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Staro 02.04.2019., 19:13   #811
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Autor Biggus Dickus Pregled postova
Tnx. Ok za user/pass, a ostala prica? Trebam vlan id, vpi, vci podatke, to ce mi isto dati ili je to dostupno negdje?
Napravi factory reset i daj mu na kratko dsl konekciju da se registrira i povuce konfiguraciju pa onda izvuci sve podatke sa objavljenim podacima.
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Staro 08.04.2019., 21:41   #812
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u zadnja 2 tjedna imam problema sa zyxelom, počelo sa mikro-blokiranjima po 5-10 sekundi , do toga da bi se blokirao po 5-10 minuta. na njemu je sve živo pogašeno, izbrisane konekcije i aktivna je samo vdsl_internet koji je u bridge-u. dok je tako zablokiran, ne mogu mu niti web interface-u pristupit. openwrt router koji je iza njega drži pppoe aktivan, ali nema komunikacije prema netu.
problem je naročito izražen u večernjim satima.
zamijenio sam ga za t-comov ZTE 931, i zadnja 2 dana radi bez problema. problem je samo šta zte ima lošiji modem, pa se synca na manju brzinu od one na koju se inače synca zyxel.

ako prijavim kvar, hoću li dobiti doma novi zyxel, ili mi mora doć iskonov tehničar?
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Staro 08.04.2019., 22:09   #813
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dodje tehnicar i stavi ti drugi modem, innbox v45, b30a ili b30b
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Staro 10.04.2019., 11:08   #814
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Ima li tko mozda supervisor password za V1.00(AAUN.3)b2_1225 ?
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Staro 10.04.2019., 18:52   #815
mann's Avatar
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I meni bi bio od pomoći supervisor za najnoviji firmware. Ako tko ima pass ili neki guide kako do njega...

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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Staro 19.04.2019., 21:49   #816
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Pas mater, ovaj novi firmware koji je na zyxelu su valjda razvijali zadnjih dvije godine. Opet su vratili add user ali pozatvarali su mijenjanje grupe. S kojim god userom (user grupa) mijenjaš grupu ovaj uvijek novog usera napravi kao običnog.

Probao onu foru sa long resetom ali kita. Ovaj su ga puta malo jače pozatvarali, mater im.

Ako ima koji profesionalac da mi da neke smjernice dajte mi koji pm.

P. S. Zapravo u k i supervisor, kako doći do voip podataka i ja sretan.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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Staro 26.07.2019., 19:49   #817
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Zna li netko kako napraviti "reconnect skriptu" za ovaj router? Npr. da preko shortcuta dvoklik i da se napravi rekonekcija (kao sto sam recimo imao dok sam bio kod T-coma)..... a pozeljno bi bilo i za JDownloader.
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Staro 28.07.2019., 15:36   #818
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Autor mann Pregled postova
Pas mater, ovaj novi firmware koji je na zyxelu su valjda razvijali zadnjih dvije godine. Opet su vratili add user ali pozatvarali su mijenjanje grupe. S kojim god userom (user grupa) mijenjaš grupu ovaj uvijek novog usera napravi kao običnog.

i mene jebe, dobio novi zyxel. ja samo zelim ACS ubiti da mi ga ne resetiraju kako im se prdne, i da ga mogu prebaciti u bridge.
fw mi je valjda zadnji: V5.13(ABCJ.6)b3_1127

se može ikako nešto probit?
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Staro 30.07.2019., 21:47   #819
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može li se štagod preko JTAG-a ili UART portova dobit? itko pokušavao?
neću se sad ić ubijat oko toga, imam još 2 otključana innboxa u rezervi... ali ako bi se dalo nešto korisno izvuć iz zyxela, bilo bi zgodno.
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Staro 31.07.2019., 09:32   #820
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Nisam siguran da je netko na forumu isao na jtag. Treba i opreme i volje a i znanja. Dosta su ga gadno zatvorili ovaj put pas mu mater a imaju trenutno najpovoljnije pakete barem sto se VDSL-a tice... :-/
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Staro 31.07.2019., 15:01   #821
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S JTAG-om nećeš ništa pametno napraviti. Preko UART-a mu stavi originalni FW i konfiguriraj kak ti paše.
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Staro 31.07.2019., 18:25   #822
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Autor Blagus Pregled postova
Preko UART-a mu stavi originalni FW i konfiguriraj kak ti paše.
Nije tako jednostavno bas... nije problem raditi sa uartom nego je problem ako trebas telefon da ti radi, te podatke Iskon nece i nije obvezan dati.
Ako je u pitanju goli internet - onda stima jer vlanovi su tu negdje u temi kao i ostala podesenja za internet. Nije cak ni potrebno stavljati drugi fw,
naravno moze ali da bi roures bio ispravno konfiguriran sto se tice telefonije podatke moras znati ili mu dati da sam povuce, kad povuce stavlja zadnji
fw i opet si na istom. Moze se kroz uart sa at naredbama bootati router na particiju 2 jer ih i ima 2 a druga je inicijalni fw, nezasticen i moj router je
radio 2-3 mjeseca tako bez problema i tu je bio onaj slucaj kada je bas svima na forumu stigao novi fw i svima bio nepoznat pass no kako sam ja "vrtio"
tu drugu particiju i moj se apdejto ali se i vratio na "tu moju" particiju pa sam jedini mogao dumpati mdm podatke, izmedju ostaloga i password.

Dakle moras tocno znati koju particiju fleshas jer ako fleshas tu njihovu a ne inicijalnu i ako iz bilo kojega razloga se dogodi da se router resetira sam od sebe
ili slucajno omogucis udaljen pristup, on ce fleshati njihovu particiju i tu si "mrtav". Znaci samo fleshanje inicijalne ti garantira da ce se rouer uvjek vratiti na istu sta god bilo s njim...
trebaš seedbox?
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Staro 31.07.2019., 20:37   #823
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moj se nije stigao update-at, jer je bio spojen sve skupa 3 minute , čim se prijavio u sustav iskona tj čim je tehničar vidio serijski broj u sustavu, smo ga iskopčali.
mogu probat skinut backup.conf pa ručno neke sitnice editirati ako se može, samo ga prebacit u bridge i ubit management vezu.
imam samo net, bez telefonije i tv-a.
za uart bin morao istraživati šta i kako, imam ttl adapter, ali neznam šta puno dalje radit.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: jp_rv. 31.07.2019. u 21:09.
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Staro 01.08.2019., 08:50   #824
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Autor silver_tip Pregled postova
Nije tako jednostavno bas... nije problem raditi sa uartom nego je problem ako trebas telefon da ti radi, te podatke Iskon nece i nije obvezan dati.
Ako je u pitanju goli internet - onda stima jer vlanovi su tu negdje u temi kao i ostala podesenja za internet. Nije cak ni potrebno stavljati drugi fw,
naravno moze ali da bi roures bio ispravno konfiguriran sto se tice telefonije podatke moras znati ili mu dati da sam povuce, kad povuce stavlja zadnji
fw i opet si na istom. Moze se kroz uart sa at naredbama bootati router na particiju 2 jer ih i ima 2 a druga je inicijalni fw, nezasticen i moj router je
radio 2-3 mjeseca tako bez problema i tu je bio onaj slucaj kada je bas svima na forumu stigao novi fw i svima bio nepoznat pass no kako sam ja "vrtio"
tu drugu particiju i moj se apdejto ali se i vratio na "tu moju" particiju pa sam jedini mogao dumpati mdm podatke, izmedju ostaloga i password.

Dakle moras tocno znati koju particiju fleshas jer ako fleshas tu njihovu a ne inicijalnu i ako iz bilo kojega razloga se dogodi da se router resetira sam od sebe
ili slucajno omogucis udaljen pristup, on ce fleshati njihovu particiju i tu si "mrtav". Znaci samo fleshanje inicijalne ti garantira da ce se rouer uvjek vratiti na istu sta god bilo s njim...
Dali tvoj nacin i dalje funkcionira ili je s novim FW i to zatvoreno. Govorim o bootu u drugu particiju i onda sto, mountanje prve pa iz prve dumpmdm?
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Staro 01.08.2019., 17:41   #825
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Govorim o bootu u drugu particiju i onda sto, mountanje prve pa iz prve dumpmdm?
Ne mozes bootati router u tu inicijanu particiju bez admina ili supervisora jer treba ti ssh ulaz, eventualno uart pa AT naredba u teoriji ali prakticno nisam probao jer nije bilo potrebe.

Dakle poanta "sticenja" od ISP-a je bila u tome da se boota router u inicijalnu particiju ili tu inicijalnu zamjenis sa zeljenim svojim fw te se radi postavki
za telefon da bi radio ( internet nije problem ) u tu inicijalnu ucitava backup.conf od ISP-a s time da se isti "uredi" u vidu brisanja svega sto njima sluzi
za remonte pristup a sa editorom u backup.conf od ISP-a stavljas svojega supervisora prije ucitavanja u inicijalni fw.

Tako poslozen router je otporan na njihove apdejte jer mogu fleshat samo "svoju" particiju ali router se uvjek vraca na tvoju poslje fleshanja.

Nemam taj router vise, nisam na Iskonu i tesko je ovako napamet nesto pametnije reci.... mislio sam da cu opet na Iskon tj. Carnet ali dobio sam bolju ponudu od Optime
u vidu manje para za istu brzinu, cak i bolju i izmedju ostalog dojadilo mi da me zivka njihova korisnicka sluzba kako oni "ne vide" moj router pa ja se pravim grbav a oni svaka
2-3 dana zivkaju da mu ne mogu pristupiti, pa ih ja "pustim" tj. otvorim remonte na toj inicijalnoj pa oni fleshaju tu svoju i opet se sve vraca na moju pa se opet zale da ne vide
router pa 2 puta mi postom salju drugi router... pa prije kopcanja novih ja ih uredim i opet ista prica i tako u krug. Jednom i tehnicar donio novi router i kao on ce ga prikopcati
i provjeriti router a ja stavio na Mozillu Greasemonkey + skriptu koja "snima" sve u pozadini pa kad je mulac balavi otisa ja opet po svome.., sutra opet zovu

Pa tko ce to izdrzat
trebaš seedbox?
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Staro 01.08.2019., 20:10   #826
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palo mi na pamet napravit export configa iz starog zyxela, i ubacit ga u novi zyxel (ako ima opcija, nisam jos gledao)...
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Staro 01.08.2019., 21:34   #827
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Preko UART-a se sigurno sve može. Nažalost, ne mogu biti od prevelike konkretne pomoći jer mi je testni ZyXEL završio u smeću, a na Iskonu nisam već dugo.
Moja sugestija se temelji na tome da si spomenuo da imaš dva otključana Innboxa, pa pretpostavljam da s njih možeš izvući konfiguraciju.

@silver_tip: Imam i ja veselje sa trenutnim ISP-em radi toga, u jednu ruku, ali ostavljaju dojam kao da su pokrenuli posao nakon par par rundi u birtiji pa prcam ja njih koliko i oni mene... Samo što ja ne ugasim TR069, nego ugasim router i spremim ga u kutiju, a posao obavlja moja oprema
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Staro 02.08.2019., 07:52   #828
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ne treba mi konfiguracija, koristim samo net. innboxi su tu upravo zato da mogu njih koristiti u bridge-u.

mene su samo jednom nakon otklona kvara pitali zašto njihov modem nije spojen. "ako mi kažete supervisor šifru , bit će". na negativan odgovor, uslijedio je moj odgovor da će do daljnjega njihov zyxel čamiti u kutiji a ja koristiti svoju opremu.
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Staro 06.09.2019., 20:12   #829
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Citiram sa bug foruma jer sam u problemima "prebacih se sa bneta na iskon i sve super, parica krasna, testovi odlični, test brzina zadovoljavajuća, tražim prebacivanje u bridge, super, radi, ali... brzina točno na 20Mbps... preko bilo kojeg kompa, preko mog routera, uvijek, znam što radim, nisam nikada imao takav problem. Ok, vratim natrag routing mode i onda ide full speed sa tih istih kompova. Vratim bridge, puf, ravno 20Mbps... dofurali drugi ruter, ista priča. Mislim da je to definitivno do njih i bridge mode-a, ili se prave mutavi ili ne znaju što rade, ili nešto peto. Da li je netko imao takav problem? Dakle, milijun posto sam siguran da trebaju nešto potvikati kada je u bridge modu jer prije na tcomu nisam imao tih problema." ima tko ideju?
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Staro 06.09.2019., 20:38   #830
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Tih 20Mbps si izmjerio preko LAN kabla ?
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Staro 07.09.2019., 12:11   #831
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Da, direkt sa dva kompa sam probao i sa routera. Kada je u routing modu sa istog kompa ide 70Mbps kao i WiFi iako Wifi mi nije nikada mjerodavan... Jednostavno ne kužim :/
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Staro 07.09.2019., 23:46   #832
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Odradi još jedan test:
- neka je origigi router u Bridge mode za Internet
- nemoj koristiti svoj router nego spoji svoj komp ili lap Lan kabelom na Lan1 origigi routera (ni slučajno Lan3 ili Lan4)
- na kompu ili lapu napravi PPPoE Dial-Up konekciju
- izmjeri brzinu

U toj kombinaciji je samo taj komp ili lap je na internetu ali ćeš tako detektirati jeli te zeza tvoj router ili njihovo podešavanje origigi routera ili ti nešto krivo odradiš / postaviš,
npr. gore navedeno, ako se nisi spajao na Lan1 nego na Lan4.
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Staro 08.09.2019., 15:07   #833
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Možda nisam bio jasan, ali to sam naravno napravio. Sa dva kompa sam pokušao PPOE direktno na njihov router. Isto stanje/sranje. Sa mojim routerom ili bez njega, brizna je uvijek 20/10. T-comov tehničar mi je pokazivao liniju, stanje, kaže da mi max ide 120/100Mbit jer imam perfektnu liniju, ali da se ne može ništa podešavati vezano uz router i postavke jer im Iskon ne dozovljava to. Stavljali smo drugi router, ista stvar. Vjerujem da je negdje u kabinetu/routeru problem pa pitam da li je netko imao takav problem da im javim da nešto "kliknu/omoguće".

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: zbuzanic. 08.09.2019. u 15:08. Razlog: tipfeler
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Staro 08.09.2019., 16:19   #834
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Negdje na nekom Radijusu u sustavu kada se router prebaci u Bridge ostaje kvacica na osnovnoj brzini jer router u Bridge je "novi/drugi korisnik" tj. tvoja inace pustena brzina je vezana samo za Router mode.

Na moj Iskon stranici narucis poziv od sluzbe za tehnicku podrsku i kada te agent-student nazove trazis da te bas spoje sa likovima iz
odjela za tehnicku podrsku ili zatrazis da te neko od njih nazove kad vec moze. Nije to prvi put, ovaj tvoj problem i rjesivo je ali moras se "probiti" do prave tehnicke podrske.
trebaš seedbox?
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Staro 09.09.2019., 10:54   #835
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spojio novog zyxela na ttl adapter, ovo je output. s time da nemam pojma kako uć u neki config

Base: 4.16_05
CFE version 1.0.38-118.3 for BCM963381 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: 03/13/2017 (zt02232@tina)
Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Broadcom Corporation.

Boot Strap Register:  0xfffeff
Chip ID: BCM63381B0, MIPS: 600MHz, DDR: 400MHz, Bus: 300MHz
Main Thread: TP0
Total Memory: 134217728 bytes (128MB)
Boot Address: 0xb8000000

SPI NAND flash device: GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB, id 0xc8d1 block 128KB size 131072KB
pmc_init:PMC using DQM mode
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
illegal rom_param(5c54ceb2), ignore it
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
Board IP address                  :
Host IP address                   :
Gateway IP address                :
Run from flash/host/tftp (f/h/c)  : f
Default host run file name        : vmlinux
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0
Default host ramdisk file name    :
Default ramdisk store address     :
Board Id (0-12)                   : 963381_VMG5313B
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 12
Base MAC Address                  : izbrisano
PSI Size (1-128) KBytes           : 64
Enable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 0
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0
Auxillary File System Size Percent: 0
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0
WLan Feature                      : 0x00
Voice Board Configuration (0-1)   : LE9642_ZSI_BB
Partition 1 Size (MB)             :
Partition 2 Size (MB)             :
Partition 3 Size (MB)             :
Partition 4 Size (MB) (Data)      : 4MB

*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 0
Multiboot client version: 1.3

Hit any key to stop autoboot:000
Booting from latest image (address 0xbbc00000, flash offset 0x03c00000) ...
Decompression LZMA Image OK!
Entry at 0x8042b240
Closing network.
Disabling Switch ports.
Flushing Receive Buffers...
0 buffers found
Closing DMA Channels
Starting program at 0x8042b240
Linux version 3.4.11 (mike@jason-Veriton-M4630G) (gcc version 4.6.2 (OpenWrt GCC 4.6.2 unknown) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 27 11:43:12 CST 2017
963381_VMG5313B prom init
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
DSL SDRAM reserved: 0x132000
Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 07ece000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Zone PFN ranges:
  DMA      0x00000000 -> 0x00001000
  Normal   0x00001000 -> 0x00007ece
Movable zone start PFN for each node
Early memory PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00007ece
On node 0 totalpages: 32462
free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 8053f400, node_mem_map 81000000
  DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
  DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
  DMA zone: 4064 pages, LIFO batch:0
  Normal zone: 222 pages used for memmap
  Normal zone: 28144 pages, LIFO batch:7
PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @81103000 s5088 r8192 d15392 u32768
pcpu-alloc: s5088 r8192 d15392 u32768 alloc=8*4096
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32208
Kernel command line: ro noinitrd  irqaffinity=0
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
Memory: 122820k/129848k available (4262k kernel code, 7028k reserved, 1049k data, 220k init, 0k highmem)
Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
console [ttyS0] enabled
Allocating memory for DSP module core and initialization code
Allocated DSP module memory - CORE=0x0 SIZE=0, INIT=0x0 SIZE=0
Calibrating delay loop... 598.01 BogoMIPS (lpj=299008)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
--Kernel Config--
Broadcom Logger v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:27:21
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
Brought up 2 CPUs
NET: Registered protocol family 16
pmc_init:PMC using DQM mode
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
GetRCalSetting:res_ext value 0x3ff is saturated!
bcm63xx_pcie: applying serdes parameters
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
bio: create slab  at 0
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10600000-0x106fffff]
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x11700000-0x1170ffff]
pci 0000:00:09.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0310
pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c400-0x1000c4ff]
pci 0000:00:0a.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0320
pci 0000:00:0a.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c300-0x1000c3ff]
PCI host bridge to bus 0000:01
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [mem 0xa0000000-0xbfffffff]
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
pci 0000:01:00.0: [14e4:6338] type 01 class 0x060400
pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
pci 0000:02:00.0: [14e4:a8db] type 00 class 0x028000
pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0x00000000-0x00007fff 64bit]
pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2
pci 0000:01:00.0: Checking PCIe ASPM for vendor 14e4 device a8db
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa0007fff 64bit]
pci 0000:01:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
bcmhs_spi bcmhs_spi.1: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
skb_free_task created successfully
gbpm_do_work scheduled
BLOG v3.0 Initialized
BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
Broadcom IQoS v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:30:13 initialized
Broadcom GBPM v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:30:13 initialized
NET: Registered protocol family 8
NET: Registered protocol family 20
Switching to clocksource MIPS
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
TCP: reno registered
UDP hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
PCI: CLS 16 bytes, default 16
init_bcm_tstamp: unhandled mips_hpt_freq=300000000, adjust constants in bcm_tstamp.c
bcm_tstamp initialized, (hpt_freq=300000000 2us_div=300 2ns_mult=0 2ns_shift=0)
squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
fuse init (API version 7.18)
msgmni has been set to 239
io scheduler noop registered (default)
SPI NAND Device Linux Registration
SPI NAND Linux Registration
SPI NAND device reset
SPI NAND device GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB
   device id    = 0xc8d1
   page size    = 0x800 (2048) bytes
   block size   = 0x20000 (131072) bytes
   total blocks = 0x400 (1024)
   total size   = 0x8000000 (134217728) bytes
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xc8, Chip ID: 0xd1 (Gigadevice NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended!
Bad Block 0x300 found (address 0x6000000)
Bad Block 0x3c8 found (address 0x7900000)
Bad Block 0x3c9 found (address 0x7920000)
Bad Block 0x3ca found (address 0x7940000)
Bad Block 0x3cb found (address 0x7960000)
Bad Block 0x3cc found (address 0x7980000)
Bad Block 0x3cd found (address 0x79a0000)
Bad Block 0x3ce found (address 0x79c0000)
Bad Block 0x3cf found (address 0x79e0000)
Bad Block 0x3d0 found (address 0x7a00000)
Bad Block 0x3d1 found (address 0x7a20000)
Bad Block 0x3d2 found (address 0x7a40000)
Bad Block 0x3d3 found (address 0x7a60000)
Bad Block 0x3d4 found (address 0x7a80000)
Bad Block 0x3d5 found (address 0x7aa0000)
Bad Block 0x3d6 found (address 0x7ac0000)
Bad Block 0x3d7 found (address 0x7ae0000)
Bad Block 0x3d8 found (address 0x7b00000)
Bad Block 0x3d9 found (address 0x7b20000)
Bad Block 0x3da found (address 0x7b40000)
Bad Block 0x3db found (address 0x7b60000)
Bad Block 0x3de found (address 0x7bc0000)
Bad Block 0x3e0 found (address 0x7c00000)
Bad Block 0x3e1 found (address 0x7c20000)
Bad Block 0x3e3 found (address 0x7c60000)
Bad Block 0x3e5 found (address 0x7ca0000)
Bad Block 0x3e7 found (address 0x7ce0000)
Bad Block 0x3ff found (address 0x7fe0000)
Creating 9 MTD partitions on "GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB":
0x000003c00000-0x0000077e0000 : "rootfs"
0x000000020000-0x000003c00000 : "rootfs_update"
0x000007900000-0x000007d00000 : "data"
0x000007800000-0x000007900000 : "romfile"
0x000007d00000-0x000007e00000 : "rom-d"
0x000007e00000-0x000007f00000 : "wwan"
0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "nvram"
0x000003c00000-0x0000077e0000 : "image"
0x000000020000-0x000003c00000 : "image_update"
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
PPP BSD Compression module registered
PPP Deflate Compression module registered
NET: Registered protocol family 24
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
SES: Button Interrupt 0x1 is enabled
SES: LED GPIO 0x1 is enabled
DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
WIFI: Button Interrupt 0x4 is enabled
RESET: Button Interrupt 0x0 is enabled
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 104
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 105
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 106
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 107
Serial: BCM63XX driver $Revision: 3.00 $
Magic SysRq with Auxilliary trigger char enabled (type ^ h for list of supported commands)
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0000280 (irq = 8) is a BCM63XX
ttyS1 at MMIO 0xb00002a0 (irq = 9) is a BCM63XX
Total # RxBds=5308
bcmPktDmaBds_init: Broadcom Packet DMA BDs initialized

GACT probability NOT on
Mirror/redirect action on
u32 classifier
    input device check on
    Actions configured
TCP: cubic registered
Initializing XFRM netlink socket
NET: Registered protocol family 10
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
NET: Registered protocol family 17
NET: Registered protocol family 15
Initializing MCPD Module
Ebtables v2.0 registered
ebt_time registered
ebt_ftos registered
ebt_wmm_mark registered
L2TP core: blog_l2tp_rcv_check
L2TP core driver, V2.0
PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) readonly on device 31:0.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 220k freed
init started: BusyBox v1.20.1 (2017-11-27 11:00:17 CST)
jffs2: jffs2_scan_inode_node(): CRC failed on node at 0x003407e0: Read 0xffffffff, calculated 0x86e5d40c
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x003cf330 ends at 0x003cf800
mount: mounting mtd:bootfs on /bootfs failed: No such file or directory
Mounting filesystems...
mount: mounting mtd:bootfs on /bootfs failed: No such file or directory
Configuring system...
wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Initializing WLCSM Module
WLCSM Module loaded successfully
is_nand:1  is_manufacturer:0
restore done!
Loading drivers and kernel modules...

brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
bcmxtmrt: Broadcom BCM3381B0 ATM/PTM Network Device v0.9 Nov 27 2017 10:59:11
Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31 Registered<243>

Broadcom Ingress QoS ver 0.1 initialized
BPM: tot_mem_size=134217728B (128MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =20132655B (19MB), num of buffers=9986, buf size=2016
Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:57:16 Registered<244>
NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
Initialized fcache state
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v3.0 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31 Registered<242>
Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.
flwStatsThread created
Constructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v3.0 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31
bcmxtmcfg: bcmxtmcfg_init entry
adsl: adsl_init entry
Broadcom BCM63381B0 Ethernet Network Device v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:59:05
ETH Init: Ch:0 - 200 tx BDs at 0xa506e000
ETH Init: Ch:0 - 3994 rx BDs at 0xa51a8000
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
eth3:   PHY_ID <0x00000001 : 0x01> MAC : xxx
eth2:   PHY_ID <0x00000002 : 0x02> MAC : xxx
eth1:   PHY_ID <0x00000003 : 0x03> MAC : xxx
eth0:   PHY_ID <0x00000004 : 0x04> MAC : xxx
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
All Port Bit Map: 0x000f: eth3,eth2,eth1,eth0
   Chip WAN Only Ports 0000, Defined WAN Only Ports 0000, WAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip WAN Preffered Ports 0000, Defined WAN Preffered Ports 0000, WAN Preffered Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip LAN Only Ports 0000, Defined LAN Only Ports 0000, LAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   WAN/LAN Both Capable Ports 0x000f:eth3,eth2,eth1,eth0
NComm TMS V6.80 Kernel Module loaded.
--SMP support
wl: dsl_tx_pkt_flush_len=338
wl: norm_wmark_tot=3040, pktc_wmark_tot=3040
PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
wl: passivemode=1
wl0: creating kthread wl0-kthrd
wl: napimode=0
initvars_cis_pci: Not CIS format
Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image
wl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43217_map.bin
srom rev:8
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcmcmn_nvramvars.bin, file size=32
wl0: allocskbmode=1 currallocskbsz=1024
wl0: Broadcom BCM43227 802.11 Wireless Controller
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl0 registered
/etc/rc3.d/S45bcm-base-drivers: line 158: /usr/bin/nvram_product: not found
/etc/rc3.d/S45bcm-base-drivers: line 158: /usr/bin/nvram_product: not found
Loading PCM shim driver
Endpoint: endpoint_init entry
Endpoint: endpoint_init COMPLETED
Broadcom 802.1Q VLAN Interface, v0.1
brcm_otp_init entry
Skip /etc/ /etc/wlan/clm/router.clm_blob doesn't exist
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1922 buckets, 7688 max)
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Starting SWMDK...
Note: Loading 6300 MDK (default) driver for 63381 chip
Switch MDK: num_switches = 1
Switch MDK: unit = 0; phy_pbmp = 0xf; config_pbmp = 0xf
Switch MDK link poll thread: unit=0; phypbmp=0xf config_pbmp=0xf
Energy Efficient Ethernet: Enabled
Jan  1 00:00:39 crond[645]: crond: crond (busybox 1.20.1) started, log level 8
START disable Lan...

dnsmasq: unknown user or group: supervisor
Set PowerSave to auto by default ......
Host MIPS Clock divider pwrsaving is enabled
ZCMD Start
killall: no process killed
Saving kernel bootup messages for dumpsysinfo...
killall: zywifid: no process killed

Please press Enter to activate this console. zywifid> [ALERT] wifi_module_init:1066: load ..........
Find MTD Device /dev/mtd3 with name romfile
mtd.oobsize 128 mtd.writesize 2048
romfile type ffff
romfile size 4294967295
romfile crc 65535
zcmdRomConvert() : Load /data/zcfg_config.json failzcmdDataModelInit : Parse json from /data/zcfg_config.json fail
zcmdDataModelInit : config is broken
zcmdDataModelInit :try backup config
mv: can't rename '/data/zcfg_config.json.bak': No space left on device
zywifid> [ALERT] main:1195: Check and fix Wifi MAC address......
rm: can't remove '/tmp/wifiScanTime*': No such file or directory
Find MTD Device /dev/mtd2 with name data
Could not erase MTD device: /dev/mtd2
jp_rv je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 09.09.2019., 17:51   #836
Moj komp
zbuzanic's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2007
Lokacija: zagreb
Postovi: 225
Ja ću se raniti...
Dakle, danas sam išao čačkati i pazi foru, upisivao sam krive pristupne podatke. Naime ako upišete korisničkoime@iskon-dsl lockano je na 20Mbps-a....
ali kada promijenite u korisničkoime%bit@iskon-dsl onda ide full speed.... svašta... ja sam zabrijao da je to njihova greška zbog encodinga i jer mi je nije radilo kada sam prvi puta postavljao PPPoE na routeru. Eto, dakle, problem je u profilu i fakat mi je čudno da se nitko od tehničara (zvali smo 5-6 različitih) nije toga sjetio...
zbuzanic je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 09.09.2019., 18:01   #837
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
Lokacija: St
Postovi: 22,657
Fini namjerni zajeb, ovo treba zabilježiti 😀
Nikky je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 02.11.2019., 10:20   #838
Moj komp
njOob's Avatar
Datum registracije: Apr 2006
Lokacija: Jug
Postovi: 440
Da li mozda netko zna... poceo sam koristiti Airvpn i kad nesto torrenta primjetio sam da iskontv pocne laggat i routeru skoci load high cpu? moram prestat torrentat da bi iskon poceo normalno raditi. Bez vpn radi normalno.
njOob je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 09.11.2019., 20:25   #839
Nikky's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2006
Lokacija: St
Postovi: 22,657
Zato jer vpn, a slično i torent, ubiju / opterete router ...
za torente se zna, treba ograničiti br. istovremenih konekcija i bandwith,
za vpn uglavnom pomaže jači hw odnosno vpn dignit na nekom kompu / jačem routeru.
Nikky je offline   Reply With Quote
Staro 18.12.2019., 14:36   #840
Registered User
Datum registracije: Dec 2019
Lokacija: Poland
Postovi: 2
Autor jp_rv Pregled postova
spojio novog zyxela na ttl adapter, ovo je output. s time da nemam pojma kako uć u neki config

Base: 4.16_05
CFE version 1.0.38-118.3 for BCM963381 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: 03/13/2017 (zt02232@tina)
Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Broadcom Corporation.

Boot Strap Register:  0xfffeff
Chip ID: BCM63381B0, MIPS: 600MHz, DDR: 400MHz, Bus: 300MHz
Main Thread: TP0
Total Memory: 134217728 bytes (128MB)
Boot Address: 0xb8000000

SPI NAND flash device: GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB, id 0xc8d1 block 128KB size 131072KB
pmc_init:PMC using DQM mode
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
illegal rom_param(5c54ceb2), ignore it
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3c9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ca
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cb
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cc
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cd
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3ce
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3cf
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d2
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d4
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d6
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d7
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d8
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3d9
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3da
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3db
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3de
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e0
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e1
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e3
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e5
spi_nand_read_buf(): Attempt to read bad nand block 0x3e7
Board IP address                  :
Host IP address                   :
Gateway IP address                :
Run from flash/host/tftp (f/h/c)  : f
Default host run file name        : vmlinux
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0
Default host ramdisk file name    :
Default ramdisk store address     :
Board Id (0-12)                   : 963381_VMG5313B
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 12
Base MAC Address                  : izbrisano
PSI Size (1-128) KBytes           : 64
Enable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 0
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0
Auxillary File System Size Percent: 0
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0
WLan Feature                      : 0x00
Voice Board Configuration (0-1)   : LE9642_ZSI_BB
Partition 1 Size (MB)             :
Partition 2 Size (MB)             :
Partition 3 Size (MB)             :
Partition 4 Size (MB) (Data)      : 4MB

*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 0
Multiboot client version: 1.3

Hit any key to stop autoboot:000
Booting from latest image (address 0xbbc00000, flash offset 0x03c00000) ...
Decompression LZMA Image OK!
Entry at 0x8042b240
Closing network.
Disabling Switch ports.
Flushing Receive Buffers...
0 buffers found
Closing DMA Channels
Starting program at 0x8042b240
Linux version 3.4.11 (mike@jason-Veriton-M4630G) (gcc version 4.6.2 (OpenWrt GCC 4.6.2 unknown) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 27 11:43:12 CST 2017
963381_VMG5313B prom init
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
DSL SDRAM reserved: 0x132000
Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 07ece000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Zone PFN ranges:
  DMA      0x00000000 -> 0x00001000
  Normal   0x00001000 -> 0x00007ece
Movable zone start PFN for each node
Early memory PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00007ece
On node 0 totalpages: 32462
free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat 8053f400, node_mem_map 81000000
  DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
  DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
  DMA zone: 4064 pages, LIFO batch:0
  Normal zone: 222 pages used for memmap
  Normal zone: 28144 pages, LIFO batch:7
PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @81103000 s5088 r8192 d15392 u32768
pcpu-alloc: s5088 r8192 d15392 u32768 alloc=8*4096
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32208
Kernel command line: ro noinitrd  irqaffinity=0
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
Memory: 122820k/129848k available (4262k kernel code, 7028k reserved, 1049k data, 220k init, 0k highmem)
Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
console [ttyS0] enabled
Allocating memory for DSP module core and initialization code
Allocated DSP module memory - CORE=0x0 SIZE=0, INIT=0x0 SIZE=0
Calibrating delay loop... 598.01 BogoMIPS (lpj=299008)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
--Kernel Config--
Broadcom Logger v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:27:21
CPU revision is: 0002a081 (Broadcom BMIPS4350)
Primary instruction cache 64kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 2-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 16 bytes
Brought up 2 CPUs
NET: Registered protocol family 16
pmc_init:PMC using DQM mode
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
GetRCalSetting:res_ext value 0x3ff is saturated!
bcm63xx_pcie: applying serdes parameters
registering PCI controller with io_map_base unset
bio: create slab  at 0
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x10600000-0x106fffff]
pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x11700000-0x1170ffff]
pci 0000:00:09.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0310
pci 0000:00:09.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c400-0x1000c4ff]
pci 0000:00:0a.0: [14e4:6300] type 00 class 0x0c0320
pci 0000:00:0a.0: reg 10: [mem 0x1000c300-0x1000c3ff]
PCI host bridge to bus 0000:01
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [mem 0xa0000000-0xbfffffff]
pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
pci 0000:01:00.0: [14e4:6338] type 01 class 0x060400
pci 0000:01:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot
pci 0000:02:00.0: [14e4:a8db] type 00 class 0x028000
pci 0000:02:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0x00000000-0x00007fff 64bit]
pci 0000:02:00.0: supports D1 D2
pci 0000:01:00.0: Checking PCIe ASPM for vendor 14e4 device a8db
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0xa0000000-0xa0007fff 64bit]
pci 0000:01:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0xa0000000-0xa00fffff]
PCI: Enabling device 0000:01:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
bcmhs_spi bcmhs_spi.1: master is unqueued, this is deprecated
skb_free_task created successfully
gbpm_do_work scheduled
BLOG v3.0 Initialized
BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
Broadcom IQoS v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:30:13 initialized
Broadcom GBPM v0.1 Nov 27 2017 11:30:13 initialized
NET: Registered protocol family 8
NET: Registered protocol family 20
Switching to clocksource MIPS
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
TCP: reno registered
UDP hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
PCI: CLS 16 bytes, default 16
init_bcm_tstamp: unhandled mips_hpt_freq=300000000, adjust constants in bcm_tstamp.c
bcm_tstamp initialized, (hpt_freq=300000000 2us_div=300 2ns_mult=0 2ns_shift=0)
squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
fuse init (API version 7.18)
msgmni has been set to 239
io scheduler noop registered (default)
SPI NAND Device Linux Registration
SPI NAND Linux Registration
SPI NAND device reset
SPI NAND device GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB
   device id    = 0xc8d1
   page size    = 0x800 (2048) bytes
   block size   = 0x20000 (131072) bytes
   total blocks = 0x400 (1024)
   total size   = 0x8000000 (134217728) bytes
NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0xc8, Chip ID: 0xd1 (Gigadevice NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
NAND_ECC_NONE selected by board driver. This is not recommended!
Bad Block 0x300 found (address 0x6000000)
Bad Block 0x3c8 found (address 0x7900000)
Bad Block 0x3c9 found (address 0x7920000)
Bad Block 0x3ca found (address 0x7940000)
Bad Block 0x3cb found (address 0x7960000)
Bad Block 0x3cc found (address 0x7980000)
Bad Block 0x3cd found (address 0x79a0000)
Bad Block 0x3ce found (address 0x79c0000)
Bad Block 0x3cf found (address 0x79e0000)
Bad Block 0x3d0 found (address 0x7a00000)
Bad Block 0x3d1 found (address 0x7a20000)
Bad Block 0x3d2 found (address 0x7a40000)
Bad Block 0x3d3 found (address 0x7a60000)
Bad Block 0x3d4 found (address 0x7a80000)
Bad Block 0x3d5 found (address 0x7aa0000)
Bad Block 0x3d6 found (address 0x7ac0000)
Bad Block 0x3d7 found (address 0x7ae0000)
Bad Block 0x3d8 found (address 0x7b00000)
Bad Block 0x3d9 found (address 0x7b20000)
Bad Block 0x3da found (address 0x7b40000)
Bad Block 0x3db found (address 0x7b60000)
Bad Block 0x3de found (address 0x7bc0000)
Bad Block 0x3e0 found (address 0x7c00000)
Bad Block 0x3e1 found (address 0x7c20000)
Bad Block 0x3e3 found (address 0x7c60000)
Bad Block 0x3e5 found (address 0x7ca0000)
Bad Block 0x3e7 found (address 0x7ce0000)
Bad Block 0x3ff found (address 0x7fe0000)
Creating 9 MTD partitions on "GigaDevice GD5F1GQ4UB":
0x000003c00000-0x0000077e0000 : "rootfs"
0x000000020000-0x000003c00000 : "rootfs_update"
0x000007900000-0x000007d00000 : "data"
0x000007800000-0x000007900000 : "romfile"
0x000007d00000-0x000007e00000 : "rom-d"
0x000007e00000-0x000007f00000 : "wwan"
0x000000000000-0x000000020000 : "nvram"
0x000003c00000-0x0000077e0000 : "image"
0x000000020000-0x000003c00000 : "image_update"
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
PPP BSD Compression module registered
PPP Deflate Compression module registered
NET: Registered protocol family 24
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.
brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
SES: Button Interrupt 0x1 is enabled
SES: LED GPIO 0x1 is enabled
DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
WIFI: Button Interrupt 0x4 is enabled
RESET: Button Interrupt 0x0 is enabled
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 104
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 105
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 106
map_hw_timer_interrupt,132: interrupt_id 107
Serial: BCM63XX driver $Revision: 3.00 $
Magic SysRq with Auxilliary trigger char enabled (type ^ h for list of supported commands)
ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0000280 (irq = 8) is a BCM63XX
ttyS1 at MMIO 0xb00002a0 (irq = 9) is a BCM63XX
Total # RxBds=5308
bcmPktDmaBds_init: Broadcom Packet DMA BDs initialized

GACT probability NOT on
Mirror/redirect action on
u32 classifier
    input device check on
    Actions configured
TCP: cubic registered
Initializing XFRM netlink socket
NET: Registered protocol family 10
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
NET: Registered protocol family 17
NET: Registered protocol family 15
Initializing MCPD Module
Ebtables v2.0 registered
ebt_time registered
ebt_ftos registered
ebt_wmm_mark registered
L2TP core: blog_l2tp_rcv_check
L2TP core driver, V2.0
PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
VFS: Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) readonly on device 31:0.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 220k freed
init started: BusyBox v1.20.1 (2017-11-27 11:00:17 CST)
jffs2: jffs2_scan_inode_node(): CRC failed on node at 0x003407e0: Read 0xffffffff, calculated 0x86e5d40c
jffs2: Empty flash at 0x003cf330 ends at 0x003cf800
mount: mounting mtd:bootfs on /bootfs failed: No such file or directory
Mounting filesystems...
mount: mounting mtd:bootfs on /bootfs failed: No such file or directory
Configuring system...
wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Initializing WLCSM Module
WLCSM Module loaded successfully
is_nand:1  is_manufacturer:0
restore done!
Loading drivers and kernel modules...

brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
bcmxtmrt: Broadcom BCM3381B0 ATM/PTM Network Device v0.9 Nov 27 2017 10:59:11
Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31 Registered<243>

Broadcom Ingress QoS ver 0.1 initialized
BPM: tot_mem_size=134217728B (128MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =20132655B (19MB), num of buffers=9986, buf size=2016
Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:57:16 Registered<244>
NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
Initialized fcache state
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v3.0 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31 Registered<242>
Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.
flwStatsThread created
Constructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v3.0 Nov 27 2017 10:57:31
bcmxtmcfg: bcmxtmcfg_init entry
adsl: adsl_init entry
Broadcom BCM63381B0 Ethernet Network Device v0.1 Nov 27 2017 10:59:05
ETH Init: Ch:0 - 200 tx BDs at 0xa506e000
ETH Init: Ch:0 - 3994 rx BDs at 0xa51a8000
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
eth3:   PHY_ID <0x00000001 : 0x01> MAC : xxx
eth2:   PHY_ID <0x00000002 : 0x02> MAC : xxx
eth1:   PHY_ID <0x00000003 : 0x03> MAC : xxx
eth0:   PHY_ID <0x00000004 : 0x04> MAC : xxx
Ethernet Auto Power Down and Sleep: Enabled
All Port Bit Map: 0x000f: eth3,eth2,eth1,eth0
   Chip WAN Only Ports 0000, Defined WAN Only Ports 0000, WAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip WAN Preffered Ports 0000, Defined WAN Preffered Ports 0000, WAN Preffered Port Result: 0x0000:
   Chip LAN Only Ports 0000, Defined LAN Only Ports 0000, LAN Only Port Result: 0x0000:
   WAN/LAN Both Capable Ports 0x000f:eth3,eth2,eth1,eth0
NComm TMS V6.80 Kernel Module loaded.
--SMP support
wl: dsl_tx_pkt_flush_len=338
wl: norm_wmark_tot=3040, pktc_wmark_tot=3040
PCI: Enabling device 0000:02:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
wl: passivemode=1
wl0: creating kthread wl0-kthrd
wl: napimode=0
initvars_cis_pci: Not CIS format
Neither SPROM nor OTP has valid image
wl:srom/otp not programmed, using main memory mapped srom info(wombo board)
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: ID=pci/2/0/
wl: loading /etc/wlan/bcm43217_map.bin
srom rev:8
wl: reading /etc/wlan/bcmcmn_nvramvars.bin, file size=32
wl0: allocskbmode=1 currallocskbsz=1024
wl0: Broadcom BCM43227 802.11 Wireless Controller
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl0 registered
/etc/rc3.d/S45bcm-base-drivers: line 158: /usr/bin/nvram_product: not found
/etc/rc3.d/S45bcm-base-drivers: line 158: /usr/bin/nvram_product: not found
Loading PCM shim driver
Endpoint: endpoint_init entry
Endpoint: endpoint_init COMPLETED
Broadcom 802.1Q VLAN Interface, v0.1
brcm_otp_init entry
Skip /etc/ /etc/wlan/clm/router.clm_blob doesn't exist
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1922 buckets, 7688 max)
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
Starting SWMDK...
Note: Loading 6300 MDK (default) driver for 63381 chip
Switch MDK: num_switches = 1
Switch MDK: unit = 0; phy_pbmp = 0xf; config_pbmp = 0xf
Switch MDK link poll thread: unit=0; phypbmp=0xf config_pbmp=0xf
Energy Efficient Ethernet: Enabled
Jan  1 00:00:39 crond[645]: crond: crond (busybox 1.20.1) started, log level 8
START disable Lan...

dnsmasq: unknown user or group: supervisor
Set PowerSave to auto by default ......
Host MIPS Clock divider pwrsaving is enabled
ZCMD Start
killall: no process killed
Saving kernel bootup messages for dumpsysinfo...
killall: zywifid: no process killed

Please press Enter to activate this console. zywifid> [ALERT] wifi_module_init:1066: load ..........
Find MTD Device /dev/mtd3 with name romfile
mtd.oobsize 128 mtd.writesize 2048
romfile type ffff
romfile size 4294967295
romfile crc 65535
zcmdRomConvert() : Load /data/zcfg_config.json failzcmdDataModelInit : Parse json from /data/zcfg_config.json fail
zcmdDataModelInit : config is broken
zcmdDataModelInit :try backup config
mv: can't rename '/data/zcfg_config.json.bak': No space left on device
zywifid> [ALERT] main:1195: Check and fix Wifi MAC address......
rm: can't remove '/tmp/wifiScanTime*': No such file or directory
Find MTD Device /dev/mtd2 with name data
Could not erase MTD device: /dev/mtd2

Ako vidite poruku *** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) *** brzo pritisnite bilo koju tipku na tipkovnici.

Zdravo, ja sam iz Poljske
Imam VMG-8924B10A. Narančasti operator.
Ne mogu doći do CFE-a jer zahtijeva lozinku.
Ima li neko ideju kako se nositi s tim?


CFE version 1.0.38-112.118 for BCM963268 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: 08/08/2017 (jason@DaJiaBu)
Copyright (C) 2000-2011 Broadcom Corporation.

NAND ECC BCH-8, page size 0x800 bytes, spare size used 64 bytes
NAND flash device: name Toshiba TC58NVG0S3HTAI0, id 0x98f1 block 128KB size 131072KB
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
External switch id = 53125
Chip ID: BCM63168D0, MIPS: 400MHz, DDR: 400MHz, Bus: 200MHz
Main Thread: TP0
Memory Test Passed
Total Memory: 134217728 bytes (128MB)
Boot Address: 0xb8000000

Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Checking Reset button on EXT INTR 0
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Board IP address                  :
Host IP address                   :
Gateway IP address                :
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f
Default host run file name        : vmlinux
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1
Boot image (0=latest, 1=previous) : 0
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Board Id (0-14)                   : 963168VX
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 12
Base MAC Address                  : 5c:e2:8c:c9:e9:7a
PSI Size (1-128) KBytes           : 128
Enable Backup PSI [0|1]           : 0
System Log Size (0-256) KBytes    : 0
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Voice Board Configuration (0-5)   :

Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 1
 Port 4 link UP
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
Correctable ECC Error detected: addr=0x0000b200, intrCtrl=0x00000090, accessCtrl=0xF7881010
web info: Waiting for connection on socket 0.
envyray je offline   Reply With Quote


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