Tema: 2232bw pomoc
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Staro 19.07.2008., 14:02   #38
Punio4's Avatar
Datum registracije: Aug 2005
Lokacija: Zagreb, Maksimir
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Is anyone else having coloring problems with this screen? By coloring problems, I mean it seems to be dynamically recoloring certain sections of the monitor. For example, on the HardOCP main web site, there is a slight blue tint to some of the text, such as the heading for the date and many parts of the text on screen as illustrated here:

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The purpose of the screen isn't to show you the effects (I know its specific to this monitor. I'm trying to nail whether its an issue that is across all monitors of this model or if its just a defect in my monitor), but rather to direct other people with this monitor to the area of interest.

It appears to be a problem with dark colors surrounding bright colors. When I play around in MS Paint, I took a blank white area and filled it in black and started moving my mouse over it. Over certain areas, the color of my mouse would change from white to a very light sky blue sort of color. The same result can be achieved with various other dark backgrounds. Anyone else have this problem? The area in which this color change occurs is VERY consistent. It's like a vertical band 2 or 3 inches wide slightly off center of my screen.

On a side note, it appears that this monitor does NOT have 1:1 pixel mapping. Unless I'm missing something... but when I play games at 800x600, it maintains aspect ratio but does not maintain 1:1 pixel mapping. Same goes for all other resolutions which do not match the 16:10 aspect ratio.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: Jelc. 19.07.2008. u 22:44.
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