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Staro 03.07.2007., 18:47   #2791
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Moj novi desktop - osim Evangeline ništa mu drugo ne treba

Dell E207WFP (nažalost samo u prolazu ) + Dell 2005FPW

stvarno si kralj !!!

ideje su ti mrak care
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Staro 03.07.2007., 19:05   #2792
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evo jako mi se sviđa ovaj desktop!

što sve treba imat za ovo i dal mogu kakve kratke upute!
može i na mail!

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Staro 03.07.2007., 19:19   #2793
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ne vidi se bas nista. premala slika daj vecu
Spoiler alert!
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Staro 03.07.2007., 19:20   #2794
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au za*** to je slika sa stranice prije!


zašto svi ljudi ko konji pritišću daljinski upravljač kad se isprazni baterija?
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Staro 03.07.2007., 20:23   #2795
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 13.01.2012. u 16:07.
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Staro 03.07.2007., 20:49   #2796
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hvala puno, idem probat sad!!!
zašto svi ljudi ko konji pritišću daljinski upravljač kad se isprazni baterija?
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Staro 03.07.2007., 20:59   #2797
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Moj novi desktop - osim Evangeline ništa mu drugo ne treba
Šta reć: Impozantno. Vladimir Anić - Riječnik stranih riječi .
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Staro 03.07.2007., 21:10   #2798
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 13.01.2012. u 16:07.
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Staro 03.07.2007., 21:17   #2799
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pre komlicirano, probao sam al neide!
zašto svi ljudi ko konji pritišću daljinski upravljač kad se isprazni baterija?
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Staro 03.07.2007., 21:45   #2800
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Moj novi desktop - osim Evangeline ništa mu drugo ne treba

Dell E207WFP (nažalost samo u prolazu ) + Dell 2005FPW
Crni: The Return Of The King..
Pošteni Trgovci: 1,2
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Staro 03.07.2007., 21:52   #2801
The Geek Wants Out
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Evo jedan 'radni' desktop:

jedan filmski:
i jedan gamerski :

@McG - nastojat ću uhvatiti malo vremena pa nabaciti jednu mini recenziju ali ukratko u direktnoj usporedbi mlađi brat se nema čega sramiti i što se mene tiče vrijedi svake lipe (Kodeks 2000.00 kn + PDV)

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: crn. 04.07.2007. u 22:34.
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Staro 03.07.2007., 21:59   #2802
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Pffff, strava
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Staro 03.07.2007., 22:07   #2803
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Nisam moga odoljeti.

kaj postoji neka razlika između te dvije slike ??
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Staro 03.07.2007., 22:18   #2804
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ja isto nevidim neku razliku izmđu ove dvije slike!!!
zašto svi ljudi ko konji pritišću daljinski upravljač kad se isprazni baterija?
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Staro 03.07.2007., 22:19   #2805
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Staro 03.07.2007., 22:20   #2806
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kaj postoji neka razlika između te dvije slike ??
To je jedan desk preko dva monitora u Theater modu rada mislim (ili je Clone?).
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Staro 03.07.2007., 22:41   #2807
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Crni da si zensko, pjevo bi ti pod prozorom

Eo moj desk, nakon dugo vremena sam se maknio sa docka i malo smanjio rezu, i vise nije tako minializam kao prije

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Staro 03.07.2007., 23:02   #2808
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evo i moja pozadina. nije ništa posebno ali neka


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Staro 03.07.2007., 23:33   #2809
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Staro 03.07.2007., 23:40   #2810
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Emily je uvijek tu
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Staro 03.07.2007., 23:51   #2811
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Emily je uvijek tu

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Staro 04.07.2007., 01:56   #2812
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Staro 04.07.2007., 04:23   #2813
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Windowblinds 5 Golden Enhanced, tema Dream Glass, ja sam se zaljubio
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Staro 04.07.2007., 19:26   #2814
Visok, zgodan do bola
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........................ <<<---- točkice :x
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Staro 05.07.2007., 01:44   #2815
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Staro 06.07.2007., 12:12   #2816
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Evo moj, novi. Ako netko želi wallpaper neka se javi.. Meni je super, onako, opuštajuć. Samurize, object dock (custom ikone) i area04.
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Staro 06.07.2007., 20:56   #2817
As Hope Dies
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Da ne otvaram novi thread jedno pitanje vezano uz DesktopX.
Problem je u tome sto nikako ne mogu dobiti da su mi Widgeti prikazani nakon sto stisnem win+d. Sakriju se zajedno prozorima.
Probao sam za svaki widget zasebno staviti z-order na desktop level. Zanimljivo da mi to prihvaca samo kod jednog widgeta, no ne i na cim promjenim tu opciju na bilo kojem widgetu samo on ostane vidljiv nakon win+d.

Unaprijed hvala na bilo kakvoj pomoci.
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Staro 06.07.2007., 21:56   #2818
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rams el ti mijenjaš pozadinu svakih sat vremena!?!

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Staro 06.07.2007., 22:07   #2819
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Kolega našičanin.. I'm from nasice too
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Staro 06.07.2007., 22:19   #2820
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hahaha. ima nas puno iz Našica!

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