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Staro 06.01.2017., 21:22   #31
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Meh. Sve mi se to čini da će bit neki lvl cjenovnog ranga 5k kunića. Mogu samo gledat.
Pa da. To se i očekuje
Kaj ste mislili dobit gtx1080+ performanse za 1500kn =?

Cijeli "Vega" hajp je hajp za ekipu gtx1080/Ti ranga.
A znamo svi koliko je to, pogotovo kod nas.
Bez potpisa.
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Staro 07.01.2017., 02:18   #32
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Staro 07.01.2017., 02:43   #33
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Zašto wierd? EVGA je bila nVidijin Sapphire. Tko zna, možda se ugovor promjenio
Iako, samo glasina. Dok ne vidimo, niš od toga. Ali, zašto ne?
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Staro 07.01.2017., 13:13   #34
Manuel Calavera
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Nekako mislim da se ipak neće dogoditi, jer ipak tu izgleda treba puno "dopuštanja"
Dali nekakav ugovor traje s nvidiom, dali bi se nvidia naljutila ako bi izgubila ekskluzivnost ponajvećeg branda, xfx kad je promjenio tabor je postao od only nvidia, only amd... Dali bi amd dopustio, kaže članak amd-ov udio je manji dio tržišta, ta da bi se ostali amd-ovi vendori možda durili i sl. EVGA pak razumijem, veliki su brand u sjevernoj americi i žele se širiti, još više para, no ne pita se samo njih izgleda... Frajeri krenuli praviti matične, vodena hlađenja, ekspanzija...

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 07.01.2017. u 13:21.
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Staro 07.01.2017., 15:44   #35
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Potrvdili su na twitteru da se to neće dogoditi.
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Staro 07.01.2017., 16:06   #36
Manuel Calavera
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Good. Don't want any Vega cards catching on fire.
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Staro 07.01.2017., 16:09   #37
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Dobra dobra

Sent from my Xperia Z3
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Staro 07.01.2017., 22:10   #38
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malo ih zagorilo jel hahahah. al to bi u svakom slučaju bio dobar spin na ejemdi grafe. sad treba reć i da će zotac i ostatak nevidija suportera i sličnih preć na amd ko xfx što je napravio 2010.

ugl, čini se da se isplati bar malo bit hajpan za ovo. štoviše, moš kolko god oš bit hajpan jer ako i ovdje zamute neki šrot, baj-baj amd.
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Staro 08.01.2017., 17:12   #39
Manuel Calavera
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Zanimljivo da uopće dopuste snimanje ovakvog ghetto/engeenering samplea
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Staro 08.01.2017., 20:01   #40
Premijum AMDebil
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A na početku videa velika bijela slova:

a ti se pitaš kako to da su mu dali da "pipka" vegu
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Staro 08.01.2017., 21:04   #41
Manuel Calavera
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Pa nije praksa u toj fazi. Ionako nikakve koristi od takve snimke, jer nit će biti takav cooler, niti pcb. To eventualno može za svrhu imati psihološko djelovanje za buduće kupce gtx 1080 ili nadolazeće 1080Ti u smislu "pričekajte, možda kupite ovo. It's in the making". Kao što rekoh 90% sigurno da to nije Q1 proizvod
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Staro 08.01.2017., 21:35   #42
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Zanimljivo da uopće dopuste snimanje ovakvog ghetto/engeenering samplea
Sori ali ja se ne bi čudio da je to real deal...gledajuci "AMD dizajn" u prošlosti,...jsut saying...
(naravno, bez izolirbandaTM)
Bez potpisa.
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Staro 08.01.2017., 21:37   #43
Manuel Calavera
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In an interview at CES 2017 with AMD’s head of the Radeon Technologies Group Raja Koduri it was revealed that the impressive 4K/60FPS+ DOOM demo that the company showcased was in fact running on the company’s brand new high-end Vega 10 GPU, rather than the smaller mid-range Vega 11 chip. No only that, but the Vega 10 powered Radeon graphics card engineering sample was later pictured.

The card did indeed look like a high-end part. It was quite long, noticeably longer than the RX 480, and boasted a bold LED-lit Radeon emblem. Raja was later pressed to reveal whether the demo unit was boasting the full Vega 10 configuration or a cut-down variant of Vega 10 but he wouldn’t budge.

One very interesting question that came up during the interview, which you can find here, was whether Vega 10 would still “beat the pants off the GTX 1080” if the DOOM demo was ran on OpenGL instead of the more efficient Vulkan. This is an important question because low level APIs like DirectX 12 and Vulkan have shown a clear tendency to favor AMD’s graphics architecture over Nvidia’s. While older highly abstracted APIs such as OpenGL and DirectX 11 continue to favor Nvidia’s GPUs. If Vega 10 can maintain its lead over the GTX 1080 in OpenGL this would bode well for the GPU’s performance in DirectX 11 titles as well. The answer to the question was yes, Vega 10 would still outperform the GTX 1080 had OpenGL been selected.

There was an important caveat to Raja’s answer however. He said that Vega 10 should in fact beat the GTX 1080 running the same 4K resolution. Although, at lower resolutions where the game is more CPU bound there would be less of a performance differential between the two. Speaking of low level APIs, Raja confirmed that 2017 is going to be a much bigger year than 2016 was for DirectX 12 and Vulkan titles. The number of DirectX 12 and Vulkan game releases this year is expected to be exponentially higher than last year. Something that Raja was clearly very excited about.

When Raja was asked about what AMD expects out of Vega 10 in terms of overclocking he said that RTG engineers are still figuring that out themselves and should have more information in a couple of weeks time.

When our own Keith May sat down with Scott Wasson, technical marketing manager at RTG, he talked about Vega 10’s high clock speed potential with a huge grin on his face but would not give us any specific details. Overclocking potential is one of those things that’s incredibly hard to predict early on, so definitely expect more info as we get closer to Vega’s launch.
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Staro 08.01.2017., 21:42   #44
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Vega 10 ce po meni biti definitivno kraca od Polarisa zbog HMB-a.
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Staro 08.01.2017., 21:46   #45
Manuel Calavera
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Autor scarzz Pregled postova
Vega 10 ce po meni biti definitivno kraca od Polarisa zbog HMB-a.
Ali ne mora biti ako bi recimo imala triple fan zračni cooler (kao R9 fury recimo). To će biti ostavljeno na vendorima. Pitanje je samo dali će referentni cooler biti voda. Ako je TDP 225w kao što leakovi sugeriraju ne mora biti, no opet s druge strane amd nije nikad do sada imao neke ozbiljne blower coolere, tako da ne mora biti da je voda isključena iako je not likely.

Autor RaneZ Pregled postova
Sori ali ja se ne bi čudio da je to real deal...gledajuci "AMD dizajn" u prošlosti,...jsut saying...
(naravno, bez izolirbandaTM)
Onaj pcb produžetak radi usb sigurno neće imati

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 08.01.2017. u 21:56.
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Staro 08.01.2017., 22:26   #46
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Onaj pcb produžetak radi usb sigurno neće imati
A spojlaj! Taman sam se nabrio
Bez potpisa.
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Staro 10.01.2017., 19:34   #47
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Ryzen 7 5700G

AsRock B550 Pro4

HyperX Fury DDR4 3000MHz (4 x 16GB)

Kingston A2000 1TB NVMe

Intel 660p 1TB NVMe

Fortron Hexa 400W

Random PC case

Proxmox VE

95% of the world is retarded, I'm glad I am the 10%.
Fujitsu U7311

Intel i5 1135G7

16GB DDR4 3200MHz

SK Hynix P31 Gold 1TB

13.3" FHD IPS

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Staro 12.01.2017., 16:44   #48
Manuel Calavera
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Wccftech kaže da "njihovi izvori" tvrde da vega izlazi u 5 mjesecu na posebnom AMD-ovom eventu. Što se tiče točnog datuma event će se najvjerojatnije uoči Computexa koji počinje 30.5.
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Staro 12.01.2017., 18:18   #49
Aiden Fierce
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Kontroverzan zaključak iz Škotovih usta. Mišljenja?
the Bariarnil
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Staro 12.01.2017., 21:00   #50
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Kontroverzan zaključak iz Škotovih usta. Mišljenja?
Lik je potpuno u pravu, ako performanse Vege koje su demonstrirali je najbolje što Amd može ponudit jao si ga nama onda. Nvidia će u potpunosti preuzet tržište, a onda cijene lete u drugu galaksiju.
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Staro 12.01.2017., 21:00   #51
Manuel Calavera
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Ništa novo. Ja ostajem pri onomu da postoji solidna šansa da to nije uopće high end gpu. Znači uključujući i čitav next gen lineup od nvidie, nvidia bi mogla imati 5 jačih gpu od vege (1080Ti, titan xp, 1180, 1180Ti i sljedeći titan).

Znači kombinacija prethodne dvije generacije - kašnjenje od skoro godinu dana za nvidijom (3xx i fury serija) + ne postojanje high enda (4xx serija)
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Staro 12.01.2017., 21:31   #52
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Konzole im postaju glavna grana kada je gaming u pitanju. Kao što Škot kaže, što smo htjeli to smo i dobili. Brijem da im je Zen+Vega u nekom PS 5 već dogovren gdje će znati koristiti ovu djeljivu memoriju sa nekog SSD-a u budućoj konzoli. Na PC-u će gurati APU i gamerski hardver kakav mogu isporučiti bez natjecanja sa Nvidiom. Jednostavno im se ne isplati.
Na PC-u će se gurati 4K hardver i u neku ruku elitistička platforma po mogućnostima i cijeni.
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Staro 12.01.2017., 22:32   #53
Manuel Calavera
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Ma natjecat će se, samo izgleda ne u tom najvišem segmentu (x80Ti i titan x), a to je marginalan dio tržišta (barem što se tiče gayminga). Jedino što su to gpu o kojim svi pričaju, koje imaju svi "influenceri" pa su važne sa marketinškog aspekta. Ako se dobro sjećam gpu iznad 300$ čine nekih 15% tržišta ili tako nešto. Propust zadnjeg ljeta/jeseni im je što nisu imali gpu barem ranga gtx 1070. Ovo iznad gtx 1080 fakat nije toliko bitno.

Ono što im se obilo u glavu (financijski) je to forsiranje novih tehnologija, tu puno izgube na vremenu. U prošloj godini zbog hbm-a kojeg nije bilo kako treba do 10-11 mjeseca, a ove godine hbm2 (kojeg nije bilo do samog kraja 2016 i početka 2017.) i 14nm koji na ljeto očito nije imao ni blizu spremne yieldove za veće čipove.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 12.01.2017. u 22:38.
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Staro 12.01.2017., 23:01   #54
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Nece AMD-u pomoci ni Vega duplo jaca od Titana, sve dok Linus i ekipa ne pocnu redovno koristiti AMD GPU u svojim "projektima".

AMD uporno ide s nekakvim tehnologijama koje generalno gledajuci imaju smisla ali ne postoji softver koji bi to iskoristio. GCN od prve generacije ima podrsku za async compute (2011) a tek 2016 su dosle prve igre koje to koriste.
skupi-dupi-du, skupi-dupi-du, pam pam... pf
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Staro 13.01.2017., 00:16   #55
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...i onda su još prije polarisa za Navi opet najavili neki novi memorijski standard...
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Staro 14.01.2017., 23:48   #56
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"Anything Less Than Immortality Is A Complete Waste Of Time."
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Staro 31.01.2017., 13:29   #57
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Staro 14.02.2017., 21:07   #58
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Staro 22.02.2017., 13:36   #59
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First up, Radeon RX 500 series are said to include Polaris rebrands and new GPUs based on Vega architecture. It is also said that Radeon RX 580 and 570 might be rebranded straight from RX 400 series. This, however, was not decided yet, but AMD has different plans for RX 590+ series.

The biggest star of Radeon RX 500 series is not Vega 10. If everything goes as planned Vega 11 will be as popular as GTX 1070 is for NVIDIA. This sweet spot GPU will likely take the vacant spot of x90 series as RX 590. The most important information here is that Vega 11 will not replace Polaris 10. Both GPUs will coexist in Radeon RX 500 series lineup. It’s too early to talk about the specs, but it would make sense for Vega 11 to feature GDDR5(X).

Meanwhile, Vega 10 is likely*to succeed Fury series with its*new naming scheme. Whether that’s Fury Vega or Fury Maxx, we have no idea, because it was not decided yet. What we do know is that Vega will not be cheap (at least not as cheap as Polaris series). We were told it should cost between 599 to 699 USD, but yet again, no final decisions were made and I’m certain that upcoming launch of GTX 1080 Ti will be a huge factor for this decision.


AMD Radeon RX 580 Ashes of the Singularity results leaks out

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Staro 22.02.2017., 15:35   #60
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Meh, preveliki je Ryzen Hype da bi uopće čitao članak.
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