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Staro 30.04.2024., 16:29   #3180
Registered User
Datum registracije: May 2023
Lokacija: Mrkopalj
Postovi: 47

\_SB - system bus ACPI namespace , PCI0 - prvi pci bus , GP17 - general purpose 17? , VGA - video , _STA - status

prve dvije linije, cini mi se da je do graphics firmwarea koji je vec sadrzan u ramdisku, a i u kernelu pa zato vraca AE_ALREADY_EXISTS ili nekakav timing kod loadanja. mozes i svoj buildat sa mkinitcpio umjesto dracuta, nemoj overwriteat da ne ubijes sistem u slucaju loseg builda. provjeri koji se sve firmware loada u ramdisk xbps-reconfigure -fa.

dswload2.c -

cini se da je dswload2 zaduzen za acpi namespaces. _mislim_ da bi ovo bio related kod.

         * Enter the named type into the internal namespace. We enter the name
         * as we go downward in the parse tree. Any necessary subobjects that
         * involve arguments to the opcode must be created as we go back up the
         * parse tree later.
         * Note: Name may already exist if we are executing a deferred opcode.
        if (walk_state->deferred_node) {

            /* This name is already in the namespace, get the node */

            node = walk_state->deferred_node;
            status = AE_OK;

        flags = ACPI_NS_NO_UPSEARCH;
        if (walk_state->pass_number == ACPI_IMODE_EXECUTE) {

            /* Execution mode, node cannot already exist, node is temporary */

            flags |= ACPI_NS_ERROR_IF_FOUND;

            if (!
                 parse_flags & ACPI_PARSE_MODULE_LEVEL)) {
                flags |= ACPI_NS_TEMPORARY;
zadnja linija regulatory.db je wlan related. kernel ucitava regulatory.db koji sadrzi popis rulova za drzave i max db.

'Due to the dynamic nature of regulatory domains we keep them in userspace and provide a framework for userspace to upload to the kernel one regulatory domain to be used as the central core regulatory domain all wireless devices should adhere to.'

znaci nemas ga u userspaceu kako bi ga kernel loadao.

na voidu pogledaj;
[-] linux-firmware-20240410_1          Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel
[-] linux-firmware-amd-20240410_1      Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - AMD CPU/GPU microcode
[-] linux-firmware-broadcom-20240410_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Broadcom network blobs
[-] linux-firmware-intel-20240410_1    Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Intel CPU/GPU microcode
[-] linux-firmware-network-20240410_1  Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - network
[-] linux-firmware-nvidia-20240410_1   Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel NVIDIA GPU microcode
[-] linux-firmware-qualcomm-20240410_1 Binary firmware blobs for the Linux kernel - Qualcomm SoC blobs
[-] wifi-firmware-1.3_4                WiFi firmware meta-package
*** ako zelis potencijalni quick fix, instaliraj sve navedene pakete koji odgovaraju tvom hardwareu, rebuildaj ramdisk i rebootaj. vidi hoce li biti errora. ***

suma sumarum, prva je graphics firmware, druga wlan firmware. obe greske firmware related za razlicite deviceove. rekao bih nedostaje firmware. bilo bi dobro imati vise informacija o sistemu.

imam jedno pitanje, kakva je razlika kad imam nouveau u kernelu i kakva je poveznica imao ili nemao nouveau firmware u ramdisku?

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: radi.neradi. 30.04.2024. u 17:44.
radi.neradi je offline   Reply With Quote