Tema: Automobili
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Staro 26.07.2023., 19:10   #68035
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bigAdvance's Avatar
Datum registracije: Feb 2007
Lokacija: Sesvete
Postovi: 667
Autor CatKiller Pregled postova
(P.S. nema sluzbene informacije sto je uzrokovalo zapaljenje i gdje je nastalo)
Naravno da nema, ali to ne donosi klikove.


"What the quote clearly doesn’t mean is that the Coast Guard is blaming this fire on an electric car.
And how do we know that? Well, we called them and asked them. And they told us that, no, they have not made a statement to that effect, because they don’t know the cause of the fire yet, and that this seems to be speculation in the media.

Istina, članak je sa electreka koji je biased, ali vjerojatno ne bi riskirali svoj ugled lažući ovako nečime.

Autor Hamm Pregled postova
Ok jasna mi je razlika u brojkama ICE vs EV ali kada EV postanu dominantniji ili makar "tu negdje", kaj će ona biti? Zapali se i kaj...izgori? Cijeli...ICE ok da zna se dogoditi da izgori do kraja ali realno ako dođu službe one ga ugase. ICE kao i EV šire požar na susjedne autombile/vozila. Ali kaj kada pored ICE nije ICE nego EV ili pored EV je još jedan EV. Tko će ugasiti taj cluster fuck?
Evo još jedno istraživanje: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/ge...TEXT01.pdfTest

U zaključku piše:
The factors that enable fire to spread are similar for EVs and ICEVs. One additional risk for ICEVs is the possibility of liquid pool fires. Such fires may result from the rupture of the petrol or diesel tank, for example due to external heating. Liquid pool fires may increase the fire spread, the extent of which depends on factors such as, the amount of fuel, the incline of the flooring and drains adjacent to the vehicle.
For EVs, the possibility of jet flames from the battery pack could potentially contribute to fire spread. Jet flames are commonly deflected underneath the vehicle and could potentially reach a neighbouring vehicle and cause ignition. However, to the best knowledge of the authors, specific studies of this phenomenon have not yet been performed. Compared to jet flames from gas tanks, such as a CNG tank, jet flames from EVs are substantially shorter (in length and duration), as noticed during several large scale vehicle fire tests performed at RISE.

Da, ako se baterija zapali, gori vrlo intenzivno i dugotrajno, ali jako limitiranog dosega (pričamo o bateriji, ne o plastici u autu).

Što se tiče klimatske katastrofe kada EV padne na dno oceana i slično...samo ću ostaviti jedan link tu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oil_spills
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