator VB scripts
- Application compatibility patch
- Blaster/Nachi removal tool
- Color Schemes
- Desktop Cleanup Wizard
- Disk and Profile Quota
- Disk Cleanup
- Document Templates
- DR Watson
- Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97)
- Extra Fonts
- File and Settings Wizard
- Help and Support
- IExpress Wizard
- Input Method Editor
- Manual Install and Upgrade
- MS Agent
- MS XML 2.0
- Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
- Private Character Editor
- Remote Installation Services (RIS)
- Search Assistant
- Security Center
- Service Pack Messages
- Symbolic Debugger (NTSD)
- Tour
- Web View

- Alerter
- Application Layer Gateway
- Beep Driver
- Distributed Link Tracking Client
- Error Reporting
- Extensible Authentication Protocol Service
- Health Key and Certificate Management Service
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
- Indexing Service
- Internet Authentication (IAS)
- IPSEC Policy Agent
- Message Queuing (MSMQ)
- Messenger
- Network Access Protection (NAP)
- Network DDE
- Performance Logs and Alerts
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Remote Registry
- Removable Storage
- Telnet
- Text Services Framework
- Volume Shadow Copy
- WebClient



Included Hotfixes:

KB892130 - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool ActiveX Control
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB916157 - When you receive a Stop error message or a fatal system error message, a user-mode process dump file is not created in Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB923561 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office text converters could allow remote code execution
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (August 2010)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007 (cdrom.sys)
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - "<Drive Letter>: is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951608 - Update for Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952004 - Description of the security update for MSDTC Transaction Facility (April 2009)
KB952011 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954155 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Runtime Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder)
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955704 - Support for the exFAT file system format
KB955759 - AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009
KB955830 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956048 - An application that calls the Image Color Management (ICM) functions in the Icm32.dll module may crash
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956572 - Description of the security update for Windows Service Isolation (April 2009)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956844 - Vulnerability in DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958690 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB958869 - Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959426 - Blended threat vulnerability in SearchPath could allow elevation of privilege
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
KB960859 - Vulnerability in Telnet Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB961118 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
KB961187 - If you reconnect a removable storage device to a computer running Windows XP, the OS cannot find the removable storage device
KB961451 - Receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects
KB961503 - You cannot input characters as expected by using a non-English Input Method Editor in Windows Live Messenger
KB961605 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB961742 - Update for Windows XP SP3 to enable RemoteApp™
KB967048 - Error message on a Windows XP-based computer that has a USB card reader: "Stop 0x000000D1"
KB967756 - Update for Windows Installer 4.5
KB968389 - Update to help strengthen authentication credentials in specific scenarios
KB968537 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB968585 - A handle leak occurs in the print spooler service after you resubmit a print job to a shared printer on which the "Keep printed documents" option is enabled
KB968730 - Windows XP clients cannot obtain certificates from a Windows Server 2008-based certification authority (CA) if the CA is configured to use SHA2 256 or higher encryption
KB969059 - Vulnerability in Indexing Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3
KB969238 - A data transfer is corrupted when you transfer data from or to a USB device on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB969557 - When you use the Windows Key+L keyboard sequence to lock a Windows XP-based computer shortly after you log on to the system, the operating system may be automatically unlocked and the desktop can be accessed
KB970254 - The modem does not work and you cannot open the "Network Connections" window after you unplug and plug in the modem several times when a PPP connection is established in Windows XP
KB970430 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the HTTP Protocol Stack (http.sys)
KB970483 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) could allow elevation of privilege
KB970553 - Error message when you query Win32_Product class after you install applications by using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 with "Per-User" option in Windows XP: "0x80041001 - Generic failure"
KB971029 - Update to restrict AutoRun entries in the AutoPlay dialog to only CD and DVD drives
KB971165 - The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection
KB971234 - The Defrag.exe tool crashes when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB971314 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the XPS Essentials Pack in Windows XP
KB971345 - The LimitProfileSize Group Policy setting does not take effect when the size of a user profile is larger than 4 GB on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB971513 - Update for the Windows Automation API
KB971657 - Vulnerability in Workstation Service Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB971961 - Security Update for Jscript 5.7 for Windows XP
KB971737 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
KB972270 - Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB972422 - A Windows XP-based computer stops responding at the "Windows is loading your profile" screen when you connect to the computer by using an RDP connection
KB972435 - Slow performance when you try to open a redirected drive on a remote computer through a Terminal Services session
KB972878 - The "Guaranteed service type" Group Policy setting returns to the default value after you restart a client computer that is running Windows XP
KB973502 - Credential Roaming service update for Windows XP
KB973507 - Security update for the Active Template Library
KB973540 - Security update for Windows Media Player 9
KB973624 - After you use a smart card to log on to a computer that is running Windows XP, Digest authentication fails
KB973685 - Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 3
KB973687 - When an application uses MSXML to process XHTML, redundant retrieval requests for well-known DTD files from the W3C Web server cause XHTML parsing to fail
KB973815 - Security update for Microsoft MSWebDVD ActiveX Control
KB973869 - Security update for Microsoft DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control
KB973904 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974112 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974266 - Group Policy Preferences Client-Side Extension Hotfix Rollup
KB974318 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Authentication Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974392 - Vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem service could allow denial of service
KB974571 - Vulnerabilities in Windows CryptoAPI Could Allow Spoofing
KB975467 - Vulnerability in Local Security Authority Subsystem Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB975558 - Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975560 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975561 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975713 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Handler could allow remote code execution
KB975791 - Update to Notepad.exe in Windows XP
KB976002 - Browser Choice update is available in the European Economic Area
KB976323 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and Windows SMTP Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB977816 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB977914 - Vulnerability in Microsoft AVI filter Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978338 - Vulnerabilities in Windows ISATAP Component Could Allow Spoofing
KB978542 - Vulnerability in Outlook Express and Windows Mail Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978601 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB978706 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Paint could allow remote code execution
KB978695 - Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9 for Windows XP SP3
KB978835 - Service cannot access the \?? namespace in Windows XP
KB979099 - Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
KB979309 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB979402 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB979482 - Vulnerabilities in Media Decompression Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB980195 - Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits
KB980218 - Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB980436 - Vulnerabilities in SChannel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981073 - FTP clients may not connect correctly to an FTP site that is hosted in IIS 5.0 or IIS 5.1
KB981322 - Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981349 - Vulnerability in VBScript 5.7 Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981793 - Cumulative time zone update (May 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB981852 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB981997 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982214 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982316 - Permissions Update for Windows XP Telephony
KB982551 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem could allow elevation of privilege
KB982665 - Vulnerability in Cinepak Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982802 - Vulnerability in Remote Procedure Call Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB983234 - Update to Visual Basic Virtual Machine (MSVBVM60.DLL)
KB983246 - Update for Microsoft DAC
KB983458 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2079403 - Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2115168 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2121546 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Runtime Subsystem Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2124261 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ASP Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2141007 - Update to implement Extended Protection for Authentication for Outlook Express and Windows Mail
KB2158563 - Cumulative time zone update (September 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB2160329 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2183461 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP
KB2229593 - Vulnerability in Help and Support Center Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2259922 - Vulnerability in WordPad Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2264107 - This update helps protect against DLL preloading vulnerabilities in software applications on the Windows platform
KB2270406 - "0x000000D1" Stop error message when you try to refresh a webpage in Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2282612 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2286198 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2290570 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Authentication Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2347290 - Vulnerability in Print Spooler Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.2
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.229
Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.223
Microsoft Update Web Control 7.4.7600.226
MSXML 4.0 SP3 4.30.2107.0

Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.11
KB905474 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (Supressed MU Nag to Install)

Imaš još jednu soluciju, MicroXP. Taj je ko munja, ali je maknuto pun k?rac komponenta windowsa, znači ako on po defaultu sadrži sve kaj ti treba, way to go. Ako ne, uštedi si vrijeme i znoj i stavi Beast edition 2.

Option 4: MicroXP v0.86


- Updated to September 2010


Windows Statistics:

Complete Installation: 251 MB
Windows Folder Size: 248 MB
RAM Usage: 42 MB
Running Processes: 15


Whats Removed?

- Accessibility Options
- Briefcase
- Charmap
- ClipBook Viewer
- Defragmenter
- Games
- Internet Games
- NT Backup
- Pinball
- Screensavers
- WordPad

- Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
- Cameras and Camcorders
- Display Adapters
- Display Adapters (old)
- IBM PS/2 TrackPoint
- IBM ThinkPad
- Modems
- Portable Audio
- Printers
- Scanners
- Serial Pen Tablet
- Sony Jog Dial
- Tape drives
- Toshiba DVD decoder card

[Hardware Support]
- ATM Support
- Bluetooth Support
- Brother Devices
- Firewire (1394) Support
- Firewire Network support
- Infrared
- Iomega Zip drive
- Multi-port serial adapters
- Smart Cards
- Sony Memory Stick
- Teletext codec

- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean

- ActiveX for streaming video
- AOL ART Image Format Support
- Images and Backgrounds
- Intel Indeo codecs
- Luna desktop theme
- Media Center
- MIDI audio support
- Mouse Cursors
- Movie Maker
- Music Samples
- Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder
- Speech Support
- Tablet PC
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Media Player 6.4
- Windows Sounds

- Active Directory Services
- Client for Netware Networks
- Communication tools
- Comtrol Test Terminal Program
- Connection Manager
- FrontPage Extensions
- H323 MSP
- Internet Connection Wizard
- Internet Explorer
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- IP Conferencing
- MSN Explorer
- Netmeeting
- NetShell Cmd-Tool
- Network Diagnostic
- Network Monitor Driver and Tools
- Network Setup Wizard
- NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Protocol
- Outlook Express
- Peer-to-Peer
- Share Creation Wizard
- Synchronization Manager
- TAPI Application Support
- TCP/IP Version 6
- Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)
- Web Folders
- Windows Messenger

[Operating System Options]
- .NET Framework
- Administrative Templates
- Administrator VB scripts
- Application compatibility patch
- Auditing Resource Dlls
- Blaster/Nachi removal tool
- Certificate Management
- Color Schemes
- Command-line tools
- Desktop Cleanup Wizard
- Disk and Profile Quota
- Disk Cleanup
- Document Templates
- DR Watson
- Extensible Storage Engine (Esent97)
- Extra Fonts
- FAT to NTFS converter
- File and Settings Wizard
- File System Encryption
- Group Policy Management Console
- Help and Support
- IExpress Wizard
- Input Method Editor
- Jet Database Engine
- Local Security Settings
- Manual Install and Upgrade
- MS Agent
- MS XML 2.0
- Out of Box Experience (OOBE)
- Private Character Editor
- Remote Installation Services (RIS)
- Search Assistant
- Security Center
- Service Pack Messages
- Shell Media Handler
- Symbolic Debugger (NTSD)
- Tour
- User account pictures
- Web View

- Alerter
- Application Layer Gateway
- Automatic Updates
- Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
- Beep Driver
- COM+
- Distributed Link Tracking Client
- Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC)
- Error Reporting
- Extensible Authentication Protocol Service
- Fax Service
- Health Key and Certificate Management Service
- IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
- Indexing Service
- Internet Authentication (IAS)
- IPSEC Policy Agent
- Message Queuing (MSMQ)
- Messenger
- Network Access Protection (NAP)
- Network DDE
- Network Location Awareness (NLA)
- Network Provisioning
- Performance Logs and Alerts
- Protected Storage
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Remote Registry
- Removable Storage
- Route Listening Service
- RPC Locator
- Secondary Logon
- Service Advertising Protocol
- Simple TCP/IP Services
- System Event Notification (SENS)
- System Monitor
- System Restore Service
- Task Scheduler
- Telnet
- Terminal Services
- Text Services Framework
- Uninterruptible Power Supply
- Universal Plug and Play Device Host
- Volume Shadow Copy
- WebClient
- Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
- Windows Management Instrumentation
- Windows Time


Hundreds of other files are also removed from this installation.

See the file here:

\XP05\I386\SVCPACK\NLITE\Last Session.ini


Included Hotfixes:

KB892130 - Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool ActiveX Control
KB898461 - Permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version
KB909520 - Software update for Base Smart Card Cryptographic Service Provider
KB916157 - When you receive a Stop error message or a fatal system error message, a user-mode process dump file is not created in Windows XP
KB922120 - Network Map in Windows Vista does not display computers that are running Windows XP
KB923561 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office text converters could allow remote code execution
KB931125 - Microsoft Root Certificates Update (August 2010)
KB932578 - Event ID 55 may be logged in the System log when creating many files on an NTFS partition
KB932716 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package that is dated June 26, 2007 (cdrom.sys)
KB940648 - "You might not have permission to use this network resource" error when trying to open My Documents folder after resuming from hibernation
KB942213 - The MMC.exe program randomly becomes unresponsive when the user clicks OK or Cancel several times to close a Windows form
KB942288 - Windows Installer 4.5
KB943232 - An application that uses Sxs.dll crashes when running the application
KB944043 - Windows Server 2008 read-only domain controller compatibility pack
KB946648 - Security update for Windows Messenger 4.7
KB947460 - "<Drive Letter>: is not accessible" error when trying to open a mapped DFS folder after coming out of standby
KB948046 - A Word document is not printed as expected after installing the Windows European Union Expansion Font pack
KB948101 - USB keyboard does not work after restarting a computer that has an NVIDIA 680i motherboard
KB948720 - Cannot install device drivers in a Windows Server 2008 cluster environment if the drivers contain LZ-compressed files
KB949127 - Cannot establish a wireless connection using EAP authentication if the Service Set Identifier (SSID) includes a comma
KB949764 - A USB device no longer works after resuming computer from hibernation (S4)
KB949900 - The RunOnce.exe process may stop responding during the driver installation process
KB950616 - An audio application that uses the Portcls.sys file may stop responding
KB950974 - Vulnerability in Event System could allow remote code execution
KB951126 - Multiprocessor computer stops responding on a black screen after resuming from hibernation
KB951163 - When trying to connect to the local computer using the MSTSC command, a black screen may appear for several minutes
KB951376 - Vulnerability in Bluetooth stack could allow remote code execution
KB951531 - The W32Time service does not synchronize the CMOS clock time to the Internet time after the W32Time service stops
KB951608 - Update for Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) in Windows XP Service Pack 3
KB951618 - A black screen occurs when upgrading the operating system on a computer that has Onekey Recovery 5.0 installed
KB951624 - A 30-second delay occurs during the initialization of some network-based applications
KB951709 - Event ID 26 when attaching two IDE ATA/ATAPI devices as master and subordinate IDE devices
KB951978 - Script output is not displayed as expected when running VBScript or JScript scripts
KB952004 - Description of the security update for MSDTC Transaction Facility (April 2009)
KB952011 - Image Mastering API v2.0 (IMAPIv2.0) update package in Windows Feature Pack for Storage 1.0
KB952069 - Security update for Windows Media Format Runtime and Media Foundation
KB952954 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management could allow remote code execution
KB953024 - Rich Text Format (.rtf) files may not print correctly when using an application that uses the RichEdit control
KB953028 - An application experiences an access violation and then crashes if the computer has more than four cores or more than four logical processors
KB953155 - Vulnerability in Windows Internet Printing service could allow remote code execution
KB953609 - "At least one of your changes was not applied successfully to the wireless configuration" error when adding a wireless network
KB953761 - Some DHCP Options are not recognized when the DHCP server offer includes option 43
KB954155 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Media Runtime Could Allow Remote Code Execution (Windows Media Audio Voice Decoder)
KB954193 - Jet 4.0 Database Engine cumulative hotfix package: July 2, 2008
KB954232 - On-Screen Keyboard behavior does not mimic the physical keyboard behavior in certain scenarios
KB954708 - Update to add support for the serialization of complex Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) data types in the Windows Imaging Component
KB954920 - Various error messages when an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations
KB955069 - Security update for XML Core Services 3.0
KB955109 - 0xC0000005 (Access Violation) error when running an application that uses the Application Desktop Toolbar (AppBar) component
KB955356 - When trying to start a computer that is connected to an IEEE1394 hard disk, it stops responding before the logon screen appears
KB955417 - Protected storage (PStore) uses a lower-quality cryptographic function when the system locale is set to French (France)
KB955567 - Data corruption may occur when trying to append data to a FILESTREAM varbinary (max) column in SQL Server 2008
KB955576 - TAPI-based applications stop responding, and you cannot disconnect telephone calls on a Windows XP-based telephony server
KB955704 - Support for the exFAT file system format
KB955759 - AppCompat update for Indeo codec: December 08, 2009
KB955830 - When you connect to a Windows XP-based computer by using a remote desktop connection, the computer may be not able to automatically enter the Sleep mode again after you log off the computer
KB955843 - An ADO-based application may stop responding when it uses the adAsyncExecute option to open a Recordset object
KB955988 - The Win32_Environment WMI class doesn't return the value of the PATH environment variable if it contains more than 1,024 characters
KB956048 - An application that calls the Image Color Management (ICM) functions in the Icm32.dll module may crash
KB956072 - Terminal server does not allow RDP connections whose encryption level is set to Low
KB956391 - Cumulative security update for ActiveX (October, 2008)
KB956572 - Description of the security update for Windows Service Isolation (April 2009)
KB956625 - Computer becomes unstable or crashes after running Internet Explorer 7 for a long time
KB956802 - Vulnerabilities in GDI could allow remote code execution
KB956844 - Vulnerability in DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB957263 - Changes to the custom properties of a program that supports custom properties may not be saved
KB957931 - A Windows XP-based computer does not respond to 802.1X authentication requests for 20 minutes after a failed authentication
KB958149 - Performance decreases when streaming isochronous data on a computer that has a TI IEEE1394 host controller
KB958244 - System may stop responding when restarting a multicore computer
KB958347 - Device that is connected through a 1394 FireWire hub is still present in system after hot unplugging it
KB958644 - Vulnerability in Server service could allow remote code execution
KB958690 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB958752 - Application compatibility issue with the version of AFD.sys that is released with MS08-037 and MS08-066 security updates
KB958817 - Automatic Update window may stop responding when using a WSUS server to deploy updates
KB958869 - Vulnerabilities in GDI+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB959267 - After repeatedly docking and undocking a portable computer, unable to change state of attached network device
KB959334 - Text that has the font set to Arial Black and the font style set to bold may change so that the font style is set to italic opening the document
KB959426 - Blended threat vulnerability in SearchPath could allow elevation of privilege
KB959439 - After uploading encrypted files to a WebDAV share, the files remain encrypted
KB959465 - Write protection does not always work on SD memory cards
KB960071 - An access violation occurs when using an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query
KB960380 - A hyperlink control that is used to open a file or an e-mail message fails in an application that uses MSXML 6.0
KB960417 - When running an application that uses the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function, performance is very poor
KB960680 - Update the Slovak koruna currency symbol (Sk) to the Euro (€) the Turkish currency symbol from Yeni Türk Lirasi (YTL) to Türk Lirasi (TL)
KB960714 - Security update for Internet Explorer
KB960859 - Vulnerability in Telnet Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB961118 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
KB961187 - If you reconnect a removable storage device to a computer running Windows XP, the OS cannot find the removable storage device
KB961451 - Receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects
KB961503 - You cannot input characters as expected by using a non-English Input Method Editor in Windows Live Messenger
KB961605 - Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) could allow denial of service
KB961742 - Update for Windows XP SP3 to enable RemoteApp™
KB967048 - Error message on a Windows XP-based computer that has a USB card reader: "Stop 0x000000D1"
KB967756 - Update for Windows Installer 4.5
KB968389 - Update to help strengthen authentication credentials in specific scenarios
KB968537 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB968585 - A handle leak occurs in the print spooler service after you resubmit a print job to a shared printer on which the "Keep printed documents" option is enabled
KB968730 - Windows XP clients cannot obtain certificates from a Windows Server 2008-based certification authority (CA) if the CA is configured to use SHA2 256 or higher encryption
KB969059 - Vulnerability in Indexing Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB969084 - Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 client update for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) for Windows XP SP3
KB969238 - A data transfer is corrupted when you transfer data from or to a USB device on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB969557 - When you use the Windows Key+L keyboard sequence to lock a Windows XP-based computer shortly after you log on to the system, the operating system may be automatically unlocked and the desktop can be accessed
KB970254 - The modem does not work and you cannot open the "Network Connections" window after you unplug and plug in the modem several times when a PPP connection is established in Windows XP
KB970430 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the HTTP Protocol Stack (http.sys)
KB970483 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Information Services (IIS) could allow elevation of privilege
KB970553 - Error message when you query Win32_Product class after you install applications by using Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) 4.5 with "Per-User" option in Windows XP: "0x80041001 - Generic failure"
KB971029 - Update to restrict AutoRun entries in the AutoPlay dialog to only CD and DVD drives
KB971165 - The CLIENTNAME environment variable returns the value "Console" instead of the actual client name when users first log on to a Windows XP SP3-based computer by using Remote Desktop Connection
KB971234 - The Defrag.exe tool crashes when you run the Dfrgntfs.exe tool to defragment a hard disk on a computer that is running Windows XP
KB971314 - All PCL inbox printer drivers become unsigned after you install the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the XPS Essentials Pack in Windows XP
KB971345 - The LimitProfileSize Group Policy setting does not take effect when the size of a user profile is larger than 4 GB on a Windows XP-based client computer
KB971513 - Update for the Windows Automation API
KB971657 - Vulnerability in Workstation Service Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB971961 - Security Update for Jscript 5.7 for Windows XP
KB971737 - Update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP)
KB972270 - Vulnerability in the Embedded OpenType Font Engine could allow remote code execution
KB972422 - A Windows XP-based computer stops responding at the "Windows is loading your profile" screen when you connect to the computer by using an RDP connection
KB972435 - Slow performance when you try to open a redirected drive on a remote computer through a Terminal Services session
KB972878 - The "Guaranteed service type" Group Policy setting returns to the default value after you restart a client computer that is running Windows XP
KB973502 - Credential Roaming service update for Windows XP
KB973507 - Security update for the Active Template Library
KB973540 - Security update for Windows Media Player 9
KB973624 - After you use a smart card to log on to a computer that is running Windows XP, Digest authentication fails
KB973685 - Update for Microsoft XML Core Services 4.0 Service Pack 3
KB973687 - When an application uses MSXML to process XHTML, redundant retrieval requests for well-known DTD files from the W3C Web server cause XHTML parsing to fail
KB973815 - Security update for Microsoft MSWebDVD ActiveX Control
KB973869 - Security update for Microsoft DHTML Editing Component ActiveX Control
KB973904 - Vulnerability in WordPad and Office Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974112 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974266 - Group Policy Preferences Client-Side Extension Hotfix Rollup
KB974318 - Vulnerabilities in Internet Authentication Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB974392 - Vulnerability in the Local Security Authority Subsystem service could allow denial of service
KB974571 - Vulnerabilities in Windows CryptoAPI Could Allow Spoofing
KB975467 - Vulnerability in Local Security Authority Subsystem Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB975558 - Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975560 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975561 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB975713 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Handler could allow remote code execution
KB975791 - Update to Notepad.exe in Windows XP
KB976002 - Browser Choice update is available in the European Economic Area
KB976323 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange and Windows SMTP Service Could Allow Denial of Service
KB977816 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB977914 - Vulnerability in Microsoft AVI filter Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978338 - Vulnerabilities in Windows ISATAP Component Could Allow Spoofing
KB978542 - Vulnerability in Outlook Express and Windows Mail Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB978601 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB978706 - Vulnerability in Microsoft Paint could allow remote code execution
KB978695 - Security Update for Windows Media Format Runtime 9 for Windows XP SP3
KB978835 - Service cannot access the \?? namespace in Windows XP
KB979099 - Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 2 for Windows XP
KB979309 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Authenticode Verification that could allow remote code execution
KB979402 - Vulnerability in Windows Media Player could allow remote code execution
KB979482 - Vulnerabilities in Media Decompression Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB980195 - Cumulative Security Update of ActiveX Kill Bits
KB980218 - Vulnerability in the OpenType Compact Font Format (CFF) Driver Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB980436 - Vulnerabilities in SChannel Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981073 - FTP clients may not connect correctly to an FTP site that is hosted in IIS 5.0 or IIS 5.1
KB981322 - Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981349 - Vulnerability in VBScript 5.7 Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB981793 - Cumulative time zone update (May 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB981852 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB981997 - Vulnerability in Windows Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982214 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982316 - Permissions Update for Windows XP Telephony
KB982551 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Run-time Subsystem could allow elevation of privilege
KB982665 - Vulnerability in Cinepak Codec Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB982802 - Vulnerability in Remote Procedure Call Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB983234 - Update to Visual Basic Virtual Machine (MSVBVM60.DLL)
KB983246 - Update for Microsoft DAC
KB983458 - Vulnerabilities in SMB Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2079403 - Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2115168 - Vulnerability in Microsoft MPEG Layer-3 Codecs Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2121546 - Vulnerability in Windows Client/Server Runtime Subsystem Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2124261 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) ASP Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2141007 - Update to implement Extended Protection for Authentication for Outlook Express and Windows Mail
KB2158563 - Cumulative time zone update (September 2010) Daylight saving time (DST) 2010 hotfix
KB2160329 - Vulnerabilities in Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers Could Allow Elevation of Privilege
KB2183461 - Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP
KB2229593 - Vulnerability in Help and Support Center Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2259922 - Vulnerability in WordPad Text Converters Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2264107 - This update helps protect against DLL preloading vulnerabilities in software applications on the Windows platform
KB2270406 - "0x000000D1" Stop error message when you try to refresh a webpage in Internet Explorer on a computer that is running Windows XP SP3
KB2282612 - Vulnerability in Microsoft DirectShow Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2286198 - Vulnerability in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2290570 - Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Authentication Could Allow Remote Code Execution
KB2347290 - Vulnerability in Print Spooler Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Other Updates
Adobe Flash Player ActiveX Control
Code65536 FontReg 2.1.2
Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2
Microsoft Qfecheck
Microsoft Windows Update Web Control 7.4.7600.229
Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control 7.4.7057.223
Microsoft Update Web Control 7.4.7600.226
MSXML 4.0 SP3 4.30.2107.0

Miscellaneous Tweaks
KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry
KB890830 - Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 3.11
KB905474 - Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (Supressed MU Nag to Install)

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Staro 24.11.2011., 23:47   #16
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Neo-ST's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
Lokacija: Croatia
Postovi: 7,975
Probao sam sve te micro/tiny verzije XP-a, i sve su imale neki problem, ne mogu se trenutno sjetit šta točno ali znam da ih izbjegavam.
Anyway, na EEE-a je stavljen FreeNAS zahvaljujući Tomy B.-u, sad se trenutno s tim igram, a mislim i da će duže vrijeme ostati na njemu, vrhunska stvar
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