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Staro 10.03.2010., 01:53   #1
captain picard
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Thomson TG782

Ne mogu vjerovati da nitko nije naišao na problem sa promjenom IP adrese routera.. Naime, kad se IP adresa routera promijeni (to se može samo dok je ugašen DHCP server), onda se može istovremeno promijeniti i DHCP pool (adrese koje dodijeljuje)... no, ne može se namjestiti Gateway.. to rezultira da router na kraju da potpuno pogrešne podatke za adresu.. gateway ne mogu promijeniti.. kad kliknem da želim "Add IP address or DHCP pool" onda mi traži neki drugi USER/PASS kojeg nemam.. naravno da sam pokušao utipkati i pass sa dna routera a i moj promijenjeni pass i ništa ne pomaže, on jednostavno ne dozvoljava ulaz.. Zna li tko kako se može promijeniti Gateway ?
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Staro 10.03.2010., 08:08   #2
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Vjerojatno se radi o istom biseru kao kod ST780, da bi promjenio željeno trebaš biti Admin a ne obični (l)user.
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Oglasni prostor
Staro 10.03.2010., 10:16   #3
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Vjerojatno se radi o istom biseru kao kod ST780, da bi promjenio željeno trebaš biti Admin a ne obični (l)user.
A jel ima negdje opisan način kako se ulogirati kao Admin...? ili je to još uvijek misterij?
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Staro 10.03.2010., 10:24   #4
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Koliko znam, još uvijek je misterij, bezobrazno podcjenjivanje korisnika.
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Staro 10.03.2010., 10:28   #5
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Dakle još ništa...

Jel itko probao nešto ovakvo s tim ruterom:

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Staro 10.03.2010., 12:13   #6
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Evo ovdje raznog blaga za TG782 pa spremite dok je dostupno, skoro najvažnije CLI Reference i primjere konfiga.
Tko ima volje / želje dalje istraživat / rješavat "bleme" neka pogleda:
modem-help TG782
TG782T - unlocking VOIP & other features
Napomena: Spominjanje Germany za lokaciju / porijeklo je dobro zbog adsl Annex B podrške.
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Staro 11.03.2010., 00:41   #7
captain picard
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bah.. pa nisam htio baviti se otključavanjem routera.. inače, promjenom IP adrese i pool-a, dogodi se promjena i DNS-a, no promjena Gateway-a se ne dogodi.. tako da PC ima slijedeće:
i naravno, internet ne radi..
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Staro 26.03.2010., 03:40   #8
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imate puno lakše rješenje za otkljućavanje TG782i Netreba radit jtag interface i nije potrebno nikakvo otvaranje rutera!
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Staro 26.03.2010., 09:50   #9
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Thomson TG782i ruter koji daje T-Com daje mogučnost VOIP servisa! Ali pošto u ljepoj našoj t-com je ujedno provajder fikse telefonske linije, nije u interesu da ljudi koriste VOIP servise nego da troše sve više na telefonske račune! Ruter ima jedan USB port! Nisam testirao zasto taj port sluzi, ali kolko sam citao dokumentaciju rutera pise da je za VOIP USB slusalicu! U ovom tekstu objasnit ću kako zamjeniti firmware u ruteru, podesiti ATM, internet konekciju i VOIP servis!

Ako sljedite ove upute morate biti svjesni da radite na svoju odgovornost i da T-COM ne daje garanciju na takve stvari! Moguće je uništiti ruter!

Nakon zamjene fw u ruteru imat cemo pristup telnetu u ruteru i namjestanju svih opcija!
1. Spojite ruter na računalo!direktno. Pronađite na ruteru tipku reset i prilikom paljenja držite reset tipku! Nekih 10 do 15 sekundi!
Sve dok na ruteru treptate ledice drugačije nego uobičajeno! (Ako ga otvorite i spojite preko serijskog porta na računalo vidit ćete da je ruter ušao u podrprogram boot.a, a) Ruter je u boot meniju, i očekuje da mu računalo pošalje novi firmware!

2. Programom SpeedTouch_upgrade_wizard_R4421 ubacujemo novi fw u ruter! Ako ruter nije ušao u boot meni program će tražit šifru od Administratora. Ali pošto tu šifru ima samo t-com, bitno je da je ruter ušao u boot meni! Sljedite wizard, i kad vas pita za firmware odaberite TG782_GeChGen_R8215_final!

3. Nakon flashanja ruter ima adresu i korisničko ime je Administrator a passworda nema!
Pošto je taj fw jedini koji sam uspio nać za taj ruter da nije cenzurirani od operatera, potrebno je podesit ATM na T-comove parametre! Upisivanjem u Internet explorer ili Firefox mozete promjenit jezik na engleski. Posto je po defaultu na njemačkome! FW je od jednog njemačkog provajdera.

Podešavanje ATM-a i PPPOE konekcije!
Start-run-cmd- telnet, logirajte se sa podacima
:env set var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=0
Ovo nam sluzi da nas ruter svakih pet minuta neodpaja od telneta!

Nakon toga obrisite postavke za konekciju:
=>:ppp relay flush
=>:eth flush
=>:atm flush
=>:ppp flush
=>:atm phonebook flush
Nakon toga resetirajte ruter. Ove naredbe brišu sve postavke rutera za ppp i atm!
Sljedite daljnje upute:

5.1.1 Routed PPPoE with NAPT
Configuration procedure Proceed as follows to configure a Routed PPPoE entry:
1 Create, configure and attach/connect the ATM interface.
2 Create, configure and attach/connect the Ethernet interface.
3 Create, configure and attach/connect the PPP interface.
4 Check your configuration.
The ATM interface Proceed as follows to create an ATM phonebook and the ATM interface.

1 Add a new ATM phonebook entry with the correct VPI/VCI values.
=>atm phonebook add name=RtPPPoE_ph addr=0.33
(za t-comovu mrezu su VPI=0 a Vci=33)

2 Add a new ATM interface with name RtPPPoE_atm.
=>atm ifadd intf=RtPPPoE_atm

3 Configure the new ATM interface with as destination the phonebook entry created above.
Define also the upper layer interface type. By default, the encapsulation method will be LLC/SNAP.
=>atm ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE_atm dest=RtPPPoE_ph ulp=mac

4 Connect the ATM interface to the phonebook entry.
If another phonebook entry with the same VPI/VCI already exists, you will have to delete this entry first.
=>atm ifattach intf=RtPPPoE_atm

The Ethernet interface Proceed as follows to create, configure and attach/connect the Ethernet interface:
1 Add a new Ethernet interface.
=>eth ifadd intf=RtPPPoE_eth

2 Configure the new Ethernet interface with as destination the ATM interface created above.
=>eth ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE_eth dest=RtPPPoE_atm

3 Connect the ETH interface.
=>eth ifattach intf=RtPPPoE_eth

The PPP interface Proceed as follows to create, configure and attach/connect the PPP interface:
1 Add a new PPP interface.
=>ppp ifadd intf=RtPPPoE

The SpeedTouch™ creates an IP interface with the name RtPPPoE and will add the PPP tag behind the PPP interface. In this case it will save the PPP interface as RtPPPoE_ppp. Look at the interface list for verification.

2 Create a route that will be injected to the routing table when the PPP link comes up.
=>ppp rtadd intf=RtPPPoE dst=

3 Configure the PPP interface.
=>ppp ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE dest=RtPPPoE_eth user=johndoe@ISP password=johndoe
(user=johndoe@ISP password=johndoe zamjenite svojim podacima iz t.coma!)

4 Enable NAT before attaching the PPP interface.
=>nat ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE translation=enabled

5 Connect the PPP interface.
=>ppp ifattach intf=RtPPPoE

6 Execute saveall at the prompt to save this configuration.

Ako ste sve dobro napravili ruter bi nakon toga morao biti spojen na internet i rutati internet u mrezu! Ako niste probajte ponovno od pocetka brisanjem osnovnih postavki! U dodatku sam prilozio i Thomsonovu dokomentaciju za postavke PPPOE i PPPOE relay i PPPOE bridga (ConfigGuide_Internet.pdf ), ako nije nešto dobro proslo sta se tice konfiguracije u uvome pdfu imate tocno objasnjeno kako trebate konfigurirati! Tako da sad je mogučnost da preko računala imate PPPOE konekciju! to neču objašnjavati! Priložio sam i skup svih naredbi koje imate preko telneta i objašnjenje svake naredbe! (E-DOC-CTC-20080619-0006_v1.0_public.pdf)!!

Konfiguracija telefona i VOIP usluge! Na ruteru ste primjetili da imate PTSN ulaz! To je ulaz klasicne analogne telefonske linije! I Izlaze za dva telefona! Ako voip usluga nije uključena na ruteru telefoni su direktno spojeni na analogni ulaz! Ja sam odabrao 12voip provajdera! Posto kredit od 10 eura, omogučava beskonačno poziva na kučne telefone u hrvatskoj i nekim ostalim drzavama! Ali to vrijedi 3 mj od kako ste kupili kredit! Nakon toga se svi pozivi naplačuju! Pozivi prema mobilnim mrezama su oko nekih 50 lipa po minuti! Nakon tri mjeseca je moguće opet aktivirati bon od 10 eura i ponovno tri mjeseca zvati besplatno na kucne telefone!

Na stranici kreirajte account!
Spojite se na odite na toolbox-telephony-configure. Pritisnite add i upisujte podatke.

Sip uri = korisničko ime (ako zelite da pise vas kucni broj dok nekog zovete, u to polje upisite vas kucni broj i preko njihovog voip programa verificirajte vas broj)
Username=korisničko ime
Displayname=korisničko ime
Port=all (ako zelite da vama bude voip samo na jednoj slusalice odaberite na kojoj slusalici zelite)

Nakon popunjavanja spremite i odite na expert configuration
Registar port=5060
Proxy port=5060
Ostalo neka ostane kako je bilo!

Ako ste dobro postavili podizanjem slusalice ćut čete čudan ton u slušalici. Nije više onaj klasičan t.comov! Ako zelite zvat preko t-coma morate utipkati *01* telefonski broj! Tada ruter otvara analognu liniju i stvara poziv preko t-coma! Ako unosite 00385xxxxxxxxxx direktno bez *01* ruter zove preko interneta i pozivi su besplatni! Naravno da mozete preko intenreta zvati na kucni telefon ako ste zapamtili korisnicko ime!
Novije nokie imaju SIP mogučnosti, za ostale mobitele postoji FRING program! Koji nam omogučava besplatno telefoniranje!

Puno sreće

Evo svi programi i sve dokumentacije na linku

Na kraju napomena za one koji imaju aktivnu uslugu MaxTv (IpTv): Ovim postupkom gubite funkcionalnost navedene usluge.
Opcije su vam da ništa ne mjenjate i zadržite postojeći T-Com fw ili nakon gore opisane procedure još podesite potrebno za MaxTv funkciju, kao konfig primjer i pomoć pogledajte u temi za ST780.

That's all folks
Hvala kolega, isto si mogao napraviti jedan copy - paste da bude ovdje.
Gore su dani linkovi prema dokumentaciji i primjerima konfiguriranja ali će ovako "pojednostavljeno" mnogima biti lakše.

TG782i Administratorski ulaz, konfiguracija ATM-a, PPPOE i VoIP-a...

Thomson TG782i ruter koji daje T-Com daje mogučnost VOIP servisa! Ali pošto u ljepoj našoj t-com je ujedno provajder fikse telefonske linije, nije u interesu da ljudi koriste VOIP servise nego da troše sve više na telefonske račune! Ruter ima jedan USB port! Nisam testirao zasto taj port sluzi, ali kolko sam citao dokumentaciju rutera pise da je za VOIP USB slusalicu! U ovom tekstu objasnit ću kako zamjeniti firmware u ruteru, podesiti ATM, internet konekciju i VOIP servis!

Ako sljedite ove upute morate biti svjesni da radite na svoju odgovornost i da T-COM ne daje garanciju na takve stvari! Moguće je uništiti ruter!

Nakon zamjene fw u ruteru imat cemo pristup telnetu u ruteru i namjestanju svih opcija!
1. Spojite ruter na računalo!direktno. Pronađite na ruteru tipku reset i prilikom paljenja držite reset tipku! Nekih 10 do 15 sekundi!
Sve dok na ruteru treptate ledice drugačije nego uobičajeno! (Ako ga otvorite i spojite preko serijskog porta na računalo vidit ćete da je ruter ušao u podrprogram boot.a, a) Ruter je u boot meniju, i očekuje da mu računalo pošalje novi firmware!

2. Programom SpeedTouch_upgrade_wizard_R4421 ubacujemo novi fw u ruter! Ako ruter nije ušao u boot meni program će tražit šifru od Administratora. Ali pošto tu šifru ima samo t-com, bitno je da je ruter ušao u boot meni! Sljedite wizard, i kad vas pita za firmware odaberite TG782_GeChGen_R8215_final!

3. Nakon flashanja ruter ima adresu i korisničko ime je Administrator a passworda nema!
Pošto je taj fw jedini koji sam uspio nać za taj ruter da nije cenzurirani od operatera, potrebno je podesit ATM na T-comove parametre! Upisivanjem u Internet explorer ili Firefox mozete promjenit jezik na engleski. Posto je po defaultu na njemačkome! FW je od jednog njemačkog provajdera.

Podešavanje ATM-a i PPPOE konekcije!
Start-run-cmd- telnet, logirajte se sa podacima
:env set var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=0
Ovo nam sluzi da nas ruter svakih pet minuta neodpaja od telneta!

Nakon toga obrisite postavke za konekciju:
=>:ppp relay flush
=>:eth flush
=>:atm flush
=>:ppp flush
=>:atm phonebook flush
Nakon toga resetirajte ruter. Ove naredbe brišu sve postavke rutera za ppp i atm!
Sljedite daljnje upute:

5.1.1 Routed PPPoE with NAPT
Configuration procedure Proceed as follows to configure a Routed PPPoE entry:
1 Create, configure and attach/connect the ATM interface.
2 Create, configure and attach/connect the Ethernet interface.
3 Create, configure and attach/connect the PPP interface.
4 Check your configuration.
The ATM interface Proceed as follows to create an ATM phonebook and the ATM interface.

1 Add a new ATM phonebook entry with the correct VPI/VCI values.
=>atm phonebook add name=RtPPPoE_ph addr=0.33
(za t-comovu mrezu su VPI=0 a Vci=33)

2 Add a new ATM interface with name RtPPPoE_atm.
=>atm ifadd intf=RtPPPoE_atm

3 Configure the new ATM interface with as destination the phonebook entry created above.
Define also the upper layer interface type. By default, the encapsulation method will be LLC/SNAP.
=>atm ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE_atm dest=RtPPPoE_ph ulp=mac

4 Connect the ATM interface to the phonebook entry.
If another phonebook entry with the same VPI/VCI already exists, you will have to delete this entry first.
=>atm ifattach intf=RtPPPoE_atm

The Ethernet interface Proceed as follows to create, configure and attach/connect the Ethernet interface:
1 Add a new Ethernet interface.
=>eth ifadd intf=RtPPPoE_eth

2 Configure the new Ethernet interface with as destination the ATM interface created above.
=>eth ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE_eth dest=RtPPPoE_atm

3 Connect the ETH interface.
=>eth ifattach intf=RtPPPoE_eth

The PPP interface Proceed as follows to create, configure and attach/connect the PPP interface:
1 Add a new PPP interface.
=>ppp ifadd intf=RtPPPoE

The SpeedTouch™ creates an IP interface with the name RtPPPoE and will add the PPP tag behind the PPP interface. In this case it will save the PPP interface as RtPPPoE_ppp. Look at the interface list for verification.

2 Create a route that will be injected to the routing table when the PPP link comes up.
=>ppp rtadd intf=RtPPPoE dst=

3 Configure the PPP interface.
=>ppp ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE dest=RtPPPoE_eth user=johndoe@ISP password=johndoe
(user=johndoe@ISP password=johndoe zamjenite svojim podacima iz t.coma!)

4 Enable NAT before attaching the PPP interface.
=>nat ifconfig intf=RtPPPoE translation=enabled

5 Connect the PPP interface.
=>ppp ifattach intf=RtPPPoE

6 Execute saveall at the prompt to save this configuration.

Ako ste sve dobro napravili ruter bi nakon toga morao biti spojen na internet i rutati internet u mrezu! Ako niste probajte ponovno od pocetka brisanjem osnovnih postavki! U dodatku sam prilozio i Thomsonovu dokomentaciju za postavke PPPOE i PPPOE relay i PPPOE bridga (ConfigGuide_Internet.pdf ), ako nije nešto dobro proslo sta se tice konfiguracije u uvome pdfu imate tocno objasnjeno kako trebate konfigurirati! Tako da sad je mogučnost da preko računala imate PPPOE konekciju! to neču objašnjavati! Priložio sam i skup svih naredbi koje imate preko telneta i objašnjenje svake naredbe! (E-DOC-CTC-20080619-0006_v1.0_public.pdf)!!

Konfiguracija telefona i VOIP usluge! Na ruteru ste primjetili da imate PTSN ulaz! To je ulaz klasicne analogne telefonske linije! I Izlaze za dva telefona! Ako voip usluga nije uključena na ruteru telefoni su direktno spojeni na analogni ulaz! Ja sam odabrao 12voip provajdera! Posto kredit od 10 eura, omogučava beskonačno poziva na kučne telefone u hrvatskoj i nekim ostalim drzavama! Ali to vrijedi 3 mj od kako ste kupili kredit! Nakon toga se svi pozivi naplačuju! Pozivi prema mobilnim mrezama su oko nekih 50 lipa po minuti! Nakon tri mjeseca je moguće opet aktivirati bon od 10 eura i ponovno tri mjeseca zvati besplatno na kucne telefone!

Na stranici kreirajte account!
Spojite se na odite na toolbox-telephony-configure. Pritisnite add i upisujte podatke.

Sip uri = korisničko ime (ako zelite da pise vas kucni broj dok nekog zovete, u to polje upisite vas kucni broj i preko njihovog voip programa verificirajte vas broj)
Username=korisničko ime
Displayname=korisničko ime
Port=all (ako zelite da vama bude voip samo na jednoj slusalice odaberite na kojoj slusalici zelite)

Nakon popunjavanja spremite i odite na expert configuration
Registar port=5060
Proxy port=5060
Ostalo neka ostane kako je bilo!

Ako ste dobro postavili podizanjem slusalice ćut čete čudan ton u slušalici. Nije više onaj klasičan t.comov! Ako zelite zvat preko t-coma morate utipkati *01* telefonski broj! Tada ruter otvara analognu liniju i stvara poziv preko t-coma! Ako unosite 00385xxxxxxxxxx direktno bez *01* ruter zove preko interneta i pozivi su besplatni! Naravno da mozete preko intenreta zvati na kucni telefon ako ste zapamtili korisnicko ime!
Novije nokie imaju SIP mogučnosti, za ostale mobitele postoji FRING program! Koji nam omogučava besplatno telefoniranje!

Puno sreće

Evo svi programi i sve dokumentacije na linku

Na kraju napomena za one koji imaju aktivnu uslugu MaxTv (IpTv): Ovim postupkom gubite funkcionalnost navedene usluge.
Opcije su vam da ništa ne mjenjate i zadržite postojeći T-Com fw ili nakon gore opisane procedure još podesite potrebno za MaxTv funkciju, kao konfig primjer i pomoć pogledajte u temi za ST780.

That's all folks

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Nikky. 08.05.2010. u 19:13.
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Staro 03.04.2010., 08:36   #10
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I kakvi su uspjesi ovog postupka? Iskustva? Moram priznat da su mi mreže i ine postavke vrlo strane, i što se tiče konfiguriranja raznih, strah me da nešto ne pobrkam.
ycancer je offline   Reply With Quote
Oglasni prostor
Staro 03.04.2010., 21:37   #11
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Po opisanom "stvar" bi trebala radit, za sada nemamo ni potvrdu ni zamjerke.
Probaj kontaktirat carter666 - a.
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Staro 05.04.2010., 23:29   #12
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probijen je t-comov administratorski password za thomsona 782
jel piše tu negdje ili da ja lupim
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Staro 06.04.2010., 00:45   #13
captain picard
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ajde lupiga... nije još nitko dao odgovor
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Staro 06.04.2010., 09:09   #14
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Autor Hackerivs Pregled postova
probijen je t-comov administratorski password za thomsona 782
jel piše tu negdje ili da ja lupim
ajde , kaj se čeka
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Staro 07.04.2010., 10:00   #15
pc user
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Autor Hackerivs Pregled postova
probijen je t-comov administratorski password za thomsona 782
jel piše tu negdje ili da ja lupim
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Staro 07.04.2010., 13:44   #16
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Pronaći specifikacije ovog routera je lutrija, zna netko koje wifi standarde podržava?
Pretpostavljam b/g?Ima možda podršku za kvazi Super G?
tech je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 06.05.2010., 17:13   #17
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vidim da se ekipa jako muci sa admin passwordom...
!tc0Mht i tu jos dodati modem access code , dakle onih 10 brojki sa donjeg dijela rutera

i mozes se telnetirati i sve.. eh sad, istina je da bi bilo ok zamijeniti usrani t-comov softver...
dyndns ne radi, pokusavao sam telnetom , ali ne razumijem komande i ne mogu pronaci nekakv manual za telnet komandiranje, ima help, ali samo komandi, a sto kojpostavka znaci, mamne majpo
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Staro 06.05.2010., 21:06   #18
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Kasniš za pi/2, gore je objašnjeno kako stavit origigi / univerzal fw koji bi trebao biti stabilniji, bez tkoma balasta i sa punim konfig pristupom.
Također na netu se može naći manual za CLI.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Nikky. 08.05.2010. u 18:45.
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Staro 08.05.2010., 17:57   #19
Laughing Man
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Datum registracije: Sep 2005
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Postovi: 3,027
Evo da se javim sa svojim iskustvima.
Flash firmwera će proći i ako vas trži admin pass, ovaj od T-kome, jel.
Ono što će se desiti da će zadržati konfig fajlu.
To se desi ako predugo čekate na upload firmwera, dali zbog podešavanja ip adrese ili čega drugog, svejedno.
Router nakon nekog vremena jednostavno nastavi boot.
Dakle brzi flash.
Drugo, spremite se raditi s telnetom, jer stvari i nisu jednostavne za podesiti.
Dakle ako promijenite ip adresu routera, isti će preko dhcp-a i dalje dodijeljivati gateway
Dhcp pool se (valjda) mora obrisati i kreirati novi, kako bi se dobivao ispravan gateway.
Ono što se meni ovdje desilo i dalje neznam riješiti je da mi dhcp pool primjenjuje samo na wlan, eth int mi i dalje dobivaju stari, dakle trenutno mi tako net ne radi, bar ne s dhcp-om.
I gore, za dio naredbi je sintaksa kriva.
Treba biti:
umjesto =>atmphonebookaddname=RtPPPoE_phaddr=0.33
=>atm phonebook add name=RtPPPoE_ph addr=0.33

umjesto =>atmifaddintf=RtPPPoE_atm
=>atm ifadd intf=RtPPPoE_atm

i tako dalje da ne copy-pejstam sad sve ovdje.

ISPRAVNA sintaksa za SVE potrebne naredbe nalazi se u ConfigGuide_Internet.pdf.

Napominjem ovo jer je lakše sve te naredbe C/P, nego kucat ručno.

TAKOĐER nakon brisanja i novog postavljanja dhcp poola, router je imao problema s resetiranjem.
Riješeno tek nakon što sam ga iskopčao iz struje.

Javim se sa daljnjim problemima/riješenjima kako nađem vremena poigrat se s njime.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams ... glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time, like tears ... in rain. Time ... to die.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Pomo. 08.05.2010. u 19:25.
Pomo je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 08.05.2010., 19:20   #20
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
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Postovi: 22,676
Nije mi palo na pamet provjeravat kad sam radio copy - paste prvi put.
Evo sam ispravio poviše, javi ako ima još šta.
Javlja kolega da DynDNS radi OK.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Nikky. 08.05.2010. u 23:30.
Nikky je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 28.05.2010., 19:47   #21
Conan Persia
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Datum registracije: Sep 2008
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Postovi: 28
Ako ja idem te postavke sastavljati, ocu li rooter moci nazad resetirati na tehnicke postavke ako ga sje*em
Conan Persia je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 01.06.2010., 19:13   #22
Laughing Man
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Pomo's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2005
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Postovi: 3,027
Tja, nisam spremio user.ini, treba mi.
Ako ima dobra duša da ga stavi ovdje, na PM, gdjegod.
Tražim razlike u T-com postavkama i ovima što dođu s ovim firmware-om.
AKO slučajno netko okači molim da pripazi da iz user.ini obriše svoj username i password za DSL konekciju, dyndns account i voip account i sl.
Dakle čisti difoltni user.ini s T-koma postavkama.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams ... glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time, like tears ... in rain. Time ... to die.
Pomo je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 02.06.2010., 23:19   #23
mann's Avatar
Datum registracije: May 2004
Lokacija: Rijeka
Postovi: 2,157
[ sntpc.ini ]
config poll=60 pollpresync=5
config state=disabled

[ xdsl.ini ]
debug traceconfig level=0
config adslmultimode=adsl2plus syslog=disabled

[ cac.ini ]
config port=dsl0 state=enabled
config port=dsl1 state=enabled
config port=atm2 state=enabled
config port=aal5 state=disabled
config port=atm5 state=disabled
overbooking rt=0 nrt=0

[ language.ini ]
config language=en complete=no

[ script.ini ]
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=0 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=1 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_qos index=2 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=7 command="eth bridge ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=8 command="eth bridge ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_bridge index=9 command="eth bridge ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=0 command="eth bridge ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=1 command="eth bridge ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_bridge index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoerelay index=9 command="ppp relay ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=0 command="ppp relay ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=1 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=2 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=3 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=4 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=5 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=6 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoerelay index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp ip"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=7 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ipoa index=8 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_ipoa index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=9 command="ip ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_ethoa index=10 command="ip ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=0 command="ip ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=1 command="ip ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_ethoa index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp ppp"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=7 command="ppp ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=8 command="ppp ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoa index=9 command="nat ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 translation enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=0 command="ppp ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=1 command="ppp ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=2 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=3 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=4 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=5 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=6 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoa index=7 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=0 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_tx conformance $3 peakrate $4 sustrate $5 maxburst $6 minrate $7 maxframe $8 celldelay $9 realtime $10 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=1 command="atm qosbook ctdadd name _auto_$1_$2_rx conformance $11 peakrate $12 sustrate $13 maxburst $14 minrate $15 maxframe $16 celldelay $17 realtime $18 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=2 command="atm qosbook add name _auto_$1_$2 txctd _auto_$1_$2_tx rxctd _auto_$1_$2_rx dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=3 command="atm phonebook add name _auto_$1_$2 addr $1.$2 dynamic enabled maxFwdCPCS_PDU $21 maxBwdCPCS_PDU $22"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_atm dest _auto_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2_atm qos _auto_$1_$2 encaps $19 fcs $20 ulp mac"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=6 command="atm ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=7 command="eth ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2_eth dest _auto_$1_$2_atm dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=8 command="eth ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=9 command="ppp ifadd intf _auto_$1_$2 dest _auto_$1_$2_eth dynamic enabled"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=10 command="ppp ifattach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_add_pppoe index=11 command="nat ifconfig intf _auto_$1_$2 translation enabled"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=0 command="ppp ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=1 command="ppp ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=2 command="eth ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=3 command="eth ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_eth"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=4 command="atm ifdetach intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=5 command="atm ifdelete intf _auto_$1_$2_atm"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=6 command="atm phonebook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=7 command="atm qosbook delete name _auto_$1_$2"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=8 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_tx"
add name=autopvc_delete_pppoe index=9 command="atm qosbook ctddelete name _auto_$1_$2_rx"
add name=autopvc_change_qos index=0 command="atm ifconfig intf $1 qos $2"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=0 command="eth bridge ifadd intf WL_$1_$2 dynamic enabled"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=1 command="eth bridge ifconfig intf WL_$1_$2 dest wl_ssid$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfadd index=2 command="eth bridge ifattach intf WL_$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfdel index=0 command="eth bridge ifdetach intf WL_$1_$2"
add name=wlbrintfdel index=1 command="eth bridge ifdelete intf WL_$1_$2"

[ env.ini ]
set var=CONF_REGION value=Hrvatska
set var=CONF_PROVIDER value=T-Com
set var=CONF_DESCRIPTION value="TG782 Factory Defaults v1"
set var=CONF_SERVICE value=3Play
set var=HOST_SETUP value=auto
set var=UPGRADE_URL value=
set var=CONF_DATETIME value=0001-01-01T00:00:00Z
set var=CWMPUSER value=${_OUI}-${_PROD_SERIAL_NBR}
set var=WL0_SSID value=${_WL0_SSID_PREFIX}${_WL0_SSID_SERIAL}
set var=ADMINPASS value=!tc0Mht${_MODEM_ACCESS_CODE}
set var=ACS_URL value=
set var=CONF_DATE value="Configuration modified by CWMP"
set var=COLUMNS value=80
set var=ROWS value=24
set var=SESSIONTIMEOUT value=120
set var=CONF_TPVERSION value=2.0.0

[ wizard.ini ]

[ phone.ini ]
add name=PVCinternet addr=0*33
add name=PVCvoip addr=0*50
add name=PVCiptv addr=0*40
add name=PVCmgmt addr=0*35

[ ipqos.ini ]
config dest=PVCinternet state=enabled
config dest=PVCvoip state=enabled
config dest=PVCiptv state=enabled
config dest=PVCmgmt state=enabled
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=0 maxbytes=64 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled maxpackets=40 maxbytes=100 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=2 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=3 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=4 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCinternet queue=5 maxpackets=30 maxbytes=12 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=0 maxbytes=64 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled maxpackets=40 maxbytes=100 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=2 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=3 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=4 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCvoip queue=5 maxpackets=30 maxbytes=12 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=0 maxbytes=64 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled maxpackets=40 maxbytes=100 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=2 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=3 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=4 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCiptv queue=5 maxpackets=30 maxbytes=12 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=0 maxbytes=64 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=1 ackfiltering=enabled maxpackets=40 maxbytes=100 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=2 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=3 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=4 hold=2000
queue config dest=PVCmgmt queue=5 maxpackets=30 maxbytes=12 hold=2000

[ qos.ini ]
config format=cells
ctdadd name=default conformance=UBR
ctdadd name=ctdvoip conformance=CBR peakrate=2358
ctdadd name=ctdvideo conformance=VBR.nt peakrate=2500 sustrate=1250 maxburst=10
add name=default txctd=default rxctd=default
add name=voip txctd=ctdvoip rxctd=default
add name=video txctd=default rxctd=ctdvideo

[ atm.ini ]
ifadd intf=ATMinternet
ifconfig intf=ATMinternet dest=PVCinternet ulp=mac
ifattach intf=ATMinternet
ifadd intf=ATMvoip
ifconfig intf=ATMvoip dest=PVCvoip ulp=mac
ifattach intf=ATMvoip
ifadd intf=ATMiptv
ifconfig intf=ATMiptv dest=PVCiptv qos=video ulp=mac
ifattach intf=ATMiptv
ifadd intf=ATMmgmt
ifconfig intf=ATMmgmt dest=PVCmgmt ulp=mac
ifattach intf=ATMmgmt
debug traceconfig len=100

[ oam.ini ]
config clp=1 loopbackid=6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a6a
modify port=dsl0 blocking=enabled
modify port=dsl1 blocking=enabled
modify port=atm2 blocking=enabled
modify port=atm3 blocking=enabled
modify port=aal5 blocking=enabled
modify port=atm5 blocking=enabled

[ vlan_res.ini ]
add name=IPTV vid=2 addrule=disabled

[ bridge.ini ]
ifadd brname=bridge intf=ethport2 dest=ethif2 logging=disabled
ifadd brname=bridge intf=ethport3 dest=ethif3 logging=disabled
ifadd brname=bridge intf=ethport4 dest=ethif4 logging=disabled
ifadd brname=bridge intf=virt dest=ethif5 logging=disabled
ifadd brname=bridge intf=WLAN dest=wlif1 logging=disabled
ifadd brname=bridge intf=IP/TV
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport1 wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport2 wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport3 wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport4 wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=virt wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=WLAN wan=disabled logging=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=IP/TV dest=ATMiptv wan=enabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=ethport2 logging=disabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=ethport3 logging=disabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=ethport4 logging=disabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=virt logging=disabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=WLAN logging=disabled
ifattach brname=bridge intf=IP/TV
config brname=bridge age=300 filter=none vlan=enabled precedencemap=4,7,9,11,13,14,15,15

[ filter_operand.ini ]

[ filter_template.ini ]

[ filter_sync.ini ]
loadobjects dmtree=atomic path=Bridge
loadobjects dmtree=atomic path=Interface

[ filter_brfilter.ini ]

[ vlanbridge.ini ]
ifadd name=IPTV intf=ethport3
ifadd name=IPTV intf=ethport4
ifadd name=IPTV intf=IP/TV
ifconfig name=default intf=ethport3 untagged=disabled
ifconfig name=default intf=ethport4 untagged=disabled
ifconfig name=default intf=IP/TV untagged=disabled

[ bridgevlan.ini ]
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport3 vlan=IPTV
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport4 vlan=IPTV
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=IP/TV vlan=IPTV

[ vlanbridge_del.ini ]
ifdelete name=default intf=ethport3
ifdelete name=default intf=ethport4
ifdelete name=default intf=IP/TV

[ vlanbridgerule.ini ]
add type=shared vlan=IPTV vlan2=default

[ bridgeintfxtratag.ini ]

[ bridgeunknownvlan.ini ]

[ dvm_res.ini ]
config timeout=90

[ igmpsnooping.ini ]
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=OBC portmode=Auto fastleave=enabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport1 portmode=Auto fastleave=disabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport2 portmode=Auto fastleave=disabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport3 portmode=Auto fastleave=enabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=ethport4 portmode=Auto fastleave=enabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=virt portmode=Auto fastleave=disabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=WLAN portmode=Auto fastleave=disabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
ifconfig brname=bridge intf=IP/TV portmode=Auto fastleave=enabled exptrack=disabled mrdp=enabled rgmp=disabled
config brname=bridge state=enabled floodrp=disabled floodmcast=disabled

[ eth.ini ]
ifadd intf=ETHinternet
ifadd intf=ETHvoip
ifadd intf=ETHmgmt
ifconfig intf=ETHinternet dest=ATMinternet vlan=default
ifattach intf=ETHinternet
ifconfig intf=ETHvoip dest=ATMvoip vlan=default
ifattach intf=ETHvoip
ifconfig intf=ETHmgmt dest=ATMmgmt vlan=default
ifattach intf=ETHmgmt
ifconfig intf=ETHinternet wan=disabled priotag=disabled
ifconfig intf=ETHvoip wan=enabled priotag=disabled
ifconfig intf=ETHmgmt wan=enabled priotag=disabled

[ pptp.ini ]

[ ppprelay.ini ]
ifadd intf=ETHinternet

[ dhcspool.ini ]
pool add name=LAN_private

[ label.ini ]
add name=DSCP
add name=Interactive
add name=Management
add name=Video
add name=VoIP-RTP
add name=VoIP-Signal
add name=VoiceOnly
add name=default
modify name=DSCP classification=overwrite defclass=dscp ackclass=prioritize
modify name=Interactive classification=increase defclass=8 ackclass=6
modify name=Management classification=increase defclass=12 ackclass=12
modify name=Video classification=increase defclass=10 ackclass=10 bidirectional=enabled
modify name=VoIP-RTP classification=overwrite defclass=14 ackclass=14 bidirectional=enabled
modify name=VoIP-Signal classification=overwrite defclass=12 ackclass=12 bidirectional=enabled
modify name=VoiceOnly classification=overwrite defclass=14 ackclass=14 inheritance=enabled
modify name=default classification=increase defclass=default ackclass=prioritize

[ ppp.ini ]
ifadd intf=Internet
ifconfig intf=Internet dest=RELAY accomp=enabled mru=1492 doddelay=120 dnsmetric=10
ifconfig intf=Internet class=12
ifconfig intf=Internet user=xxx@htnet-dsl password=xxx status=enabled
rtadd intf=Internet dst= src= metric=10

[ ip.ini ]
ifadd intf=LocalNetwork dest=bridge
ifadd intf=Voice dest=ETHvoip
ifadd intf=Management dest=ETHmgmt
ifconfig intf=loop mtu=65535 group=local symmetric=enabled
ifconfig intf=LocalNetwork mtu=1500 group=lan linksensing=disabled primary=enabled
ifconfig intf=Voice mtu=1500 status=down hwaddr=xxx group=wan
ifconfig intf=Management mtu=1500 hwaddr=xxx group=wan linksensing=enabled
ifattach intf=LocalNetwork
ifattach intf=Management
config forwarding=enabled redirects=enabled netbroadcasts=disabled ttl=64 fraglimit=64 defragmode=enabled addrcheck=dynamic mssclamping=enabled
config checkoptions=enabled
config natloopback=enabled
config arpclass=4
ipadd intf=LocalNetwork addr= addroute=enabled
ipconfig addr= preferred=enabled primary=enabled
rtadd dst= gateway=
rtadd dst= intf=Voice metric=1
rtadd dst= intf=Management metric=1
rtadd dst= intf=Management metric=1

[ autoip.ini ]

[ ipqosmeter.ini ]

[ igmh.ini ]
config requirera=disabled

[ mcast.ini ]

[ diagnostics.ini ]
config pingtimeout=1000 pingpacketsize=32
ifhide ifname=Management

[ dnsc.ini ]
config timeout=5 retry=4 search=enabled trace=disabled
dnsadd addr= port=53

[ dnss.ini ]
config domain=lan timeout=15 suppress=0 state=enabled trace=disabled syslog=disabled WANDownSpoofing=enabled WDSpoofedIP=
host add name=dsldevice addr= ttl=1200
host add name=speedtouch addr= ttl=1200

[ dhcrule.ini ]
debug traceconfig state=disabled

[ dhcs.ini ]
debug traceconfig state=disabled
policy verifyfirst=enabled trustclient=enabled rtbehaviour=traditional ackinform=disabled
pool config name=LAN_private state=enabled allocation=dynamic intf=LocalNetwork poolstart= poolend= netmask=24 gateway= server= leasetime=86400

[ dhcr.ini ]
ifconfig intf=LocalNetwork relay=enabled
add name=LocalNetwork_to_127.0.0.1
modify name=LocalNetwork_to_127.0.0.1 addr= intf=LocalNetwork giaddr=

[ dhcc.ini ]
debug traceconfig state=disabled
ifadd intf=Voice
ifconfig intf=Voice label=VoiceOnly metric=1 dnsmetric=20 broadcast=enabled serverroute=disabled followlabel=disabled
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=dhcp-lease-time
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=dhcp-renewal-time
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=dhcp-rebinding-time
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=subnet-mask
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=default-routers
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=classfull-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=classless-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Voice option=domain-name-servers
txoptions add intf=Voice option=vendor-class-id value=(ascii)tg782i index=0
ifattach intf=Voice
ifadd intf=Management
ifconfig intf=Management label=Management metric=2 dnsmetric=20 broadcast=enabled serverroute=disabled followlabel=disabled
rqoptions add intf=Management option=dhcp-lease-time
rqoptions add intf=Management option=dhcp-renewal-time
rqoptions add intf=Management option=dhcp-rebinding-time
rqoptions add intf=Management option=subnet-mask
rqoptions add intf=Management option=default-routers
rqoptions add intf=Management option=classfull-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Management option=classless-static-routes
rqoptions add intf=Management option=domain-name-servers
txoptions add intf=Management option=dhcp-requested-address value=(addr) index=0
txoptions add intf=Management option=vendor-class-id value=(ascii)tg782i index=0
ifattach intf=Management

[ dhcsp.ini ]
debug traceconfig state=disabled
config state=disabled

[ dyndns.ini ]
service modify name=dyndns port=www-http request=/nic/update updateinterval=2097120 retryinterval=30 max_retry=3
service modify name=statdns port=www-http request=/nic/update retryinterval=30 max_retry=3
service modify name=custom port=www-http request=/nic/update retryinterval=30 max_retry=3
service modify name=No-IP port=www-http request=/ducupdate.php updateinterval=86400 retryinterval=30 max_retry=3
service modify name=DtDNS port=www-http request=/api/autodns.cfm updateinterval=86400 retryinterval=30 max_retry=3
service modify name=gnudip port=www-http
host add group=dyndns_0
add name=dyndns_0
modify name=dyndns_0 intf=Internet user=xxx password=xxx group=dyndns_0 service=custom

[ expr.ini ]
add name=wan type=intf intfgroup=wan
add name=local type=intf intfgroup=local
add name=lan type=intf intfgroup=lan
add name=tunnel type=intf intfgroup=tunnel
add name=dmz type=intf intfgroup=dmz
add name=guest type=intf intfgroup=guest
add name=private type=ip addr= mask=0
add name=private type=ip addr=172.[16-31].*.* mask=0
add name=private type=ip addr= mask=0
add name=ssdp_ip type=ip addr= mask=0
add name=mdap_ip type=ip addr= mask=0
add name=SIPserver type=ip addr=172.29.*.0/24 mask=0
add name=SIPserver type=ip addr= mask=0
add name=SIPserver type=ip addr=172.[16-31].*.* mask=0
add name=icmp type=serv proto=icmp
add name=igmp type=serv proto=igmp
add name=ftp type=serv proto=tcp dstport=ftp
add name=telnet type=serv proto=tcp dstport=telnet
add name=http type=serv proto=tcp dstport=www-http
add name=httpproxy type=serv proto=tcp dstport=httpproxy
add name=https type=serv proto=tcp dstport=443
add name=RPC type=serv proto=tcp dstport=135
add name=NBT type=serv proto=udp dstport=netbios-ns
add name=NBT type=serv proto=udp dstport=netbios-dgm
add name=NBT type=serv proto=tcp dstport=netbios-ssn
add name=SMB type=serv proto=tcp dstport=445
add name=imap type=serv proto=tcp dstport=imap2
add name=imap3 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=imap3
add name=imap4-ssl type=serv proto=tcp dstport=585
add name=imaps type=serv proto=tcp dstport=993
add name=pop2 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=pop2
add name=pop3 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=pop3
add name=pop3s type=serv proto=tcp dstport=995
add name=smtp type=serv proto=tcp dstport=smtp
add name=ssh type=serv proto=tcp dstport=22
add name=dns type=serv proto=tcp dstport=dns
add name=dns type=serv proto=udp dstport=dns
add name=nntp type=serv proto=tcp dstport=nntp
add name=ipsec type=serv proto=ah
add name=ipsec type=serv proto=esp
add name=ipsec type=serv proto=udp dstport=ike
add name=ipsec type=serv proto=udp dstport=4500
add name=esp type=serv proto=esp
add name=ah type=serv proto=ah
add name=ike type=serv proto=udp dstport=ike
add name=DiffServ type=serv dscp=!cs0
add name=sip type=serv proto=udp dstport=sip
add name=sip type=serv proto=tcp dstport=sip
add name=h323 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=h323
add name=h323 type=serv proto=udp dstport=h323
add name=h323 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=1718
add name=h323 type=serv proto=udp dstport=1718
add name=h323 type=serv proto=tcp dstport=1719
add name=h323 type=serv proto=udp dstport=1719
add name=dhcp type=serv proto=udp dstport=bootpc
add name=dhcp type=serv proto=udp dstport=bootps
add name=rtsp type=serv proto=udp dstport=rtsp
add name=rtsp type=serv proto=tcp dstport=rtsp
add name=ssdp_serv type=serv proto=udp dstport=1900
add name=mdap_serv type=serv proto=udp dstport=3235
add name=syslog type=serv proto=udp dstport=syslog
add name=ConnectionRequest type=serv proto=tcp srcport=51005

[ labelrule.ini ]
chain add chain=rt_user_labels
chain add chain=rt_default_labels
chain add chain=qos_user_labels
chain add chain=qos_default_labels
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=1 name=ConnectRequest serv=ConnectionRequest log=disabled state=enabled label=Management
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=2 name=FXSRoute srcintf=local serv=sip log=disabled state=enabled label=VoiceOnly
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=3 name=SoftPhoneRoute srcintf=lan dstip=SIPserver serv=sip log=disabled state=enabled label=VoiceOnly
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=4 name=PingWanAccess srcintf=wan serv=icmp log=disabled state=enabled label=VoiceOnly
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=5 name=HTTPWanAccess srcintf=wan serv=http log=disabled state=enabled label=VoiceOnly
rule add chain=rt_user_labels index=6 name=TelnetWanAccess srcintf=wan serv=telnet log=disabled state=enabled label=VoiceOnly
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=1 serv=h323 log=disabled state=enabled label=VoIP-Signal
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=2 serv=sip log=disabled state=enabled label=VoIP-Signal
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=3 serv=ah log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=4 serv=esp log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=5 serv=http log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=6 serv=httpproxy log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=7 serv=https log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=8 serv=imap log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=9 serv=imap3 log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=10 serv=imap4-ssl log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=11 serv=imaps log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=12 serv=pop2 log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=13 serv=pop3 log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=14 serv=pop3s log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=15 serv=smtp log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=16 serv=telnet log=disabled state=enabled label=Interactive
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=17 serv=dns log=disabled state=enabled label=Management
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=18 serv=icmp log=disabled state=enabled label=Management
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=19 serv=ike log=disabled state=enabled label=Management
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=20 serv=igmp log=disabled state=enabled label=Video
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=21 serv=rtsp log=disabled state=enabled label=Video
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=22 serv=DiffServ log=disabled state=enabled label=DSCP
rule add chain=qos_default_labels index=23 name=default srcintf=!wan log=disabled state=enabled label=default

[ ids.ini ]
config state=enabled trace=disabled
signature modify signature=spoofed_packet state=disabled

[ ids_threshold.ini ]
modify index=1 window=1 limit=10 scaling=disabled
modify index=2 window=20 limit=20 scaling=enabled
modify index=3 window=2 limit=100 scaling=disabled
modify index=4 window=1 limit=200 scaling=disabled
modify index=5 window=1 limit=200 scaling=disabled
modify index=6 window=1 limit=200 scaling=disabled
modify index=7 window=1 limit=200 scaling=disabled
modify index=8 window=1 limit=100 scaling=disabled

[ cwmp.ini ]
config state=enabled mode=full periodicInform=enabled periodicInfInt=86400 sessionTimeout=60 noIpTimeout=180 maxEnvelopes=2 connectionRequest=enabled connectionReqPath="" connectionReqUserName=002417-ThomsonTG782-CP0905NTB4M connectionReqPsswd=_DEV_0AD33EFD18DCA3D874D5DDB0CF04B2E1F95BBF15EAB34F4EAE84C85AF8442C7D connectionReqAuth=digest qos-class=12 bootdelayrange=0 persistentSubscription=disabled
config am1Termination=disabled
config upgradedelay=disabled
server config url= username=002417-ThomsonTG782-CP0905NTB4M password=_DEV_xxx 8C0DE37B92050C2FE51CED1106F6
debug traceconfig level=0
runtimevar softwareVersion=8.2.4.B bootstrap=enabled parameterkey=21058709

[ nat.ini ]
ifconfig intf=Internet translation=enabled
ifconfig intf=Voice translation=enabled
ifconfig intf=Management translation=enabled
tmpladd group=wan outside_addr= inside_addr= protocol=tcp outside_port=21-21 inside_port=21-21 mode=inbound weight=10
tmpladd group=wan outside_addr= inside_addr= protocol=tcp outside_port=21800-21805 inside_port=21800-21805 mode=inbound weight=10

[ igmp.ini ]
config state=enabled qi=60 qri=10 lmqi=1 rv=2 advinter=20 initadvinter=2 initadvcount=3 requirera=disabled localgroup=disabled
ifconfig intf=Management state=inactive
ifconfig intf=Voice state=inactive
ifconfig intf=LocalNetwork state=downstream version=IGMPv3 fastleave=disabled exptrack=disabled mrd=disabled
ifconfig intf=Internet state=inactive

[ ipqosef.ini ]

[ connection.ini ]
appconfig application=IP6TO4 trace=disabled
appconfig application=PPTP trace=disabled timeout=300
appconfig application=ESP timeout=900
appconfig application=IKE trace=disabled timeout=900 floating=enabled
appconfig application=SIP trace=disabled timeout=21600 childqos=VoIP-RTP floating=enabled
appconfig application=SIP childqos=VoIP-RTP SIP_ALG=enabled RTP_predict_for_term_SIP_ALG=enabled
appconfig application=JABBER trace=disabled timeout=120
appconfig application=CU/SeeMe trace=disabled
appconfig application=RAUDIO(PNA) trace=disabled
appconfig application=RTSP trace=disabled timeout=120 childqos=Video
appconfig application=ILS timeout=300
appconfig application=H245 timeout=300
appconfig application=H323 trace=disabled
appconfig application=IRC trace=disabled timeout=300
appconfig application=DHCP trace=disabled timeout=60
appconfig application=GAME(UDP) trace=disabled timeout=60
appconfig application=CONE(UDP) trace=disabled timeout=300
appconfig application=LOOSE(UDP) trace=disabled timeout=300
appconfig application=FTP trace=disabled
bind application=IP6TO4 port=0
bind application=PPTP port=1723-1723
bind application=ESP port=0
bind application=IKE port=500-500
bind application=SIP port=5060-5060
bind application=CU/SeeMe port=7648-7648
bind application=RAUDIO(PNA) port=7070-7070
bind application=RTSP port=554-554
bind application=ILS port=389-389
bind application=ILS port=1002-1002
bind application=H323 port=1720-1720
bind application=IRC port=6660-6669
bind application=FTP port=21-21
bind application=JABBER port=5222-5222
bind application=JABBER port=15222-15222
bind application=GAME(UDP) port=27010-27011
bind application=DHCP port=67-67
bind application=CONE(UDP) port=69-69
config configchangemode=immediate probes=disabled
debug trace=disabled
timerconfig timer=tcpidle value=900
timerconfig timer=tcpneg value=120
timerconfig timer=tcpkill value=3600
timerconfig timer=udpidle value=1
timerconfig timer=udpkill value=124
timerconfig timer=icmpkill value=60
timerconfig timer=ipidle value=60
timerconfig timer=ipkill value=0

[ switch.ini ]
mirror capture port=1
qos config state=disabled nbrOfQueues=0 realtime=enabled
storm ifconfig port=1 state=disabled rate=100 burstsize=2 broadcast=disabled multicast=disabled unknown=disabled
storm ifconfig port=2 state=disabled rate=100 burstsize=2 broadcast=disabled multicast=disabled unknown=disabled
storm ifconfig port=3 state=disabled rate=100 burstsize=2 broadcast=disabled multicast=disabled unknown=disabled
storm ifconfig port=4 state=disabled rate=100 burstsize=2 broadcast=disabled multicast=disabled unknown=disabled

[ upnp.ini ]
config maxage=1800 writemode=full safenat=enabled onlydefault=disabled

[ system.ini ]
settime timezone=+01:00 daylightsaving=disabled gtzn=(UTC+01:00)
dst mode=Absolute startdate=24/01/2000 starttime=00:00:00 enddate=24/01/2000 endtime=00:16:40 startweekday=Sunday starthour=0 startweek=5 startmonth=3 endweekday=Sunday endhour=0 endweek=5 endmonth=10
config upnp=enabled tr64=disabled mdap=enabled resetbutton=enabled
config digestauth=enabled defaultconnection=Internet
config autosave=enabled autosavedelay=60
locale dec_symbol=, group_symbol=. date_separator=- date_format=ddmmyyyy time_format=iso datetime_format=date+time duration_format=dhmmss

[ system_debug.ini ]
autosave trace=disabled

[ dsd.ini ]
intercept config WDSpoofedIP= servertimeout=10 connecterrorurl=/cgi/b/ic/connect/ categoryerrorurl=/cgi/b/ic/connect/ monitorintercepturl=/cgi/b/ic/connect/ unauthorizedrequrl=/cgi/b/ic/blocked/ imageredirect=enabled imageredirecturl=/images/spacer.gif alwaysuseip=disabled
urlfilter config state=disabled blockproxy=disabled blockipaddress=disabled blockobscuredip=disabled defaultaction=accept
syslog config syslog=unauthorized
debug config turbomode=disabled
debug proxy state=disabled dest= port=0
debug recycling state=enabled interval=5 httpidle=1 otheridle=12
config state=disabled

[ hostmgr.ini ]
config state=enabled scantime=30 autosave=disabled

[ mlp.ini ]

[ mlpuser.ini ]

[ argroupmember.ini ]

[ tls.ini ]
acs-client config state=enabled auth-serv=enabled valid-date=disabled valid-domain=disabled
https-server config state=enabled auth-client=disabled valid-date=disabled valid-domain=disabled

[ wireless.ini ]
ifconfig state=enabled
ifconfig interop=802.11b/g locale=Europe
ifconfig channel=auto ssid=xxx any=enabled rts=2347 protection=auto protmode=ctstoself prottrigger=local&overlap shortslot=auto frameburst=disabled dtim=3
qos config mode=wmm ackpolicy=normal apsd=yes
qos apacconfig class=AC_BE acm=disabled cwmax=63 cwmin=15 aifsn=3 txop=0
qos apacconfig class=AC_BK acm=disabled cwmax=1023 cwmin=15 aifsn=7 txop=0
qos apacconfig class=AC_VI acm=disabled cwmax=15 cwmin=7 aifsn=1 txop=3008
qos apacconfig class=AC_VO acm=disabled cwmax=7 cwmin=3 aifsn=1 txop=1504
qos staacconfig class=AC_BE acm=disabled cwmax=1023 cwmin=15 aifsn=3 txop=0
qos staacconfig class=AC_BK acm=disabled cwmax=1023 cwmin=15 aifsn=7 txop=0
qos staacconfig class=AC_VI acm=disabled cwmax=15 cwmin=7 aifsn=2 txop=3008
qos staacconfig class=AC_VO acm=disabled cwmax=7 cwmin=3 aifsn=2 txop=1504
wps config ssid_id=0 state=enabled
wps mode ssid_id=0 value=5
wps ap_pin ssid_id=0 value=68734060
macacl config ssid_id=0 control=unlock
macacl add ssid_id=0 hwaddr=xxx permission=allow name=registered
macacl add ssid_id=0 hwaddr=xxx permission=allow name=registered
secmode wep encryptionkey=548ECBDDB6
secmode wpa-psk presharedkey=xxx rekeysec=0 version=WPA+WPA2
secmode config mode=wpa-psk
wds config state=enabled

[ tod.ini ]
config acchain=""
config state=disabled

[ system_raccess.ini ]
config state=disabled secure=enabled port=17685 timeout=20 mode=Temporary ipintf="" randompassword=enabled randomport=disabled group="" user="" todschedule=""

[ statecheck.ini ]
config interval=30 timeout=3600 groupop=or dmtree=atomic

[ service.ini ]
add name="AIM Talk" mode=client
add name=BearShare mode=server
add name=BitTorrent mode=client
add name="Checkpoint FW1 VPN" mode=server
add name="Counter Strike" mode=server
add name="DirectX 7" mode=server
add name="DirectX 8" mode=server
add name="DirectX 9" mode=server
add name=eMule mode=server
add name="FTP Server" mode=server
add name="Gamespy Arcade" mode=server
add name="HTTP Server (World Wide Web)" mode=server
add name="HTTPS Server" mode=server
add name=iMesh mode=server
add name=KaZaA mode=server
add name="Mail Server (SMTP)" mode=server
add name="Microsoft Remote Desktop" mode=server
add name="MSN Game Zone" mode=server
add name="MSN Game Zone (DX)" mode=server
add name="NNTP Server" mode=server
add name="PPTP Server" mode=server
add name="Secure Shell Server (SSH)" mode=server
add name="Steam Games" mode=server
add name="Telnet Server" mode=server
add name=Torrent-mule
add name=VNC mode=server
add name="Xbox Live" mode=server
rule add name="AIM Talk" protocol=tcp portrange=5190-5190 triggerport=4099 triggerprotocol=tcp
rule add name=BearShare protocol=tcp portrange=6346-6346
rule add name=BitTorrent protocol=tcp portrange=6881-6889
rule add name="Checkpoint FW1 VPN" protocol=tcp portrange=2599-2599
rule add name="Checkpoint FW1 VPN" protocol=udp portrange=2599-2599
rule add name="Counter Strike" protocol=udp portrange=1200-1200
rule add name="Counter Strike" protocol=udp portrange=27000-27015
rule add name="Counter Strike" protocol=tcp portrange=27030-27039
rule add name="DirectX 7" protocol=udp portrange=2302-2400
rule add name="DirectX 7" protocol=udp portrange=47624-47624
rule add name="DirectX 8" protocol=udp portrange=2302-2400
rule add name="DirectX 8" protocol=udp portrange=6073-6073
rule add name="DirectX 9" protocol=udp portrange=2302-2400
rule add name="DirectX 9" protocol=udp portrange=6073-6073
rule add name=eMule protocol=tcp portrange=4662-4662
rule add name=eMule protocol=udp portrange=4672-4672
rule add name="FTP Server" protocol=tcp portrange=21-21
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=udp portrange=6500-6500
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=udp portrange=6700-6700
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=udp portrange=12300-12300
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=udp portrange=27900-27900
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=tcp portrange=28900-28900
rule add name="Gamespy Arcade" protocol=udp portrange=23000-23009
rule add name="HTTP Server (World Wide Web)" protocol=tcp portrange=80-80
rule add name="HTTPS Server" protocol=tcp portrange=443-443
rule add name=iMesh protocol=tcp portrange=1214-1214
rule add name=KaZaA protocol=tcp portrange=1214-1214
rule add name="Mail Server (SMTP)" protocol=tcp portrange=25-25
rule add name="Mail Server (SMTP)" protocol=udp portrange=25-25
rule add name="Microsoft Remote Desktop" protocol=tcp portrange=3389-3389
rule add name="Microsoft Remote Desktop" protocol=udp portrange=3389-3389
rule add name="MSN Game Zone" protocol=tcp portrange=6667-6667
rule add name="MSN Game Zone" protocol=udp portrange=6667-6667
rule add name="MSN Game Zone" protocol=tcp portrange=28800-29000
rule add name="MSN Game Zone" protocol=udp portrange=28800-29000
rule add name="MSN Game Zone (DX)" protocol=tcp portrange=2300-2400
rule add name="MSN Game Zone (DX)" protocol=udp portrange=2300-2400
rule add name="MSN Game Zone (DX)" protocol=tcp portrange=47624-47624
rule add name="MSN Game Zone (DX)" protocol=udp portrange=47624-47624
rule add name="NNTP Server" protocol=tcp portrange=119-119
rule add name="NNTP Server" protocol=udp portrange=119-119
rule add name="PPTP Server" protocol=tcp portrange=1723-1723
rule add name="Secure Shell Server (SSH)" protocol=tcp portrange=22-22
rule add name="Steam Games" protocol=tcp portrange=27030-27039
rule add name="Steam Games" protocol=udp portrange=1200-1200
rule add name="Steam Games" protocol=udp portrange=27000-27015
rule add name="Telnet Server" protocol=tcp portrange=23-23
rule add name=VNC protocol=tcp portrange=5500-5500
rule add name=VNC protocol=udp portrange=5500-5500
rule add name=VNC protocol=tcp portrange=5800-5800
rule add name=VNC protocol=udp portrange=5800-5800
rule add name=VNC protocol=tcp portrange=5900-5900
rule add name=VNC protocol=udp portrange=5900-5900
rule add name="Xbox Live" protocol=udp portrange=88-88
rule add name="Xbox Live" protocol=tcp portrange=3074-3074
rule add name="Xbox Live" protocol=udp portrange=3074-3074
rule add name=Torrent-mule protocol=tcp portrange=1000-1002
rule add name=Torrent-mule protocol=udp portrange=1003-1005
assign name=Torrent-mule host= log=disabled

[ fwlevel.ini ]
add name=BlockAll index=1 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=strict service=disabled proxy=disabled text="Use this Security Level to block all traffic from and to the Internet. Game and Application sharing is not allowed by the firewall."
add name=Standard index=2 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=loose service=enabled proxy=enabled text="Use this Security Level to allow all outgoing connections and block all incoming traffic. Game and Application sharing is allowed by the firewall."
add name=Disabled index=3 readonly=enabled udptrackmode=loose service=enabled proxy=enabled text="Disable the firewall. All traffic is allowed to pass through your gateway. Game and Application sharing is allowed by the firewall."
set name=Disabled

[ firewall.ini ]
config state=enabled keep=disabled tcpchecks=none udpchecks=enabled icmpchecks=enabled logdefault=disabled logthreshold=enabled tcpwindow=65536
debug traceconfig tcpchecks=disabled udpchecks=disabled icmpchecks=disabled sink=none forward=none source=none
chain add chain=forward_portmapping
rule add chain=forward index=2 name=For_NAT_portmapping clink=forward_portmapping log=disabled state=enabled action=link
rule add chain=source_fire index=1 name=AnyTraffic log=disabled state=enabled action=accept
rule add chain=forward_level_BlockAll index=1 name=AnyTraffic log=disabled state=enabled action=drop
rule add chain=forward_level_Standard index=1 name=FromLAN srcintf=lan log=disabled state=enabled action=accept
rule add chain=forward_level_Disabled index=1 name=AnyTraffic log=disabled state=enabled action=accept

[ voice.ini ]
tone patterntable add id=1 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=2 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=2 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=1 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=11 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=12 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=12 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=13 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=13 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=14 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=14 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=9000 nextentry=11 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=21 tone=on freq1=765 power1=-21 freq2=850 power2=-21 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=1000 nextentry=22 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=22 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=5000 nextentry=21 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=31 tone=on freq1=1400 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=400 nextentry=32 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=32 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=15000 nextentry=31 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=41 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=250 nextentry=42 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=42 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=250 nextentry=41 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=51 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=0 nextentry=0 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=61 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=1200 nextentry=62 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=62 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=40 nextentry=63 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=63 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=40 nextentry=62 maxloops=4 nextentryafterloops=51
tone patterntable add id=81 tone=on freq1=1400 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=82 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=82 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=5000 nextentry=83 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=83 tone=on freq1=1400 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=84 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=84 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=5000 nextentry=81 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=91 tone=on freq1=1400 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=400 nextentry=92 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=92 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=15000 nextentry=91 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=101 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=102 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=102 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=103 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=103 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=104 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=104 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=9000 nextentry=101 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=111 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=1000 nextentry=112 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=112 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=4000 nextentry=111 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=121 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=0 nextentry=0 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=131 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-19 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=132 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=132 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=50 nextentry=131 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=141 tone=on freq1=1400 power1=-20 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=142 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=142 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=5000 nextentry=141 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=151 tone=on freq1=2130 power1=-16 freq2=2750 power2=-16 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=0 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=201 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=202 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=202 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=300 nextentry=203 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=203 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=700 nextentry=204 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=204 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=800 nextentry=201 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=211 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=1000 nextentry=212 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=212 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=4000 nextentry=211 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=221 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=222 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=222 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=221 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=231 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=232 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=232 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=200 nextentry=231 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=241 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=0 nextentry=0 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=251 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-11 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=252 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=252 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=15000 nextentry=251 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=261 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-3 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=40 nextentry=262 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=262 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=40 nextentry=261 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=271 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-6 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=272 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=272 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=273 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=273 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-6 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=274 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=274 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=275 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=275 tone=on freq1=425 power1=-6 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=100 nextentry=276 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone patterntable add id=276 tone=on freq1=0 power1=0 freq2=0 power2=0 freq3=0 power3=0 freq4=0 power4=0 duration=500 nextentry=201 maxloops=0 nextentryafterloops=0
tone descrtable add tone=dial status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=201 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=none status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=0 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=remotecallhold status=disabled delay=0 patternentryid=91 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=callhold status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=241 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=remotecallwaiting status=disabled delay=0 patternentryid=101 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=callwaiting status=enabled delay=2500 patternentryid=11 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=9600
tone descrtable add tone=rejection status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=71 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=confirmation status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=261 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=release status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=81 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=warning status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=141 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=congestion status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=231 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=busy status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=221 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=ringback status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=211 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=mwi status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=271 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=specialdial status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=121 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone descrtable add tone=stutterdial status=enabled delay=0 patternentryid=131 file="" filerepeat=0 text="" maxduration=0 nexttone="" repeatafter=0
tone eventtable modify eventid=1 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=2 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=3 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=4 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=5 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=6 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=7 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=8 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=9 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=10 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=11 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=12 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=13 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=14 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=15 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=16 tone=dial
tone eventtable modify eventid=17 tone=stutterdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=18 tone=mwi
tone eventtable modify eventid=19 tone=specialdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=20 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=101 tone=warning
tone eventtable modify eventid=102 tone=warning
tone eventtable modify eventid=103 tone=warning
tone eventtable modify eventid=104 tone=stutterdial
tone eventtable modify eventid=105 tone=confirmation
tone eventtable modify eventid=106 tone=rejection
tone eventtable modify eventid=107 tone=confirmation
tone eventtable modify eventid=108 tone=rejection
tone eventtable modify eventid=201 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=202 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=203 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=204 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=205 tone=congestion
tone eventtable modify eventid=305 tone=none
tone eventtable modify eventid=401 tone=callwaiting
tone eventtable modify eventid=402 tone=remotecallwaiting
tone eventtable modify eventid=403 tone=none
tone eventtable modify eventid=404 tone=dial
tone eventtable modify eventid=405 tone=callhold
tone eventtable modify eventid=406 tone=remotecallhold
tone eventtable modify eventid=407 tone=release
tone eventtable modify eventid=408 tone=warning
tone eventtable modify eventid=501 tone=none
tone eventtable modify eventid=502 tone=none
tone eventtable modify eventid=503 tone=none
tone eventtable modify eventid=999 tone=warning
sip config useragentdomain="" primproxyaddr= secproxyaddr= proxyport=sip secproxyport=sip primregaddr= secregaddr= regport=sip regexpire=3600 regexpire_Tbefore=1 notifier_addr= notifier_port=sip subscribe_expire=3600 CWreply=180 transport=UDP rtpmapstaticPT=disabled
sip config reinvite_stop_audio=disabled PRACK=enabled clirformat=standard DTMF*#inINFO=1011 clip_consider_displayname=yes sdp_ptime=20 replace#=enabled symmetriccodec=enabled reinvite_at_cgfax_detect=disabled SIPURI_port=enabled rport=disabled SDP_username=default ringtoneat183=disabled t38portincrement=0 ping=0
sip config min-se=90 session-expires=3600 expires=0 register-backoff-timer=0 stickyoutbproxy=enabled privacy=ignore SDP_username_per_UA=disabled stop_register_on_403=disabled transport_in_contact=disabled distinct_t38_port=enabled timert1=500 timert2=4000 timertf=32000
sip sdp config callholddirection=sendonly versioncheck=yes
sip responsemap add responsecode=1xx tone=none textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=180 tone=ringback textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=181 tone=ringback textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=182 tone=ringback textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=183 tone=ringback textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=2xx tone=none textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=3xx tone=none textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=4xx tone=warning textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=486 tone=busy textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=5xx tone=warning textmessage=""
sip responsemap add responsecode=6xx tone=warning textmessage=""
numbtransl config Globalnumbpostprocess=disabled
codec config type=g711u ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=9 status=enabled
codec config type=g711a ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=8 status=enabled
codec config type=g722 ptime=30 vad=enabled priority=3 status=disabled
codec config type=g723_1 ptime=30 vad=disabled priority=3 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_16 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=7 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_24 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=6 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_32 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=5 status=disabled
codec config type=g726_40 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=4 status=disabled
codec config type=g729 ptime=20 vad=disabled priority=1 status=enabled
codec dynamic config type=rfc2833 payloadtype=97
codec dynamic config type=g726_16 payloadtype=98
codec dynamic config type=g726_24 payloadtype=99
codec dynamic config type=g726_32 payloadtype=100
codec dynamic config type=g726_40 payloadtype=101
services config mwi_phone=both mwi_network=sollicited prefix_servcode=standard servcode_cmd=standard cfu_dest="" cfnr_timer=10 cfnr_dest="" cfbs_dest="" hfhf_feature=disabled cw_reject_persistence=disabled cw_timer=30 cw_reject_scope=specific aes_from_email_address="" aes_to_email_address="" aes_outg_smtp_server="" vmnr_timer=10 voice_mail_size_limit=2099152
services soc config Registerrecalltimer=2
services soc modify function=NoActiveCallRetrieveHeld SOC=HF1
services soc modify function=HoldActiveCallAndEnableCallSetup SOC=HFTOorHF2
services provision type=transfer
services activate type=transfer
services assign type=transfer servicecode=96
services provision type=hold
services activate type=hold
services assign type=hold servicecode=94
services provision type=waiting
services deactivate type=waiting
services assign type=waiting servicecode=43
services provision type=mwi
services deactivate type=mwi
services assign type=mwi servicecode=98
services provision type=clip
services activate type=clip
services assign type=clip servicecode=30
services withdraw type=clir
services deactivate type=clir
services assign type=clir servicecode=31
services withdraw type=acr
services deactivate type=acr
services assign type=acr servicecode=15
services provision type=3pty
services activate type=3pty
services assign type=3pty servicecode=95
services withdraw type=forcedFXO
services deactivate type=forcedFXO
services assign type=forcedFXO servicecode=01
services withdraw type=cfu
services deactivate type=cfu
services assign type=cfu servicecode=21
services withdraw type=cfnr
services deactivate type=cfnr
services assign type=cfnr servicecode=61
services withdraw type=cfbs
services deactivate type=cfbs
services assign type=cfbs servicecode=67
services withdraw type=mce
services deactivate type=mce
services assign type=mce servicecode=201
services withdraw type=vmnr
services deactivate type=vmnr
services assign type=vmnr servicecode=64
services withdraw type=callreturn
services assign type=callreturn servicecode=69
services withdraw type=ccbs
services assign type=ccbs servicecode=37
fxsport config interdigit=5000 interdigitOpen=5000
fxoport config fxodisconnect=1000 incfxodest=all
qos config type=Signaling qosfield=DSCP dscp=af42
qos config type=Realtime qosfield=DSCP dscp=ef
country config country=cee
dialplan add prefix=94 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=2 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=93 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=2 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=92 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=2 maximumdigits=2 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=112 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=3 maximumdigits=3 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=9155 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=4 maximumdigits=4 posofmodify=0 remnumdigits=0 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
dialplan add prefix=*40 defaultport=FXO fallbackport=NA priority=Low fallback=0 minimumdigits=1 maximumdigits=30 posofmodify=1 remnumdigits=3 insert="" rescan=0 data=0 action=ROUTE_excl_eon
profile add SIP_URI=0001 username=0001 password=_DEV_xxx displayname="" voiceport=FXS1 abbr="" enable=enabled
profile add SIP_URI=0002 username=0002 password=_DEV_xxx displayname="" voiceport=FXS2 abbr="" enable=enabled
cac config max#portsperprofile=all
dns config startentry=first maxentries=5
config autofxo=enabled digitrelay=inband click2dial_ports=all rtp_portrange=1024-49151 sign_internal=external static_intf=enabled intf=Voice endofnumber=# countrycode=0 delayeddisconnect=disabled delayeddisconnecttimer=60 ringmuteduration=0 feature-mngt=internal nocallsetupmsg=never syslogscope=none
fax config detect_timeout=60 early-detect-faxmodem=enabled transport=t38 udptl_redun=0
ringing patterntable set profile=0001
ringing eventtable modify eventid=1 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=11 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=21 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=22 ringid=0
ringing patterntable set profile=0002
ringing eventtable modify eventid=1 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=11 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=21 ringid=0
ringing eventtable modify eventid=22 ringid=0
dectport config substimeout=90 reinsert-window-trigger-pairing=10
decthandset upgrade config state=disabled initialcheck=disabled periodiccheckperiod=0 upgradeatchangedurl=disabled

[ servmgr.ini ]
ifadd name=PPTP group=lan
ifadd name=HTTP group=lan
ifadd name=HTTP group=wan
ifadd name=HTTPs group=lan
ifadd name=HTTPs group=wan
ifadd name=FTP group=lan
ifadd name=TELNET group=lan
ifadd name=TELNET group=wan
ifadd name=DNS-S group=lan
ifadd name=MDAP group=lan
ifadd name=SSDP group=lan
ifadd name=PING_RESPONDER group=lan
ifadd name=PING_RESPONDER group=wan
ipadd name=HTTP ip=
ipadd name=HTTP ip=172.29.*.0/24
ipadd name=HTTP ip=172.[16-31].*.*
ipadd name=HTTP ip=
ipadd name=HTTPs ip=
ipadd name=HTTPs ip=172.29.*.0/24
ipadd name=HTTPs ip=172.[16-31].*.*
ipadd name=HTTPs ip=
ipadd name=TELNET ip=
ipadd name=TELNET ip=172.29.*.0/24
ipadd name=TELNET ip=172.[16-31].*.*
ipadd name=TELNET ip=
ipadd name=PING_RESPONDER ip=
ipadd name=PING_RESPONDER ip=172.29.*.0/24
ipadd name=PING_RESPONDER ip=172.[16-31].*.*
ipadd name=PING_RESPONDER ip=
modify name=PPTP state=enabled
modify name=SNTP state=disabled
modify name=SLA_ICMP_PING state=enabled
modify name=SLA_UDP_PING state=disabled
modify name=HTTP state=enabled
modify name=HTTPs state=enabled
modify name=TFTP-C state=disabled
modify name=FTP state=enabled
modify name=TELNET state=enabled
modify name=IGMP-Proxy state=enabled
modify name=DNS-S state=enabled
modify name=DNS-C state=enabled
modify name=DHCP-S state=enabled
modify name=MDAP state=enabled
modify name=CWMP-C state=enabled routelabel=Management
modify name=CWMP-S state=enabled
modify name=SSDP state=enabled
modify name=VOIP_SIP state=disabled
modify name=IP_COMMANDS state=enabled
modify name=PING_RESPONDER state=enabled
mapadd name=HTTP port=www-http
mapadd name=HTTPs port=443
mapadd name=HTTPI intf=LocalNetwork port=www-http
mapadd name=HTTPI intf=LocalNetwork port=1080
mapadd name=HTTPI intf=LocalNetwork port=httpproxy
mapadd name=FTP port=ftp
mapadd name=TELNET port=telnet
mapadd name=DNS-S port=dns
mapadd name=MDAP port=3235
mapadd name=SSDP port=1900

[ kta.ini ]

[ kti.ini ]

[ koa.ini ]
a d="" l=yes

[ koi.ini ]
a d="" l=yes

[ endofarch ]

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: mann. 02.06.2010. u 23:30.
mann je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 03.06.2010., 06:04   #24
Laughing Man
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@mann: Hvala
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams ... glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time, like tears ... in rain. Time ... to die.
Pomo je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 26.06.2010., 14:00   #25
Laughing Man
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Autor Nikky Pregled postova
Evo sam ispravio poviše, javi ako ima još šta.
Ima, nestabilan je po ovom gore receptu s torrentima.
Neki puta se resetira po dva puta u deset minuta.
Zanima me ako je još netko imao sličnih problema.
Razlog što sam tražio defaultnu T-com konfu za router je upravo ta nestabilnost.
Nadao sam se iskombinirati te dvije konfe i dobiti stabilnost i funkcionalan dyndns.
Fkors da nisam uspio, pa ako netko ima neke ideje...
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams ... glitter in the dark near Tanhauser Gate. All those ... moments will be lost ... in time, like tears ... in rain. Time ... to die.
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Staro 26.06.2010., 14:09   #26
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Datum registracije: Oct 2003
Lokacija: Zagreb, Trešnjevka
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zanima me moze li se s onim admin accauntom, bez zamjene firmwirea, staviti ethernet portove 3 i 4 da ne budu za maxtv nego isti kao 1 i 2, za lan?

rendula je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 26.06.2010., 14:53   #27
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
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Svakako bi trebalo moći, na raspolaganju ti je:
- kroz web konfig
- kroz CLI
- prvo spremiš na komp trenutnu konfiguraciju, napraviš kopiju, urediš, vratiš tu izmjenjenu u uređaj
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Staro 24.07.2010., 20:59   #28
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vava's Avatar
Datum registracije: Mar 2009
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Imam problem sa ovim routerom,
Ne mogu biti istodobno bezicno i preko zice na netu.
Kada mi pukne bezicna mreza vise ju ne mogu naci,jedino kad komp sa kojim sam spojen zicano ugasim.

Pa ako ima tko kakav prijedlog...

vava je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 03.11.2010., 08:46   #29
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Thomson TG782(i) otkljucavanje

thx nikky

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: domis. 03.11.2010. u 14:53.
domis je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 10.11.2010., 13:31   #30
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Datum registracije: Nov 2010
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Postovi: 4
port 21

Pozdrav grupi!

Forwardo sam portove 21, 1080-80, 1023-23 na IP od uređaja koji je spojen na ruter. Svi portovi funkcioniraju osim 21.

Ako je netko riješio problem molim neka odgovori.

PS: spremio sam user.ini fajl. Vjerovatno se tamo može ispraviti-otkloniti "greška" u vezi porta 21

Interesantno kada obrišem slijedeću liniju iz user.ini fajla:

"tmpladd group=wan outside_addr= inside_addr= protocol=tcp outside_port=21-21 inside_port=21-21 mode=inbound weight=10"

onda mi kada pokušam ući preko FTP porta 21 u uređaj za koji sam otvorio port - ulazi u ruter

asteriks76 je offline   Reply With Quote
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