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Staro 09.08.2014., 15:37   #61
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Nisam pratio development Elite koliko pratim Star Citizen pa ne želim govoriti kao da znam šta će se dogoditi, ali volio bih da ship market nebude AI controlled, htio bi da bude produkcije, da ljudi sami prodaju brodove koje su napravili (progresivno, ne ispočetka jel), da bude istraživanja, da se nalaze blueprintovi za sve što u igri bude iskoristivo i takve stvari. Cross-reference sad ide na EVE koji ima odličan manufacturing i market, ali loše ostale stvari (svejedno sam 6 godina igrao), uklope u ovakav dizajn (ili nešto slično) oko brodova, u ovakav svijet i to će biti dobra igra (Star Citizen je malo bliži mojoj viziji nego Elite)
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Staro 09.08.2014., 21:09   #62
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Čisto sumnjam da ćeš to doživiti.
Moš mislit koliko treba adaptirati igru da bi ponudio opciju igračima da rade svoje brodove koji će se pojavljivati svima u persistent universeu. A tek napor oko nadziranja svega toga...da ne bi bilo letećih dilda okolo i slično...

Koliko ja znam, mislim da za sada tek razmatraju opciju custom skinova.
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 10.08.2014., 22:45   #63
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Čisto sumnjam da ćeš to doživiti.
Moš mislit koliko treba adaptirati igru da bi ponudio opciju igračima da rade svoje brodove koji će se pojavljivati svima u persistent universeu. A tek napor oko nadziranja svega toga...da ne bi bilo letećih dilda okolo i slično...

Koliko ja znam, mislim da za sada tek razmatraju opciju custom skinova.
Ne svoje brodove kao novi dizajn, već postojeće brodove da sami gradimo, skupljamo materijale i onda izgradimo i prodajemo.
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Staro 30.09.2014., 13:40   #64
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"We don't need the whole universe, just the Milky Way."

Where to start?

When deciding how to create the galaxy, both to be fun and as realistic as we can make it there are a number of substantial challenges that need to be overcome. First and foremost of these is the simple technological issue of how to represent efficiently something the size and scope of the Milky Way.

400 billion stars - that's a large number; and they need to be generated on demand, quickly. And they need to look right. We start with a density map of the Milky Way spiral – something we try and match up to real life data as best we can, and this results in an approximate amount of mass in each sector. We then use a sector's address to seed the random star generator. Some stars are big and rare - too big and rare to be generated in a 10LY cube, so we need a hierarchy of sectors, 8 layers deep. But we got there - one Milky Way, sir, just like you imagined.

The second problem is the realism of what is generated. It is fairly simple to pluck random numbers from a seed, but these need to distribute in such a way as to make the galaxy genuinely representative of what's there in real life. Generating a properly distributed single value of nebula mass required some extensive research into modern thinking on Initial Mass Functions. This tells us the mass at which a star enters the main sequence and begins hydrogen fusion.

My task was to design a series of processes that would generate the properties of stars, which would present a realistic galaxy. There are physically understood relationships that link the original mass and composition of a star-birthing nebula, the mass of a star, its size, temperature, brightness, colour, lifetime, and what the fate of the star will be once it runs out of hydrogen in its core to fuse. It was challenging to design an efficient on-the-fly process to take a single input, an amount of nebula mass, and create values for every other parameter, but it was also enjoyable to dig through astrophysics textbooks and papers to refresh memories from University. It was satisfying to see the testing tool I created to examine the results of my random generation processes outputting scientifically sound distributions of the parameters mentioned above.

And it's not simply stars. There are many other interesting phenomena in the galaxy, all of which we want to account for. Bright nebulae left over after a super-nova event and the residual neutron star, black holes are just a few examples. This of course leads into the final challenge which is building the systems surrounding the star systems in the galaxy.

What I found interesting was the star system generation, as procedural generation has been a topic of interest to me for a while because I love the idea that I can create an algorithm and still be surprised by some of the results it produces. The most challenging part of this was researching the current theories on how the stars and planets form and then trying to translate those theories into a simple algorithm that can quickly generate realistic looking star systems.

Of equal importance to plausible looking systems was to arrange the algorithms so that they respect physical laws. A nice example of this is the Roche Limit or Radius... As a body approaches the Roche limit of its parent object (for example as a moon approaches a planet) it gradually loses its spherical shape, and suffers massive tidal heating. Once it passes inside that limit it disintegrates and instead of a planet or moon you end up with ring system(s). ”

Za kraj par službenih screenshotova direktno iz Bete2:

Kompletan popis promjena
Danas, tokom dana, Beta 2 počinje.
To će biti masivan update sa mnogo dodanih featuresa.
Nakon njega ide Beta 3 i krajem godine (bi trebala) full verzija.

Šta donosi Beta 2:
  • Combat ratings from ‘Harmless’ all the way up to ‘Elite’.
  • Reputations per system and galaxy-wide that influence attitudes and prices offered to you.
  • Ability to discover and explore and scan new systems and sell the data on them.
  • Detailed system maps.
  • Around 500 additional star systems to explore. (od ukupno 400+ milijardi - dostupnost će se postepeno povećavati)
  • Lakon Asp Explorer ships added.
  • Much greater variety of upgradable Life Support modules, Engines, Hyperdrives, Power Distributors, Sensors, Shield Generators and Cargo Racks for all ships.
  • Ships are subject to gradual ‘wear and tear’.
  • New weapons including mines and a new non-lethal missile-deployed cargo hatch disruptor for piracy.
  • Outposts (small, exposed ‘roadside café’ stations in remote locations)
  • Occelus starports, a version of which can move around for early civilization of new systems and space tourism.
  • Visibility of other ships in supercruise, and track others through supercruise and hyperspace.
  • Newsfeeds about events from the rest of the galaxy and player activity in your local system.
  • All backers names (from the appropriate crowd-funding reward tiers) have been added to the NPC naming database.

U međuvremenu se intenzivno radi i na svojstvima planeta:

Kako stvaraju galaksiju - evo izjava developera Igora Terentjeva, iz newslettera br. 9:

"We don't need the whole universe, just the Milky Way."

Where to start?

When deciding how to create the galaxy, both to be fun and as realistic as we can make it there are a number of substantial challenges that need to be overcome. First and foremost of these is the simple technological issue of how to represent efficiently something the size and scope of the Milky Way.

400 billion stars - that's a large number; and they need to be generated on demand, quickly. And they need to look right. We start with a density map of the Milky Way spiral – something we try and match up to real life data as best we can, and this results in an approximate amount of mass in each sector. We then use a sector's address to seed the random star generator. Some stars are big and rare - too big and rare to be generated in a 10LY cube, so we need a hierarchy of sectors, 8 layers deep. But we got there - one Milky Way, sir, just like you imagined.

The second problem is the realism of what is generated. It is fairly simple to pluck random numbers from a seed, but these need to distribute in such a way as to make the galaxy genuinely representative of what's there in real life. Generating a properly distributed single value of nebula mass required some extensive research into modern thinking on Initial Mass Functions. This tells us the mass at which a star enters the main sequence and begins hydrogen fusion.

My task was to design a series of processes that would generate the properties of stars, which would present a realistic galaxy. There are physically understood relationships that link the original mass and composition of a star-birthing nebula, the mass of a star, its size, temperature, brightness, colour, lifetime, and what the fate of the star will be once it runs out of hydrogen in its core to fuse. It was challenging to design an efficient on-the-fly process to take a single input, an amount of nebula mass, and create values for every other parameter, but it was also enjoyable to dig through astrophysics textbooks and papers to refresh memories from University. It was satisfying to see the testing tool I created to examine the results of my random generation processes outputting scientifically sound distributions of the parameters mentioned above.

And it's not simply stars. There are many other interesting phenomena in the galaxy, all of which we want to account for. Bright nebulae left over after a super-nova event and the residual neutron star, black holes are just a few examples. This of course leads into the final challenge which is building the systems surrounding the star systems in the galaxy.

What I found interesting was the star system generation, as procedural generation has been a topic of interest to me for a while because I love the idea that I can create an algorithm and still be surprised by some of the results it produces. The most challenging part of this was researching the current theories on how the stars and planets form and then trying to translate those theories into a simple algorithm that can quickly generate realistic looking star systems.

Of equal importance to plausible looking systems was to arrange the algorithms so that they respect physical laws. A nice example of this is the Roche Limit or Radius... As a body approaches the Roche limit of its parent object (for example as a moon approaches a planet) it gradually loses its spherical shape, and suffers massive tidal heating. Once it passes inside that limit it disintegrates and instead of a planet or moon you end up with ring system(s). ”

Za kraj par službenih screenshotova direktno iz Bete2:

Kompletan popis promjena

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 01.10.2014. u 10:22. Razlog: dodan changelog
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Staro 30.09.2014., 14:47   #65
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sve je to ok, ali sad je skoro 1.10., a release je do kraja 2014.
Obično se zna unaprijed. Kupio sam mercenary edition, al koliko još čekat?
Ili "delayed za 2019".?
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Staro 30.09.2014., 14:54   #66
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Elite se razvija po rasporedu bez kašnjenja. Star Citizen kasni debelo.
Do sada su sva izdanja izašla kako je i obećano, pa tako mislim da će i release.
Ili nadoplati za ulazak u Betu, provjeri na njihovom siteu:
Ne znam jel ta mogućnost još otvorena, a sad nemam vremena provjeravati.
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Staro 01.10.2014., 19:23   #67
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Evo uzeo i ja betu sad kad je 2.0 out, pa nek mu je tih 100kn.

I odma vidim da su upravo nerfali SystemsOFF voznju samo uz inerciju.
Sada ti brod usporava pomalo, a na svakoj drugoj osi izuzev +X usporava jos i vise.
Znaci mozemo slobodno zaboraviti sturbuck manevar i slicne. =X
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Staro 01.10.2014., 20:13   #68
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2.01 je već vani, a užurbano se radi na 2.02 zbog većih bugova koji se događaju, pa preporučam da se strpiš barem dok 2.02 izađe jer još nije sve riješeno, a problemi su poprilični.

Slabljenje flight assist off letenja je s razlogom napravljeno, najočitiji razlog je da je vožnja u takvom načinu omogućavala previše prednosti nad igračima koji su letjeli sa FA ON, tipa mogli su postići puno veću brzinu puno brže, mogli su dulje letit u silent modu, itd.

Da ne duljim, preporučam da vidiš ovo (novo) obrazloženje od glavnog dizajnera:

Kao i drugog dizajnera:

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 01.10.2014. u 20:23.
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Staro 01.10.2014., 20:36   #69
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Da skuzija san da su to nerfali radi ekipe koja se boostala beskonacno i tako dostizala masivne brzine.
Al svidja mi se ovo sta je Sandro napisa da ce mozda uvesti neki time-frame u kojem bi FAOFF bio neometan, pa tek nakon toga da krene usporavati.

Ali posebno mi je imbecilno sta su dodatno znerfali sve osi koje nisu +X, jer em sta je nerealno prakticki ti ubije 60% FAOFF manevara. =(
A obrzalozenje im je da na taj nacin zele u prvi plan gurnuti "dog-fajting" avioni u svemiru nacin igre.
Sta je IMHO glupost zesca. =(

Al ajd barem ce SC imati neopstruirano kretanje, pa se slobodno saltamo vamo tamo ovisno o raspolozenju.
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Staro 01.10.2014., 20:43   #70
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Ne znam jel si skužio i da Sandro kaže kako su otvoreni za sve prijedloge, dok su god prijedlozi kvalitetni i pristojni:

Firstly, to reiterate a comment I’ve made more than a few times: unpleasantness in posts will guarantee *to an absolute certainty* that we won’t take your comments onboard, regardless of the post content’s merit. So, post what you want but be aware that derisory language/intent will *only ever harm* your cause, and posting trash will simply get this thread closed and infractions handed out.
Ekipa je već dala par dobrih prijedloga, tipa:

EDIT: 2.02 je vani.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 01.10.2014. u 21:13.
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Staro 02.10.2014., 21:13   #71
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Izbacili su 2.03 i so far so good.
Za sad sve radi normalno bez smrzavanja i crasheva.

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Staro 02.10.2014., 21:20   #72
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Yep, još da poprave grafičke glitcheve (bluriranje HUD-a, isprane boje, itd. - community manager kaže da rade na otklanjanju toga).
Zanimljivo je vidit druge u supercruiseu i zapravo ima dosta igrača oko ovih glavnih postaja (Azeban, itd.)

2.04 incoming.
Mislim da su ovo najbrži developeri u povijesti pravljenja igara

Također, radi se na novom flight modelu, s obzirom da se dosta ljudi bunilo na umjetno usporavanje kada je Flight Assist OFF...
Poll je ovdje.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 03.10.2014. u 15:23.
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Staro 06.10.2014., 15:09   #73
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Skupim na Maher stanici dva contracta za ubiti Mistrala, jedan od 45k drugi od 48 ...
Bacim djir do Chango-a i tamo naletim na jos jedan od 37k
+ dva contracta od 22k i 17k za nabavku zlata po 1kom ...
Ova dva za zlato traju 30min a Mistral 3h pa reko idem prvo to obaviti, nabavim zlato u Freeportu i picim nazad u I-Bootis.
Na putu prema Changu udjem u USS kad ono Mistral G-G
Ubijem ga u roku keks i taman ostade 15min da odbacim zlato =)

I ooofkooors stisnem slucajno boost na ulazu u Chango i zakucam se u stanicu s 500kmh/. :X

40min igre i 190k CR propade u sekundi
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Staro 06.10.2014., 16:12   #74
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I ooofkooors stisnem slucajno boost na ulazu u Chango i zakucam se u stanicu s 500kmh/. :X

40min igre i 190k CR propade u sekundi
500 m/s (1800 km/h)

Peh, jbg.
Baš se pitam hoće li 2.05 uopće izać ili idu direktno na Betu 3.
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Staro 08.10.2014., 11:53   #75
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Jel netko od igrača bete igra samo sa tipkovnicom i mišem i ima li problema?
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Staro 08.10.2014., 13:52   #76
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Igra dosta ljudi, nemaju svi za joystick/hotas.
Kažu da su kontrole odlične i tako.

Par savjeta: https://forums.robertsspaceindustrie...omment_3521400
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Staro 09.10.2014., 23:29   #77
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Zali boze ljudi koji su dali novce za sc, ukljucujuci i mene... probao, igra savrseno radi lockana na 60fpsa pri 3440x1440 rezi i izgleda bogovski... Jedina mana je kaj će trebat sesto godina da se naviknem na kontrole, jel postoji kakav automatski sustav dockinga? Poceo raditi tutoriale i vraski je stresno bilo pristajat...
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Staro 09.10.2014., 23:52   #78
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Zali boze ljudi koji su dali novce za sc, ukljucujuci i mene... probao, igra savrseno radi lockana na 60fpsa pri 3440x1440 rezi i izgleda bogovski... Jedina mana je kaj će trebat sesto godina da se naviknem na kontrole, jel postoji kakav automatski sustav dockinga? Poceo raditi tutoriale i vraski je stresno bilo pristajat...
Neznam zašto bi žalio novce za jednu ili drugu igru. A za kontrole, ja na tipkovnici igram, trebalo mi je par sati da se uhodam, jedina promjena koja je signifikantno utjecala je što sam zamjenio y-axis umjesto roll sam stavio yaw.
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Staro 10.10.2014., 00:02   #79
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E to sam i ja stavio. Nego, jel postoje kakvi shorcuti ili makro za osnovne stvari, tipa vađenje topova i slično jer mi je malo naporno stalno kroz izbornike tabat. Iskreno, meni je SC nakon ovoga što sam vidio u Elitu totalni fail. Barem za sada. Btw. docking je uvijek ručni skroz do pada ili ima neki način za automatizirati to?
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Staro 10.10.2014., 00:38   #80
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To ti je samo prvi dojam .
SC ce biti miljama daleko od Elitea po skoro svim aspektima ako Roberts ostvari samo 50% od zacrtanog.
Jedan pisljivi brod u SC-u ima vise detalja na sebi nego kompletan Elite svemir atm.
I onda kada ekipa prica da CR nije nista napravia dok Brabena dizu u nebesa kao da igra vrvi sadrzajem.
Dok realno niti SC Alpha niti Elite beta nemaju prakticki nista za ponuditi u ovom stadiju sta nema bilo koji drugi space sim koji je vec na trzistu.
SC je u razvoju zadnje dvije-tri godine dok je Elite zapocet prije skoro sest godina.

Ot. imas za kupnju docking compter koji je sranje i svaki put zapinje oko ulaza
Ispraksiras se u roku par sati s dockingom, meni sada triba manje od 2min da dockam od warpina.
Uletim u stanicu 500km/h (m/s:P) i sletim pod kutem od 45 stupnjeva ko avion
Prosvrljaj malo po kontrolama, imas kratice za svasta, oruzja, svjetla, stajni trap, scoop ...
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Staro 10.10.2014., 03:24   #81
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Nema smisla uspoređivati jednu i drugu igru, svaka će biti posebna na svoj način.

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E to sam i ja stavio. Nego, jel postoje kakvi shorcuti ili makro za osnovne stvari, tipa vađenje topova i slično jer mi je malo naporno stalno kroz izbornike tabat. Iskreno, meni je SC nakon ovoga što sam vidio u Elitu totalni fail. Barem za sada. Btw. docking je uvijek ručni skroz do pada ili ima neki način za automatizirati to?
Toplo preporučam da proučiš ovaj manual, koji je vrhunski sastavljen, od jednog igrača sa foruma:

Nego, Necto jesi slučajno bio ovdje:

Jako zabavno za procesor i grafičku (meni prepolovi framerate)
Tu bude dosta "masnih" bounty-ja, lako se digne par desetaka tisuća creditsa...
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Staro 10.10.2014., 07:47   #82
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To ti je samo prvi dojam .

Ot. imas za kupnju docking compter koji je sranje i svaki put zapinje oko ulaza
Ispraksiras se u roku par sati s dockingom, meni sada triba manje od 2min da dockam od warpina.
Uletim u stanicu 500km/h (m/s:P) i sletim pod kutem od 45 stupnjeva ko avion
Prosvrljaj malo po kontrolama, imas kratice za svasta, oruzja, svjetla, stajni trap, scoop ...

Znači ima ono čuda koja kupuješ i ona poboljšavaju auto pilota, automatsko slijetanje? Kako igra stoji sa frakcijama? Jel još uvijek možeš biti što želiš, u smislu plaćenik/švercer/gusar?
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Staro 10.10.2014., 08:40   #83
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A znam da negdje postoje kratice, ali brate mili, pod settingsima za kontrolu ima više opcija nego na tipkovnici ima tipki. Neo, hvala ti na manualu, proučim ga kada dođem doma.

ot @ necto, stari backer sam, još iz 2011 dok stranci tako reći nije postojala, možda jednog dana bude nešto od sc-a, ali s obzirom koliko para su zgrnuli i kojom brzinom to sve skupa ide nemam neka dobra očekivanja. Da ne pričam o stalnim odgodama i s time da je igra fakin neigriva, barem meni. Meni to sve smrdi na Daikatanu.

@ ivan, pa poanta elita je da moš biti kaj god želiš.

Jel isprobao tko onaj voice sustav, meni malo radi, malo ne :/
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Staro 10.10.2014., 11:50   #84
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Meni se ne da zezat s tim voice sustavom, bindanje na joystick/tastaturu je brže i sigurnije...
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Staro 28.10.2014., 20:29   #85
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Beta 3 je vani.

Lista promjena je... zastrašujuća... i ima dosta bitnih promjena
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Staro 28.10.2014., 20:54   #86
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Beta 3 je vani.

Lista promjena je... zastrašujuća... i ima dosta bitnih promjena
Baš sam se probudio i požurio provjeriti kakve su novosti, i moram priznati da sam jawDropao na neke stvari, UH.
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Staro 28.10.2014., 20:57   #87
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sudeći po ovome, još malo gotova igra
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Staro 28.10.2014., 21:01   #88
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Final release je malo prije Nove godine
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Staro 28.10.2014., 21:27   #89
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Dakle ponovno samo otvorio temu sa patch notes, i kad sam došao do dijela Tweaks & Fixes bilo je UH, to je puno ispravaka, naježio se i zatvorio tab.
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Staro 29.10.2014., 17:40   #90
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