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Staro 18.12.2006., 21:26   #61
Swarm dude
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On će imati još bolji oc zbog 800 MHz sabirnice i 10x multya.

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W
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Staro 18.12.2006., 21:56   #62
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... E6600 za 224 $ ... to bi bilo par sto kuna spod 2000
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 18.12.2006., 23:56   #63
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... E6600 za 224 $ ... to bi bilo par sto kuna spod 2000
mmmm to ce bit onda dobra cijena...

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Staro 19.12.2006., 00:19   #64
Je suis Schumi
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Ma može neka sam idu ovi iz Intela, pa se nadam da sam 2008. na quad core-u
Di sam stao?
-Stalji smo onda kad je *ebem Šćepanović

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 5516 MHz
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Staro 19.12.2006., 00:32   #65
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Živi bili...
Ne postoje glasni ventilatori, postoje samo nedovoljno glasni zvučnici!
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Staro 19.12.2006., 00:40   #66
teta Mraz
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po meni E6420 sa 4Mb keša će biti puno isplativiji od E6600, jer ne vidim razliku među njima osim u tih parsto Mhz,

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Staro 19.12.2006., 01:07   #67
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6320 ... ljepo izgleda taj E6300 sa 4mb keša a još jeftin. Bit će to lijepo
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Staro 21.12.2006., 21:04   #68
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Novi chipseti s podrškom za DDR3 i Quad-Core za mase

Chipseti s podrškom za DDR3 memoriju

Intel plans to introduce four new chipsets in 2007. It will debut with two that will support DDR 3 1066 or DDR 2 800. I think that customers will have to choose between the two and you will see boards with the same chipset supporting DDR 2 or DDR 3 memory.

  • The first is called P35 and it comes with FSB 1333 support.

  • The second one, set to debut in Q2 2007, is an integrated one called G33. This also supports FSB 1333 or slower, DDR 2 800 and DDR 3 1066. it has support for Intel Clear Video marchitecture but there's no whisper of DX 10.

  • X38 is the enthusiast top notch chipset scheduled for a Q3 2007 introduction. This is intended to replace the 975X chipset. It cannot support DDR 2 memory at 1066, and we see that as a problem for enthusiasts. It supports PCIe 2.0, 2x16 PCIe graphic slots, DDR 3 memory at 1333 and a Quad core support. The high end chipset supports DDR 3 memory only so Intel wants to start the migration to DDR 3 only. It works matched with ICH9, ICH9R or ICH9DH.

  • Last but not least is G35 Intel's new integrated DirectX 10 hope. It supports Intel Clear Video marchitecture and DX10. The board supports DDR 3 1066 or DDR2 800 and it works with FSB 1333 CPUs. All of the new four chipsets supports ICH9, ICH9R or ICH9DH.

Core 2 Quad Q6400

Q6400 is most likely has a price lower than $450 when it is released into market in Q3 2007. Core 2 Quad Q6400 remains in Kentsfield core like others released models. Standards for this model include: 65nm manufacturing process, LGA 775 package, clock speed at 2.13Ghz, 1066MHz FSB, and 4MB x 2 L2 Cache. Core 2 Quad Q6400 also support for Intel ViiV, VT, EIST, 64 and Execute Disable Bit. Combining the performance provided and the low price, this would be a great rival for AMD’s AM2+ processors.

Izvor: Inquirer i HKEPC
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Staro 21.12.2006., 22:10   #69
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zanimljivo..... samo treba prodat ovu P5B prije nego li joj cijene previše padnu
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Staro 21.12.2006., 22:15   #70
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zanimljivo..... samo treba prodat ovu P5B prije nego li joj cijene previše padnu
Cemu?? Sto ti fali bandiwtha pa mislis uzet ddr3??
Primiri se covjece, nece to nikud pobjec
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Staro 21.12.2006., 23:46   #71
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Cemu?? Sto ti fali bandiwtha pa mislis uzet ddr3??
Primiri se covjece, nece to nikud pobjec
najviše mene brine oće li onaj PCI-E 2.0 podržavat PCI-E 1.0 karte. Ako to bude tako onda neću mjenjat. Jer ionako bandwith nije iskorišten.
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Staro 22.12.2006., 00:08   #72
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Mislim da bi trebalo biti kompatibilno sto se tice PCI-E...negdje sam nesto procitao, a ne sjecam se tocno....siguran sam da je u jednom smjeru kompatibilno, a nisam siguran je li u oba...
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Staro 29.12.2006., 16:07   #73
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Question Core 2 Quad Q6600 stiže u siječnju 2007.

Intel is expected to release its new quad-core processor for desktops in days, at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. Quad Q6600 chip is expected to run at 2.40GHz, come with 8MB L2 cache and use 1066MHz processor system bus. The new microprocessor is projected to cost $851.

The 40th Consumer Electronics Show will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, from 8th to 11th January, 2007.

The popularization of quad-core chips does not mean that Intel will cease to improve its dual-core microprocessors. Intel is projected to release Intel Core 2 Duo processors with E6850, E6750 and E6650 model numbers with 3.0GHz, 2.66GHz and 2.33GHz clock-speeds respectively and 1333MHz processor system bus in Q3 2007, when appropriate code-named Bearlake-series chipsets become available. The new chips will support TXT technology.

Izvor: X-Bit Labs
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Staro 29.12.2006., 20:43   #74
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Mislim da će najbolje biti pričekat kraj 2007. ili čak početak 2008. da se situacija s Vistom i novim tehnologijama stabilizira, a onda krenuti lagano u kupnju. Čini mi se da bilo kakva kupovina do tada može razultirati bačenim novcem zbog nekompatibilnosti. Kupit sad što ima i čekat da se tržište stabilizira, da dođe DDR3, ploče koje ga podržavaju, novi socket, PCI-E 2.0 i sl.
Ne postoje glasni ventilatori, postoje samo nedovoljno glasni zvučnici!
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Staro 06.01.2007., 00:01   #75
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Conroe-L sa samo 35W TDP-a i Q6600 za $531

Conroe-L sa samo 35W TDP-a
  • Intel just announced the power consumption specification for those processors upcoming in 2007. The next-generation value Conroe-L is all at 35W TDP only, 30W lesser than the previous Cedar Mill deviated from Netburst architecture. Desktop Quad-Core products would stepped into G Stepping in Q3 07, becoming the first quad core supports 05A FMB power consumption specification at 95W TDP.

Core 2 Quad Q6600
  • Core 2 Quad Q6600 processor, which is expected to be unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in several days, will cost $531 in 1000-unit quantities, not $850 as previously anticipated. Core 2 Quad Q6600 releasing in Jan 7, its TDP is 105W. Thus, a motherboard has to support FMB 05B power consumption specification to support this model.

Izvor: X-Bit Labs i HKEPC

Autor aski Pregled postova
Više sam se i ja izgubio pa ne znam di sam pročitao (ovdje ili na drugom mjestu) da će biti neki QC od 1.6 GHz
Quad-Core Xeon 5310, LGA771, 1.6GHz. To možda ili baš neki desktop procesor?

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 06.01.2007. u 00:27.
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Staro 06.01.2007., 00:20   #76
Je suis Schumi
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Više sam se i ja izgubio pa ne znam di sam pročitao (ovdje ili na drugom mjestu) da će biti neki QC od 1.6 GHz
Di sam stao?
-Stalji smo onda kad je *ebem Šćepanović

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 5516 MHz
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Staro 09.01.2007., 15:25   #77
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"V8"...odgovor na AMD-ov Quad FX

At CES 2007 today, Intel announced a proof-of-concept PC designed specifically to counter AMD's 4x4 platform for gamers. Dubbed the "V8" system, Intel demonstrated a system running on a pair of quad-core Kentsfield Xeon processors for a total of eight physical cores. The system runs at 2.4GHz utilizing a 1066MHz system bus and is loaded with FB-DIMM memory. The graphics card is supported by a single nVidia 8800GTX.

Najvažnije od svega
According to Intel, the "V8" system dished out a score of 6089 on 3DMark CPU bench.
Intel's "V8" system will require FB-DIMMs while Quad FX will work with regular unbuffered memory. The AMD Quad FX platform can also support multiple GeForce video cards in SLI configuration, while the "V8" is currently limited to a single graphics card.

Izvor: DailyTech
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Staro 09.01.2007., 16:34   #78
Swarm dude
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NHF ali mi je to bezveze, cijela priča oko 4X4 i V8. To su serverske ploče koje će dobiti nekakav gejmerski atribut i popularizirat će se, samo što neće vjerojatno imati sve feature pravih punokrvnih serverskih ploča.
Takvi sustavi su se mogli odavno složiti, samo što će sada dobiti marketinšku pompu.

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Swarm dude. 09.01.2007. u 22:04. Razlog: tipfeleri ;)
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Staro 09.01.2007., 18:05   #79
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Autor Swarm dude Pregled postova
NHF ali mi je to bezveze, cijela priča oko 4X4 i V8. To su serverske ploče kojima će dobiti nekakav gejmerski atribut i popularizirat će se, samo što neće vjerojatno imati sve feature pravih punokrvnih serverskih ploča.
Takvi sustavi su se mogli odavno složiti, samo što će sada dobiti marketinšku pompu.
U pravu si.
Ja sam se oko toga (4x4 i nadolazećeg 8x8) sustava već izjasnil na Novi socketi... Tjera se DFP, bez obzira na cijenu. (Većinom) kvazi-gameri budu to (pogotovo vani) pokupovali ko da nema sutra i naravno svaki bu rekel da mu baš to treba. Da nekoga pokupi s Nailgunom prek pol mape. Pričaju se priče, prodaje se magla, većina nasjedne i pokupe se masne pare. Svi sretni i zadovoljni.

Uglavnom da ne nastavimo u ovom pomalo negativnom tonu, evo jedan pozitivniji primjer. Cijenom i performansama nadasve prihvatljiv.
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Staro 09.01.2007., 20:33   #80
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Autor McG Pregled postova
U pravu si.
Ja sam se oko toga (4x4 i nadolazećeg 8x8) sustava već izjasnil na Novi socketi... Tjera se DFP, bez obzira na cijenu. (Većinom) kvazi-gameri budu to (pogotovo vani) pokupovali ko da nema sutra i naravno svaki bu rekel da mu baš to treba. Da nekoga pokupi s Nailgunom prek pol mape. Pričaju se priče, prodaje se magla, većina nasjedne i pokupe se masne pare. Svi sretni i zadovoljni.

Uglavnom da ne nastavimo u ovom pomalo negativnom tonu, evo jedan pozitivniji primjer. Cijenom i performansama nadasve prihvatljiv.
Taj Allendale ce biti prava stvar...relativno veliki mnozitelj, lakse se clocka i ne trebaju skupe ploce za dobro ga naclockat...pravi best-buy...
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Staro 11.01.2007., 16:47   #81
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Detalji oko nadolazećih chipseta

Intel has announced the company’s move for the next-generation desktop chipsets. Intel plans to introduce 6 new chipsets in 2007, all belongs to “3” chipset family. The new chipsets include:
  • mainstream P35
  • entry-level integrated chipset G33
  • enthusiast top notch chipset X38
  • integrated chipset G35 for mainstream
  • entry-level business-oriented chipset Q33 and business-oriented chipset Q35
All of them support Core 2 Duo processors, including the upcoming 1333MHz FSB E6050 family, on a mean while they also support entry-level dual-core Pentium E 2000 family and single-core Celeron 400 family. For the Kenstfield’s Core 2 Quad products, only P35, G35 and X38 would support for quad-core processor. On the other hand, X38 is the only which support for Core 2 Extreme products among the 6 new chipsets.

Izvor: HKEPC
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Staro 17.01.2007., 15:36   #82
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Funkcionalni primjerci 45nm Penryn procesora

The first Penryn boot was capable of booting Windows. The processor is labeled as "A0" silicon, or first revision, the successful boot is a huge milestone and bonus for Intel.
Paul Otellini said:
We have working samples of the Penryn processors -- and in a short period of time have already booted 4 operating systems (Windows Vista, XP, Linux and Apple Mac OS-X).
The two of the three 300mm facility mentioned are Fab 32 Chandler, Arizona and Fab 28 in Qiryat Gat, Israel. Development for 45nm processors is currently done at Intel's D1D facility in Oregon. All three facilities are expected to be fully production-ready for 300mm wafers on 45nm nodes by 2008.

Izvor: DailyTech
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Staro 27.01.2007., 00:15   #83
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Intel mijenja rokove...novi procesori, ploče i chipseti stižu ranije na tržište

Intel plans to advance the release date of next-generation dual-core Pentium E and single-core Celeron 400 from the third quarter to the mid of the second quarter. On a meanwhile, the specification of next-generation 45nm processors has been finalized, releasing at the end of this year but not in a great amount. There will be a small amount of 45nm Intel Core 2 Quad available on Dec.

The next-generation quad-core Yorkfield and dual-core Wolfdate are scheduled releasing in the first quarter of 2008, while an exception is made for Yorkfield based Intel Core 2 Extreme which will be released a bit earlier in Dec, marking an earlier date for delivering. 45nm quad-core Yorkfield is a native design, and it’s the driving force to push up the hit rate of the cache. 45nm quad-core Yorkfield contains up to 12MB L2 Cache, and remains at 1066MHz FSB and LGA 775 package. For 45nm dual-core Wolfdate, its FSB goes a step further to 1333MHz, and contains up to 6MB L2 Cache.

  • This is the year of Santa Rosa. Intel will produce a Core 2 Extreme X7800, a Celeron 540, and Core 2 Duo U7600 and U7500 for this.
  • A Celeron 530 is expected at the end of March, while Intel also promises Core 2 Solo Napa refresh chips the U2200 and the U2100.
  • Lastly, but not leastly, Intel is promising a raft of desktop motherboards including three in June - the Dragon Tail Peak (iP35 Express), Frostburg (iG33 Express) and Buffalo Creek (iG33 Express).

45nm Penryn - detalji i specifikacije (1, 2)
Chipseti serije 3

Izvor: HKEPC, Inquirer, AnandTech i DailyTech

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 27.01.2007. u 16:37. Razlog: Dodani detalji oko Penryn procesora i chipseta serije 3
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Staro 30.01.2007., 16:51   #84
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Nove cijene procesora od 22.4

The cut includes Pentium D, Core 2 Duo, and Core 2 Quad, allowing for a larger price advantage to against AMD’s upcoming next-generation Star processor. Besides, Pentium E and Celeron 400 will also be releasing ahead of the previous schedule in June. The previously planned Intel Core 2 Duo E6390, which does not support for VT, has been canceled in the future plan. E4400 is coming in Q2 2007 set at a price of $133. On the day of E4400’s launch and onward, E4300 will has a new price from $163 to $113, a 30.7% off.
Dolazak E4400 i trenutni pad cijene E4300 procesora još više ugrožava AMD-ov tek nedavno predstavljeni 65nm 3600+ X2, koji se trenutačno prodaje po cijeni od cca. $115/117. Kad Intel izbaci E4400 i sreže cijenu E4300 procesora, nadajmo se da bu AMD snizil cijenu 3600+ X2 na vrijednost sličnu ovoj koju imaju Pentium E21xx serije.

The new Pentium E and Celeron 400 are schedule to release in Mid-June. Pentium E2160 and Pentium E2140 will be the replacement of Pentium D 935 and Pentium D 925. The prices setting for this two are $84 and $74. Also, the prices setting for Celeron D 440 and Celeron D 430 are $59 and $49 respectively. According to the testing result from the market, either one could provide a better performance than Celeron 360 running at 3.6 GHz, especially at gaming.

Izvor: HKEPC
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Staro 01.02.2007., 16:05   #85
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Core 2 Extreme u mobilnom izadnju i novi low-voltage procesori

Core 2 Extreme u mobilnom izdanju
  • Core 2 Extreme X7800, the first extreme processor for notebook computer, possesses cores running at 2.6GHz, 800MHz FSB, and a 4MB L2 Cache. Besides its high-speed cores, its multiplier is also unlocked as the desktop’s edition, allowing user to adjust for their need. In the consideration of stability. The price setting of Core 2 Extreme X7800 is $795, relatively cheaper than the desktop’s Core 2 Extreme at $999. In the Intel’s schedule, there is another Core 2 Extreme processor for notebook compute upcoming in 2H07, namely Core 2 Extreme X7900, where its speed is further boost up to 2.8GHz, and also possesses 800MHz FSB, and a 4MB L2 Cache.

Novi low-voltage procesori
  • Intel has added the Core 2 Duo for notebooks processor models L7400 and L7200 into the family. L7000-series have thermal design power (TDP) of 17W, which is two times lower compared to typical Core 2 Duo chips that typically consume 34W, which is quite a lot for processors designed for laptops.

Intel Montevina ...Centrino za 2008.

Izvor: X-Bit Labs, HKEPC i DailyTech
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Staro 13.02.2007., 13:50   #86
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VIA Intel chipseti i Jetway 965GDAG ploča

VIA Intel chipseti

The PT960 and PM960 are designed with Intel’s Core 2 architecture in mind, supporting front-side-bus speeds up to 1333 MHz. Intel expects to launch its 1333 MHz front-side-bus Core 2 Duo E6x50-series processors later this year. Expect motherboards based on the PT960 and PM960 to arrive in 2008.
  • The VIA PT960 will be a discrete north bridge and rely on PCIe graphics cards. VIA's PT960 will be compliant with the PCIe 2.0 specification. There will be support for one PCIe 2.0 x16 and four PCIe 2.0 x1 slots. VIA’ PT960 only has a single-channel memory controller. Nevertheless, the memory controller supports DDR2-1066 and DDR3-1333 MHz memory.
  • PM960 sports a revised graphics core. The new integrated graphics core is dubbed S3 Chrome 9 HD and upgrades the video processing engine of the P4M900. New video processing features include hardware decoding acceleration for MPEG4, WMV9, VC1 and H.264 video formats. VIA has integrated the TV encoder, DVI and HDMI output functions into the graphics core.

Jetway 965GDAG ploča

CrossFire can also be activated and works on the Intel G965 chipset. Jetway 965GDAG works in a Dual 4x mode in CrossFire when a pair of X1600XT or X1300Pro is attached to the two PCIe slots. Looks like, we have a very interesting board here. Not only does it support CrossFire, its integrated GMA X3000 is also quite speedy. We are also expecting newer drivers to enable the DX10 support of the G965 chipset.

Izvor: DailyTech i OCWorkbench
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Staro 16.02.2007., 17:55   #87
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Bearlake detalji - Intel ICH9 i ICH10

Intel's Bearlake chipset will use the new ICH9 circuit for handling I/O functions and it is now done with the development of the latest ICH circuit. Intel has already started working on the next model, namely ICH10 and both of these southbridges will offer some really interesting features. Both circuits will lack both PS/2 and LPT ports and instead focus on USB and FireWire connections. The new ICH circuits will come with 10Gb Ethernet controllers but also technology for relieving the processor during file and data transfers. The fact that it will now use DDR3 is of course a big step forward, but there will still be DDR2 support with these circuits. Performance will improve up to 15% with these new circuits and Conroe processors.

Biostar TP35D3-A7 Deluxe

  • Socket LGA 775, ATX
  • Supports Intel Core 2 Quad/Core 2 Duo/Celeron 400 Series Processor
  • Intel P35 + ICH9R
  • FSB 1333 MHz
  • Supports Dual Channel DDR3 800/1066 MHz
  • 4 x DDR3 DIMM Memory Slots, Max. Supports up to 8GB Memory
  • 1 x PCI-E x16, 3 x PCI-E x1, 2 x PCI Slots
  • 8+2-Channel HD Audio, 12 x USB 2.0, 2 x E-SATAII 3Gb/s
  • 6 x SATAII 3Gb/s Connectors With RAID, Dual GbE LAN

Biostar TP35D2-A7

  • Socket LGA 775, ATX
  • Supports Intel Core 2 Quad/Core 2 Duo/Celeron 400 Series Processor
  • Intel P35 + ICH9
  • FSB 1333 MHz
  • Supports Dual Channel DDR2 667/800 MHz
  • 4 x DDR2 DIMM Memory Slots, Max. Supports up to 8GB Memory
  • 1 x PCI-E x16, 1 x PCI-E x4, 1 x PCI-E x1, 3 x PCI Slots
  • 8+2-Channel HD Audio, 12 x USB 2.0
  • 4 x SATAII 3Gb/s Connectors, GbE LAN

Izvor: VR-Zone i NordicHardware
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Staro 16.02.2007., 21:37   #88
Swarm dude
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Hmm...ove ploče još uvijek imaju PCI-E 1.1? Jer po ovome što znam izgleda da će PCI-E debitirati sa izlaskom Barcelone. Malo me čudi što Intel nije odlučio izbaciti 2.0 PCI-E skupa sa DDR3 RAM-ima.

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W
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Staro 16.02.2007., 23:27   #89
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Čini mi se da bu Intel "uvel" PCI-Express 2.0 sa high-end X38 chipsetom. Nisam siguran, jer mi se već lagano sve pomiješalo od svih tih (p)reviewa, najava, glasina, službenih i poluslužbenih vijesti.
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Staro 20.02.2007., 19:50   #90
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Smile AMD 690G i ESC 650i ploče

Abit Fatal1ty F-I90HD

Abit has launched an entry-level motherboard named after the pro gamer. Dubbed F-I90HD, the board is a Micro-ATX model with support for Intel's Core 2 processors and integrated graphics. Nothing particularly exciting there, but the board's integrated graphics chipset is a brand-new offering from AMD. The chipset is called ATi Radeon Xpress 1250, and it features support for 1066MHz front-side busspeeds, DDR2-800 RAM, and HDMI video output. For users who'd rather not use the integrated graphics, the chipset also supports a full-speed PCI Express x16 slot. Abit's Fatal1ty F-I90HD cools the Radeon Xpress 1250 passively, and aside from HDMI video output, its feature set seems to be what one would expect from a decent motherboard: PCIe x16, PCIe x1, and PCI slots, four 300MB/s Serial ATA ports, one IDE channel, and Gigabit Ethernet.


ECS NF650iSLIT-A is a scaled down version of the popular PN2 SLI2+ mainboard based on the nForce 680i chipset. This board should be able to handle all existing Conroe Processors including the upcoming FSB 1333 variants. The board supports Dual Channel DDR2-800 of up to 32GB of 4 unbuffered DIMMs. The onboard LAN is a GbE by Marvell and audio is from Realtek using ALC 883. In terms of video, the board comes with 2 PCIe x16 full length slots. It can run in SLi mode in a Dual x8 configuration. Behind the mainboard are connectors for SPDIF.

Izvor: TechReport, Abit i OCWorkbench
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