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Staro 11.06.2006., 19:17   #31
Datum registracije: Jul 2003
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zashto ovo nije sticky?
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Staro 11.06.2006., 19:37   #32
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alimilano's Avatar
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lipo od vas šta ste neinformiranim korisnicima otkrili čari jednog izvrsnog programa.........ja sam odavno na njemu a uz njega koristim i helium manager... pogodan program za sredjivanje glazbene kolekcije........
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 13.06.2006., 12:04   #33
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kad uvatim vremena pokušat ću se maknut s winampa
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Staro 13.06.2006., 14:29   #34
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Autor Freek
jednostavno meni ne funkcionira, zapnem na columns layout fale mi neke stvari??
right klikni na Vertical Splitter, i checkiraj one opcije koje su i u Crnovom skreenshotu. Isto idi up/down, kako bi bilo ko njegovo.

Mnogo dobar tutorial Crn Jako ljepo, daje puno više slobode za rađenje playlista itd. Sad ću pronalaziti davno zaboravljene stvari

Samo me živciraju ovi mp3-jevi na početku kad mi playlista sortira mp3-je koji nemaju fino posložena imena, pa im stavlja upitnike ili kajaznam šta sve ne, a i živcira me to šta mi svaku pjesmu iz jednog albuma stavi u zaseban folder ako ime albuma nije 100% isto. Kako to najbezbolnije ukrotiti, prosim lepo?

Ovaj tagger je luud, ja mu iz fore kažem da mi traži tag pjesme od frenda, demo izvođač, rap ovo ono, i on mi nađe Avril Lavigne i Nancy Sinatru hahaha

ovo je moje zasad
ima tu još pun oposla, al "led je probijen"
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Staro 14.06.2006., 13:08   #35
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evo jedan dobar site sa uputama
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Staro 16.06.2006., 19:19   #36
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da li postoji nacin da se cleartype opcija ukljuci samo u foobaru, font calibiri izgleda katastrofalno bez te opcije ali mi ne pase u drugim programima

(probao sam namjestiti sa cleartype tuningom pa nisam bas puno napravio )
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Staro 18.06.2006., 10:28   #37
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kada promijenim layout preset foobar stavlja svoju, defaultnu velicinu panela...da li je moguce nekako sacuvati svoju velicinu (i ostale postavke kao sto je npr. (ne)prikazivanje captiona) osim kopiranjem fooobar2000.cfg?
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Staro 18.06.2006., 13:39   #38
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 13.01.2012. u 01:00.
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Staro 18.06.2006., 14:41   #39
morph's Avatar
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Autor McG
Ne znam na kaj si točno mislil, ali layout, moreš mijenjati kak te volja. Nakon kaj sve namestiš, sačuvaš postavke kao .fsc file i posle samo importiraš. Nakon importiranja, treba namestiti par sitnica (jer nije ni Foobar bogomdani), ali to je minuta posla.
ma znam da mogu mijenjati kak hocu, meni ne smetaju postavke same playliste i columnsa unutar nje, nego to sto kad ucitam layout playlista zauzima 1/8 ekrana ovako i onda moram rucno razvlaciti track info, album art, playlistu...da bih dobio ovo

*.fcs mijenja postavke playliste, koliko sam skuzio nema veze sa layoutom...jedini nacin koji sam ja nasao je da rucno napravim kopiju foobar.cfg sto je relativno nespretno

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: morph. 18.06.2006. u 15:50.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 12:20   #40
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flajpan's Avatar
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Kak namjestiš da ti u prvom stupcu prikazuje foldere DOMACE, STRANO?
Sad mi je sve pomiješano, a htio bih imati domace, strano, soundtrack.

I još jedno pitanje - što trebam ostaviti u album art koju putanju da mi prikazuje covere samo iz foldera albuma?

Thnx : cheers2
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 22.06.2006., 12:29   #41
The Geek Wants Out
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Autor flajpan
Kak namjestiš da ti u prvom stupcu prikazuje foldere DOMACE, STRANO?
Sad mi je sve pomiješano, a htio bih imati domace, strano, soundtrack.

I još jedno pitanje - što trebam ostaviti u album art koju putanju da mi prikazuje covere samo iz foldera albuma?

Thnx : cheers2
Kod mene je to sortirano 'by directory structure' jer su mi tako pjesme složene i na disku, a za covere ne trebaš ništa podešavati, po defaultu foobar i prikazuje samo sliku koju nađe u album folderu kao cover.

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 12:54   #42
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flajpan's Avatar
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Autor crn
Kod mene je to sortirano 'by directory structure' jer su mi tako pjesme složene i na disku, a za covere ne trebaš ništa podešavati, po defaultu foobar i prikazuje samo sliku koju nađe u album folderu kao cover.

Hm, ali ne znam otkud mu onda ovaj cover, a nema ga u folderu...


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Staro 22.06.2006., 13:03   #43
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tutix's Avatar
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To ti je windows media player skinuo taj cover i prebacio u mapu di su ti te pjesme. To se da pobrisat u Neru, jel ovak se ne vidi u mapi. Znači napraviš kao da ideš pržit cd i tamo kad ideš na add files i tamo će ti se vidjet albumartneštonešto izblejeđeno, to sam pobrišeš ako ti smeta.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 13:24   #44
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Ako je tako onda je dosta u windowsima uključiti prikaz skrivenih datoteka i provjeriti imaš li tu sliku u folderu...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 15:19   #45
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flajpan's Avatar
Datum registracije: Mar 2004
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Postovi: 1,789
Autor crn
Ako je tako onda je dosta u windowsima uključiti prikaz skrivenih datoteka i provjeriti imaš li tu sliku u folderu...

Istina, to je glupi wmp, al ne vidi se ni kad je ukljucen prikaz skrivenih datoteka, al pobrisao sam sve te gluposti klikom na open in external viewer pa mi je otvorio u acdsee.

Daj mi samo preporuci neki visualisation plugin i link ako moze : cheers2
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Staro 22.06.2006., 18:13   #46
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Evo isprobaj >>OVAJ<< ...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 22.06.2006., 19:19   #47
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Ladybug's Avatar
Datum registracije: Mar 2006
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Autor crn
Kod mene je to sortirano 'by directory structure' jer su mi tako pjesme složene i na disku,
Mislim da te on pita kako da mu "glavni" folderi budu domaće ili strano, pa da se tek otuda otvaraju albumi/pjesme koji se nalaze u tim folderima,jer po directory structure sve se pjesme/albumi sortiraju po abecedi, i na istoj "razini". I meni je to problem, jer vidiš kako mi je na hardu, a kako je u playlisti... Svaki folder (bio to za album ili za žanr muzike) tretiran je isto...
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Staro 22.06.2006., 19:54   #48
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
Lokacija: xxx
Postovi: 1,193
Evo možda je >>OVAKO<< bude jasnije ...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 22.06.2006., 20:03   #49
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Ladybug's Avatar
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Autor crn
Evo možda je >>OVAKO<< bude jasnije ...
Ahaaaaaaa...... Sad sam tek skužila da sam ja u Media Library išla stavljati te foldere posebno jer nisam npr htjela da mi se scana i Download i Incomplete folder unutar MyMusic foldera! A vjerojatno ne postiji neki plugin pomoću kojeg mogu EXCLUDE neke foldere unutar foldera u Media Library?

Nisi Crn, ti si Zlatan haha
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Staro 22.06.2006., 20:10   #50
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Autor Ladybug
Ahaaaaaaa...... Sad sam tek skužila da sam ja u Media Library išla stavljati te foldere posebno jer nisam npr htjela da mi se scana i Download i Incomplete folder unutar MyMusic foldera! A vjerojatno ne postiji neki plugin pomoću kojeg mogu EXCLUDE neke foldere unutar foldera u Media Library?

Nisi Crn, ti si Zlatan haha
: lol2 :

U media library foobar stavlja samo foldere sa pjesmama, ako u folderu nema muzičkih datoteka ignorira ga. Ako želiš naknadno iz media librarya maknuti bilo koji folder (ili pjesme) ideš na 'desni klik > remove from library'...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 22.06.2006., 20:17   #51
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Ladybug's Avatar
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'desni klik > remove from library'...
Jel mi Foobar zapamti kada nakon toga idem na "Rescan library" ili moram opet sve ispočetka? :S
Evo! To je zadnje pitanje, neću više gnjavit
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Staro 22.06.2006., 20:26   #52
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2005
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Mislim da moraš sve iz početka ...

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 21:04   #53
Moj komp
flajpan's Avatar
Datum registracije: Mar 2004
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MOžda sam već dosadan, al još mi treba nešto kao "now playing" i kontrole zvuka - mislim ana pojačavanje i stišavanje (volume).

VODIMO 1:0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Staro 22.06.2006., 21:29   #54
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Zadnje izmijenjeno od: McG. 13.01.2012. u 01:00.
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Staro 22.06.2006., 21:53   #55
Moj komp
flajpan's Avatar
Datum registracije: Mar 2004
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Kak da smjestim tu vizualizaciju iznad playlist switcher i columns playlist (prema crnu na prvoj stranici). Uglavnom da bude "gore" može i desno od stop pause play itd.
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Staro 23.06.2006., 20:20   #56
morph's Avatar
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Autor flajpan

Kak da smjestim tu vizualizaciju iznad playlist switcher i columns playlist (prema crnu na prvoj stranici). Uglavnom da bude "gore" može i desno od stop pause play itd.
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Staro 30.06.2006., 23:43   #57
Moj komp
Freek's Avatar
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Evo nakon malo prčkanja nije tolko loše ni ispalo.: stoopid
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Staro 30.06.2006., 23:52   #58
The Geek Wants Out
crn's Avatar
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Lijepo ali imaš poseban thread baš za to : Pokažite svoj foobar setup

The Geek Wants OUT
by Ernest Cline

At first glance
I probably appear to be a somewhat ordinary,
somewhat average looking fellow.
Calm, harmless, at ease.

But this is by design.
You see, it is through decades of research and rigorous training that I have crafted this façade of normalcy.

And now, through intense concentration,
I am able to function in a social setting.
I can speak at length with educated people about
pertinent matters of public importance,
such as literature,
or the current political climate in Europe.

I am capable of conversing with you
without ever revealing that just underneath the surface
of this manufactured veneer
there hides an altogether different person.
A monster, some might say.
My alter-ego.
He is the opposite of the image I project.
He is the antithesis of Cool.
He is the LAST person you want to get trapped in a conversation with.

He is The Geek.
The obsessive science fiction movie watching,
comic book collecting,
Monty Python dialogue memorizing,
Dungeons and Dragons playing GEEK
that I struggle daily to keep hidden from the world.

But The Geek Wants Out.

He want to talk to you.
He wants to give you his doctoral dissertation on why
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
is the greatest fucking film of all time!

He wants to bitch slap you because
you’ve never seen Big Trouble in Little China.
What? Have you been living in a fucking cave?!

He wants to kick your ass in Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
And he will.
Because he’s a fucking Geek.

And he wants his toys.
He wants the complete set
in mint condition,
still in the box.
He wants every item on the planet that is even remotely related to Ultraman.
Because Ultraman is Airwolf!

He could give a squirt of piss
about sports or politics or rhetoric.
Such things are of no consequence to him.
What matters is the release date of the next Lord of the Rings movie!

You see, The Geek can’t wait.
The Geek has no patience.
He wants what he wants when he wants it.
And all he wants is stupid shit!

He wants his own Tardis.
He wants his own light saber.
He wants to buy a DeLorean and he wants to drive it 88 miles per hour.

He wants movies.
He wants to see the Director’s Cut.
He wants the impossible to find Japanese bootleg with
6 minutes of never-before-seen footage.

He wants to watch Blade Runner. Again.
He wants to watch Brazil. Again.
He wants to watch A Clockwork Orange.
Again and Again!

But I deprive him of these things, as best I can,
until I can no longer ignore his voice
screaming in my head.

I am Jekyl. He is Hyde.
I am Bruce Banner. He is the Hulk.
Especially the Hulk from issues #272 to #378.

But no longer!
I am putting a stop to all this nerdy shit right now!
I’m an adult, for Christ’s sake!
And this body isn’t big enough for the both of us.
One of us has to go, and it’s gonna be him.
I banishing the Geek forever to the Phantom Zone,
just like in Superman II !
Because, in the end –
there can be only one.
crn je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 01.07.2006., 14:01   #59
nemam kaj napisati
Bran's Avatar
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Lijepo. Sad znam neke novi mogućnosti ovog korisnog programčića.
ASUS A3500N Centrino 725 1.6GHz, 15"(1024x768), 4X +/- DVD-RW, HDD 60GB, DDR 512MB, Li, Fax/Mod, LAN, IEEE1394, 4xUSB2.0, 0.35 millijuna pixela integrirana video camera

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Staro 02.07.2006., 10:14   #60
ćiber_manija's Avatar
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Ja imam jedan problemos!
Naime nikako nemogu prikazati album covere iz pomoću samurize-a i crnovog plugina(cd vinyl ...) dok sam ih uspio prikazati u foobaru!
Please help!
The šuma...
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