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Staro 24.04.2018., 00:14   #121
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alengrosevic's Avatar
Datum registracije: Sep 2007
Lokacija: Čakovec
Postovi: 3,761
hahahaha baš me nasmijao ovaj članak. Naime, svi vi koji koristite non-stock cooler, očito ste izgubili garanciju na CPU (iako teško za dokazati ali opet)

EDIT: Evo updatea s odgovorom AMD-a.

Update Tuesday 24th:
We got word back from AMD, and much of the staff is as surprised to find out what is written there. AMD mentioned that the FAQ and info distributed is old (5 years) and is being updated soon to clarify things.

Zadnje izmijenjeno od: alengrosevic. 24.04.2018. u 15:24.
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