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Staro 04.07.2006., 11:32   #1
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Li-Ion baterije - optimalno korištenje

The rules for handling Li-ion batteries are as follows:
1. Use them--don't store them, as their maximum useful life is four years regardless of what else you do to them.
2. If you must store them, do so at a charge level of 40%.
3. Don't get them too hot, especially when charging or discharging. They absolutely must be kept cool.
4. Use the correct charger. Using a charger for another type of battery will quickly destroy the Li-ion battery and is likely to make it overheat and catch fire/explode (and that's not "likely" as in "there's a theoretical possibility"--it probably will).
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Staro 27.07.2006., 22:28   #2
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E baš mi se ovo prvo sviđa. od kad sam dobio laptop, najviše ga volim pustiti da radi na bateriji no nisam bio siguran koliko je to pametno kad se non-stop upotrebljava.
Jesi to skinuo sa neke službene stranice ili?
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Staro 28.07.2006., 00:20   #3
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Nekakav tehnički forum, ko PCexpert
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