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Staro 22.06.2007., 16:36   #121
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Datum registracije: Jun 2007
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Imam problema sa prebacivanjem onih ikona i layouta i inih stvari... Uredno napravim sve po uputama ali mi javi error:

"You must choose a way in!Error:FSX failed."

moze netko pojasniti?
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Staro 22.06.2007., 16:52   #122
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Autor w1lD Pregled postova
Imam problema sa prebacivanjem onih ikona i layouta i inih stvari... Uredno napravim sve po uputama ali mi javi error:

"You must choose a way in!Error:FSX failed."

moze netko pojasniti?

Nevermind..rijesio sam.... potrebno je pod flash postavkom izabrat BreakXS ili jednu drugu opciju...
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 22.06.2007., 17:07   #123
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E sad imam jedno pitanje...

Kada sa Gslide-om slajdam onaj patch za mijenjanje sistemskim ikonica (tipa baterija i to) u main i flasham to na mob ako zelim dodati jos i onaj fast forward patch dali to slajdam u orginalni main pa flasham (i zar tada necu izgubiti prije spomenuti patch za mijenjanje ikonica) ili to pak slajdam u vec patchani main pa onda taj duplo patchani main flasham na mob ili sta?

znam da sam konfuzan.... nadam se da kuzite sta me muci...
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Staro 22.06.2007., 17:26   #124
The Geek Wants Out
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slajdaš u već patchani... ali možeš staviti sve patcheve odjednom da ne gubiš vrijeme.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 22.06.2007., 17:51   #125
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slajdaš u već patchani... ali možeš staviti sve patcheve odjednom da ne gubiš vrijeme.
vidis da... tog se nisam

nego jos jedno pitanje veza za taj GFX...

Dakle ja moram prvo flasahti main (dakle samo main nista drugo jelda? necu izgubiti podatke, kontakte i to?) i onda nakon toga napraviti datoteku GFX gdje? na memoriji od mobitela na other\GFX jel tako? i ugasit/upalit mobitel i to ce raditi?
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Staro 22.06.2007., 20:29   #126
The Geek Wants Out
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Tako je, napraviš mapu GFX na \other\GFX i u nju staviš ikone i ugasiš/upališ mob i to je to a flashanjem maina ne gubiš podatke (možeš za svaki slučaj napraviti backup sa myPhoneExplorerom)

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 23.06.2007., 02:10   #127
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  • Povecanje SMS spremnika (by Rams)
Iako je 200 (aparat) + 35 (SIM) mjesta za SMS poruke dovoljno, nevidim zasto nebi imali vise mjesta ako ikad slucajno zatreba. Povecanje SMS spremnika je jednostavno i radi se ovako:

U mapi programa XS++ pronadjete mapu files_to_upload te u njoj napravite redom mape jednu u drugoj:
zatim u toj mapi .../messaging napravite obican tekst file nazvan
Otvorite ga i napisite /tpa i spremite.

Pokrenete XS++ i spojite mobitel drzanjem tipke C dok je iskljucen. Odete zatim na FSX, pa Start FSX i program ce uploadati file.

Zatim disconnect > restart mobitela. Potom mozete provjeriti koliko imate slobodnog mjesta za SMS poruke, najbolje sa MyPhoneExplorerom.
nece nikako ove poruke meni je space poruka uvijek 200 telefon i 20 sim
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Staro 23.06.2007., 07:02   #128
The Geek Wants Out
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Nešto radiš krivo... meni radi bez problema:


The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 23.06.2007., 10:31   #129
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Neznam hare116 zasto ti nece, evo crnom radi, i jos sam nekim ljudima tako i svugdje radi
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Staro 23.06.2007., 15:57   #130
Old school
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kaj se tice rađenja shortcut-a na mobitel sa kartice, nije potrebno brisati

meni je poco xs++ opasno brzo razbijat code. u zadnjih pet - sest puta, iz prve ili druge razbija (cca 30 sec)
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 23.06.2007., 18:27   #131
The Geek Wants Out
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Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Za klasični (grid) meni nije potrebno brisati original ali ako želiš koristiti fullscreen menije (ili na bilo koji način modificirane menije) MORA se obrisati jer neće raditi kako treba.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: crn. 23.06.2007. u 18:45.
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Staro 23.06.2007., 23:56   #132
The Geek Wants Out
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Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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WOW by BlackIce - audio driver sa fenomenalnim zvukom za slušanje muzike sa slušalicama
(čist zvuk bez distorzija na maximumu sa ugodnim basom) svakako isprobati

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 24.06.2007., 02:34   #133
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Ja sam se zeznuto malo, ipak imam ispod 30k mjesta za poruke, točnije 29860, inače ovaj MyPhoneExplorer je pre pre dobra stvar, svakako preporuka.

/// Asus Maximus VII Hero /// Intel i7 4790K with Cryorig H5 /// 4*8GB Kingston DDR3 1600 /// Gigabyte 1070 Ti Gaming 8GB ///
/// HDD_0 Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500 GB SSD /// HDD_1 Samsung 860 Evo 500 GB /// HDD_2 WD 1TB Black /// HDD _3 WD 2TB Red /// HDD _4 WD 3TB Red /// HDD _5 WD 4TB Red /// DVD-RW Pioneer DVR-212 ///
/// Creative Gigaworks T20 /// Fnatic Gear Red /// Logitech G502 /// Razer Goliathus /// HyperX Cloud /// Corsair 650D Obsidian /// DELL U2719D + DELL U2719D /// CorsairHX650W ///
/// Synology 918+ = 2 x 4 TB WD Red & 2 x 6 TB Seagate IronWolf ///

/// Lenovo T480s /// i5 8250u, 16 GB, NVME 500 GB /// Lenovo ProDock ///

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Staro 24.06.2007., 12:17   #134
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@ crn - vec duze vrijeme korisim BlackIce-ov HS acoustic i svarno je dobar, tako da svima preporuka za BlackIcea
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:05   #135
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cao jesi li ti sta probao od ovih drivera i flashanja?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:22   #136
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kako je ovaj frajer naprvio da mijenja teme na mobu?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:35   #137
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To na youtube-u sto si stavio, to je W810, a K750/W800 nemogu koristiti doticne flash izbornike, samo obicne .gif slike.
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:41   #138
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* Startup i shutdown

U mapi


nalaze se slike i zvukovi koji se prikazuju za vrijeme paljenja i gašenja mobitela. Iako nazivi slika nemaju nastavak dovoljno je bilo koju png ili gif sliku (176x200) preimenovati i zamijeniti umjesto postojećih:


Na isti način mogu se promijeniti i zvukovi, dovoljno je preimenovati neki mp3 i zamijeniti ga sa postojećim:


ovo nece nikako moze pomoc?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:45   #139
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rams a moze li se sada ovaj K750i tj. flashani W800i prepraviti u W810i?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 15:54   #140
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buljo mozes lim iti objasniti ?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 16:04   #141
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dobar ovaj WOW by BlackIce. mozes li mi pomoci oko ovog problema crn?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 16:19   #142
The Geek Wants Out
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Smiri se malo i prestani postati sam sebi - ovo nije chat...
Mobitel NE MOŽEŠ flashati u W810 jer nemaju isti hardware a što se tiče startup i shutdown samo trebaš kopirati nove datoteke na mob - sve ti piše u uputama.
Ako si mijenjao drivere trebalo bi ti sve biti jasno, postupak je isti samo su nazivi datoteka i mapa drugačije...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 24.06.2007., 16:26   #143
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probao sam ali nece da promijeni sto ja kreiram samo orginalne postavi

ok izvini sto smetam
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Staro 24.06.2007., 16:27   #144
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moze pitanje? dali postoji software za w800i koji ce omoguciti gledanje mp4 failova?

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: hare116. 01.07.2007. u 16:31.
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Staro 24.06.2007., 16:58   #145
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Smiri se, i koristi edit, nemoj pisat po deset postova ako možeš u jedan, inače će admini popričat sa tobom...
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Staro 24.06.2007., 20:32   #146
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Autor rams Pregled postova
To na youtube-u sto si stavio, to je W810, a K750/W800 nemogu koristiti doticne flash izbornike, samo obicne .gif slike.

umm kako ne? pa zar nije u drugom postu od crnog prikazan bas takav primjer? ona day and night orange thema? iz onih screenshotova se meni cini da ce to bas izgledat ko ono na youtube. sta ne?
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Staro 24.06.2007., 20:37   #147
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To nisu flash izbornici sto je crni stavio, to su gif slikice povezane koje funkcioniraju kao meni. ja imam stavljene te i to moze tako izgledati, ali nema onaj efekt da se lagano pomakne s jedne na drugu ikonu nego je pomak trenutan.
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Staro 24.06.2007., 20:42   #148
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Autor rams Pregled postova
To nisu flash izbornici sto je crni stavio, to su gif slikice povezane koje funkcioniraju kao meni. ja imam stavljene te i to moze tako izgledati, ali nema onaj efekt da se lagano pomakne s jedne na drugu ikonu nego je pomak trenutan.
ok tnx.
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Staro 29.06.2007., 11:52   #149
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Meni nakon drugog koraka izbaci onu glupu gresku

XS++.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I ako dalje nastavim sa trecim korakom ne vrijedi jer nakon paljenja mobitela i upisa pina pise da treba kontaktirati operatera.

Probao sam vec 5 puta. sta sad? ima ko ideju?


Rješeno na drugom kompjutoru

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: papi8. 30.06.2007. u 10:24.
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Staro 29.06.2007., 20:39   #150
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Kakav pin kakvo što, nikakav pin ne upisuješ, moraš koristiti XS++ v1.2 (ne PhoneXS)...
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