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Staro 07.08.2018., 07:32   #1
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Airdrop informacije i ulaganja

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Staro 08.08.2018., 13:49   #2
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Evo jedan bounty da otvorimo bal:

Universal Reward Protocol Bounty Program is live !!!
Please check more detail about the bounty program here :

Ono što je meni zanimljivo u bounty je kviz:
1)Universal Reward Protocol Quiz

First, we introduce a quiz on the URP project. The allocation for the quiz is €120,000 worth of URP tokens.
The quiz is graded on 100 points.
- 80 points will go the closed-ended questions (Q1-Q16)
- 20 points will go to the open question asking for feedback about the project (Q20)
The first 5,000 hunters who pass the test will earn between €15 and €1,000 worth of URP tokens. The minimum passing grade is 70 out of 100 points. Better scores mean increased odds at winning the bigger prizes. A lottery will be organized at the end of the bounty to allocate the rewards to each hunter who passed the quiz.
You can take the quiz here.

Ja sam ga odradio prije skoro mjesec dana, a koliko vidim još uvijek nisu skupili 5000 prolaza na kvizu, a i spustili su granicu na 61 bod od tad. Okušajte sreću. Nakon što se nađe 5000 prolaza, lutrijom će izvlačiti tko će dobiti koliko love. Detalji su na linkovima. Zahtijeva uzet sat vremena pročitati whitepaper i pogledati video na njihovom webu, pa onda raditi kviz. Meni osobno zanimljiv projekt i za kasnije ulaganje. Nemojte se igrati s više kvizova s jedne IP adrese jer će vas skužiti. Jedan od razloga zašto do sad nema 5000 ljudi je upravo taj što su ih masu prekrižili.
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 08.08.2018., 14:48   #3
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Ovaj je aktualan do 15.8. Pa ponavljam iz druge teme ako netko jos nije, cca 40 usd, s time da moze i vise, ako se potrudite, ima masu questova od kojih vecina i nisu preteski:
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 09.08.2018., 20:32   #4
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IoTchain bounty:

Skupljaju se bodovi po drupštvenim mrežama za repost/like/etc, a zadaci se nadopunjuju. Dnevni fond bodova je ograničen.

Kaže IcoDrops stranica da ako se odradi sve vrijednost je 90USD, ja sam se tek regao i još nisam sve odradio, ne znam po kojem ključu se bodovi prebacuju u tokene. Ali IoT je odličan projekt u kojeg sam ponešto i uložio, free tokeni će dobro doći.

Za onaj innercore gore isto čekirajte koji ste odradili, nadopunjuju se zadaci svako malo, danas je stavljen video osnivača, i za pogledat video dobi se 1500 bodova.
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 11.08.2018., 11:04   #5
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Zelite dobiti lovu za trade? Evo opcije - Dobite 100 usd na racun, trejdate tjedan dana, i sav profit dobijete odmah iduci tjedan na eth wallet. Uz to skupljate bodove koji se na kraju natjecanja pretvaraju u membrana tokene.

Vec sam bio stavio link na ico temi, ali evo ga i tu, jos je aktualno.

I novi video je na innercore, 1500 bodova
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 12.08.2018., 15:52   #6
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Airdrop, 1500 tokena, vrijednost cca 150usd.
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 12.08.2018., 18:29   #7
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Nova burza, dolazi u q4, moglo bi bit pumpova i dobrih airdropova pa se regajte:

Mirisi na pump kakav je imao coinex, ako bude tako tu ce se dobra lova okrenuti. Pri tome kad burza krene, ovdje gore na linku samo deset najboljih po referralima ce dobit lovu pa sherajte sto vise.
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Roberto. 12.08.2018. u 18:38.
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Staro 15.08.2018., 13:03   #8
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7.25$ za regu i jos toliko za svaki ref

Dominium is being developed by a group of real estate professionals with industry experience dating back to 1833. We run property portfolios, funds and developments and have hundreds of millions of euros of assets under management. We have been looking at blockchain technology since 2012 and have self-funded the initial development of the Dominium platform. We are committing our capital, expertise and property to Dominium with the transfer of several million euros worth of real estate assets from the founders' companies to Dominium.
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Staro 15.08.2018., 13:31   #9
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The ISH platform "International Science Hub"​ is a decentralized scientific platform that is aimed at increasing availability, quality, and speed of scientific developments by creating a bridge between specialists and the customers. The purpose of the ISH is to create a working environment that will unite scientists.

Dobije se 130st u vrijednosti 0.13eth
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Staro 15.08.2018., 13:48   #10
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Eo odlicno natecanje za 10000$ avinoc tokena
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Staro 16.08.2018., 18:04   #11
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BRAVO Pay is a next generation, mainstream, anonymous mobile payments solution for day to day use to empower service professionals, artists, small merchants … and everybody else!
BRAVO is one of very few ICOs in the world that actually has
An existing business
A solution developed
In contrast, less than 9% of the ICOs come from established businesses and almost half do not have a product developed before their ICO campaign began

Izgleda jako obecavajuce i lagan je za regu
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Staro 18.08.2018., 13:43   #12
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Zanimljiv projekat posto ima veze sa Appleom
Ima taskove za skupiti bodove...

LevelApp to allows the instant exchange of crypto assets to Apple Pay Cash and consequent payment with NFC at any sales point equipped with the payment terminal.
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Staro 21.08.2018., 20:22   #13
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Berminal is an impartial and decentralized cryptocurrency and blockchain information app created and curated by a team of professional and multilingual journalists with experience at CCN, CoinTelegraph, TechCrunch and others. Berm Protocol uses crypto-economics to ensure the fairness of information to an increasingly centralized and manipulated industry.

Zanimljiv projekat i jos bolja app u kojem imate info o crypto svijetu, marketu, svasta nesto korisno
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Staro 23.08.2018., 11:04   #14
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Dylyver is a technology corporation that created a ride-sharing platform and a fully automated two-sided market for drivers and riders on one hand; and package senders, couriers, and recipients on the other. With the help of its two mobile Apps, ''Driver'' and ''Cargo'', Dylyver empowers the Users to order a vehicle in seconds and send valuable packages with other people that are travelling in the same direction. Dylyver is rated 4.6/5 on ICO Bench

Dylyver is airdropping up to 200 DYC tokens (~$ 20) to the first 10,000 airdrop participants. ICO price: 1 DYC = 0.10 USD

Odlican projekat, 4.6 od 5 ocijena na icobenchu i uskoro ce izaci na exchange....
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Staro 23.08.2018., 14:23   #15
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Evo jedan fork-airdrop (za imaoce Expanse coina) , za promjenu bez referala
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Staro 23.08.2018., 20:32   #16
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Cardonio is a cutting edge payment card which is set to be the must-have item for every holder of Bitcoin and/or Ether Cryptocurrencies. They are perfectly suited for anyone who spends money in foreign currency around the world.

Cardonio is airdropping 200 CDO tokens to their community members. Sign up at their website, chat with their Telegram bot, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the bot to receive 200 CDO tokens. Also earn 66 CDO tokens for each referral.

Ovo je vrijednost 300$ i jos sw dobiva za refove.
Odlican projekat samo pozurite jer prvih 25k ljudi dobiva tokene, sada je oko 5k regano
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Staro 23.08.2018., 20:37   #17
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Cardonio is a cutting edge payment card which is set to be the must-have item for every holder of Bitcoin and/or Ether Cryptocurrencies. They are perfectly suited for anyone who spends money in foreign currency around the world.

Cardonio is airdropping 200 CDO tokens to their community members. Sign up at their website, chat with their Telegram bot, complete easy tasks and submit your details to the bot to receive 200 CDO tokens. Also earn 66 CDO tokens for each referral.

Ovo je vrijednost 300$ i jos sw dobiva za refove.
Odlican projekat samo pozurite jer prvih 25k ljudi dobiva tokene, sada je oko 5k regano

kaže na njihovom sajtu

"1 CDO = $0.02 USD"

kako onda 200 dođe $300?
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Staro 23.08.2018., 21:44   #18
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Pitao sam admina u vezi toga, znaci gleda ti se zadnja cijena koja ce biti 1.5$ x 200cdo je 300$ tj ako skupis jos i refove bit ce ti max 600$.
Svaki mj raste cijena poprilicno, vidis na tom linku koji si sam postao
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Staro 24.08.2018., 01:19   #19
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Autor killah_tm Pregled postova
Pitao sam admina u vezi toga, znaci gleda ti se zadnja cijena koja ce biti 1.5$ x 200cdo je 300$ tj ako skupis jos i refove bit ce ti max 600$.
Svaki mj raste cijena poprilicno, vidis na tom linku koji si sam postao
Vidi stvarno...odmah sam imao osjećaj da je scam

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: segregator. 24.08.2018. u 08:37.
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Staro 24.08.2018., 06:45   #20
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Autor Roberto Pregled postova
Ovaj je aktualan do 15.8. Pa ponavljam iz druge teme ako netko jos nije, cca 40 usd, s time da moze i vise, ako se potrudite, ima masu questova od kojih vecina i nisu preteski:

Dodali su brdo novih bodova, krenula je prodaja ako tko misli kupiti, a bounty je produžen do 15.9.
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 24.08.2018., 14:05   #21
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Coincapra provide's best quality airdrop's alerts. Our Own airdrop is live join now to get 50$ of CAPRA coins.

Why we are using our own token?
Capra coin is kind of utility coin which we will be used for listing airdrops on our website, we are planning to list our token on top exchanges just after the airdrop.

To make it happen this summer, we need your help. Join our core community and be the first to get CAPRA tokens!

50$ vrijednosti njihovih tokena za regu od 1min
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Staro 25.08.2018., 15:24   #22
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Snapparazzi is a Blockchain-based media sharing & advertising platform where users get paid with SnapCoin rewards for the media content they generate. Snapparazzi is rated 4.4/5 by ICO Bench.

Snapparazzi is airdropping up to 290 SNPC tokens (~$52) to airdrop participants...

Odlican rating i zanimljiv projekat...
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Staro 26.08.2018., 00:16   #23
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The Berm Protocol is in development with plans to disrupt the flow of news on the internet by introducing crypto economics to an increasingly centralized and manipulated industry. Through strong staking-required governance and ecosystem-wide rewards, the protocol and BERM utility token are designed to incentivize accuracy and objectivity to radically improve the quality of information shared online. The Berminal app is a powerful crypto and blockchain information platform, and is the first use case of the Berm Protocol. Berminal’s team of journalists are among the first to aggregate and publish all of the breaking announcements in a digestible format, hand-crafted for mass consumption. Berminal thrives as a live crypto news platform and trading hub.

Berminal is airdropping up to $5,000,000 in BERM tokens during this airdrop. Each participant will earn 200 BERM tokens (~$10) for downloading and registering in the Berminal mobile app (iOS or Android).

Each participant can also earn 200 additional BERM for each friend that signs up through their referral link.
Zahtjeva skidanje njihovog app-a na mob!
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Staro 26.08.2018., 20:05   #24
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Eo jedan odlican projekat za wifi share i zaradu

OPP Open WiFi wants to create a global and free to access WiFi hotspot network. Most people don't use all their data. Become a Wifi Hotspot Host and earn money for every hour you open your network for other people. Secure and there is no risk. Have a look at their website. Very good ICObench ratings: 4.4
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Staro 29.08.2018., 11:44   #25
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FortKnoxster is a cybersecurity company that has used blockchain to develop sophisticated end-to-end encryption techniques in an easy-to-use all-in-one communication platform, where users can communicate privately and securely.

Odlican rating, lagan za regu
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Staro 30.08.2018., 22:14   #26
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CoTrader is the world's first working blockchain investment funds marketplace, where investors called cotraders can invest with the best fund managers, called traders.CoTrader incentivizes the best investors and traders to come compete and multiply their own gains the more they earn for you.
CoTrader is airdropping up to 5000 COT tokens for completing..

Rega i taskovi preko telegram bot...
Dobar rating
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Staro 31.08.2018., 20:54   #27
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QuadCoreChain is designed to be a smart contract, crypto currency platform, decentralizing Live Streaming of Video. The platform ecosystem is to create favorable conditions within the platform for streamers so that they would able to transfer their fan base from the existing streaming platforms, attracting a seed audience to the platform.

QuadCoreChain is airdropping total of 2000 QUAD tokens to their community members for easy social tasks.

Lagana rega preko telegrama.
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Staro 01.09.2018., 02:48   #28
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Wcx exchange

World-class team. Our team comes from Apple and has decades of combined experience in designing, building, and delivering scalable software and trading systems.

High confidence score. XT, WCX's native crypto token, scores 4.8 out of 5 on the Timmons Token Confidence Scale, one of the highest of any digital token currently in circulation.

1,738,939 people have signed up to WCX so far.

Odlican exchange, trenutno im je xt token 0.19$ i uskoro ce biti 0.21$, raste cijena stalno kako se proda sto vise tokena
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Staro 03.09.2018., 23:57   #29
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Eo link, par klikova samo i ulazis u natjecanje za 5 bnb coina, to ti je od binance coin cca 50$

Natjecanje traje jos 18h pa pozurite
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Staro 04.09.2018., 19:10   #30
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CryptoSoul is the first battle royale mining game in the world.
Here you will find a fantastic world of adventures with the game currency you can take away to the real world.
You can use CryptoSoul any way you want. Transfer it to your Ethereum wallet, or use in the game. More than 50% spent CryptoSoul will be burnt.

Eo nesto malo drugacije, biti ce igra uskoro za win, android, ios u kojoj se skupljaju bodovi koji ce se moci isplacivati u ETH!!!

Samo pozurite jer nije ostalo jos puno bespla tokena za regu...

P.s. morate proci kyc za airdrop.
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