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Staro 17.02.2018., 02:05   #4411
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vidit cemo, ovo je jako spekulativno trziste, jako osjetljivo
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Staro 18.02.2018., 10:24   #4412
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Opet sve pada, dosta strmo. Je li to novi pad o kojem se priča? Hodl ili vratiti u fiat?
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Staro 18.02.2018., 11:20   #4413
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jos jedan odbijanac gore ispod 11k i onda laganini svemu sudeci nekoliko dana struganja prema dole.

Intel i5 4670k
ASrock Z87 Extreme 3
2x8 Gb Kingston blu
MSI Rx 580x 4 GB
OCZ SSD Vertex 4 - 128 GB
Samsung T166 500 GB 7200 okr/min 16 MB HD501LJ
Samsung F1 1 TB 7200 okr/min 32 MB HD103UJ
Dell S2522HG
Chieftec DX-01BD-V, Corsair 520W CMPSU-520HXEU

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Staro 18.02.2018., 11:41   #4414
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Autor segregator Pregled postova
Ja mislim da bi mogla solidna doza optimizna uletit uskoro sa strane...Litecoina...koja bi čak i BTC pogurala
Ja čitao da je Litecoin gotova priča, ali volim biti dokazan u krivu
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Staro 18.02.2018., 11:47   #4415
Buying Bitcoin
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Šta znači gotova priča?

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Staro 18.02.2018., 11:51   #4416
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Da nema budućnost
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Staro 18.02.2018., 11:55   #4417
Buying Bitcoin
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Da nema budućnost
Jesu dali neko obrazloženje zašto?

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Staro 18.02.2018., 12:06   #4418
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malo ne stručno od mene, ali to sam pročitao početkom 12 mj i više ne sjećam točnih razloga. Tada mi je imalo logike, a sada ne želim gluposti pisati pošto sam zaboravio.

Zato sam i stavio komentar da dobijem i druga razmišljanja
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Staro 18.02.2018., 19:05   #4419
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Kutak za trejdere

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malo ne stručno od mene, ali to sam pročitao početkom 12 mj i više ne sjećam točnih razloga. Tada mi je imalo logike, a sada ne želim gluposti pisati pošto sam zaboravio.

Zato sam i stavio komentar da dobijem i druga razmišljanja

To ne samo da je nestručno, nego i totalno nekorektno.
Negdje tamo ne znam gdje i ne znam kada sam nešto pročitao i sada me zanima vaša analiza i komentar toga? Svašta...
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Staro 18.02.2018., 19:11   #4420
Buying Bitcoin
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Sad zamisli da to izjavi neki poznati portal/novine i eto ti princip FUD-a...

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Staro 18.02.2018., 19:42   #4421
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Pa upravo to...
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Staro 18.02.2018., 19:56   #4422
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Pardon ekipa, nisam mislio ništa krivo. Rookie izjava...
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Staro 18.02.2018., 20:10   #4423
Buying Bitcoin
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Autor pikac992 Pregled postova
Pardon ekipa, nisam mislio ništa krivo. Rookie izjava...
Ma sve ok, samo je tržište napeto u zadnje vrijeme i dosta ljudi trguje sa LTC-om, pa je obično normalno takvu vijest potkrijepiti nekim dokazima
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Staro 18.02.2018., 20:14   #4424
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Autor Neo-ST Pregled postova
Ma sve ok, samo je tržište napeto u zadnje vrijeme i dosta ljudi trguje sa LTC-om, pa je obično normalno takvu vijest potkrijepiti nekim dokazima
Primljeno na znanje
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Staro 18.02.2018., 21:02   #4425
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Autor pikac992 Pregled postova
Pardon ekipa, nisam mislio ništa krivo. Rookie izjava...
Nisam stručnjak ali situacija je sa LTC potpuno obratna.
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Staro 18.02.2018., 22:01   #4426
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Autor Rambo3 Pregled postova
Nisam stručnjak ali situacija je sa LTC potpuno obratna.

Upravo tako...
Da skratim priču za rookije: BTC, LTC i ETH su sveto trojstvo. Oko njih nema diskusije. Sve ostalo je rizična investicija.
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Staro 18.02.2018., 22:18   #4427
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Upravo tako...
Da skratim priču za rookije: BTC, LTC i ETH su sveto trojstvo. Oko njih nema diskusije. Sve ostalo je rizična investicija.
A Neo?
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Staro 18.02.2018., 22:22   #4428
Buying Bitcoin
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Neo-ST's Avatar
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Spreadsheet Info

Before looking at the spreadsheet, or investing in coins recommended by the spreadsheet, you must familiarize yourself with everything below as well as everything in the #deleted-channel channel. Otherwise, you are at risk of not using this strategy correctly which could result in a loss of money. This is not a pump and dump group. There is no rush to be the first to buy recommended coins. The creators of this group and spreadsheet are ardent opponents of pump and dump behaviors. The goal of this group is to promote and encourage thoughtful data-driven altcoin investing in a collaborative and helpful environment. If you want a pump and dump group, please leave and find one, as there are plenty.

The purpose of this spreadsheet is to predict, with relative accuracy, which altcoins will beat the market over a period of time. “The market” meaning Bitcoin’s percentage growth. The best results have been achieved by investing an equal amount into the 20 picks in Column B marked with “Yes”. There will be more info on this strategy later.

The methodology behind this spreadsheet is a proprietary trade secret. You will have to see for yourself if these metrics are accurate at predicting coins that ultimately go up in value against Bitcoin. We are not financial advisors, and you will be investing in these coins at your own risk.
Here’s an overview of the important tabs of the spreadsheet:

Detail Tab:

This tab gives the top 100 coins (based on market capitalizations for which our metrics can be calculated) and whether each of our 26 metrics recommends buying that coin. Metric 1 is the original metric that the spreadsheet’s founders developed in 2017. This one is simpler than the rest but has also proven successful over the time that has elapsed since its origination.

The 25 additional metrics are new metrics that we have recently developed, but there hasn’t been enough time to identify which are the best predictors of future returns. These may perform better than Metric #1, but we can’t know that for sure until the future. This is why we are giving each of the individual metrics in a group setting, where you are free to decide which metrics you would like to use (or ignore).

Column B (Total Metrics) in the Detail tab is simply the total number of metrics that recommend buying that coin. If you would prefer to ignore the detail of the individual metrics, you can stay on the Summary tab, where the total number of metrics that recommend that coin are given without all the detail.
Summary Tab:

This tab indicates whether our original metric recommends buying the coin (Column B) and then the total number of new metrics that recommend buying the coin (Column C). This table also has market data that will update periodically throughout the day and return data since the date the spreadsheet was published.

The developers of this trading strategy have the greatest amount of confidence in coins that the original metric recommends. However, we also realize that it is highly likely that one or more of the additional 25 metrics will prove better at predicting a coin’s future success. This is why the spreadsheet is within a group environment, so we can all learn together and discuss what works best over time.

What has worked best in the past is to invest an equal amount into the top 20 coins that the original metric recommends. THERE WILL BE OUTLIERS. This strategy will not predict every awesome coin, and it WILL predict some coins that lose value. If you try to pick and choose which coins to buy in the top 20, instead of investing an equal amount into each, you run the risk of picking a loser and missing out on winners.
Please keep in mind, the methodology of these picks is based solely on numerical data. If one particular coin has an awesome dev team, idea, or execution strategy, the methodology of these picks do not reflect that. This is an opportunity for you to make the calculated risk of researching the top 20 picks more in depth and determining which ones you think may outperform the others. The data doesn’t care that Dogecoin was created as a joke. Dogecoin was ranked as the 3rd most recommended coin back in September and the spreadsheet creators assumed it would be an outlier. It was not, and actually performed better than most other top 20 picks.(edited)
Before investing be sure to either read everything above or watch this video:

Video objašnjenje:

Praktički, ovih prvih 20 imaju najveće šanse, poredani od vrha prema dnu.
Autor pikac992 Pregled postova
A Neo?
Ja sam nr.1

Btw. naletio na ovo...

Tabela altova za koje je izračunato da bi trebali kroz malo duži period (par mjeseci) donijeti gotovo sigurnu zaradu u bitcoinu (ne dolaru).

Tekstualno objašnjenje kako je čitati:

Spreadsheet Info

Before looking at the spreadsheet, or investing in coins recommended by the spreadsheet, you must familiarize yourself with everything below as well as everything in the #deleted-channel channel. Otherwise, you are at risk of not using this strategy correctly which could result in a loss of money. This is not a pump and dump group. There is no rush to be the first to buy recommended coins. The creators of this group and spreadsheet are ardent opponents of pump and dump behaviors. The goal of this group is to promote and encourage thoughtful data-driven altcoin investing in a collaborative and helpful environment. If you want a pump and dump group, please leave and find one, as there are plenty.

The purpose of this spreadsheet is to predict, with relative accuracy, which altcoins will beat the market over a period of time. “The market” meaning Bitcoin’s percentage growth. The best results have been achieved by investing an equal amount into the 20 picks in Column B marked with “Yes”. There will be more info on this strategy later.

The methodology behind this spreadsheet is a proprietary trade secret. You will have to see for yourself if these metrics are accurate at predicting coins that ultimately go up in value against Bitcoin. We are not financial advisors, and you will be investing in these coins at your own risk.
Here’s an overview of the important tabs of the spreadsheet:

Detail Tab:

This tab gives the top 100 coins (based on market capitalizations for which our metrics can be calculated) and whether each of our 26 metrics recommends buying that coin. Metric 1 is the original metric that the spreadsheet’s founders developed in 2017. This one is simpler than the rest but has also proven successful over the time that has elapsed since its origination.

The 25 additional metrics are new metrics that we have recently developed, but there hasn’t been enough time to identify which are the best predictors of future returns. These may perform better than Metric #1, but we can’t know that for sure until the future. This is why we are giving each of the individual metrics in a group setting, where you are free to decide which metrics you would like to use (or ignore).

Column B (Total Metrics) in the Detail tab is simply the total number of metrics that recommend buying that coin. If you would prefer to ignore the detail of the individual metrics, you can stay on the Summary tab, where the total number of metrics that recommend that coin are given without all the detail.
Summary Tab:

This tab indicates whether our original metric recommends buying the coin (Column B) and then the total number of new metrics that recommend buying the coin (Column C). This table also has market data that will update periodically throughout the day and return data since the date the spreadsheet was published.

The developers of this trading strategy have the greatest amount of confidence in coins that the original metric recommends. However, we also realize that it is highly likely that one or more of the additional 25 metrics will prove better at predicting a coin’s future success. This is why the spreadsheet is within a group environment, so we can all learn together and discuss what works best over time.

What has worked best in the past is to invest an equal amount into the top 20 coins that the original metric recommends. THERE WILL BE OUTLIERS. This strategy will not predict every awesome coin, and it WILL predict some coins that lose value. If you try to pick and choose which coins to buy in the top 20, instead of investing an equal amount into each, you run the risk of picking a loser and missing out on winners.
Please keep in mind, the methodology of these picks is based solely on numerical data. If one particular coin has an awesome dev team, idea, or execution strategy, the methodology of these picks do not reflect that. This is an opportunity for you to make the calculated risk of researching the top 20 picks more in depth and determining which ones you think may outperform the others. The data doesn’t care that Dogecoin was created as a joke. Dogecoin was ranked as the 3rd most recommended coin back in September and the spreadsheet creators assumed it would be an outlier. It was not, and actually performed better than most other top 20 picks.(edited)
Before investing be sure to either read everything above or watch this video:

Video objašnjenje:

Praktički, ovih prvih 20 imaju najveće šanse, poredani od vrha prema dnu.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 19.02.2018. u 00:47.
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Staro 19.02.2018., 00:44   #4429
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Kutak za trejdere

Neo je tata mata, ja velike nade polažem u njega

A ltc, kralju pa litepay kad krene ltc je na konju, plus jos nekih stvari velikih najavljuju, ovo ce biti super godina i za neo i ltc, samo cjenu ce diktirati tata btc.

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Staro 19.02.2018., 11:16   #4430
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Jeste skužili etc kako raste
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Staro 19.02.2018., 16:21   #4431
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Datum registracije: Feb 2018
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Je li tko radio SEPA nalog preko PBZ banke prema Krakenu? Odbijaju li to ili uredno prolazi?

S obzirom da se ide po SHA, stigne li manji iznos na Kraken acc i ukoliko je tako, koliko manji? Znači šaljem 100€, 30 u startu uzme PBZ, a na kraju mi na acc stigne.....
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Staro 19.02.2018., 16:53   #4432
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Jeste skužili etc kako raste

volim etc, em je jeftin em ide fork , em ga volim em ga opet volim
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Staro 19.02.2018., 16:57   #4433
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Autor Vucibatina123 Pregled postova
Je li tko radio SEPA nalog preko PBZ banke prema Krakenu? Odbijaju li to ili uredno prolazi?

S obzirom da se ide po SHA, stigne li manji iznos na Kraken acc i ukoliko je tako, koliko manji? Znači šaljem 100€, 30 u startu uzme PBZ, a na kraju mi na acc stigne.....
Ako nisu nešto mijenjali u zadnjih mjesec dana, ja sam tako slao nekoliko puta bez problema. Sjedalo je na Kraken u roku 24-72h od moje uplate. Doduše, tad je bila gužva na sve strane pa je moguće da je sad nešto brže.
30 kn ti uzme bez obziru na cifru koju uplaćuješ, a tamo sjedne tvoj cijeli iznos, dakle iz tvog primjera punih 100€.
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Staro 19.02.2018., 18:04   #4434
Buying Bitcoin
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ICX se približava vrlo dobroj kupnji na području od 38000-42000 sat...
Long-term mislim da je to jedan od najboljih coinova.
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Staro 20.02.2018., 00:43   #4435
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Nije li ETH sad nisko u odnosu na BTC 0,084? A vidim da na Bittrexu jedan prodaje 11000 ETH za BTC pa mi nisu jasni njegovi motivi.
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Staro 20.02.2018., 07:37   #4436
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Pre dva dana je bila prodaja 111.000. Vjerojatno održavaju umjetno cijenu

tipkano sa mog T98 4G八核(C6R3)
MinigRig*H110-D3A*5*rx570nitro8GB OC.
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Staro 20.02.2018., 14:09   #4437
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Navodno na Yobitu ako imaš litecoin, daju litecoin cash

Jedan lcc vredi 10$

Sad koliko je sve sigurno! Ja nebi riskirao.
MinigRig*H110-D3A*5*rx570nitro8GB OC.
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Staro 20.02.2018., 14:54   #4438
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Autor neverin Pregled postova
Nije li ETH sad nisko u odnosu na BTC 0,084? A vidim da na Bittrexu jedan prodaje 11000 ETH za BTC pa mi nisu jasni njegovi motivi.
Da ETH dosta kasni za BTC trenutno.
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Staro 20.02.2018., 21:59   #4439
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...Tihomir...'s Avatar
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zanimljivo, bitcoin i litecoin su se odlijepili od eth i xrp. Odnosno eth i xrp više ne prate rast bitcoina kako je bilo jako dugo.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: ...Tihomir.... 20.02.2018. u 22:00. Razlog: typo
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Staro 20.02.2018., 22:00   #4440
Buying Bitcoin
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Top South Korean Crypto Regulator Found Dead “From Unknown Cause”

Dobar video o Iconu/ICX od navodno cijenjenog trejdera:

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Neo-ST. 20.02.2018. u 23:58.
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