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segregator 12.09.2007. 08:52

Nekoliko korisnih linkova za rješavanje problema sa ATI karticama







segregator 29.01.2008. 09:14

Evo da nadopunim malo i sa informacijama o ATI proizvodima:

Općenito o ATI-u

ATI chipseti prije kupovine

ATI i AMD chipseti



Mobility tool

segregator 03.02.2008. 16:06

Problemi sa 3dmarkom i rješenje (pošto se često traži na forumu):


segregator 05.02.2008. 16:31

Fix za probleme sa performansama na Visti pod CF i SLI konfiguracijama

32 Bita

64 bita

Ako vam Vista uopće ne vidi drugi GPU:


Ako imate grafičku sa jako puno memorije (512mb ili više) pod Vistom:


BIOS Fix za probleme sa ventilatorom na BBA karticama:


Jelc 08.09.2008. 20:50

Performanse grafičkih kartica u novijim igrama:


Ide tema o 4870 u sticky pa čisto da se zna gdje je ova:)

segregator 06.11.2008. 11:59

Upute za pravilno benchanje na M$ OS-ovima

"When benchmarking Windows XP, Microsoft strongly recommends a clean installation using NTFS. There are several reasons why performance for a clean installation will tend to be superior to that for upgraded systems. An upgraded system will constrain the placement of files and file system data. The old disk format may not use an optimal file system cluster size. In a clean installation, the placement of file system data on the disk and the internal organization of that data can be optimized, resulting in a smaller system footprint and fewer and faster I/Os when using the system."

"Benchmarking on a Dynamic and Self-Tuning Windows XP

Benchmarking an operating system that is attempting to improve itself over time based upon observed usage patterns can be difficult. It becomes ever more difficult to benchmark if the operating system is also attempting to create dynamic system restore points when large amounts of applications are installed. Fortunately, there is a methodology that provides consistent results, accurately reflects the performance that Windows XP systems will achieve, and is fairly easy to follow.

The basics of the methodology are:

Install the OS and benchmark as normal.

Run the benchmark one or more times.
Use the applications in the benchmark as real users would.

Let Idle Tasks Run
Leave the system for a bit after using it, (up to three days for disk layout optimizations).
Call the ProcessIdleTask API from advapi32.dll.

Run the benchmark as usual."

Black Dragon 07.05.2009. 11:39

oni koji koriste na AGPu GPUe predviđene za PCI-x (od X1650 pa na gore) poželjno da koristite drivere sa APG fixom
verzija 9.2
verzija 9.3
(navedeni driveri su za Win XP 32 bitne) i potrebno je u BIOSu ugasiti (disable) fast writes i agp 3 calibration i stari ATi trik agp speed sa 8x na 4x
riješio na taj način brdo powercolora x1650 PRO sa 512 MB (i za to 400W+ PSU) isto kao i onih 2600 i 3650 ...

segregator 29.09.2009. 09:29

Uvijek zadnji AGP Hotfix:


Jelc 12.01.2012. 21:08

Sve što treba znati o 48xx karticama ‎


thunder11 16.10.2014. 21:56

POzdrav svima,

par dana u nazad sam dobio novu Msi r9 270x I imam mali problem koji mi je malo teže onjasniti. dakle svako toliko mi se na ekranu pokazivaju neke greškice koje izgledaju popu Qr coda na random mjestima po ekranu.. i svaki put kada pokusam uslikati Screen capturom... naravno ne vidi se na slici nista.
Ima netko nekak savjet ? ili barem pod kojim topicom da postam problem ?

Sinac 01.12.2017. 11:53

Ne znam u koji thread da stavim pa pitam ovdje, na nekoliko računala s Radon 3xxx i 4xxx grafičkim karticama Windows 10 update sronda rezoluciju na 1024x768 i podvali neke svoje drajvere koji su neupotrebljivi. Rollback spasio stvar a zanima me da li se i vama dešava isto.

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