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Matta 19.10.2012. 20:32


Autor Neo-ST (Post 2258259)
Ja isto :D
Kvragu, sad i ja razmišljam bumpat pledge na Come fly with me, samo izgledat ću glupo u Konstelaciji ako je budem vozio sam, a unutra turreti i fighter u garaži, čame sami :D

Parkiramo sva tri jedan kraj drugog pa svaki dan se mijenjamo na voznji k'o taksisti ! :D

Necto 19.10.2012. 20:34

Ma bit ce ovih domacih geliptera na friends listi, koji dok se casni ljudi bore, oni na drugom kraju galaksije ispijaju kavu.
Pa ga zvrcnes a on se remote konekcijom spoji s laptopom na svom brodu i upravlja turetima na tvom =))))

Neo-ST 19.10.2012. 20:40

Da, ima raznih opcija i svakakvih mogućnosti. Šteta šta u nas nije veći interes, mogli smo osnovati nekakav guild (udrugu ili kako se to već prevede u nas) i funkcionirati kao mala zajednica u kojoj svak svakome pomaže, itd...

Necto 19.10.2012. 20:44

Ja san inače u domacem klanu *NOB* Mrcine, ... igrao ArmA 2, IL2 i BF3.
A sigurno ce se osnovati i Star Citizen sekcija kada izadje igra.

Tako da bez problema se mozemo organizirati tamo, sredjen forum, TS i sve ostalo.

A zainteresiranosti ce biti sigurno, ... vidit ces kad starija WC ekipa otkrije ovo =))) uf ...
comeback stare garde od 40-55 godina :PPP

*420 postova ^^

Matta 19.10.2012. 20:53

Hiiijaoo, sto mi rece za Kickstarter skin, ode jos 5$ ! :D

Iskreno se nadam da ce igra zazivjeti onako kako je i Chris planirao. Ne samo radi ove igre (mada sam zeljan space sima k'o zedan vode :) ) nego da se dokaze da se AAA igra moze izdati bez krvopijskih publishera i da se mozda potakne jos teamova da na ovaj nacin izdaju odlicne igre.

Eno ga, imamo prvog 10k pledgera i plus 36 od 31 mogucih 1k pledgera. :)

Necto 19.10.2012. 21:40

dva pledgera od 10k :D

cini mi se da ce ovo bez problema proci 4mil granicu ... bas me zanima koji ce biti stretch ciljevi =)))

Neo-ST 19.10.2012. 22:00

Đizs, 10K na igru...
Briga njega, imat će svoj sustav koji će se zvati po njemu, svoj lik, i ko zna šta sve.

Stretch ciljevi: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/star-citizen/ pa klikni na stretch goals gore desno, slabo se vidi jbga.

EDIT: tri pledgera od 10K za sada :D
Evo post jednog od njih: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.co...me-the-galaxy/

Necto 19.10.2012. 22:32

hmmm .... =|

Na ovom zadnjem stretch cilju od 5+mil pise:

Star Citizens will receive access to the Wing Commander/Star Citizen universe for on-line persistent play (30 months)
30 months ? A igra je zakazana za izlazak u jesen 2014. ?
Znaci da glavni dio MP-a s centralnim serverom nece biti gotov do otprilike cetvrtog miseca 2015.? =(

Privateer-like gameplay
Multiple Star Systems to Explore
lol ? kako ce izgledat igra ako slucajno nedaj boze ne dosegnu 5+mil ...
Maknu Privateer-like gameplay sta je basically skoro ko Freelancer gp.
I onda se vozis u jednom solarnom sustavu i ne radis nista :D ?

A u videima se spominje citava galaksija i 50+ sustava .... :stoopid:

ne kuzim ...

Neo-ST 19.10.2012. 23:00

Da, nisu baš dobro pojasnili, velika se buka digla oko toga na forumu, ali ukratko - sve će biti onako kako je opisano (ovako ili onako). To znači da će igra imati sve u roku od 24 mj. ako se postignu svi ciljevi pomoću crowdfundinga, ako ne, svejedno će je razvijati u tom smjeru ali sporijim tempom jer će financije morati nabavljati od drugih izvora.
U svakom slučaju prva igriva alpha dolazi za 12mj., beta nešto kasnije, a full igra za 24mj.

$2M je vrlo blizu, dakle vrlo brzo i kreće u izradu. Od tada pa dalje imaju još 12+ mjeseci da zarade i ostalih $3M, što ne vjerujem da će biti problem. Igra je digla poprilično buke, neki govore da su čak neki veći ulagači bacili oko na nju i možda je poguraju ako bude trebalo.

Matta 19.10.2012. 23:15


Autor Ben Lesnick (Key Master)
We’re getting ready to address the stretch goals question in a Comm-Link post. I agree that it seems deceptive… but it wasn’t meant to be! The game announced at GDC is the one Chris Roberts intends to build, no matter what… not making the $4 million just means it’s going to take a little more time to get there instead of launching all at once.


Interpol 20.10.2012. 09:58

Evo i mene, €28, ko ga yebe. Kad se samo sjetim koliko mi je kvalitetne zabave donio Wing Commander, recimo da je ovo simbolična naknada :)

Jedino ne znam šta će bit sa White Citizen Card, s obzirom da sam zaboravio uplatit $5 ekstra za int. shipping. I koji je to uopće penis - samo šareni komad papira ili ima i nekih dodatnih goodiesa?

Necto 20.10.2012. 12:02

CR je odgovarao na neka pitanja u KS komentarima :goood:

Nathan Fillon is great. If we get to infinity and beyond I'll try to get him to voice one of the characters!

Its not technically correct that you don't lose your pledge ship - you do. BUT all pledge ships come with lifetime insurance, as opposed to the ones you can purchase in game. So when your ship is destroyed you'll get rescued and returned to the nearest friendly base / planet and will have your ship minus its cargo and any upgrades you bought along the way.
You can purchase insurance in-game for upgrades, ships & cargo (think Loyds of London).

The Constellation will be good for 3-4 players and will have up to two manned turrets (not from the start, you'll have to upgrade to this) and a short range fighter in it's belly hangar. Think of it like the Millennium Falcon with a bonus light fighter.

Have definitely looked at Leap Motion. My dream (if Leap Motion works well unlike Kinect for PC) is to be playing the game wearing the rift, flying with a full HOTAS setup and using the Leap Motion to track your hand movements when you interact with the LCDs and the rest of the cockpit and also arrange your HUD widgets Minority Report style!

Evo imas tu u ovom "FAQ-u" nekih odgovora na pitanja.
Medju ostalim i o Citizen kartici ...

Neo-ST 20.10.2012. 12:29

shipping će se naknadno plaćati ako sam dobro shvatio, dakle nisi ništa pogriješio.

Interpol 20.10.2012. 12:51

Je, trebao sam čitat fine print :)

Shipping Note: We will be collecting your shipping address at time of shipping you items. Upon request of your shipping address, we will also request payment of your shipping fee should you be an International customer.

Neo-ST 20.10.2012. 15:31

Nevezano za igru - isječci sa snimanja Wing Commandera 3: http://youtu.be/CpjreO8W2G8

Necto 21.10.2012. 20:53

Jedan od "starijih" intervjua s Chrisom ....

Na 17:10 je jedan "future" koji do sada nije nigdje spomenut :D :care:

Samo se nadam da nije bug vec da ce postojati takvi system failure-i na koje moras pripazit dok letis =)

Broken Arrow 21.10.2012. 21:40

Ja isto gledam ovo sve već danima i mami me mami... :p

Neo-ST 21.10.2012. 22:30

$30 za ovakvu igru je sića, mislim da ne možeš izgubit ako te iti malo mami :)

Matta 22.10.2012. 08:33


Autor Necto (Post 2259174)
Na 17:10 je jedan "future" koji do sada nije nigdje spomenut :D :care:

A izraz lica mu je neprocjenjiv, i sam se iznenadio kad si je "pocepao" krilo ! :D

Neo-ST 22.10.2012. 10:49

Večeras objavljuju specifikacije brodova i možda slike, stay tuned...

ivan77 22.10.2012. 12:12

Idem i ja dat koji €.
Ovo je zaslužilo poštovanje. Ovo bi moglo bit najbliže nekom
"ELITE 4" , "PRIVATEER 3" nastavku.

Interpol 22.10.2012. 13:11

Evo, dobio sam službeni info da će vjerojatno postojat mogućnost digitalne verzije Citizen Carda, tako da shipping ni neće bit obavezan.

Btw, RSI crowdfunding je na skoro 63%, Kickstarter na 74%

Neo-ST 22.10.2012. 13:17

Postoji već ima par dana, na Kickstarteru, samo je količina limitirana... :)


jedan odličan fan-made trailer: http://youtu.be/c3jNaUG2Etk

3NCORE 22.10.2012. 15:29

Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) je od 19h ( 10h PST ) po nasem vremenu:).

Neo-ST 23.10.2012. 02:05

Par, po mom mišljenju, bitnih isječaka sa večerašnjeg Reddita:

1. Info o novim brodovima, slike, novi website:


CR: The web guys have made good progress and have almost got everything working, but as we don’t want to risk blowing everything up we’re going to do some soft testing tonight and hopefully feel comfortable in turning on the upgrade feature at some point tomorrow. In addition some of the re-engineering we had to do for the upgrades will allow us to have digital “add-on” packages, so over the next few days we’ll roll out some additional pledges that can be added to an existing package, which quite a few people have been asking for,

So ship overview tomorrow (fingers crossed)

2. Pitanje: Chris! You’ve talked about how ships will have several hundred moving/separate parts which will be affected different when damaged such as parts perhaps flying off. How might repairing ships work? Will it be a simple “Repair your ship for 1485 credits” button, or will we be able to perhaps buy ‘scrap metal parts’ from merchants and repair our own ships in first person view, or even in the middle of space combat?”


I haven’t full designed this part out, but you should be able to have repair droids and on bigger ships it would be cool to be able to fix smoking parts in FP mode (think fixing up a vehicle in BF3, but with more detail / animation). Be great if one of your friends was trying to mend the flux capacitor while you held off the pirates with the turret guns!

3. Pitanje: Will there be "boarding parties"? I loved that element in Battlefront II


Yes there will be boarding parties in both Squadron 42 SP game and Star Citizen's persistent universe. You'll be able to capture bigger ships, or perhaps an asteroid base or space station.

4. Pitanje: How many people are there in your team right now?i think that it will take a big team to make your view made…plans on expanding it?


Just under 10 achieved what you saw. We’re currently ramping up for proper production now a lot of the tech and workflow issues have been worked out Team will scale as we’re using a blend of contractors and in house staff, but I think we’ll be about 70 or so people in-house when we launch plus a lot more people contracting.

5. Pitanje: I truly LOVE the concept art that we can see in the Forum section..will there be something like that in the final game?i mean,a view of your ship standing near a bar..sound so cool to me!


Yes, we’ll be sharing the concept art and other WIP for the backers (this will be walled off for only backers after the end of the crowd funding). Think of it like you’re the publisher and we’re sharing milestones and cool stuff with you along the way to keep you excited.

Za ostalo tu je Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comment...der/?limit=500

Broken Arrow 23.10.2012. 22:27

Evo... dao mu 60$... nadam se da me neće razočarati... :p

Neo-ST 24.10.2012. 15:54

Sinoć je igra ispunila cilj na Kickstarteru. $500.000 u 5 dana, i raste. Kombinirano s ulaganjima na glavnom siteu, financiranje je trenutno na ~$1.9M od 2, znači pitanje je samo hoće li danas ili sutra biti proslava :)
Ja sam malo pratio komentare na KS-u taman prije nego je igra postigla 500K, to je bila luda kuća, konverzaciji se pridružio i sami Chris Roberts...

Danas tokom dana bi trebali dugo najavljivani updateovi, specifikacije brodova i tome slično.

U ovom threadu Ben Lesnick (CR-ov glavni pomoćnik) odgovara na pitanja forumaša, ima zanimljivih pitanja i odgovora, a možete i sami postaviti svoje: http://www.robertsspaceindustries.co...our-questions/

Necto 24.10.2012. 16:00

Bitno je jos spomenit sta vidin da dosta ljudi nije skuzilo,
ovaj 2mil goal je tu samo da pokaze investitorima da postoji interes za igru.
A Roberts vec ima neke investitore na standby-u s budzetom od 10-14mil.
Ovisno koliko jos ljudi pledgea toliko ce ovi i vise uloziti ... ali jedno 10mil ce sigurno.

I CR je napisa da ce sve sta je spomenuto biti u igri, samo je pitanje koliko skupe para
i o tom ovisi oce li sve biti gotovo za 24-30 miseci ili ce izaci prvo Squadron 42
pa ce se ostalo lagano nadodavati.

Neo-ST 24.10.2012. 16:05

Meni bitno da imam pristup Alphi za godinu dana :D

Thanks Ben I’m sure your’e all working very hard on this.


We are, it’s exhausting. I’m very much looking forward to the next phase of this thing, where we have more staff to deal with all the customer service interaction and I can spend a little more time with you guys. (And it’s frustrating when you have something ready and you can’t just go right out and share it… believe me, I want you to see the ship stats as much as you want to see them…)

(Between you and me, it’s crazy here, just personally. I’m getting ready to relocate to join the new studio… and finishing up my previous job… and working on the game and the community at the same time. I think everyone on the team is in the same place right now. :) )

imik 24.10.2012. 21:21

Novi interview


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