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Staro 29.05.2014., 22:25   #571
Savski Vuk
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Autor Roberto Pregled postova
Ok, gdje je fuckin freedom baza?

Lutam po NPP i nemrem nac

Ak nis drugo naletio sam na sjeveroistocnom rubu mape na okrsaj duty vs monolith i prikljucio se

Vidim tamo i ulaz u mapu greatetal factory i cini mi se da ni tamo nisam bio. Ima tu jos materijala
Baza ti je tamo gdje je novi bar.
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Staro 30.05.2014., 00:18   #572
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Autor Roberto Pregled postova
Vidim tamo i ulaz u mapu greatetal factory i cini mi se da ni tamo nisam bio. Ima tu jos materijala
Roberto, teško me je zbuniti, ali ti si bome uspio. Nisam bio siguran jel' slabo vidim ili igram neki drugi mod. Tražim tu tvoju mapu greatetal factory u kojoj navodno nisi još bio. I nema je pa nema. Kod mene postoji samo Great Metal Factory, a u njoj si sigurno bio. To je mapa u kojoj su ujedinjene nekadašnje mape Bar i Wild Territory. Očito se kod tebe onaj Sinovac koji mantra izbrisao u nazivu greatetal factory slovo m.

Ovaj mod je stvarno dobar test živaca. Nakon svih labova prije, a pogotovo onog labirinta u X7 mislio sam da ću malo odahnuti, a već sam primjetio i prve simptome tunelofobije. Da ne bi. Krenuo prvi put tunelima za Pripiat, potrošio brdo baterija i antirada, zadnjom snagom dođem do vrata, a ne pojavljuje se da ukucam šifru. Došlo mi da glavom probijem vrata. Negdje pri kraju tunela spremio sam igru, vratio se na to i sa zebnjom dođem do vrata. I gle čuda, sad mogu ukucati šifru. Nisam primjetio u postovima do sada da je netko imao takav problem. Kod mene je vjerojatno bila loša karma.

P.S. Otišo na google potražiti nešto o fobijama i pronašao da se uspješno liječe s nekim mirisima za vrijeme spavanja. Idem se pošpricati nekim sprejem pa spavanac. Da vidim hoće li mi u nekom slijedećem labu i tunelu biti bolje.

mod: molim koristiti multiquote

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Brko. 30.05.2014. u 06:56.
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Staro 30.05.2014., 06:53   #573
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Roberto, teško me je zbuniti, ali ti si bome uspio. Nisam bio siguran jel' slabo vidim ili igram neki drugi mod. Tražim tu tvoju mapu greatetal factory u kojoj navodno nisi još bio. I nema je pa nema. Kod mene postoji samo Great Metal Factory, a u njoj si sigurno bio. To je mapa u kojoj su ujedinjene nekadašnje mape Bar i Wild Territory. Očito se kod tebe onaj Sinovac koji mantra izbrisao u nazivu greatetal factory slovo m.

Da u pravu si, smantran sam, to je Great Metal Factory. Samo se zaista ne sjećam da sam bio tamo, možda sam s druge strane došao
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 30.05.2014., 06:58   #574
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Obavio zadatak za Lukasha, donio mu ono govno, ali zadatak ne vidi. U dijalogu samo kaže "Do You have any job..." i ne reagira, te se zadatak ne poništava.

Pa sam im ubacio kašikaru...
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Staro 30.05.2014., 09:08   #575
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Obavio zadatak za Lukasha, donio mu ono govno, ali zadatak ne vidi. U dijalogu samo kaže "Do You have any job..." i ne reagira, te se zadatak ne poništava.

Pa sam im ubacio kašikaru...

Istrijebit ćeš sve što hoda u zoni
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 30.05.2014., 09:27   #576
Savski Vuk
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Autor Drug Brko Pregled postova
Obavio zadatak za Lukasha, donio mu ono govno, ali zadatak ne vidi. U dijalogu samo kaže "Do You have any job..." i ne reagira, te se zadatak ne poništava.
Kod mene isto tako. Mislim da je problem u dobivanju passa od onog tradera u construction siteu, on je već bio zginuo i taj se zadatak nije poništio u PDA. Greška koja se s vremenom treba popraviti i još puno njih.
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Staro 30.05.2014., 09:39   #577
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Ma ja sam dobio pass, i ušao u bazu od mercova koji su me zasuli mecima. I našao sam ključ i to je to. Nema više misija. Kad je Lukaš odapeo papke i izvrnuo kapke, misija i dalje stoji...

Što se mene tiče, završio sam sa LA na neko izvjesno vrijeme. Ako za kojih 2-3 godine izađe kakav bolji patch fix, možda opet odigram.
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Staro 31.05.2014., 01:16   #578
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Ako je netko bolje slušao ili čitao dijaloge u X16 (isključenje emitera) možda je shvatio otkud se MarkedOne(Strelok) pretvorio u Gordon Freemana iz Half Life. Ja nisam. Nigdje nisam pročitao neki osvrt na to, kao da nitko to nije primjetio.
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Staro 31.05.2014., 17:57   #579
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Šta treba riješiti da se dobije ona misija sa BTR-om stojim pored njega i ništa se nedešava probo razgovarati s onim garavog lica kao "glavni" ali ništa ni da kaže beee
Pobio neku gamad oko njih ali drugo ništa nema???

Ušao u podzemlje i traži se neka šifra za prva vrata s desne strane jbg. a unutra oznaćeno tijelo, kako do njega zna li netko šifru?

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: ECHO. 31.05.2014. u 18:39.
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Staro 01.06.2014., 14:12   #580
Savski Vuk
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Autor Bakica47 Pregled postova
Ako je netko bolje slušao ili čitao dijaloge u X16 (isključenje emitera) možda je shvatio otkud se MarkedOne(Strelok) pretvorio u Gordon Freemana iz Half Life. Ja nisam. Nigdje nisam pročitao neki osvrt na to, kao da nitko to nije primjetio.
Bakica, meni je to bilo totalno iznenađenje, nikako mi nije jasno što se s tim htjelo i kakve veze Half Life ima sa Stalkerom?
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Staro 02.06.2014., 21:02   #581
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Taman se ufurao u igru, a onda majko moja. Sarkofag i lab X2, što je vjerojatno potrebno pola do jednog sata da se završi, otego se na 5 sati. DVADESET kreširanja. Da su to neke griješke u skriptama, pa ajde potražim i popravim, ne nego sve iz binsa - xrGame.dll ili xrRender_R3.dll ili xrParticles.dll, pa se ti lupaj po glavi. Moliš Boga kad ponovno uđeš da kreneš dalje. Kad sam sredio 2 moda za COP, znalo se 1-3 puta skreširat pa sam šizio što i to ne mogu srediti. Kad sad vidim ovo neću biti više ljut na COP. Sva sreća da sam u mirovini pa ne moram uzimati bolovanje poslije ovih stresova.
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Staro 03.06.2014., 16:09   #582
Dr. Faustus
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U originalnom SOC-u mogao se naći njegov leš sa Black Kite-om (to je zapravo Desert Eagle), te Gordonovim PDA-om. Tvorci STALKER-a su se malo našalili i napravili posvetu Half Lifeu.
Ich fühle Mut, mich in die Welt zu wagen, mich in die Welt zu wagen,
Der Erde Weh, der Erde Glück zu tragen,
Mit Stürmen mich herumzuschlagen
Und in des Schiffbruchs Knirschen
nicht zu zagen.
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Staro 04.06.2014., 12:31   #583
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Autor Dr. Faustus Pregled postova
U originalnom SOC-u mogao se naći njegov leš sa Black Kite-om (to je zapravo Desert Eagle), te Gordonovim PDA-om. Tvorci STALKER-a su se malo našalili i napravili posvetu Half Lifeu.
Da, u Wild Territory, gdje se nekad išlo po obiteljsku pušku Huntera iz bara. A ova šala ili posveta više mi izgleda kao osmrtnica Half Lifeu, za kojeg sam, ne znam više ni sam koliko godina, čekao 3. dio Half Life 2. Kao, izaći će Half Life 3, ali vjerojatno ništa od toga, kao ni od poštenog patcha za Lost Alpha.
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Staro 04.06.2014., 14:52   #584
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Da, ali Shadow of Chernobyl je izašao prije Half Life 2 Epizoda 2, tako da se ne radi o osmrtnici nego o fori da je svijet u zoni puno zahebaniji nego freemanov svijet sa merđanim svjetovima budući je u svom megaheroj, a ovdje je prodao pajser za konzervu i poginuo u anomaliji
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Staro 12.06.2014., 14:52   #585
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Što se događa? Svi završili mod ili odustali? Ili je prevruče za igru. Ustvari javio sam se jer nam je stranica pala na dno spiska, pa da ju malo podignem. Igram treći put, ali ovaj put nisam stavio na fil dinamičko osvjetljenje nego na dinamičko i stabilniji je mod, ustvari nisam imao do sada ni jedan krešendo. Razlika u grafici je zanemariva.
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Staro 13.06.2014., 09:41   #586
Savski Vuk
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Ja čekam novi patch i onda krećem iznova!
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Staro 13.06.2014., 10:12   #587
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Ja sam malo stao zbog nedostatka vremena. Planiram proć još edenom jer u free palyu nema puno sadržaja, ali i ja bih rado pričekao patch, da ne prolazim dva puta ista sranja
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 13.06.2014., 10:45   #588
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Ja čekam STALKER 2 ovo više ne igram, nema šanse da ispočetka gubim vrijeme i živce na CTD-ove...
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Staro 14.06.2014., 12:02   #589
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A ono zavrsio mod i prevruce za igrat + nema patacha jos ...roknut cu ja prije secret trails aa2 ko ce cekat patch kad ko zna kad ce ...
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Staro 25.06.2014., 14:22   #590
Drive. vruummm,shatatataa
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neznam gdje da postam pa može i ovdje jer je vezano uz stalkera samog.

kaj sad niš od survajviruma pa idemo na ariela?
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Staro 25.06.2014., 15:11   #591
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Staro 03.07.2014., 17:41   #592
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U vezi novog updejta...

So what we are up to? The changeslog is already too good for a patch we planned. However there is a bug which still makes our days way too hard. When you would think a defect is finally fixed, and after the 12th try it happens again. Then it works for 5 tries, then it happens 3x in a row, then again fine for 10+ tries... This bug happens on Outskirts level, which is around the 65% of the main storyline, and it only happens if you try to approach an area (hard to explain without spoilers ) from a certain direction, and still it's totally random...
I guess some of you already know how we feel now. When you see people would want to play the game so much, and you would like to release the update so much... But! you have the controls and you know, if you let it go with this bug, then 1 or more of 10 people will get this bug, and if they won't have a bit earlier save, then their game is over.
It's risky, but when you need to choose from 2 bad options, you need to measure those 2, and choose the one which is not so bad, as the other one. So please give us a little more time. We are waiting for our lead programmer who has RL issues as well (oh yea? you dont say that!), he is rebuilding his pc right now after a mobo and cpu failure, plus doing university stuff and working after that, but still has a little time to check on this bug, which makes us calm a bit, because if we think back, there wasn't any bug he couldn't fix in the past, and we had many, just because he can't sit at his pc 10hours per day, it takes a bit longer. Meanwhile we are decorating the levels, can't say much, just adding more life, and making ai reactions better, but still it's not easy in order to not to ruin the scripted events, where you need to coop with your enemies

If you are interested in things, we are here to answer.
dezodor 22hours 13mins ago says: 1.3002 will be cumulative and will ship next week! The size of installer will be ~510-520 mbyte (which will install nearly 2.3gb content). It will wipe the gamedata and bins directory from the game, so if you modded something make sure you make a backup of it before you install the patch over. From now we will store the scripts and configs too in database files, which will make it easier for modders to manage the files. And it will be easier for players too, since they will only need to delete gamedata folder, if they want to remove a mod.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Tajl3r. 07.07.2014. u 19:40.
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Staro 09.07.2014., 21:14   #593
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Jel ima kakvih pomaka ovdje, jel netko krenuo ponovno sa pečom ?
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Staro 09.07.2014., 21:42   #594
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Autor Drug Brko Pregled postova
Jel ima kakvih pomaka ovdje, jel netko krenuo ponovno sa pečom ?

ja čekam neki novi nalet mrvice slobodnog vremena
i9-10850K / asrock z490 taichi / 64gb DDR4/ 1gb ssd / 4 tb wd hdd / Gigabyte 6600xt /
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Staro 09.07.2014., 21:44   #595
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Ja ga imam sada malo, do 29.08... Od onda nemam više
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Staro 09.07.2014., 22:12   #596
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Koji vražji patch? Mod su očito radili klinci koji su ko mali umjesto dude dobili tablet, pa misle da su pobrali svu mudrost svijeta. Mogli su u tim uzeti nekog starijeg koji zna što je logično razmišljanje. Već neko vrijeme postoje na internetu fiksevi koje su stavili očito neki pametniji individualci i riješili brdo problema. Ovi vjerojatno čekaju da još nešto se pojavi pa kad to sve skupe objavit će kao 'svoj' patch. S tim fiksevima odigrao sam mod uz samo dva manja kreša, što je u odnosu na ono prije premija. Koristio sam se sa fiksevima sa linka uz par nekih svojih prepravki.
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Staro 09.07.2014., 22:29   #597
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Autor Drug Brko Pregled postova
Jel ima kakvih pomaka ovdje, jel netko krenuo ponovno sa pečom ?
Nemoš krenut sa novim patchom kad ...
1.3002 will be cumulative and will ship next week!
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Staro 09.07.2014., 22:32   #598
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Kaj nije to vijest od last week? Mislih da je ovo next week pa da pitam.
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Staro 10.07.2014., 21:39   #599
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Changes Log:
- fixed vibrating (constant open and close) doors on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed inaccessible "ashes to ashes" stash on Darkdolina level- fixed crash for missing suit upgrade
- fixed Escape bridge soldiers dying because too far from shelter
- fixed flying trees and props on Darkscape level- fixed Pripyat geometry (missing surface)
- fixed Arena mobs missing bug- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[dm_artefact_merger_wnd]
- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[forg_stalker_trader_start]
- fixed map marker for bandit suit on Darkdolina
- fixed crash related to missing crossbow decor model'
- fixed level changer position from the Power Plant to Sarcofag
- fixed Radar crash near outpost
- fixed ui_repair_wnd.script:471: attempt to index field 'selected_item'
- fixed quickload after death with hotkey
- fixed Greben jobs and dialogs on Yantar
- fixed usage of motion blur effect on R2 (dynamic lightning)
- fixed Lukash task dialog
- fixed Petrenko's task and dialog on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed Sidorovich's message to kill zombies even if all are dead
- fixed incorrect RPM for upgraded sig550
- fixed can't open section 'bandages'
- fixed incorrect icon for upgraded VAL weapon
- fixed return entry to Pripyat from Outskirts
- fixed [error]Description : callback kils bone matrix bone: bip01_spine2
- fixed crash when killing stalker trader on Construction Site
- fixed some other codes for doors
- fixed broken logic for doors and camera on Lost Factory
- fixed some floating boxes and barrels in Agroprom
- fixed ai-map in Deadcity (monsters climbed the bridge from the river)
- fixed ai-map for the duty sniper on Garbage outpost
- fixed ai-map and geometry on Yantar level
- fixed green glass in windows, jars etc. on r1 (static lightning) render
- fixed shader for lamps on dx10 (bulbs in lamps visible again)
- fixed incorrect calculation of money
- fixed Pripyat secret trader, now he will appear
- fixed crash in DetailManager, often shown on Generators level
- fixed some broken freeplay tasks
- fixed pda buttons (and the crash when using it)
- fixed missing known info strings
- fixed unresponsive bloodsucker on Darkvalley when climbing through hole in roof
- fixed Deedee antidote exploit
- fixed kill statistics
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[forg_dolg_raid_dialog_finished]
- fixed rendering crashes on all levels, but mainly related to the last few ones
- fixed transparent window frame on Generators level
- fixed missing Sin house (esc_basement_motor_cache) stash in Escape level
- fixed upgraded icon for PSZ-9Md outfit
- fixed crash when using repair kits
- fixed Sakharov dialogs
- fixed faulty stashes on Army Warehouses level
- fixed auto fire upgrades
- fixed Deadcity money issue
- fixed kampers ignoring danger
- fixed contact's incorrect avatar on Army Warehouses level
- fixed position of anomaly which was almost inside the Bar on Great Metal Factory
- fixed crash when talking to Duty leader on the Power Plant level
- fixed trees which had no collision
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[escape_wolf_greatings]
- fixed broken task when Hunter moves to Outskirts
- fixed duplicating ammo in safe exploit- fixed weather
- fixed transparent metal surface on Garbage level
- fixed crash which happens if you try to talk to an npc via pda chat in the same time the npc dies
- fixed upgraded icon for VAL weapon
- fixed mutant wave on the Power Plant level (sometimes task did not finish)
- fixed reaction of monolith soldiers at the Power Plant level when player drives BTR vehicle
- fixed various small glitches
- finetuned all traders and their stock
- added missing map hint for Garbage sniper
- removed anomaly from the middle of the road on Great Metal Factory which made the access to Military level with car very hard
- Strelok's book can be dropped now, but it will be available in the articles menu on your pda as well
- now can buy cars from Outskirts barman too
- monster and character relations were tweaked
- added timer on hud for the gasmask on Rostok Factory level
- slightly increased probability of rain and thunder
- knife hit powers finetuned
- alcohol postprocess effects tweaked
- dx10 render optimized (more will come in later patches)
- added feature: when checking stash with purple icon and not taking all of theitems, the icon will change to green and will only be removed if you take all
- pda chat finetuned, if a participant goes offline, you will see message "connection lost"
- added X18 documents dialog to the "barman" Petrenko so that dialog can complete if doing task later
- made Sin neutral to the actor (to avoid misunderstanding)
- made Sin hostile towards actor_dolg (if player joins duty) and dolg (duty faction)
- added more fuel to traders and stashes
- finetuned ai reactions
- finetuned certain monster reactions
- removed extra sleeping bags from the game, but the one you have is now dropable, tradeable, and you can buy one at traders
- added ladder to the hole on the ground in Yantar to make climbing in and out more convenient
- revisioned and united all weapon hud positions
- the secret trader now sells only unique items
- added more alife to Darkscape, Forest, Outskirts and Country levels
- particles engine tweaked, finetuned and more stable
- implemented cloud shadows on r3 (dx10) render too
- added pda message about the 3rd bloodsucker to kill on Rostok Factory level
- enemies won't ignore you if you are sitting in a car
- various smaller tweaks and fixes
- removed test grenades and fixed bug so now NPCs will run from grenades they throw if they land close to them

dezodor Jul 6 2014, 9:25pm says:1.3002 will be cumulative......
....vjerojatno sljedeci tjedan ,a u biti ko zna kad im prdne . Vani je ...

Changes Log:
- fixed vibrating (constant open and close) doors on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed inaccessible "ashes to ashes" stash on Darkdolina level- fixed crash for missing suit upgrade
- fixed Escape bridge soldiers dying because too far from shelter
- fixed flying trees and props on Darkscape level- fixed Pripyat geometry (missing surface)
- fixed Arena mobs missing bug- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[dm_artefact_merger_wnd]
- fixed no available phrase to say, dialog[forg_stalker_trader_start]
- fixed map marker for bandit suit on Darkdolina
- fixed crash related to missing crossbow decor model'
- fixed level changer position from the Power Plant to Sarcofag
- fixed Radar crash near outpost
- fixed ui_repair_wnd.script:471: attempt to index field 'selected_item'
- fixed quickload after death with hotkey
- fixed Greben jobs and dialogs on Yantar
- fixed usage of motion blur effect on R2 (dynamic lightning)
- fixed Lukash task dialog
- fixed Petrenko's task and dialog on Great Metal Factory level
- fixed Sidorovich's message to kill zombies even if all are dead
- fixed incorrect RPM for upgraded sig550
- fixed can't open section 'bandages'
- fixed incorrect icon for upgraded VAL weapon
- fixed return entry to Pripyat from Outskirts
- fixed [error]Description : callback kils bone matrix bone: bip01_spine2
- fixed crash when killing stalker trader on Construction Site
- fixed some other codes for doors
- fixed broken logic for doors and camera on Lost Factory
- fixed some floating boxes and barrels in Agroprom
- fixed ai-map in Deadcity (monsters climbed the bridge from the river)
- fixed ai-map for the duty sniper on Garbage outpost
- fixed ai-map and geometry on Yantar level
- fixed green glass in windows, jars etc. on r1 (static lightning) render
- fixed shader for lamps on dx10 (bulbs in lamps visible again)
- fixed incorrect calculation of money
- fixed Pripyat secret trader, now he will appear
- fixed crash in DetailManager, often shown on Generators level
- fixed some broken freeplay tasks
- fixed pda buttons (and the crash when using it)
- fixed missing known info strings
- fixed unresponsive bloodsucker on Darkvalley when climbing through hole in roof
- fixed Deedee antidote exploit
- fixed kill statistics
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[forg_dolg_raid_dialog_finished]
- fixed rendering crashes on all levels, but mainly related to the last few ones
- fixed transparent window frame on Generators level
- fixed missing Sin house (esc_basement_motor_cache) stash in Escape level
- fixed upgraded icon for PSZ-9Md outfit
- fixed crash when using repair kits
- fixed Sakharov dialogs
- fixed faulty stashes on Army Warehouses level
- fixed auto fire upgrades
- fixed Deadcity money issue
- fixed kampers ignoring danger
- fixed contact's incorrect avatar on Army Warehouses level
- fixed position of anomaly which was almost inside the Bar on Great Metal Factory
- fixed crash when talking to Duty leader on the Power Plant level
- fixed trees which had no collision
- fixed No available phrase to say, dialog[escape_wolf_greatings]
- fixed broken task when Hunter moves to Outskirts
- fixed duplicating ammo in safe exploit- fixed weather
- fixed transparent metal surface on Garbage level
- fixed crash which happens if you try to talk to an npc via pda chat in the same time the npc dies
- fixed upgraded icon for VAL weapon
- fixed mutant wave on the Power Plant level (sometimes task did not finish)
- fixed reaction of monolith soldiers at the Power Plant level when player drives BTR vehicle
- fixed various small glitches
- finetuned all traders and their stock
- added missing map hint for Garbage sniper
- removed anomaly from the middle of the road on Great Metal Factory which made the access to Military level with car very hard
- Strelok's book can be dropped now, but it will be available in the articles menu on your pda as well
- now can buy cars from Outskirts barman too
- monster and character relations were tweaked
- added timer on hud for the gasmask on Rostok Factory level
- slightly increased probability of rain and thunder
- knife hit powers finetuned
- alcohol postprocess effects tweaked
- dx10 render optimized (more will come in later patches)
- added feature: when checking stash with purple icon and not taking all of theitems, the icon will change to green and will only be removed if you take all
- pda chat finetuned, if a participant goes offline, you will see message "connection lost"
- added X18 documents dialog to the "barman" Petrenko so that dialog can complete if doing task later
- made Sin neutral to the actor (to avoid misunderstanding)
- made Sin hostile towards actor_dolg (if player joins duty) and dolg (duty faction)
- added more fuel to traders and stashes
- finetuned ai reactions
- finetuned certain monster reactions
- removed extra sleeping bags from the game, but the one you have is now dropable, tradeable, and you can buy one at traders
- added ladder to the hole on the ground in Yantar to make climbing in and out more convenient
- revisioned and united all weapon hud positions
- the secret trader now sells only unique items
- added more alife to Darkscape, Forest, Outskirts and Country levels
- particles engine tweaked, finetuned and more stable
- implemented cloud shadows on r3 (dx10) render too
- added pda message about the 3rd bloodsucker to kill on Rostok Factory level
- enemies won't ignore you if you are sitting in a car
- various smaller tweaks and fixes
- removed test grenades and fixed bug so now NPCs will run from grenades they throw if they land close to them

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Tajl3r. 11.07.2014. u 21:15.
Tajl3r je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 12.07.2014., 08:28   #600
Bakica47's Avatar
Datum registracije: Nov 2012
Lokacija: Zagreb
Postovi: 237
Cijelu noć mučio se s modom. Ne ide, pa ne ide. Ali, moja krivica. Čudi me, jer sam jako pedantan, ali nisam pročitao upute. Uglavnom, nova instalacija igre i onda na nju samo patch 13002. Začudilo me što nema gamedate, pa sam ju sam napravio da mogu ubaciti svoje promjene. Samo sam stavio foldere texture, sounds, anims i u configs stavio zbog prepravki actor.ltx i system.ltx. Zatim text zbog prijevoda, weapons (prepravio par oružja). Nisam daleko odmakao jer mi je trebalo dosta vremena da vidim što mogu ubaciti, a da radi. Na početku sam odmah otvorio PDA da provjerim je li popravljeno u rubrici 'contacts' (prije se rušilo kad se nakon quick load ušlo u tu rubriku). Radi super. Namjerno sam ubio tipa u selu da me drugi ubiju, jer se ranije nakon pogibije kod loadanja F7 rušilo. I to sad radi kak treba. Nadam se da su ispravili i druge greške.

Nikako da odem iz Kordona. Nakon povratka od grupe Sin kod Wolfa i njegovog pomočnika prodao par stvari i primjetio da se lova najednom naglo povećala - 1.000.000. Lova dobro dođe, ali ovo je stvarno previše i gubi se draž skupljanja i prodavanja. Kad imam već toliko love kupio sam kod Sidorovića repair kit - ranije se smrzavalo kad se odabralo oružje za popravak. Sad je u redu, jedino veli da su nedostupni dijelovi za popravak. Ne znam na što se to odnosi. Sad idem opet ispočetka da toćno vidim kad se ta lova naglo poveća.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Bakica47. 12.07.2014. u 20:06. Razlog: dopuna
Bakica47 je offline   Reply With Quote
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