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Staro 23.10.2017., 17:49   #31
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Ma za sad samo na taj drugi SSD da vidim dal je matična OK. I nebrem se oteti dojmu da mi je "clean instal" Bog Bogova kad su ovakve situacije u pitanju.
Al imaš pravo, baš me zanima rezultat sa secure erase-om. Al mislim da imam Acronis negdi na CD-u. Javim dojmove.

Nekaj čudnog se događa. Ne mogu pokrenut niti Acronis, niti Clonezillu a bogme niti Redo. Najčešće stane kad se sve učita i treba sad odabrat backup/restore. Probal sam na UEFI i legacy i sa secure boot i bez njega i recimo Redo i Acronis se zmrznu kad se sve učita. Ne mogu vjerovat da me sad zeza nekaj kaj sam već tolko put koristil..
"I will like to die in my sleep like grandpa and not screaming like his passengers..."

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: nino. 23.10.2017. u 18:11.
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Staro 23.10.2017., 18:45   #32
The Exiled
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Mogel bi na kraju ipak SSD biti krivac. Jesi uspjel pokrenuti Samsung Magician, pa provjeriti u kakvom stanju je EVO i usput nadograditi firmware?
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Staro 23.10.2017., 21:18   #33
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Mislim i ja da bi mogao bit SSD. Imao sam problem sa dugim gašenjem/restartom i taman sam krenuo napravit secure erase i onda je SSD zablokirao.
Interesantno da ni jedan software za SSD nije ukazivao na problem.
Inače, riječ je bila o ADATA S511. I to 2 mjeseca nakon isteka gare.
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Staro 24.10.2017., 21:07   #34
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Nevoljko priznajem da odustajem od ovog troubleshootanja.
Meni računalo radi 100% ispravno i stabilno i nikakvi kvarovi kontrolera niti SSD-a mi ne dolaze u obzir, jer kada prođe tu kritičnu točku loadanja, nakon windows loga, sve radi savršeno brzo, nema nikakvih grešaka niti usporavanja. Kvar ssd-a ili kontrolera bi se itekako manifestirao u radu.
Nadalje, u nedjelju navečer nisam uspio dobiti da se boota bez delaya što god da sam radio, a drugi dan ujutro se je bootao bez delaya bez da sam išta dotaknuo (software, kućište, kablove)
Jučer je isto bootao bez delaya, a danas nakon što sam upalio - opet delay
znači gremlini i gotovo
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Staro 26.10.2017., 10:02   #35
Omicron Alpha resident
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Ili SATA kabel/driver

Ryzen 7 5700G

AsRock B550 Pro4

HyperX Fury DDR4 3000MHz (4 x 16GB)

Kingston A2000 1TB NVMe

Intel 660p 1TB NVMe

Fortron Hexa 400W

Random PC case

Proxmox VE

95% of the world is retarded, I'm glad I am the 10%.
HP Elitebook 840 G7

Intel i5 10310U

Corsair Vengeance 2x16GB 3000MHz

SK Hynix P31 Gold 1TB


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Staro 26.10.2017., 11:15   #36
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Nije SATA kabel, pokrio sam sve moguće kombinacije
Mijenjao sam kabele i portove
Drivere sam sve updejtao i ne bi radio njesra kada se dize u safe modu, da se radi o driveru
Jučer se opet brzo bootao za razliku od prekjučer iako ništa nisam dotaknuo
Imam dugogodišnje iskustvo sa troubleshootanjem mašina i ne sjećam se da sam ikada imao problem kojeg nisam riješio, ali od ovoga dižem ruke
Smrdi malo na integriranu mrežu koja se ne stigne dovoljno brzo inicijalizirati, ali probao sam čak i disejblati u BIOSu mrežnu pa nije pomoglo, što opet ne znači da nije u njoj problem jer ovi današnji BIOS-i na čudan način hendlaju podsisteme
I dalje ih sustav treba inicijalizirati iako su disejblani u BIOSU (bios ih samo sakrije)
Ali, velim, dižem ruke, komp radi 100% ispravno
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Staro 27.10.2017., 11:01   #37
Secret Undercover Agent
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Nisam procitao kompletan thread jer.. jbg moram radit
Ali.. jesi pokrenuo safe mode? Tako bi jednim potezom trebao iskljucit softver iz price. Jer vidim da naginjes na hardverske probleme, a reinstalaciju Windowsa nisi radio.
Cak bi mogo piknut nutra drugi disk i podic samo windowse da vidis jel se normalno ponasa onda. Ali to podrazumijeva dodatni disk.
"I can resist everything except temptation"
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Staro 27.10.2017., 13:53   #38
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Da moras raditi ne bi pisao po forumu kao niti ja
Trebao si procitati jer sve situacije su pokrivene u threadu.
Safe mode se ponasao isto kao i normalni mod, zato sam naginjao hardveru
SSD disk je 100% ispravan.
Zadnja 3 boota (3 dana) se dize bez delaya, a nista nisam dotaknuo od kada se dizao s delayem
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Staro 27.10.2017., 22:02   #39
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Pronašao sam uzrok.
Totalno je bedasto, ali to ranije nisam primjetio.
Kada napravim restart - uvijek je boot s delayom,
a kada napravim shutdown i paljenje - uvijek je bez delaya.
Znači, restart bi trebao u teoriji biti isto što i shutdown+paljenje, ali na mojoj ploči je taj interval gašenje-paljenje prilikom restarta očito pre kratak i neki podsustav ne ostane dovoljno dugo bez struje, tako da se kod sljedećeg boota ne može odmah inicijalizirati i windowsi čekaju na inicijalizaciju i zato je zastoj u bootanju.
Eto, glupost da ne može biti veća
Hvala svima na pomoći, označavam ovo riješenim
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Staro 27.10.2017., 22:06   #40
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Ajde probaj rucno unest dns postavke, makar je to meni radilo problem samo za internet, tj sporo se povezao ali je bio i w7 u pitanju s cijeli w10 je dosta povezan s netom pa je mozda to u pitanju.

Poslano sa mog LG-D802 koristeći Tapatalk
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Staro 28.10.2017., 11:56   #41
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Autor kasko Pregled postova
Ajde probaj rucno unest dns postavke, makar je to meni radilo problem samo za internet, tj sporo se povezao ali je bio i w7 u pitanju s cijeli w10 je dosta povezan s netom pa je mozda to u pitanju.

Poslano sa mog LG-D802 koristeći Tapatalk
Nije to. Probao sam davno. Baš je hardver.
Nekom podsustavu treba jako dugo da se resetira nakon sto matična pošalje reset signal, a kada se radi shudown(prekine napon) nema nikakvih problema.
Netko će mozda primjetiti da računalo ne bi smjelo proći POST fazu (meni se ovo javlja kod windows loga što je debelo poslije POST faze) ako sav hardver nije napravio reset, ali znaj ga ti sad...
Uglavnom, totalno nebitno, bitno da sam skuzio sto je u pitanju.
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Staro 28.10.2017., 13:45   #42
Secret Undercover Agent
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Autor trex Pregled postova
Da moras raditi ne bi pisao po forumu kao niti ja
Trebao si procitati jer sve situacije su pokrivene u threadu.
Safe mode se ponasao isto kao i normalni mod, zato sam naginjao hardveru
SSD disk je 100% ispravan.
Zadnja 3 boota (3 dana) se dize bez delaya, a nista nisam dotaknuo od kada se dizao s delayem
Imaš ti pravo, sori kaj se mješam, neću više. Vidim da si rješio problem, "očito neki podsustav ne ostane dovoljno dugo bez struje", ekspert samo takav

"I can resist everything except temptation"
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Staro 28.10.2017., 22:07   #43
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Tvoja pomoć je dobrodošla, kao i pomoć svih ostalih na forumu
Ono sam mislio u nekom šaljivom kontekstu, sorry ako je ispalo bahato, ali nisam tako mislio
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Staro 30.10.2017., 11:33   #44
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Ispričavam se kaj se nisam prije javio al sam provjeravao kak bude komp radil ovih par dana. Ipak sam išao na reinstal bez obzira kaj je slučaj sličan (ako ne i isti) kao kod trexa. Sad sve opet radi normalno i boot je poprilično brz (čitaj: normalan) kao kod restarta (isključen Fast Start-up) tako i kod cold boot-a.
Niti ja više nisam imal volje a niti vremena da to riješil a isto tak sam u servisu rješaval kojekakve probleme drugima da bi mene sad tak komp zezal. Priznajem, odustal sam. Nije da nisam probal al eto.

Hvala svima na prijedlozima i savjetima i javim ako se bude kaj desilo/usporilo.
"I will like to die in my sleep like grandpa and not screaming like his passengers..."
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Staro 12.01.2018., 15:52   #45
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Vidim da je tema 'riješena' al da samo javim stanje nakon cca 2 mjeseca.
Ukratko, čekanje se opet pojavilo.
Izgleda da nadogradnje Windows Update-a nisu problem jer sam iste instaliral odma nakon friške instalacije i radilo je do prije nekih tjedan dana. Niti se sad ne sječam da je išta novog instalirano osim dva stara volana. Ne vidim da bi to moglo biti problem al budem ovaj vikend ako uhvatim vremena detaljnije pogledal. Znači čeka me opet iskopčavanje svega nepotrebnog, deinstalacija svega nepotrebnog (gamepad, volani i sl.) provjera postavki BIOS-a i par stvari navedeno prije u ovoj temi. Probal sam jučer jedino onaj regedit tweak za AMD grafičke kartice i nije dalo rezultata.
Javim opažanja čim bude novosti samo me zanima dal da otvaram novu temu il da nastavim ovdje?!?
"I will like to die in my sleep like grandpa and not screaming like his passengers..."
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Staro 13.01.2018., 02:21   #46
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Nastavi tu, maknuo sam status "riješeno".
"Kako su krojači novog svjetskog poretka uspjeli u tako kratko vrijeme slomiti intelektualne sposobnosti društva, uništiti kritičku svijest i ljudima nametnuti izvrnutu logiku?"

Nisu slomili u kratko vrijeme. Slamali su godinama, desetljećima pa i stoljećima. Svaka odgledana epizoda Big Brothera, svaki dečko koji ne zna niti promijeniti žarulju, a kamoli uzeti sjekiru i pocijepati drva, svaka cura koja misli da je briga za vlastitu obitelj robija, ali rad za par tisuća kuna u korporaciji 12 sati dnevno blagodat, svako promicanje terora političke korektnosti, svaka podrška promociji svih oblika poremećenosti… Sve to nas je dovelo do ovdje. Korona je samo zakucavanje lopte u gol nakon što je obrana već izigrana i golman odletio u prazno.

Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 2 + Lenovo ThinkPad Universal Thunderbolt 4 Dock

CPU: Intel Core i7-1165G7 @ 2.8 GHz
RAM: 2 x 16 GB DDR4-3200
SSD: Samsung 970 EVO Plus 2 TB NVMe M.2
LCD: 14" FHD IPS 400nits Low Power
WLAN: Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201
WWAN: Quectel EM120R-GL 4G LTE CAT12
OS: Windows 11 Pro

LCD monitor: AOC AG493UCX
Keyboard: Razer Huntsman V2 Analog
Mice: Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum
SB: Mackie Onyx Producer 2x2
Speakers: 2 x JBL LSR305
MFP: Canon Pixma MP240
NAS: Synology DS420+ with 4 x WD Red Pro 8 TB
HDD Dock: LC Power LC-DOCK-U3-CR + 12 x Hitachi/Samsung/Seagate/WD 1/2 TB

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Staro 13.01.2018., 15:37   #47
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mikey_rs's Avatar
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Danas napravljeno par stvari da vidim oće li biti kakvih pomaka na bolje ali za sad nikaj.
Iskopčano je sve osim tipkovnice, miša, monitora i SSD-a. Zamijenjem SATA kabel. Vrijeme od startanja kompa do desktopa je 4:50min. Nakon toga komp radi zadovoljavajućom brzinom ovak odokativno (otvaranje mapa, pokretanje raznih software-a), više-manje kak je bilo nakon instalacije Windowsa. Pustio sam SFC al nije našel nikakve greške. Power postavke na Performance, bez hibernacije i sleep-a i jedino se monitor gasi nakon pol sata.
Prčkanjem po BIOS-u skužim da je memorija bila na 2133MHz, mijenjam na 2666 i nakon (dugog) učitavanja Windowsi izbacuju zeleni ekran (čisti, nije GSOD) bez mogućnosti da se išta napravi osim 5sec gumb za paljenje. Safe mode radi normalno (dugi boot i dalje) pa skidam nove drivere za AMD i DDU. Nakon čiste instalacije zelenilo se pojavljuje na djelič sekunde za sad dva put (moram detaljnije istestirat) al dalje radi normalno. Memorija na 2666MHz.
Svaki čas restart od 5min je grozno, al dobro da 'gubim' vrijeme na popravak drugog kompa.

Za sad se više ne pojavljuje zeleni ekran, flashan je zadnji firmware BIOS-a. Vidim da su neki imali sličan problem i riješili sa instalacijom novog Intel Memory managera. Ja imam AMD a i zadnji put sam instaliral njihove zadnje drivere pa nije radilo. Možda skinem sad zadnje pa da vidim i to.
Evo i kupusa iz Event Loga:
Level	Date and Time	Source	Event ID	Task Category
Error	16.12.2017. 22:51:08	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Dev
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	15716ms
     Degradation Time	:	12651ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎16T21:49:24.679476600Z"
Error	15.11.2017. 20:44:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	25977ms
     Degradation Time	:	6712ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T19:42:59.962441500Z"
Error	17.12.2017. 14:18:31	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devi
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	11526ms
     Degradation Time	:	9760ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T13:16:47.117688200Z"
Error	25.10.2017. 22:09:14	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	10628ms
     Degradation Time	:	3128ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎25T20:03:19.756619000Z"
Error	11.1.2018. 23:25:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Dev
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	20112ms
     Degradation Time	:	9836ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎11T22:23:35.631225100Z"
Error	1.11.2017. 10:26:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	CryptSvc
     Friendly Name		:	Cryptographic Services
     Version		:	10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
     Total Time		:	5264ms
     Degradation Time	:	1264ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎01T09:24:12.732354900Z"
Error	24.10.2017. 14:02:35	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	12947ms
     Degradation Time	:	4447ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:00:53.755969400Z"
Error	13.1.2018. 10:04:30	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	14678ms
     Degradation Time	:	11474ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T09:02:50.322103400Z"
Warning	18.11.2017. 14:17:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	18.11.2017. 16:41:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	18.11.2017. 2:02:21	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	20.11.2017. 21:58:44	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	18.11.2017. 1:26:12	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	20.11.2017. 19:45:01	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	19.11.2017. 17:23:49	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	18.11.2017. 20:08:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	20.11.2017. 20:49:04	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	18.11.2017. 18:13:06	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	20.11.2017. 20:10:51	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.11.2017. 20:44:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	45182ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T06:15:15.236682200Z"
Warning	15.11.2017. 20:44:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	CodeMeter.exe
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	4609ms
     Degradation Time	:	2216ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T06:15:15.236682200Z"
Warning	15.11.2017. 20:44:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	RasMan
     Friendly Name		:	Remote Access Connection Manager
     Version		:	10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
     Total Time		:	4978ms
     Degradation Time	:	978ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T06:15:15.236682200Z"
Warning	12.11.2017. 1:08:54	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	20422ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎12T00:07:12.538186200Z"
Warning	13.11.2017. 18:33:39	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	14.11.2017. 18:12:07	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.11.2017. 20:44:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	40924ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T19:42:59.962441500Z"
Warning	17.11.2017. 19:45:41	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	17.11.2017. 20:08:56	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	17.11.2017. 20:41:10	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.11.2017. 20:44:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devi
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	10871ms
     Degradation Time	:	5871ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎15T19:42:59.962441500Z"
Warning	16.11.2017. 20:03:38	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	17.11.2017. 18:42:52	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.11.2017. 20:54:06	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.11.2017. 17:09:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.11.2017. 18:08:58	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.11.2017. 19:35:31	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.11.2017. 22:55:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.11.2017. 17:30:49	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.11.2017. 19:18:41	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 12:37:02	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 15:31:16	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 17:47:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 7:42:48	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.11.2017. 20:50:35	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.11.2017. 22:11:43	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.11.2017. 23:28:12	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	22.11.2017. 16:40:19	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	37163ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎22T15:38:34.806748600Z"
Warning	22.11.2017. 19:18:54	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	22.11.2017. 22:46:07	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	22.11.2017. 16:40:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	RasMan
     Friendly Name		:	Remote Access Connection Manager
     Version		:	10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
     Total Time		:	4979ms
     Degradation Time	:	979ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎22T12:48:16.597738700Z"
Warning	20.11.2017. 23:10:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	21.11.2017. 22:05:48	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	22.11.2017. 16:40:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	24526ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎22T12:48:16.597738700Z"
Warning	25.11.2017. 20:11:21	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.11.2017. 20:55:26	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.11.2017. 22:04:43	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.11.2017. 18:32:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	23.11.2017. 13:38:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	24.11.2017. 23:32:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.11.2017. 14:02:44	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	12.11.2017. 1:08:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	RasMan
     Friendly Name		:	Remote Access Connection Manager
     Version		:	10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
     Total Time		:	4988ms
     Degradation Time	:	988ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎12T00:06:30.617333700Z"
Warning	25.10.2017. 22:11:25	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 23:25:04	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 9:45:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 17:37:01	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 17:54:08	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 22:09:14	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	28582ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎25T20:03:19.756619000Z"
Warning	26.10.2017. 10:56:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 17:51:19	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	19659ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎26T15:48:53.834521800Z"
Warning	26.10.2017. 17:51:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	20585ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎26T15:49:32.788425000Z"
Warning	26.10.2017. 18:21:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 12:31:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 14:15:44	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 17:12:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:02:35	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	20401ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:00:53.755969400Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:29:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	3918ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:27:18.883644700Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:29:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	21213ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:27:40.726075400Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 13:24:17	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	24837ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T11:22:32.725086700Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 13:36:49	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	27279ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T11:35:06.725447200Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:02:35	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	3456ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:00:32.062966100Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:29:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	5593ms
     Degradation Time	:	3093ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:27:40.726075400Z"
Warning	25.10.2017. 8:35:08	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 9:36:29	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	25.10.2017. 12:47:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	24.10.2017. 14:29:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Dev
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	2706ms
     Degradation Time	:	206ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎24T12:27:40.726075400Z"
Warning	24.10.2017. 18:57:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	24.10.2017. 20:18:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 19:34:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	1.11.2017. 10:05:30	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	23430ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎01T09:03:48.397347400Z"
Warning	1.11.2017. 10:26:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	8988ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎01T09:24:12.732354900Z"
Warning	1.11.2017. 17:53:57	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.10.2017. 18:06:11	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	1.11.2017. 10:01:04	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	14397ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎01T08:58:43.413596200Z"
Warning	1.11.2017. 10:05:29	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	9483ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎01T09:03:21.243830600Z"
Warning	6.11.2017. 16:47:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	14710ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎06T10:40:01.537364700Z"
Warning	9.11.2017. 23:32:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	CodeMeter.exe
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	4142ms
     Degradation Time	:	1659ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎09T22:29:27.404265400Z"
Warning	9.11.2017. 23:32:33	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	25954ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎09T22:30:46.960717100Z"
Warning	12.11.2017. 1:08:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	22639ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎12T00:06:30.617333700Z"
Warning	6.11.2017. 16:47:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	22374ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎06T15:46:16.647795400Z"
Warning	6.11.2017. 16:47:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Dev
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	5462ms
     Degradation Time	:	462ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎06T15:46:16.647795400Z"
Warning	9.11.2017. 23:32:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	59751ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎09T22:29:27.404265400Z"
Warning	27.10.2017. 12:02:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.10.2017. 14:44:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.10.2017. 17:15:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 23:03:51	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	26.10.2017. 23:32:01	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.10.2017. 9:26:50	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.10.2017. 17:43:44	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	29.10.2017. 18:21:07	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	29.10.2017. 19:16:51	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.10.2017. 5:51:25	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	21269ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎10‎-‎30T04:49:41.115994900Z"
Warning	27.10.2017. 17:55:50	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	27.10.2017. 18:34:17	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.10.2017. 17:38:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 18:16:34	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	17.12.2017. 14:18:30	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	8133ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T08:01:51.460591800Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 14:18:31	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	34392ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T13:16:47.117688200Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 14:56:04	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	8540ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T13:52:07.111380200Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 8:58:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	11302ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎16T23:39:34.378010500Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 8:58:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	26643ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T07:56:26.837144500Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 8:58:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	109	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This device took longer to initialize, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start up process: 
     File Name		:	SCSI\Disk&Ven_WDC&Prod_WD30EZRX-00DC0B0\5&45a6680&0&010000
     Friendly Name		:	Disk drive
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	810ms
     Degradation Time	:	660ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T07:56:26.837144500Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 14:56:05	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	23229ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T13:54:21.632636900Z"
Warning	28.12.2017. 20:55:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	24358ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎22T14:25:42.379449200Z"
Warning	28.12.2017. 20:55:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	30912ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎28T19:53:32.545150800Z"
Warning	6.1.2018. 17:52:12	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	17.12.2017. 14:56:05	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	109	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This device took longer to initialize, resulting in a performance degradation in the system start up process: 
     File Name		:	SCSI\Disk&Ven_WDC&Prod_WD10EZRX-00L4HB0\5&45a6680&0&040000
     Friendly Name		:	Disk drive
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	631ms
     Degradation Time	:	507ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T13:54:21.632636900Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 17:05:39	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	22754ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎17T16:03:54.694342400Z"
Warning	17.12.2017. 20:07:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	16.12.2017. 22:51:08	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	33185ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎16T21:49:24.679476600Z"
Warning	13.12.2017. 22:24:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	14.12.2017. 18:37:52	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.12.2017. 19:28:58	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	12.12.2017. 21:54:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	13.12.2017. 18:42:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	13.12.2017. 20:40:02	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.12.2017. 20:33:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	16.12.2017. 11:04:16	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	16.12.2017. 11:43:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	16.12.2017. 22:51:08	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	20931ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎16T21:06:29.094426200Z"
Warning	15.12.2017. 21:57:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	15.12.2017. 23:14:09	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	16.12.2017. 0:33:52	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	8.1.2018. 19:56:14	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	42999ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎08T18:48:43.940633700Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 10:04:30	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	20797ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T09:02:50.322103400Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 11:01:35	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	18685ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T09:59:55.622976700Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 11:19:10	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	17428ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T10:17:31.918927200Z"
Warning	11.1.2018. 21:02:44	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	11.1.2018. 23:25:20	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	33495ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎11T22:23:35.631225100Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 10:04:30	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	22654ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T08:55:38.967048400Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 12:17:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	20669ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T11:16:19.857313300Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 13:14:48	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	18203ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T12:13:08.962694900Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 17:14:05	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	20442ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T15:59:58.437195400Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 17:14:06	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	19344ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T16:12:26.203206500Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 13:05:53	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	6574ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T12:00:08.627302400Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 13:05:54	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	16912ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T12:04:17.260024400Z"
Warning	13.1.2018. 13:14:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	8419ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎13T12:09:03.897773400Z"
Warning	11.1.2018. 18:13:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	30052ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎11T17:11:48.292981700Z"
Warning	9.1.2018. 23:02:17	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	16348ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎09T21:56:08.059046700Z"
Warning	9.1.2018. 23:02:18	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	22805ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎09T22:00:33.727852900Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 8:26:23	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	19179ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎10T03:29:20.172705000Z"
Warning	8.1.2018. 19:56:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	63087ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎08T18:53:53.492816700Z"
Warning	8.1.2018. 22:22:09	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	13440ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎08T21:16:07.561695900Z"
Warning	8.1.2018. 22:22:10	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	37139ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎08T21:20:28.041392700Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 8:26:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	32971ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎10T07:24:40.151882600Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 20:06:17	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	11.1.2018. 18:13:31	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	24163ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎11T17:07:04.173412100Z"
Warning	11.1.2018. 18:13:31	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	ekrn
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	1421ms
     Degradation Time	:	386ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎11T17:07:04.173412100Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 8:26:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	101	Boot Performance Monitoring	"This application took longer than usual to start up, resulting in a performance degradation in the system startup process: 
     File Name		:	Devic
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	663ms
     Degradation Time	:	181ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎10T07:24:40.151882600Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 16:36:54	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	10514ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎10T08:54:39.789890500Z"
Warning	10.1.2018. 16:36:55	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	31410ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2018‎-‎01‎-‎10T15:35:10.416130700Z"
Warning	3.12.2017. 20:38:27	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	3.12.2017. 22:32:54	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	24737ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎03T21:31:09.308649800Z"
Warning	3.12.2017. 23:00:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	3.12.2017. 17:06:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	3.12.2017. 18:33:02	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	3.12.2017. 18:56:27	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	4.12.2017. 17:39:21	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 0:22:49	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 13:06:32	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 16:51:16	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	4.12.2017. 17:58:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	4.12.2017. 20:10:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	4.12.2017. 22:46:47	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	3.12.2017. 10:13:21	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.11.2017. 7:25:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.11.2017. 13:33:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.11.2017. 18:22:51	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	28.11.2017. 23:38:33	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	29.11.2017. 7:38:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	29.11.2017. 18:20:55	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.11.2017. 19:01:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	2.12.2017. 15:53:03	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	2.12.2017. 17:16:01	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	2.12.2017. 18:03:41	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	30.11.2017. 23:28:00	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	1.12.2017. 19:28:02	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	2.12.2017. 13:40:50	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 17:44:22	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	8.12.2017. 18:45:48	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	8.12.2017. 20:03:36	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	9.12.2017. 16:31:55	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	7.12.2017. 22:01:55	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	203	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"This service caused a delay in the system shutdown process: 
     File Name		:	ekrn
     Friendly Name		:	
     Version		:	
     Total Time		:	1503ms
     Degradation Time	:	972ms
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎07T20:58:40.262896300Z"
Warning	7.12.2017. 22:01:56	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	100	Boot Performance Monitoring	"Windows has started up: 
     Boot Duration		:	23493ms
     IsDegradation		:	false
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎07T21:00:12.281004100Z"
Warning	7.12.2017. 23:46:24	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	9.12.2017. 22:06:58	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	11.12.2017. 20:25:15	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	12.12.2017. 18:10:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	12.12.2017. 20:36:43	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	10.12.2017. 11:43:59	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	10.12.2017. 18:02:33	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	10.12.2017. 20:54:34	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	7.12.2017. 22:01:55	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	200	Shutdown Performance Monitoring	"Windows has shutdown: 
     Shutdown Duration	:	25265ms
     IsDegradation		:	true
     Incident Time (UTC)	:	‎2017‎-‎12‎-‎07T20:58:40.262896300Z"
Warning	5.12.2017. 21:27:14	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 22:16:26	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 22:41:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 18:33:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 19:14:26	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	5.12.2017. 20:54:02	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	6.12.2017. 7:12:45	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	6.12.2017. 22:52:07	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	7.12.2017. 17:46:21	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	7.12.2017. 18:53:19	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	6.12.2017. 17:34:50	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	6.12.2017. 18:00:14	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
Warning	6.12.2017. 19:42:57	Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance	500	Desktop Window Manager Monitoring	"The Desktop Window Manager is experiencing heavy resource contention. 
     Scenario	:	Video memory resources are over-utilized and there is thrashing happening as a result. Reducing number of running programs and open windows may help resolve this condition."
"I will like to die in my sleep like grandpa and not screaming like his passengers..."

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: mikey_rs. 13.01.2018. u 17:52. Razlog: Update
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Staro 13.01.2018., 18:25   #48
The Exiled
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Imaš možda mogućnost od koga u okolici posuditi neku drugu AM4 ploču + grafičku? Znam da zvuči bedasto, ali ovo polako ulazi u Zonu Sumraka.
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Staro 14.01.2018., 20:12   #49
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Matičnu se bi dalo još nekak nabavit al nekak sumljam na hardwerski kvar kad sve radi dobro prvih dva mjeseca. Svakako bi prije instaliral nanovo Windowse na SSD kaj imam sa strane pa videl dal sve radi normalno nakon instalacije svih drivera. Za sad mi se baš i ne reinstalira sve nanovo pa budem prčkal još malo na netu ako ekipa ovdi više nema ideja (ko recimo ja :P). Primam sve ideje i stavljam na listu tak da nikaj mi više nije za odbacit.
"I will like to die in my sleep like grandpa and not screaming like his passengers..."
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Staro 27.03.2018., 01:15   #50
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Datum registracije: Jul 2008
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Evo samo da se priključim, unazad nekoliko dana i kod mene ista stvar, na restartu W10 logo od matične, čim se pojavi windows logo i točkice koje kruže se gase usb miš i kb, čekanje cca 3 minute i 30 s bez ikakvih aktivnosti, onda se popale lampice na mišu i kb, ssd prošljaka,krene normalno loadanje i sve radi. Probavao sam i ja čuda razna paliti i gasiti, ništa.

Si ti to riješio nekako?

@svi drugi znalci
Bilo kakva ideja je dobrodošla. Hardverskih promjena nije bilo.

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Staro 27.03.2018., 05:40   #51
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Datum registracije: Feb 2017
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Autor R3deye Pregled postova
Evo samo da se priključim, unazad nekoliko dana i kod mene ista stvar, na restartu W10 logo od matične, čim se pojavi windows logo i točkice koje kruže se gase usb miš i kb, čekanje cca 3 minute i 30 s bez ikakvih aktivnosti, onda se popale lampice na mišu i kb, ssd prošljaka,krene normalno loadanje i sve radi. Probavao sam i ja čuda razna paliti i gasiti, ništa.

Si ti to riješio nekako?

@svi drugi znalci
Bilo kakva ideja je dobrodošla. Hardverskih promjena nije bilo.

I meni je bio takav long boot, ali samo nakon restarta. Čačkao sam malo po njemu, no ništa nije pomoglo pa je na kraju win reinstall riješio stvar.

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
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Staro 27.03.2018., 11:49   #52
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Imam isti ovakav problem, ali dogadja se od kad je nestalo struje i racunalo se iznenada ugasilo. Od tada se sporije dize...

i kao da disk stalno nesto "roda" i radi...
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Staro 27.03.2018., 21:00   #53
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D/G's Avatar
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Provjeri disk , u exploreru desni klik na disk C: pa properties , tools i check.
Može i sa Cristal disk info ili HD-Tune napraviti pregled ispravnosti..
...i nije loše ako su oštećene datoteke da u Control panel (admin) ukucaš sfc /scannow pa stisneš <enter>
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Staro 27.03.2018., 21:02   #54
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Planiram vec danima pa nikako

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