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Staro 19.05.2016., 22:29   #1591
Manuel Calavera
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Zašto? Radi se čisto o broju jezgri, ništa drugo. Upitniji je IPC i još važnije clockovi. Ako tu deliveraju tj. ne zaostaju puno to je to.

Ono što je najviše mindblown u čitavoj priči je da i dalje stoji info da su to navodno 95w procesori (a haswell-e i broadwell-e su 140w)
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Staro 19.05.2016., 23:30   #1592
#erase startup-config
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Kao što sam već u jednom drugom threadu napisao, AMD zna napraviti procesor s IPCom poput Intelovog. Točno se zna što i kako treba napraviti za to. Međutim procesori s velikim IPCom troše više struje. Intel ima 14nm litografiju pa može spustiti potrošnju unatoč velikom IPCu, ali AMD na 28nm ne može.

Sad kad će Samsung štancati Zena na 14nm FinFETu AMD će imati visok IPC.
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Staro 20.05.2016., 00:31   #1593
Manuel Calavera
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Nije baš sad u struji toliki problem. Pa sandy je bio na 32nm pa je ubio amd po IPC-u i efikasnosti. Doduše taj 32nm je bio bolji od GF 32nm, ali poanta i dalje stoji
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Staro 20.05.2016., 07:36   #1594
Aiden Fierce
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Slažem se,Manuel,ako je to do broja jezgara.Ali i koštati će sukladno IPC-u(ocu rec proc koji ce performat kao 5960X/6900k nece kostati 340$ if u know what I mean).

Btw Intelov Sandy na 32nm je bio daleko efikasniji nego Piledriver,a imao je 40% bolji IPC.
the Bariarnil
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Staro 20.05.2016., 11:38   #1595
Manuel Calavera
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Kod tih 2011-v3 cijena još najviše ovisi o pci-e lanes
Mislim da je u najboljem mogućem scenariju što se tiće cijene da 6/12 zen bude u cjenovnom rangu ili nešto skuplji od i7 4/8, 8/16 zen u rangu i7 6/12 itd. Sad da će takve hexe prodavati za cijenu i5-ica - ćisto sumljam.

Naravno ako ne budu ni blizu obećanog iće to dosta jeftinije. Nije možda ni to loša opcija za kupce


Potvrđeno predstavljanje bristol i stoney ridge (AM4 socket) 1.6. na computexu

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 20.05.2016. u 12:00.
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Staro 20.05.2016., 13:44   #1596
Aiden Fierce
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Autor Manuel Calavera Pregled postova
Kod tih 2011-v3 cijena još najviše ovisi o pci-e lanes
Mislim da je u najboljem mogućem scenariju što se tiće cijene da 6/12 zen bude u cjenovnom rangu ili nešto skuplji od i7 4/8, 8/16 zen u rangu i7 6/12 itd. Sad da će takve hexe prodavati za cijenu i5-ica - ćisto sumljam.

Naravno ako ne budu ni blizu obećanog iće to dosta jeftinije. Nije možda ni to loša opcija za kupce


Potvrđeno predstavljanje bristol i stoney ridge (AM4 socket) 1.6. na computexu
Manuel,kako i rekoh,bude prototip ����

Edit:slažem se ovo za cijene.Ali msm da ako IPC ne bude na nivou da bez obzira na cijene,ljudi neće kupovat.Ipak korisniku najvise treba konstantan i stabilan proizvod.
the Bariarnil
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Staro 21.05.2016., 00:19   #1597
#erase startup-config
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Autor Manuel Calavera Pregled postova
Nije baš sad u struji toliki problem. Pa sandy je bio na 32nm pa je ubio amd po IPC-u i efikasnosti. Doduše taj 32nm je bio bolji od GF 32nm, ali poanta i dalje stoji
Ne bi se složio. Idleao je oko 10W više nego AMD Trinity koji je također 32nm, a TDP mu je bio puno manji jer je između ostaloga imao puuuno slabiju grafiku
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Staro 21.05.2016., 08:23   #1598
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Kao što sam već u jednom drugom threadu napisao, AMD zna napraviti procesor s IPCom poput Intelovog. Točno se zna što i kako treba napraviti za to. Međutim procesori s velikim IPCom troše više struje. Intel ima 14nm litografiju pa može spustiti potrošnju unatoč velikom IPCu, ali AMD na 28nm ne može.

Sad kad će Samsung štancati Zena na 14nm FinFETu AMD će imati visok IPC.

Nije bitan samo IPC. Bitan je i takt. Ako ima 50% veći IPC (od nečeg) uz 50% manji takt(od nečeg), onda ne postoji nikakav pomak (eventualno manja potrošnja).

Bojim se da će tako nekako ispast.

Ako ispadne da ima dobar pomak u IPC, i uz dobre frekvencije+ dobar OC potencijal, onda je to pun pogodak.
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Staro 21.05.2016., 11:33   #1599
Manuel Calavera
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Adoredtv misli da će imati niže clockove. Negdje će "fasovat". Ili neće imati jeben IPC, dobre clockove ili neće biti 95w. Clockovi su najsumnjiviji ako je suditi po intelovom prelasku na 14nm, koji se uz to još i jebački oduljio

Naravno to ne znači da neće biti jebena kupovina, mislim da u price/performance neće failat kakav god ispadne

Jebena cijena, dobar ipc i clockovi, jeben OC potencijal, sve to uz masu jezgri i samo 95w zvuči malo kao SF. Čak i za intel

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 21.05.2016. u 11:38.
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Staro 21.05.2016., 11:41   #1600
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Intelovi procevi s 6+ jezgri imaju 140w TDP na stocku
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Staro 22.05.2016., 18:42   #1601
Manuel Calavera
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Staro 22.05.2016., 23:29   #1602
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Uuuu, ovo bi moglo bit zanimljivo vidit kolko ce APU-i profitirati od DDR4 memorije.

Al napokon da su i APU-i i non-APU CPU-i na istom socketu... cak bi mogao za sljedeci PC past jedan od ovih APU-a, a kasnije onda Zen + dedicated graficka.
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Staro 22.05.2016., 23:36   #1603
Manuel Calavera
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Zapravo i ne baš puno, integruša neće puno dobiti na bandwidthu naspram ddr3. Zato će vjerojatno tražiti neko drugo rješenje sa sljedećom generacijom apu-a (zen), hbm i sl. Ali izgleda zanimljivo. Pomaci će isključivo biti zbog arhitekturalne prirode (jezgre, gcn 3.0)

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 22.05.2016. u 23:42.
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Staro 23.05.2016., 18:15   #1604
Manuel Calavera
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Staro 23.05.2016., 18:50   #1605
A mighty pirate!
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WCCF naravno ima još opširniji recap događaja, nadodan uz masu starog infoa. Međutoa ovo nisam prije vidio (price range):

Dao bog da uspiju.Jedino ovo performance na nivou Haswell i Broadwell E procesora,to se jednostavno neće dogodit.Čist zdrav razum.
Ako budu imali nešto čime će cjenovno konkurirati mid-to-high endu i5 ranga ili low endu i7 ranga, smatrat ću ih opcijom ukoliko budem slagao novo računalo, iako moram priznati da je za moje potrebe 2500k sasvim dovoljan.
No opet, dosta dijelova u računalu već vuče sve više radnih godina, pa tko zna, možda i ranije dođe na red.

Ipak svi vole underdoga, a ujedno nam je svima u interesu da AMD postane ponovno konkurentan i performansama, a ne samo cijenom.
Kao i ti ne očekujem da će biti na istoj razini kao i Intel, ali je dovoljno da budu relativno blizu.
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Staro 24.05.2016., 08:59   #1606
Propali Amigaš
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Ako su dionice ikakav indikator, čekaju ih dobra vremena, prešišali $4 nakon dugo vremena
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Staro 24.05.2016., 13:54   #1607
Manuel Calavera
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To je trebalo kupovati kad sam ja govorio, moš ga jebat sad. Doduše rast će još, ali tko je kupio kad je bila ispod 2$ će tek imati jebeni profit (negdje krajem 2017). Vjerojatno i nadolazećim godinama
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Staro 25.05.2016., 22:25   #1608
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Na kompatibilnosti svaka čast, čak 12+ godina isti retention clip tj. 10+ godina isti raspored rupa.

Existing AMD compatible CPU coolers will work with AMD's upcoming Zen CPUs
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Staro 26.05.2016., 22:52   #1609
#erase startup-config
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Na kompatibilnosti svaka čast, čak 12+ godina isti retention clip tj. 10+ godina isti raspored rupa.

Existing AMD compatible CPU coolers will work with AMD's upcoming Zen CPUs
To te ja pitam!

Moj Arctic Freezer 64 Pro izgleda još dugo neće u penziju. 7-8god i još uvijek odbija krepat ili proizvoditi neke čudne zvukove. Dočekat će on Zena
"It's not a bug, it's a feature!"
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Staro 26.05.2016., 23:02   #1610
Manuel Calavera
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Ma to se i očekivalo. Inače su cooleri kompatibilni već 100 godina, a za wraith su praktično i rekli da će biti i za zen.
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Staro 28.05.2016., 00:07   #1611
Manuel Calavera
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Evo neke interpretacije zen dieshota.

Harlan Sur
So how should we think about, and we'll about the Zen architecture in a few minutes, but you've obviously got the existing Opteron architecture. How do you think, Mark, as it relates to the JV? And the initial technical engagements and product engagements is you are going to be based off of the current generation Opteron architecture or are you going to be focusing the JV more on the Zen-based architecture?
Mark Papermaster
Well, the JV will be announcing the details as they proceed. So the deal is closed, its up and running, and you'll see more details coming. Clearly from our new architectures going forward is, as we announced actually a year ago at our financial Analyst Day, we said that we would have the new Zen core, with a significant performance bump, that we'd be sampling this year. It would be in full year production in next year, and we of course remain right on track to what we put out there. So quite an excellent execution.
Harlan Sur
On the Zen architecture, your next-generation compute architecture, maybe highlight some of the key changes in this new architecture. You talked a little bit about the schedule, but go into a little bit more detail in terms of when do we see Zen-based products hitting the markets?
Mark Papermaster
Absolutely. So what we did with Zen, it is truly a ground up new design. It leverage the deep experience we had in 64-bit x86, which of course, AMD was the pioneer in the industry with this technology. But when I say from scratch design, I mean really retooling how you get performance and actually very high performance.
And so we went about it with really three facets. You have to basically modify the execution engines to tune them up. We tune them up in a way to basically improve the efficiency of the processing. We've tuned up how you cache, right, so how instructions can install, if you don't have the right the local cache instructors, so we tuned up our cache sub-system.
And then you have to feed those engines and so we tuned up our IO and memory. And so this was just roll up the sleeves, hard-nosed microprocessor engineering to get that kind of bump, where you have 40% instruction per clock versus our current generation, which is shipping in Bristol Ridge. That's huge and it's a result of that hard-nosed engineering.
Harlan Sur
So in terms of the rollout, I think the team has said high-end desktops will be rolled out first with Zen architecture towards the end of this year. What follows on from that? Do you then go after the high-end notebook segment of the market or you have talked a lot about servers. I think your customers are waiting for a competitive server platform as well. So how should we think about beyond desktops, what gets rolled out next?
Mark Papermaster
Well, you think about the kind of investment we made. We started Zen several years ago, right. That's what it takes when you do a brand new design. So it's right on track. And when you have that kind of jump in performance, we're going to prioritize the markets that are performance hungry. So we'll be in, in order of high performance desktops, followed by server. And then what we'll do is as we have done in the past, we then trickle that into our client compute markets across the mainstream, across the notebook markets. So it's very much on that type of rollout path.
Harlan Sur
So should we anticipate something like desktop end of this year, server first half of next year and then client compute mainstream as we roll through the remainder of 2017? Is that kind of how we think about it?
Mark Papermaster
Well, the order is correct. We haven't release these specific times. But again, we're on track, what we said is we'll be sampling to priority customers at the end of this quarter, on track there. We said first full year of our production ship next year right on track, and again, in that order of desktop, server and the client compute.
Harlan Sur
And I know, Lisa mentioned this, you just mentioned this as well that you are sampling, will be sampling, are sampling, the architecture now. How are conservations with OEMs and cloud providers coming along, as it relates to early look at Zen and their usage of Zen both for PCs and servers?
Mark Papermaster
Well, there's been a lot of pull, right. The market wants competition back in the space. And so as such we've been actually having dialogue along the way. So the good news about this design is it's customer-influenced. Our customers have told us what are they looking for, what are the features that they need, so this design can solve their problems that they're tacking on a day-to-day basis. So it's been an ongoing dialogue.
And when you look at the piece that we really like about this is just the fact that it's dropping in an x86 ecosystem. So when we deliver this value, when we incorporate the kind of features our customers have talked about, and you leverage the fact that we've been in x86 some time, so we're very experienced at what's the software integration that we need, what's the memory in iOSs and how do you get this to drop right in to harbor subsystems, which are out there in the industry today.
We've been there, we've done that, we're leveraging that experience. So it's actually a very smooth engagement with our OEMs and ODMs. It's about us getting back with the high-performance competitiveness. We know this ecosystem.
Harlan Sur
So we can't have a discussion about compute architecture without discussion on Moore's Law, manufacturing technology. Obviously, Intel is ramping 40-nanometer now (14nm). They plan to move to 10-nanometer, kind of second half of next year. Do the competitive dynamics change again in favor of Intel, when they move to 10-nanometer? Why or why not?
Mark Papermaster
Well, let's step back, because you got to really have some context when you look at these semiconductor nodes and where it's been. Ourselves, and our other competitors that are fabless have had historically a significant gap. In fact up to 2 nodes of gap versus our competitor. What's really significant about this transition of FinFET is that the gap has shrunk dramatically. So when you look at our introduction of FinFET, Intel's out there on 40-nanometer (14nm) and they delayed 10-nanometer into second half of next year.
Harlan Sur
Mark Papermaster
So that is a tremendous opportunity. We expect them to stay focused on manufacturing technology. But the fact is the physics are such that it's impossible for the previous pace of semiconductor enhancements of keeping the costs down, keeping the performance up, the power going down at every generation, it's slowing, that's when you hear Moore's Law slowing, it's not going away by any means, it's slowing and it's becoming more expensive on the node transitions.
And so for us, as a fabless company, it's a tremendous opportunity because the foundries are executing well, they've closed the gap as they transition to FinFET. And when you look at their plans, and they've been public about those plans, they intend to keep that gap narrow or eliminated and its very exciting opportunity for us. We're taking advantage of it right now. Polaris, as it launches this year and as we roll out the new Zen Core across the markets that we described earlier, tremendous opportunity.
Harlan Sur
I've always thought about as we do get a slowing of Moore's Law that there is two ways that you can improve performance, right. One is just brute force moving down Moore's Law curve, and the other way is more elegant design techniques to extract performance. And so how does the AMD team kind of strike a balance between the two?
Mark Papermaster
We've always had to be a bit more nimble, because frankly being the guy that has to run faster you have to be more efficient, we're going to run with a more aggressive front, we've had to invest significantly on the design side of getting performance at lower energy.
So Ruth mentioned a moment ago Bristol Ridge that we're shipping this year, so that's our seventh generation APU and it's a huge step on a commitment we made to have a 25x reduction in energy, and so therefore, 25x improvement in energy efficiency from 2014 to 2020 in the mobile space.
And this introduction of the sixth and seventh-generation have us right on track of that curve. And we've done it by design. We have a more efficient building blocks or cells at a very, very high density. The power management techniques and controllers we built in are quite advance, and so we've had to really focus on design for performance at very miserly energy consumption and we carry that forward into the Zen Core.
So we leverage that FinFET, we leverage that new design approach for performance, but we didn't forget any of the power management that we've been practicing the last several years to keep us on that very public commitment we put out there for energy efficiency. So it is very much about being more nimble on design and then leveraging that foundry roadmap that I mentioned just a moment ago.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 28.05.2016. u 00:34.
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Staro 28.05.2016., 08:00   #1612
Aiden Fierce
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Klasični Manuel.Mnogo teksta.But it was worth it.

Znači oće reći da će,između ostaloga,probati iskoristiti intelovo zaje*avanje sa 10nm pa kasnije sa 7nm(dok intel valjda ne prijeđe na grafin)
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Staro 28.05.2016., 10:01   #1613
Manuel Calavera
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Naravno kao što je čiča objasnio oni tu ne ovise o sebi jer su fabless firma, intel je tu u velikoj prednosti. No za te ostale tvornice se za 10nm tvrdi da su "bliže nego ikad" intelu pa bi za amd bilo dobro kad bi se utovarili čim bude moguće za high performance chipove.
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Staro 29.05.2016., 10:22   #1614
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Bok, ljudi! Jel znate kad će bit kod nas u prodaji ovi novi AMD procesori tj. Zenovi? Jel se zna već kolika bi im mogla okvirna bit cijena? Pitam zato jer ne znam isplati li se više čekati taj novi Zen ili kupiti FX 8300 sad kroz mjesec-dva?
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Staro 29.05.2016., 10:52   #1615
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Ne zna se nista. Okvirno racunaj kraj godine, pocetak iduce.
skupi-dupi-du, skupi-dupi-du, pam pam... pf
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Staro 29.05.2016., 13:36   #1616
Manuel Calavera
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BTW nećeš imati zenova cjenovnog ranga fx 8300, barem ne u početku, vjerojatno nikad (uz pretpostavku da bi quadovi bili preko 950-1000kn)
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Staro 01.06.2016., 07:42   #1617
Aiden Fierce
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Eto ga...Zen prototip 😊just as I said 😃
the Bariarnil
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Staro 01.06.2016., 14:59   #1618
Manuel Calavera
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Mada kolko sam uspio pročitati ništa novo nisu rekli. Al nije loše vidjeti ga i čuti po 38 put da je "on track"

Malo je razočarenje što nisu bristol ridge za desktop prikazali, kao i AM4 ploče. Ako je suditi po slajdovima djeluje dosta dobro za current gen 28nm proizvod
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Staro 01.06.2016., 15:50   #1619
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Da, ništa novo...ali sudeći po izbjegavanju komentiranja datuma izlaska i nepostojećim AM4 pločama, rekao bih da je izlazak tek na početku 2017., a do tada će već i Kaby Lake biti na meniju tako da se nadam da sam u krivu.

Njihov on track znači "late 2016", a to može biti i 31.12.2016. kak su krenuli. Meni se s druge strane mijenja platforma sada, a ne kada bude dostupan neki konkretniji komad tog procesora za što pretpostavljam da je prije početak 2017. (kad se ustabili proizvodnja).

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Zvone2772. 01.06.2016. u 20:31.
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Staro 01.06.2016., 16:44   #1620
Manuel Calavera
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Za ploče odnosno socket je rečeno ih imaju partneri, tako da ne vjerujem da ne postoje, eventualno su još work in progress fazi. Nisu one toliko bitne u ovome trenutku radi zena, ali taj bristol ridge mora izaći veoma skoro tj. mogao je i danas, a nit slika nit razglednica. Isto tako nisu valjda toliko lejm ass da prvi Zen ne izađe do kraja ove godine kad toliko ko papige ponavljaju da je on track.

Što se tiče ovog drugoga, yup ide na kaby lake i broadwell-e od intela, to je od početka poznato.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Manuel Calavera. 01.06.2016. u 16:54.
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