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Staro 09.01.2008., 22:25   #32
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Autor elvis again Pregled postova
Jesi prvo maknul stare drivere uninstal + dc pro? Kaj se događa kad ju spojis i upalis komp?
nisam, ni ne znam šta je dc pro :/

kad upalim komp vidim da joj ventilator radi, ništa ne tuli (kao ono kad ne ubodeš dobro karticu, pa se čuje, toga nema...), ali monitor mi ne prima nikakav signal. mrak.

guglam o tome, i našao sam ovo (na googleovoj memoriji, stranica više ne postoji, pa radim c/p):
Okey, i have bought a xfx 8800gt 512mb graphics card. I installed it, turned my computer On and .. black screen. It´s like "no signal" , but the fans and the computer starts ( i can hear the windows startup sound after a while..) :s .. i cant even see the bios screen or nothing, its just black. When i change to my old radeon card it works fine..

Okey, so, ive tried lots of things..
3 models of power-supplys including 420w, 430w and now i have a xilence 550w. Didnt help..
Ive tried the graphiccard on my friends computer, and it works fine, so its not the card thats broken..
i have un-installed the old radeon drivers but didnt help either. Ive set the bios to "PCIe"-mode ( so it´s not the onboard videocard). I have also updated my BIOS.

What to do? is there any fix?

Ive heard that the problem could be that the VIA chipsets doesnt work with PCI 2.0 cards.. can that be true? i mean the card should be backwards compatible.. :s

please, help me :/ it´s so frustrating..
evo još jedan link u tom smislu:
Recently I bought an XFX 8800GT (Xtreme Edition), and was one of the unlucky people who got caught out with the incompatibility issue. XFX have since sent me patch for the card to bring it back to PCIE gen1...

uglavnom, neću je još nositi na reklamaciju, mogla bi biti sasvim ispravna a da je problem s mojom pločom. Soltek SL-K890Pro-939, chipset Via K8T890. (izgleda da je neki uklet chipset, ubo sam danas i Athlonax2 3800+ i ne vidim u task manageru dva procesora! :/ ovaj chipset ne podržava dual core, navodno postoji neka verzija koja radi ali su je kasnije povukli :/ našao sam je i sutra ću izgleda po prvi put u životu flashirati bios )

uglavnom, loš dan.

nego, nazad na grafičku - imaju li vama ovi citati gore smisla, to sa PCIe verzijom 1 i 2? koliko sam ja skužio grafička je PCIe 2 a moja ploča je PCIe 1. i, šta ću sad s tim? :/

idem sad probat skinuti stare drivere pa probati tako kako si rekao. i palim Bareta i Majke, onu stvar: nekaaa se čudooo desiii
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