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Staro 24.01.2007., 01:38   #1
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193
Vodič do savršenog zvuka

  • Ovaj vodič pisan je u najboljoj namjeri i obrađuje temu izrade zaštitnih kopija legalno kupljenih audio CDa i njihovog arhiviranja na hard disk računala.

EAC options
DRIVE options

Digitalizacijom zvuka postalo je vrlo jednostavno napraviti identičnu (1:1) kopiju audio CDa popularnim 'ripanjem'. Nažalost tako dobijena kopija iako kvalitetom identična originalu ima dva glavna nedostatka.

Prvi je veličina same datoteke koja zauzima previše mjesta na disku a drugi je nedostatak bilo kakve podrške za tagove u izripanom WAV zapisu što ga čini praktično neupotrebljivim za arhiviranje i katalogiziranje.

Na prvi pogled rješenje oba problema nameće se samo po sebi u vidu MP3 formata. Svoju je popularnost stekao zahvaljujući odličnom omjeru veličine datoteke i kvalitete zvuka i ovisno o stupnju kompresije nudi veliku uštedu prostora. Uz to MP3 ima odličnu podršku za tagove te ga je lako katalogizirati. Nažalost ima i jednu veliku manu a to je da je MP3 tkz. lossy codec odnosno koristi način komprimiranja s gubitkom i zato komprimirana datoteka NIJE identična originalu. Razlika između originalnog i MP3 zapisa proporcionalno dolazi do izražaja ovisno o kvaliteti opreme na kojoj se sluša takav audio zapis. Uz to svako ponovno rekodiranje takvog zapisa dodatno degradira kvalitetu zvuka.

Da bi dobili najbolje iz oba svijeta odnosno identičnu kopiju audio zapisa koja zauzima manje diskovnog prostora od originalnog zapisa a uz to ima i mogućnost katalogiziranja odnosno podršku za tagove moramo se okrenuti tkz. losseless codecima.

Na Hydrogenaudiovoj listi najpopularnijih losseless codeca uvjerljivo vodi FLAC, slijedi ga WavPack i na kraju APE (Monkey's Audio). Svi losseless codeci su zbog svoje bez gubitne naravi kvalitativno isti i u konačnici daju identičnu kopiju originalne datoteke tako da se međusobna usporedba može raditi samo po brzini kodiranja/dekodiranja, 'trošenju' sistemskih resursa i velični izlazne datoteke. Razlike između navedenih codeca tokom vremena svedene su na nijanse i svaki od njih če dobro obaviti svoj posao. Ipak ovaj vodič, iako je univerzalno primjenjiv i na ostale navedene codece, orijentira se na FLAC.


EAC - (Exact Audio Copy)
FLAC - (Free Losseless Audio Codec)

  • Opcionalno


  • FLAC - (Free Losseless Audio Codec) je Open Source format za komprimiranje bez gubitka koji uz 30-50% manju veličinu datoteke daje IDENTIČNU kopiju audio zapisa. Popularnost je stekao baš zbog svoga 'otvorenog' karaktera i podrške za razne operativne sisteme: Windows, UNIX (Linux, BSD, Solaris, OS X, IRIX), BeOS, OS/2, i Amigu, tako da je defacto postao neslužbeni standard za losseless kompresiju a u zadnje vrijeme dobija i sve veću podršku proizvođača hardwarea. Iako ne daje najbolju stopu kompresije ni brzinu kodiranja prednost mu je izuzetna lakoća dekodiranja komprimiranog zapisa neovisno o stupnju kompresije i smiješno mala potrošnja resursa što ga čini pogodnim i za slabije strojeve. Instalacija FLACa je trivijalna. Skinite i pokrenite FLAC for Windows with installer sa službene stranice i on će obaviti sav posao. Ako ne želite automatsku instalaciju koja instalira FLAC frontend i dodatne plugine za winamp, neru... itd, skinite zip arhivu u kojoj je samo codec i otpakirajte je u folder po izboru.
  • EAC - (Exact Audio Copy) je besplatni i po mnogima najbolji alat za sigurno ripanje audio CDa. Kompleksan program sa hrpom opcija specijaliziran za kreiranje DOSLOVNO savršenih kopija i iako sama instalacija EACa nije komplicirana dodatno podešavanje zna zbunit početnike baš zbog velikog broja opcija i zato ćemo ga detaljno proći. Prvo skinite i instalirajte Exact Audio Copy V0.95 beta 4 sa službene stranice.
Po završetku instalacije dočekat će nas EAC setup wizard:

kojega ćemo preskočiti i krenuti na ručno podešavanje programa.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: crn. 27.01.2007. u 01:18.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 24.01.2007., 01:38   #2
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193
Opcije u programu su podijeljene na pet osnovnih grupa :
  1. EAC options
  2. DRIVE options
  3. COMPRESSION options
  4. FREED/DATABASE options
  5. WAV EDITOR options
Svaka grupa je dodatno podijeljena na tabove. Dobra stvar je što nam trebaju samo prve četiri grupe i samo neki tabovi
  • Ostavite sve opcije na defaultu ili kao na slici a posebno obratite pažnju na one koje su zaokružene crveno.



Fill up missing offset samples with silence - uključiti. Kad koristimo korekciju offseta uređaja a uređaj ne podržava overread into lead-in/lead-out s ovom opcijom popunjavamo nedostajuće sample-ove sa tišinom i tako zadržavamo originalnu dužinu pjesme (više o tome poslije pod DRIVE options).
Skip track extraction on read or sync errors - isključiti, u suprotnom će EAC u slučaju greške preskočiti track i neće smanjiti brzinu čitanja da bi ga pokušao ponovo pročitati. Po završetku ripanja u LOG datoteci provjerimo s kojim pjesmama je EAC imao problema (više o tome na kraju vodiča) i preslušamo ih da vidimo jesmo li zadovoljni s rezultatom. Ukoliko pjesme imaju greške ('pop' ili 'click' zvukove) izripamo ih ponovo.
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks - isključiti, u suprotnom će EAC ukloniti tišinu na početku i kraju pjesme pa nećemo dobiti identičnu kopiju.
Lock drive tray during extraction - u slučaju greške zna se desiti da drive ostane zaključan pa je potrebno restartati sistem da bi ga otvorili. Ako vam se to dešava rađe isključite ovu opciju i ne dirajte uređaj dok ripate.
Error recovery quality - za što kvalitetniji rip postaviti na High.


On unknown CDs, automatically access online freedb database - uključite da bi EAC automatski pri ubacivanju diska skinuo tagove sa freedb servera.
Wait for external compressors - obavezno uključite opciju ako koristite powerdown opciju jer se zna desiti da EAC završi sa ripanjem a kompresiranje se još odvija u pozadini.


Automatically write status report on extraction - uključiti da bi EAC automatski kreirao log file po završetku ripanja.
On extraction, start external compressors queued in the background - uključiti da bi komprimiranje moglo započeti paralelno s ripanjem. Ako imate neki dualcore procesor postavite vrijednost na 2 jer iako FLAC nema dualcore podršku pomoću ove opcije EAC može pokrenuti više instanci kompresora i tako ubrzati kompresiju, u suprotnom ostavite na 1.
Do not open external compressor window - uključiti ako ne želite da EAC otvara dodatni prozor za kompresor. U tom slučaju treba obratiti pažnju na statusni redak u kojem piše da li je koji proces ostao pokrenut jer iako EAC prijavi da je ripanje gotovo kompresor može još raditi u pozadini.
Activate beginner mode, disable all advanced features - OBAVEZNO ostaviti isključeno da imamo pristup svim opcijama.

  • NORMALIZE - Obavezno ISKLJUČITI ako želite identičnu kopiju. Iako normalizacija dobro dođe za izjednačavanje nivoa zvuka u pjesmama sa različitih CDa ona mijenja originalni zapis i tako cijela priča o svršenom zvuku pada u vodu
  • CATALOG - nebitno za ripanje

Naming Scheme - određuje naziv i strukturu datoteka na disku pa tako

%A - %C (%Y) \ %N. %T


Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) \ 03. Time

Ask every time - uljučite ako želite da vas EAC svaki put pita gdje želite spremiti podatke, u suprotnom isključite
Use this directory - uključite ako ripate uvijek u isti folder, u suprotnom isključite

  • WRITE - nebitno za ripanje

Po defaultu EAC koristi Native Win32 interface ali ako želite (ili imate problema s ripanjem) možete dodati neki drugi... npr. NERO ima svoj vlastiti ASPI i da bi ga koristili dovoljno je kopirati WNASPI32.DLL iz Nerovog foldera u EACov i resetirati EAC.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Oglasni prostor
Staro 24.01.2007., 01:39   #3
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193

Detect Read Features - Klikom na ovaj gumb EAC će analizirati vaš uređaj...

...i na osnovu dobijenih podataka odrediti postavke ripanja.

  • Detektirane (defaultne) postavke

Secure Mode - uključeno, postavio EAC
Drive has 'Accurate Stream' feature - uključeno, postavio EAC
Drive caches audio data - isključeno, postavio EAC
Drive is capable of C2 - uključeno, postavio EAC

  • Sigurne postavke *
Secure Mode - uključiti
Drive has 'Accurate Stream' feature - uključiti
Drive caches audio data - uključiti radi sigurnosti. Naime EAC svaki sektor sa CDa čita dva puta i uspoređuje podatke i ako se podaci ne slažu čita ih ponovo. Kad uređaj koristi cachiranje podaci koje EAC dobije pri drugom prolazu su iz cachea a ne sa CDa i kontrola podataka više ne radi. Uključivanjem ove opcije dajemo do znanja programu da uređaj cachira podatke i sada će EAC svaki put isprazniti cache prije drugog prolaza i dobiti točne rezultate. Ova opcija produžava vrijeme ripanja ali daje na sigurnosti.
Drive is capable of C2 - isključiti radi sigurnosti. Većina novih uređaja ima ugrađen 'C2 error correction' tako da EAC više ne mora čitati podatke dva puta radi usporedbe već se oslanja na informacije koje mu daje hardware što drastično ubrzava ripanje. Problem je što neki uređaji 'lažno' prijavljuju tu opciju ili im je loše implementirana pa je radi sigurnosti isključimo i koristimo EAC za kontrolu podataka. I ova opcija produžava vrijeme ripanja ali daje na sigurnosti.
  • Ako želite koristiti C2 opciju da bi ubrzali ripanje a niste sigurni da li vaš uređaj dobro obavlja svoj posao postoje dva načina za testiranje C2 podrške.
  • Prvi je ugrađen u sam EAC. Potrebno je ubaciti oštećeni (izgrebani) CD u drive i klikom na Examine C2 Feature EAC će analizirati uređaj. Ako ne pronađe ni jednu C2 grešku znači da uređaj 'laže' i da uopće nema C2 podršku ili da je toliko loše implementirana da ne može pronači grešku čak ni na oštećenom CDu.
  • Drugi puno temeljitiji je korištenjem Accuraterip programa. Nakon instalacije dMC-Accuraterip.exe potrebno je kopirati accuraterip.dll iz c:\program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp u EAC folder i pokrenuti EAC. Osim toga potrebno je imati neki od referentnih CDa koji se nalaze u online bazi a s obzirom da je u bazi preko 20000 CDa to ne bi trebao biti problem (pokušajte sa poznatijim izvođačima, kod mene je npr. odmah pronašao 'Beatles - 1967-1970 Disc 2'). Po pokretanju EACa Accuraterip će izbaciti poruku da je pronašao referentni CD i na osnovu njega automatski podesiti offset uređaja i preporučiti da izripate taj CD da bi napravio usporedbu sa online podacima. Ne zaboravite uključiti C2 opciju i nakon ripanja dobit ćete ocjenu točnosti gdje npr. [confidence 52] znači da je još 52 ljudi dobilo iste rezultate. U pravilu sve preko 2-3 se smatra zadovoljavajučim i ukoliko s par različitih referentnih CDa dobijete dobre rezultate možete biti prilično sigurni da vaš uređaj ima dobru implementaciju C2.
  • Mala napomena, ukoliko instalirate Accuraterip i on podesi offset, opcije za podešavanje offseta u EACu su onemogućene.
* Sigurne postavke pružaju največu točnost pri ripanju ali ga istovremeno i znatno produžavaju. Na vama ostaje da sami odlučite da li je vaš uređaj dovoljno kvalitetan da bi mu povjerili kontrolu grešaka ili ćete 'igrati na sigurno' i koristiti isključivo programske funkcije. Osobno preferiram Sigurne postavke bez obzira na produženo vrijeme ripanja jer su neslužbeni standard za kvalitetan rip koji obavezno uključuje i log file.


Drive read command - autodetect


Use read sample offset correction value - uključiti. Glava za čitanje na CD uređajima se ne pozicionira jednako na svakom uređaju stvarajući pomak (tkz. offset). Za obične podatkovne CDe to nije problem jer svaki sektor na disku ima svoju adresu zapisanu u TOCu (Table of Contents) ali kod Audio CDa to nije slučaj pa se dešava da uređaj prilikom čitanja podataka 'preskoči' par sample-ova. Ako je offset negativan - uređaj počinje čitati CD 'prerano' i nedostaju sample-ovi sa kraja diska a ako je pozitivan - znači da uređaj počinje čitati CD 'prekasno' i nedostaju sample-ovi sa početka diska. Ako uređaj podržava Accurate Stream (a svi noviji uređaji uglavnom podržavaju) ta vrijednost je ista za isti model uređaja i može se ispraviti. Ukoliko EAC nije nije detektirao offset vašeg uređaja i niste instalirali Accuraterip možete ga ručno upisati koristeći vrijednost iz Accurateripove tablice. Ukoliko vaš uređaj nije u tablici offset se može izračunati koristeći Detect read sample offset correction i neki od referentnih CDa iz online baze.
  • Na kraju samo da napomenem da su offset vrijednosti uređaja jako male, tako npr. offset od 48 sample-ova (koliki je na mom NECu) traje 0.00108843 sec (1.08 milisec !!!) što je apsolutno neprimjetno i cijela ova priča slobodno se može ignorirati ali za neke čistunce koji teže savršeno identičnim kopijama to je najvažnija stvar na svijetu. U svakom slučaju 'Od viška glava ne boli' pa ako je vaš uređaj podržan uključite tu opciju i upišite vrijednost offseta za vaš uređaj.
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out - Ova opcija je vezana za korekciju offseta i omogučava uređaju da pozicionira glavu unutar Lead-IN i Lead-OUTa diska. Ako je EAC prijavio da vaš uređaj podržava ovu opciju uključite je u suprotnom je ostavite isključenu. Vodite računa da u tom slučaju uključite Fill up missing offset samples with silence pod EAC > EAC options > Extraction da bi zadržali originalnu dužinu pjesme.
Allow speed reduction during extraction - uključiti tako da EAC može automatski prilagođavati brzinu čitanja
CD-Text Read capable drive - uključiti


Gap/Index retrieval method - A, B, C gdje je A najbrža a C najsporija - odaberite onu koja vam odgovara
Detection Accuracy - Secure ili Accurate

  • WRITER - nebitno za ripanje

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 24.01.2007., 01:40   #4
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193
3. COMPRESSION options [F11]
  • WAVEFORM - nebitno za ripanje
Sve dosada napisano je univerzalno primjenjivo za bilo koji format kodiranja. Ovo je jedini dio vodiča koji se razlikuje ovisno o odabranom formatu i iako je glavna tema ovoga vodiča losseless kompresija u FLAC, zbog velike popularnosti dotaknut ćemo se i postavki za MP3.
  • FLAC

Use external compression
- uključite
Parametar passing scheme - User defined encoder
Use file extension - .flac
Program including path - odaberite flac.exe (C:\Program Files\FLAC\Flac.exe)
Additional Command Line Options
-8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=EAC (Secure Mode)" %s
-V (--verify) - Verify the encoding process. Ova opcija kreira paralelni proces koji dekodira izlazne podatke i uspoređuje ih s originalom. Ako se podaci ne poklapaju zaustavlja kodiranje s porukom o grešci. Ova postavka produžava vrijeme kodiranja ali daje na sigurnosti jer garantira da su kodirani podaci IDENTIČNI originalu.

-8 (--compression-level-8) - Ova opcija određuje najveći stupanj kompresije i daje najmanju veličinu izlazne datoteke. Uvijek koristite ovu opciju osim ako imate slabiji stroj i komprimiranje vam traje predugo. U tom slučaju pokušajte smanjiti stupanj kompresije (-5 je defaultna vrijednost) i tako ubrzati proces komprimiranja na uštrb veličine datoteke.
-0, --compression-level-0 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 2,2
-1, --compression-level-1 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 2,2
-2, --compression-level-2 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3
-3, --compression-level-3 Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4608 -r 3,3
-4, --compression-level-4 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -M -r 3,3
-5, --compression-level-5 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -r 3,3
-6, --compression-level-6 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -r 4
-7, --compression-level-7 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -e -r 6
-8, --compression-level-8 Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4608 -m -e -r 6

--fast Fastest compression synonymous with -0
--best Highest compression synonymous with -8
-T - Ova opcija kreira FLAC tagove
  • Za usporedbu na A64 X2 3800+ komprimiranje sa najvećim stupnjem kompresije traje puno kraće nego sam proces ripanja CDa

Bitrate - nebitno
Delete WAV after compression - uključite
Use CRC check - isključite
Add ID3 tag - isključite jer koristimo vlastite tagove u komandnoj liniji
Check for external compression return code - uključite da bi EAC mogao primati poruke o grešci od kompresora
High / Low quailty - nebitno

  • LAME
Ovaj dio podrazumijeva da već imate LAME v3.97 , pa ukoliko to nije slučaj prvo skinite codec sa službene stranice i instalirajte ga. Sve postavke odnose se na v3.97 pa ako koristite neku drugu verziju provjerite da li odgovaraju i za nju.

Use external compression
- uključite
Parametar passing scheme - User Defined Encoder
Use file extension - .mp3
Program including path - odaberite lame.exe (C:\Program Files\Lame\Lame.exe)
Additional Command Line Options
Odaberite neku od slijedećih postavki koje su kvalitativno iste (-V 2 --vbr-new) i odgovaraju varijabilnoj stopi od ~190 kbps koja je dovoljna za ugodno slušanje uz malo zauzeće prostora na disku. Postavke se razlikuju samo po tipu tagova koje kreiraju
No Tags: -V 2 --vbr-new %s %d

ID3v1: -V 2 --vbr-new --id3v1-only --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tg "%m" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d

ID3v2: -V 2 --vbr-new --id3v2-only --pad-id3v2 --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tg "%m" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d

ID3v1 and ID3v2: -V 2 --vbr-new --add-id3v2 --pad-id3v2 --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tg "%m" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d

Automatic: -V 2 --vbr-new --ta "%a" --tt "%t" --tg "%m" --tl "%g" --ty "%y" --tn "%n" %s %d
Ovo su preporučene stope sa Hydrogenaudio foruma za kodiranje u MP3 format ovisno o namjeni datoteke :
  • Best quality: "archiving"
-b 320 ova postavka daje najkvalitetniju moguću izlaznu datoteku ali bez obzira na kvalitetu to je još uvijek lossy datoteka i za arhiviranje je puno bolje korisititi neki od losseless codeca
  • High quality: HiFi, home or quiet listening
-V3 --vbr-new (~175 kbps), -V2 --vbr-new (~190 kbps), -V1 --vbr-new (~210 kbps) ili -V0 --vbr-new (~230 kbps).
  • Portable: background noise and low bitrate requirement, small sizes
-V6 --vbr-new (~115 kbps), -V5 --vbr-new (~130 kbps) ili -V4 --vbr-new (~160 kbps)
Bitrate - nebitno
Delete WAV after compression - uključite
Use CRC check - isključite
Add ID3 tag - isključite jer koristimo vlastite tagove u komandnoj liniji
Check for external compression return code - uključite da bi EAC mogao primati poruke o grešci od kompresora
High / Low quailty - nebitno

Use offset detection for encoding and decoding - isključite

  • ID3 TAG
Isključite sve jer koristimo vlastite tagove u komandnoj liniji

4. FREEDB / DATABASE options [F12]


Upišite email (ne mora biti pravi) i kliknite na Get active freedb server list
On a connection error, retry query... - uključite

  • Local freedb - nebitno
  • Export - nebitno

EAC > Profiles > Save profile [Shit + F2]

Nakon svega ostaje nam samo još jedna stvar a to je snimanje postavki u profil i gotovi smo sa podešavanjem programa
Na ovaj način možemo snimiti posebne profile za razne formate MP3, APE , WAVPACK... ili za razne metode ripanja i po potrebi vrlo jednostavno mijenjati postavke programa.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 24.01.2007., 01:40   #5
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193
  • Za potrebe ovog vodiča korišten je Audio CD:
Beatles - 1962-1966 Disc 2 (1993)

Ubacite CD u drive i pokrenite EAC. Ako ste sve pravilno podesili
EAC će se automatski spojiti na freedb server, pokupiti tagove sa neta
i dočekat će vas nešto poput ovoga:

Ukoliko je instaliran, Acuraterip će provjeriti nalazi li se CD u njegovoj online bazi i ako ga nađe u donjem desnom uglu pojavit će se indikator.
Primjetite još da je GAP polje nepoznato ('unknown') jer EAC ne pretpostavlja unaprijed da je razmak između pjesama standarnih 2 sec nego koristi posebnu opciju za detektiranje razmaka.
  • Pritisnite Action > Detect Gaps ili F4 i EAC će analizirati CD i utvrditi točan razmak (GAP) između pjesama i nakon toga smo spremni za ripanje. Jedna napomena, ako traženje razmaka traje predugo (duže od par sekundi po pjesmi) promijenite način detekcije razmaka pod Drive options > Gap Detection > Detection method
Dva su osnovna načina na koji možemo izripati CD :

1. Ripanje audio CDa 'pjesmu po pjesmu'

Ovo je standardni način ripanja pri kojemu se jedna pjesma (track) sa CDa kopira u jednu datoteku na disku i pogodan je za preslušavanje pjesama, kopiranje, pravljenje kompilacija i općenito za svakodnevnu upotrebu.
Za ripanje CDa i automatsko komprimiranje kliknemo na :
  • Action > Copy Selected Tracks -> Compressed... ili pritisnemo Shift+F5 ili kliknemo na MP3 ikonu na toolbaru.
Ako smo prilikom konfiguracije odredili folder u koji ćemo spremati podatke ripanje počinje odmah u suprotnom EAC će nas prvo pitati gdje želimo snimiti podatke i nakon što stisnemo Save ripanje počinje :
  • Obratite pažnju na zauzeće obje jezgre procesora zbog pokrenute dvije instance kompresora i smiješno malu potrošnju memorije. Nakon par minuta (ovisno o postavkama to može biti od 2-3 min pa sve do 10-15 min) ripanje je gotovo i dobijamo izvještaj o uspješnosti a ako je instaliran Accuraterip i njegovu poruku sa ocjenom točnosti ripanja. Pošto smo u opcijama već stavili da EAC automatski snima LOG* datoteku nije je potrebno ručno kreirati i samo stisnite OK.

  • Konačan rezultat je IDENTIČNA kopija audio CDa komprimirana sa FLAC-om koja zauzima 189 Mb
  • Za usporedbu isti album izripan u WAV bez komprimiranja zauzima 319 Mb
  • Action > Copy Selected Tracks -> Uncompressed... ili pritisnemo F5 ili kliknemo na WAV ikonu na toolbaru.
  • A izripan u MP3 pomoću Lame.exe (koristeći -V 2 --vbr-new postavke) zauzima 45 Mb

*LOG datoteka

U postavkama smo označili opciju automatskog kreiranja log datoteke i u njoj je detaljna analiza ripanja. Otvorite je sa notepadom i ako vaš ispis izgleda poput ovoga možete biti sigurni da je posao obavljen kako treba. Obratite pažnju da iako neke pjesme nemaju Track quality 100% nego recimo 99.7% na kraju loga ipak piše No errors occured. Taj podatak ne utječe na kvalitetu ripanja i samo nam govori da EAC nije uspio pročitati podatke 'iz prve' nego da je morao ponoviti čitanje ali da su podaci ipak uspješno kopirani. Preslušajte 'sumnjive' pjesme pa ako niste zadovoljni rezultatom očistite CD i/ili pustite uređaj da se ohladi (ako ripate više diskova uzastopno) i pokušajte ponovo izripati samo te pjesme.
EAC extraction logfile from 20. January 2007, 0:53 for CD
The Beatles / 1962-1966 (Disc 2)

Used drive : _NEC DVD_RW ND-3520A Adapter: 2 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Read offset correction : 48
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : C:\Program Files\FLAC\flac.exe (User Defined Encoder)
192 kBit/s
Additional command line options : -8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=EAC (Secure Mode)" %s

Other options :
Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
Installed external ASPI interface

Track 1
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\01.Help!.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.33

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 9359419E
Copy OK

Track 2
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\02.You've Got To Hide Your Love Away.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.22

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 8D3364AD
Copy OK

Track 3
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\03.We Can Work It Out.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.55

Peak level 85.2 %
Track quality 99.9 %
Copy CRC 4367DF96
Copy OK

Track 4
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\04.Day Tripper.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.53

Peak level 97.6 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy OK

Track 5
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\05.Drive My Car.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.22

Peak level 97.1 %
Track quality 99.9 %
Copy OK

Track 6
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\06.Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.35

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 0B50C9CE
Copy OK

Track 7
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\07.Nowhere Man.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.48

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC E8A32512
Copy OK

Track 8
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\08.Michelle.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.32

Peak level 66.5 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy OK

Track 9
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\09.In My Life.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.70

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC B80B9229
Copy OK

Track 10
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\10.Girl.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:01.55

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 99.9 %
Copy CRC 6A6BC437
Copy OK

Track 11
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\11.Paperback Writer.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:00.65

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 87A94371
Copy OK

Track 12
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\12.Eleanor Rigby.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00

Peak level 69.8 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC F37159F2
Copy OK

Track 13
Filename H:\Music\Loseless\The Beatles - 1962-1966 (Disc 2) (1993)\13.Yellow Submarine.wav

Pre-gap length 0:00:02.73

Peak level 97.7 %
Track quality 100.0 %
Copy CRC 817F7B41
Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: crn. 24.01.2007. u 11:37.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 24.01.2007., 01:41   #6