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Staro 06.04.2007., 02:38   #3
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Datum registracije: Dec 2004
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Moraš imati na umu da to više nije ona legendarna IBM kvaliteta.

IBM (or, you know, Lenovo, or whoever) don't make buckling spring keyboards any more. They sell various keyboards that use cheaper, quieter keyswitches that don't last nearly as long or provide nearly as pleasant a key-feel, but there's no real difference between current IBM-branded 'boards and any number of other mainstream offerings.

These mainstream 'boards, all with one or another variant of the simple and quiet rubber dome switch idea, are perfectly OK for people who don't type much. They may drop dead with or without the assistance of a spilled beverage, but that's no big deal; if your computer's essential to your happiness, buy a spare cheap keyboard in case your main cheap keyboard dies, and use your nasty mushy input devices with my blessing.

If you do type a lot, though, you owe it to yourself to get a good keyboard of one kind or another, for the same reason that people who use the mouse a lot shouldn't settle for some ancient crusty serial-port optomechanical artifact.

Old mouses aren't nice to use, but old keyboards can be, because mouse technology's advanced a lot over the last 20 years, but keyswitch technology was quite mature in 1980. Modern keyboard tech advances have mainly had to do with wireless interfaces, snazzy looks, and making cheap crud cheaper.

If you want to buy a new, as in manufactured-this-decade, buckling spring IBM keyboard, Unicomp is the place to go. They don't make 'boards with the actual IBM logo on them, but their products are the exact same thing as the later-model IBMs made by Lexmark (which is to say, not quite as monstrous as the original IBM-made units, with integrated cables instead of the plug-in originals, but still far beefier than mortal keyboards), and reasonably priced.

Tako da... ako tražiš one "prave" IBM kliketuše, potraži po oglasima ili servisima.
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