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Staro 22.10.2006., 12:36   #31
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....sigurno nitko od nas neće kupiti nešto samo zato što je novo i jako brzo da boli glava (a ne treba nam i još je skupo do jaja )
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Staro 22.10.2006., 13:53   #32
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daj pa sta je ovo?!
tek sam kupio plocu za C2D sa 1066 Mhz sabirnicom a vec izisli novi proc sa 1333 mhz...
ma divota...
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Staro 22.10.2006., 16:57   #33
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daj pa sta je ovo?!
tek sam kupio plocu za C2D sa 1066 Mhz sabirnicom a vec izisli novi proc sa 1333 mhz...
ma divota...
ma nemoj se uopce zamarat...
i ja sam sad uzeo konfu i sad sam miran.
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Staro 22.10.2006., 17:47   #34
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A koji će biti prvi dostupan čipset koji će službeno podržavati 1333 Mhz sabirnicu ... nf 680i SLI za kojih mjesec dana. Priča se također da će čipset biti extremni clocker, DFI je čak odustao od gotove nf590 ploče da bi čekao seriju 6
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Staro 22.10.2006., 19:48   #35
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daj pa sta je ovo?!
tek sam kupio plocu za C2D sa 1066 Mhz sabirnicom a vec izisli novi proc sa 1333 mhz...
ma divota...
klokni svog pa ce bit isto
Spoiler alert!
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Staro 22.10.2006., 23:11   #36
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Sve to stoji Ali jos od dobrog starog 440-BX-a, Intel radi prilicno dobre chipsete...jest da ih je dosta izbacio, neki su bili i promaseni, ali svi su bili rock stable...
Ahh, da, o da! Tko to vice Carmel + SDRAM? Tko to urla iZX66? Netko spominje Whitney i nezaboravnu Portolu na njemu? Nemoj biti tako iskljuciv...
Rok od dva mjeseca u stvari znači četiri, ali nikako ispod šest.
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Staro 23.10.2006., 01:22   #37
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[QUOTE=Swarm dude;547283]Neka lijepo Intel štanca nove proceve, sadašnji procevi će biti jeftiniji kada ovi izađu a to nikako ne može smetati krajnjem korisniku zar ne

Intel je javio da neče biti skidanja cijena procesora (sada ide prodaja dobro i bilo bi kažnjivo skidat cijene.) kada dođu novi samo će cijena biti još veča dok amd ne odgovori sa 4-6-8 jezgrenim procesorima
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Staro 23.10.2006., 10:36   #38
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Intel je javio da neče biti skidanja cijena procesora (sada ide prodaja dobro i bilo bi kažnjivo skidat cijene.) kada dođu novi samo će cijena biti još veča dok amd ne odgovori sa 4-6-8 jezgrenim procesorima
...onda ce intel imat vec jeftinije 4-6-8jezgrene proceve, tak da... jedino ak amd sad ne napravi neko arhitektursko cudo...
Spoiler alert!
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Staro 23.10.2006., 10:39   #39
Propali Amigaš
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Intelovi chipseti jesu bolji što se toga tiče, nemaju problema eventualno ako ciljaš na probleme DS3 i drugih Gigabyte ploča no to nema veze sa chipsetima.
Mišljam da AMD ima nestabilnije chipsete od Intela "

Pogledaj malo chipsete za AMD...postoje AM2 ploče sa nf3 chipsetom
To bi bilo kao da Conroe radi na 845 (na ne radi ni na jedno 10 koji su izašli nakon njega)
AMD mi se kao platforma čini dorađeniji, jedino im je kiks bio podjela na sockete 754 i 939

Evo jedan skraćeni popis Intel chipseta:

# Intel® 848P Chipset
# Intel® 865G Chipset
# Intel® 865PE Chipset
# Intel® 865P Chipset
# Intel® 865GV Chipset
# Intel® 875P Chipset
# Intel® 910GE Express Chipset
# Intel® 910GL Express Chipset
# Intel® 910GML Express Chipset
# Intel® 915G Express Chipset
# Intel® 915P Express Chipset
# Intel® 915GV Express Chipset
# Intel® 915GL Express Chipset
# Intel® 915PL Express Chipset
# Intel® 915GV Express Chipset
# Intel® 915PM Express Chipset
# Intel® 915GM Express Chipset
# Intel® 915GMS Express Chipset
# Intel® 925X Express Chipset
# Intel® 925XE Express Chipset
# Intel® 940GML Chipset
# Intel® 945G Express Chipset
# Intel® 945GM Express Chipset
# Intel® 945GMS Express Chipset
# Intel® 945P Express Chipset
# Intel® 945PL Express Chipset
# Intel® 945PM Express Chipset
# Intel® 955X Express Chipset
# Intel® 955XM Express Chipset
# Intel® 975X Express Chipset
# Intel® P965 Express Chipset
# Intel® 946GZ Express Chipset
# Intel® 946PL Express Chipset
# Intel® G965 Express Chipset
# Intel® Q963 Express Chipset
# Intel® Q965 Express Chipset
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Staro 23.10.2006., 10:49   #40
Swarm dude
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Intelovi chipseti jesu bolji što se toga tiče, nemaju problema eventualno ako ciljaš na probleme DS3 i drugih Gigabyte ploča no to nema veze sa chipsetima.
Mišljam da AMD ima nestabilnije chipsete od Intela "

Pogledaj malo chipsete za AMD...postoje AM2 ploče sa nf3 chipsetom
To bi bilo kao da Conroe radi na 845 (na ne radi ni na jedno 10 koji su izašli nakon njega)
AMD mi se kao platforma čini dorađeniji, jedino im je kiks bio podjela na sockete 754 i 939
A gle, sada svaka strana ima opet svoje mane
AMD se podijelio na 754, 939 i AM2 dok Intel gura LGA775 ali sa brdom chipseta i proceva koji ih podržavaju/ne podržavaju...
Eto, npr. doma imam jednu matičnu sa 925X chipsetom a 975 i 955 su u principu taj isti 925X ili XE sa određenim promjenama. I sada na tu ploču mogu staviti samo sc 800 MHz FSB P4 što nije baš i neka pohvalna opcija, ali dobro, što je tu je
Tako da ne bih znao ocjeniti tko je dorađeniji.

A za ovo AM2 i nf 3 nisam znao.
Ali postoji i LGA775 ploča sa 865PE chipsetom koja podržava C2D proceve

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W
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Staro 13.11.2006., 19:44   #41
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Pentium E1000 otkazan...E2000 najavljen

Intel has cancelled Pentium E1000 previously planned to release in Q207. Instead, a new dual core Pentium E2000 family is introduced, enlarging the popularity of dual core processor.

Pentium E2000 is based on native L2 stepping 2MB Conroe core, in which 1MB of the L2 cached is disabled. This family is available from Q307 including E2140 (1.6GHz/1MB L2/800MHz FSB) and E2160 (1.8GHz/1MB L2/800MHz FSB). Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (EIST), Intel 64 (I64) and Execute Disable Bit (XD Bit) are supported like Core 2 Duo. Yet Intel Virtualization (VT), ViiV and vPRO are excluded for separating the market.

Izvor: HKEPC
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Staro 14.11.2006., 17:03   #42
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Intel will release Core 2 Duo E6390 in Q3 2007, E4200 and E4400 in Q2 2007. Core 2 Duo E6390 targets to the market of E6300 and E6400, and the two members from Core 2 Duo E4000 family are designed to replace Netburst Pentium D. Together with E4300 which will be released on 21 Jan 2007, Core 2 Duo E4000 family aim to replace Netburst Pentium D. The last order of Core 2 Duo E4300 will be in Q4 2004, production terminates in Q1 2008 and last shipment is Q3 2008.

Intel Core2 Duo E4300, the next Core 2 Duo processor to be released is now scheduled on 21 Jan 2007. Its market is set to value, such that it has 800 MHz FSB only, though, according to the report from manufacturers, most of their mother board could able to overclock the processor to 1066 MHz FSB without any change to voltage.
Link: 1, 2

Izvor: HKEPC
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Staro 21.11.2006., 15:49   #43
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The next generation Intel processor based on the Nehalem architecture is clearly exciting. Successor to quad core Yorkfield which forms part of the 45nm Penryn architecture, Bloomfield will come along and sit right on top of the 45nm Nehalem desktop processors in mid 2008. Bloomfield will have 4 cores and is capable of 8 threads like the old Hyper-Threading technology but only more advanced. Bloomfield will contain an integrated memory controller that requires a new socket refresh called Socket B with 1366 contact pads.

Izvor: VR-Zone
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Staro 21.11.2006., 16:46   #44
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posteno se kuha u intelu...

lga775 ce bit zamijenjen tek sredinom 2008. godine...vec se dosta dugo drzi

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Staro 21.11.2006., 17:48   #45
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intela se čisto hebe jel amd ima čime konkurirat ili ne..... on samo izbaciva
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Staro 21.11.2006., 18:13   #46
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intela se čisto hebe jel amd ima čime konkurirat ili ne..... on samo izbaciva je od nvidia-e vidio
LENOVO LEGION 5 Pro Gaming Laptop (AMD Ryzen 7 6800H,RTX 3070,32gb DDR5,2tb SSD)
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Staro 21.11.2006., 20:59   #47
Swarm dude
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I također DDR3 rami će u potpunosti zamijeniti DDR2 na socketu B. Nešto se huškalo kako će dolaskom Kentsfielda početi pristizati i prvi DDR3 rami na tržište i da će se koristiti usporedno sa DDR2. Naravno, taktovi će biti od 800 MHz pa do 1600 MHz
Inače, Intelu se već dosta dugo isporučuju testni DDR3 moduli ali za sada nema ničega konkretnijeg...
Evo slikica kako će to izgledati:

preuzeta sa CPUID-a

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Swarm dude. 21.11.2006. u 21:10.
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Staro 22.11.2006., 23:17   #48
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G35 IGP detalji i Core 2 Duo detalji

Intel recently released details of HDMI/HDPC in G35 IGP chipset (Bearlake G+), stating that would be a solid solution to HDMI/HDPC.

According to the official document from Intel, HDMI Signal Mixing and HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) have already built in G35 IGP. Through PCI-E pins, the 165MHz Pixel Clock provides 1.65Gbps bandwidth for the video, supporting 720p, 1080i and 1080p, and a maximum of 1600x 1200 or 1920 x 1080 ultra high 24bit resolution. In the audio part, G35 IGP features stereo LPCM and AC3 5.1 with a maximum bandwidth 96 KHz.

Inside G35 IGP, the audio part still remains in ICH9 but there is also a HD Audio Link between G35 and ICH9 for direct transfer. It should also be noticed that HD Audio Codec is built in G35. In addition, Encrypted HDCP Key of G35 IGP can be stored any Flash Map devices such as BIOS.

In addition, since HDMI voltage output in G35 IGP has only got 1.2V, G35 motherboard has to include a "Level Shifter" chip to provide standard 3.3V output. This "Level Shifter" chip will has the sample in Q1 2007 and send to production in Q2 2007, meeting the release schedule of G35 in Q3 2007.

Izvor: HKEPC

EDIT: Dodatak

In addition to the Core 2 Duo E4300 CPU, which Intel is slated to launch in the first quarter of 2007, the chip giant will add two Core 2 Duo E4000-series CPUs, the E4200 and E4400, in the second quarter of next year.

Intel originally planned to launch the 1.6GHz E4200 in the fourth quarter of this year to compete with AMD's Socket-AM2 Athlon 64 x2 3600+, but later on, the launch was suspended to make way for the 1.8GHz E4300 CPU.

In the third quarter of 2007, Intel also plans to launch the Core 2 Duo E6390 CPU for the mid-range desktop segment, as well as the Core 2 Duo E6850, E6750 and E6650 CPUs for the high-end segment, according to Intel's latest roadmap.

Featuring a 1333 MHz FSB, the E6850, E6750 and E6650 will get the roles being currently played by the Core 2 Duo E6700 and E6600 processors.

Izvor: DigiTimes

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 23.11.2006. u 18:59. Razlog: Nadopuna posta
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Staro 28.11.2006., 16:19   #49
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45nm Penryn procesori

Intel is manufacturing prototypes of its upcoming Penryn processor core. Penryn is the upcoming 45nm die shrink of Intel’s Core 2 architecture. Intel first demonstrated its 45nm fabrication capabilities at the D1D facility in Oregon. Current Penryn prototypes are being produced at Intel’s Oregon factories as well, though a different facility.

In addition to the 45nm die shrink, Penryn is expected to introduce a couple more manufacturing process changes. These changes include shifting away from Silicon Dioxide gate dielectrics to High-k dielectrics. The gate electrodes will also be revamped with metal gates instead of the Polysilicon derivatives currently used.

Intel is currently ontrack to introduce Penryn core processors in the second half of 2007. Intel is expected to ship 45nm products very soon after AMD makes its final transition to 65nm. Intel is also expected to open up new 45nm production fabs within the next 16 months. Expect Penryn to arrive in 2007 after Intel refreshes its current Conroe based product lineup. Penryn will also be the last product based on Intel’s Core architecture.

Izvor: DailyTech
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Staro 03.12.2006., 19:41   #50
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Računam da će E4300 koji izlazi krajem siječnja biti prava mala zvjerka, i cjenovno i po OC mogućnostima. 800FSB (200x4)i 1800Mhz clock, što bi značilo multi 9x?!
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Staro 03.12.2006., 19:44   #51
Swarm dude
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Yap! I te kako, bit će prava mala beštijica od proca. Već će na 334 MHz FSB-a juriti na 3 GHz

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W
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Staro 03.12.2006., 19:58   #52
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Validation: 1, 2

XS E4300 Tema

Procesor na mestu.
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Staro 03.12.2006., 22:11   #53
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evo i malo okusa nadolazece E6x50 serije

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Staro 03.12.2006., 22:25   #54
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Ma sve to super al meni je ipak draži "mali" E4300 .... em će biti bliže cifri od 1000kn, em će ga svatko moći cloknuti na 3Ghz i na Asrock ploči . C2D za mase .
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Staro 03.12.2006., 22:45   #55
Swarm dude
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Baš to. Neće trebati nikakve bijesne ploče i prosječne ploče će sa tim jeftinijim procem odlično oc-ati i sažvakati sve što se baci pred njih (i na defaultu sažvaće sve ). Zanima me koji će biti AMD-ov odgovor na E4300, bit će im teško dati odgovor na takav procesor i kombo sa drughim jeftinijim i "prosječnim" komponentama.

A taj E6850...hmmm super je, ali Q3 2007...Tad će već vani biti Kentsfieldi (jeftiniji i slabiji od QX6700). Ali dobro, bit će pitanje cijena tada
Ali čini mi se da je taj Q3 2007. preekasan datum. Ionako proc nema niti die-shrink ili neke posebne "fore", osim bržeg FSB-a. Mislim da će ipak ti procevi doći prije, puno prije.

CPU: AMD Opteron 3365 cooled by LC-CC-120
RAM: 4 x 8 GB G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3 PC-12800
VGA: Nvidia Quadro K600
SSD: Crucial BX500 1TB
HDD: Seagate Barracuda Guardian 2 TB
PSU: Silverstone Strider Essential 600W
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Staro 13.12.2006., 15:03   #56
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To bi bilo kao da Conroe radi na 845 (na ne radi ni na jedno 10 koji su izašli nakon njega)
Ne bih rekao...865 spada u taj na ne radi ni na jedno 10 koji su izašli nakon njega.
Asrock ConRoe865PE
Asrock 775i65G
Asus P5PE-VM

| AVG Free 7 | SPF 5.6 | SS&D 1.4 | MBSA 2.0 |
| Firefox & Thunderbird 1.5 | MozBackup 1.4.4 | POPFile 0.22.2 |
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| UltraVNC 1.0.1 | Media JukeBox 8.0 | Burn4Free 2.3 |

| Pentium D 805 | ThermalTake BigTyp 120 |
| Gigabyte G945P-S3 | 1024/667 Kingmax DDR2 | 160 GB Hitachi SATA2 |
| Enlight 430W | Antec Solution SLK3700AMB | OKI OL400w |
| XP Home SP2 zakrpan do jaja + Windows 98SE Virtual Machine |

| 178/81 |
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| 35 godina |
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Staro 14.12.2006., 12:24   #57
herr Flick
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: stoopid
opet novo ?
Damn ne mozemo mi nastancat love koliko mogu oni proceva
.:S:T:A:L:K:E:R:.. :2 u ocekivanju

nema vise zippacha ......

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Staro 15.12.2006., 04:19   #58
Brown Acid
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Autor zippo61 Pregled postova
: stoopid
opet novo ?
Damn ne mozemo mi nastancat love koliko mogu oni proceva
Morat ćemo svi postat poduzetnici
“Free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free dinner.”
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Staro 18.12.2006., 18:34   #59
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Nadolazeći Core 2 Solo procesori i 40%-tni pad cijena za Core 2 Duo

Intel just announced its plan on its Core 2 Solo single-core processors in Q3 2007. Instead of normal edition, the upcoming Core 2 Solo has ULV (Ultra Low-Voltage) edition only, targeting for the Sub-Note market. Regarding with the rumor concerning Merom based Celeron M is a dual core, Intel has also announced it should be a single core.

The new Core 2 Solo ULV includes two models:
  • U2200 (1.2 GHz/1MB L2/533MHz)
  • U2100 (1.06 GHz/1MB L2/533MHz).
They are set to replace U1500 and U1400. These two models have very good power consumption at 5W only, and are support for Intel VT, EIST, XD Bit and 64.

It should be noted that Core 2 Solo ULV would be released in Socket M interface instead of Socket P for Santa Rosa. The reason is as simple as that 945GM chipset has half power consumption (7W TDP) than 965GM (14W TDP); limited battery capacity is a limitation to Sub-Note so that devices have to use as less power as possible. Therefore, Core 2 Solo ULV is released for Napa Refresh platform only.

Intel has decided to take a remarkable price cut to minimize the risk in the market. This plan included a huge price cut to Intel Core 2 Quad and Duo models. One of the most noticeable cut, Core 2 Quad Q6600 (2.40 GHz/4MB L2 x 2/1066MHz FSB), which is going to launch on Jan 7 2007, is planned to be cut from $851 to $530, a 37.7% off. Meanwhile, Core 2 Duo E6700 (2.66 GHz/4MB L2/1066MHz FSB) and E6600 (2.4 GHz/4MB L2/1066MHz FSB) is planned to cut from $530 and $316 to $316 and $224 respectively, a 40.3% and a 29.1% off.

In addition, the previously planned Intel Core 2 Duo E6390, which does not support for VT, has been cut in the future plan.

E4400 (2 GHz/2MB L2/800MHz FSB) coming in Q2 2007 set at a price of $133. On the day of E4400’s launch and onward, E4300 will have a new price from $163 to $113, a 30.7% off.

Izvor: HKEPC (1, 2)
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Staro 18.12.2006., 20:53   #60
pazi babu!
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E4400 mi super zvuči... još ako će se clockat ko i ostali, nabavljam definitivno!
I noga u guzicu korak je naprijed!
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