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ShebY 22.09.2007. 18:37

Hmm nekužim se u ove AM2+ sockete i te fore a el zna mozd neko dali amd planira pravit novi socket uskoro AM3 ili tako nešto???

stef 22.09.2007. 19:23

Za godinu dana najranije, prije da će kasniti malo.

McG 25.09.2007. 02:56

AMD AutoXpress
This feature will allow for acceleration of the performance of K10 processors, automatic overclocking of the PCIe bus when using graphics cards based on R580+ or newer (such as the R6XX), accelerating data transfers in between graphics card when running CrossFire, and even allow the HyperTransport bus to be double-pumped when using a HT 1.0 processor, through a feature called XpressRoute. There will also be a MemBoost feature that can be used with high-end memory (DDR2-800 and up) for lower latencies when using a K8 processor.


Feature Options: ON (default) / OFF / Custom
  • CPU (ON / OFF)
  • XpressRoute (ON / OFF)
  • MemBoost (ON / OFF)

Sub Section Name: CPU (ON / OFF)
  • Function 1: To Maximize CPU performance
  • Detail: Change CPU ClkDivisor to "Divide-by-1" mode
  • Limitation: For Phenom (K10) CPU only

Sub Section Name: XpressRoute (ON / OFF)
  • Function 1: To accelerate transfers of data to and from graphics
  • Detail: Increase PCIE clock for Graphic cards with certain device ids. Internal qualification has been done on R600 and R580+ cards and has shown stability at 150Mhz-160Mhz on the PCIE bus (Gen1). Corner lot testing has shown that 125Mhz should be the recommended default to cover worst case scenarios.
  • Limitation: For RD780 and RD790 only.
  • Function 2: To accelerate transfers of data b/w graphics (most notably in SW CrossFire)
  • Detail: Enable BIOS setting to allow P2P transfers
  • Limitation: For RD780 and RD790 only
  • Function 3: To maximize transfer bandwidth of graphics data with a HT1 CPU
  • Detail: Enable BIOS setting to double pump graphics data across HyperTransport
  • Limitation: For RD780 and RD790 only. For HT1 CPUs only (disable for HT3 CPUs)

Sub Section Name: MemBoost (ON / OFF)
  • Function 1: To accelerate memory bandwidth performance with DDR2-800 or higher DIMMs with K8 CPUs
  • Detail: Alter memory timings for DDR2-800 or higher DIMMs
  • Limitation: For RD780 and RD790 only. For DDR2-800 or higher DIMMS. For K8 CPUs only.

Izvor: NordicHardware i ChileHardware

McG 02.10.2007. 23:07

Lansirani Athlon LE modeli iz 1600 serije
Until now Advanced Micro Devices was not planning to release any new single-core Athlon processors, however, recently the company quietly started to ship its new Athlon LE chips for entry-level systems with only one processing engines. The new AMD Athlon LE processors 1000-series will offer considerably higher performance due to higher clock-speed compared to AMD Sempron LE 1000-series chips, however, the new central processing units will still be considerably less speedy than dual-core offerings. Initially the fresh family will contain two solutions:
  • Athlon LE-1620 (ADH1620IAA5DH): 2.4GHz, 1MB L2 cache, Socket AM2, TDP=45W
  • Athlon LE-1600 (ADH1600IAA5DH): 2.2GHz, 1MB L2 cache, Socket AM2, TDP=45W
On-line stores are already accepting pre-orders for Athlon LE-1620 at about $60-$70. Athlon LE-1600 should be priced a little less than that.
Izvor: X-Bit Labs

ShebY 04.10.2007. 20:08

El znate mozd kad ce pocet izlazit PCI-e2.0 ploce za am2?

McG 04.10.2007. 20:50


Autor ShebY (Post 831884)
El znate mozd kad ce pocet izlazit PCI-e2.0 ploce za am2?

Imaš par postova gore i par stranica untrag informacija o tome kolko te volja. Ploče bazirane na RD790 chipsetu su već vani i korištene su za potrebe recenzija i čega sve ne. Većina proizvođača je već najavila, predstavila i pripremila svoje primjerke. Skupa s RD780, MCP78 i ostatkom veselog društva stižu krajem godine (najprije high-end) i početkom sljedeće godine.

McG 08.10.2007. 22:42

MSI K9A2 Platinum AM2+ ploča
MSI’s latest K9A2 Platinum utilizes the latest AMD 790FX chipset, supporting the new generation Socket AM2+ with dual channel DDR2 800/1066. In addition to being the most future-proof platform currently available, the K9A2 Platinum is ready to fully support features such as the new Quad Core Phenom processors which comes with HyperTransport 3.0, a great improvement in the internal bandwidth, MSI unique technology Dual CoreCell with software control Dual CoreCenter, Quad VGA CrossFire, HD 7.1 channel Sound and new Circu-Pipe solution.
Izvor: OCWorkbench

McG 09.10.2007. 16:25

Otkriveni Quad-Core Phenom modeli i radni taktovi
AMD has confirmed the model name and clock speed of the upcoming quad-core Phenom processors and plans to launch them as scheduled in Nov/Dec while Phenom FX will launched in Q1 next year. AMD plans to add higher clocked Phenom FX and Phenom quad-core processors in Q2 next year.


  • Phenom FX-82 will be clocked at 2.6GHz or higher while the faster FX-8x model could hit 3GHz.

  • Phenom 9600 and 9500 clocked at 2.4GHz and 2.2GHz respectively will be the first quad-core Phenom processors to hit the market in Nov.

  • Phenom 9700 clocked at 2.6GHz will come along slightly later in Dec.

FX-82 DVT samples will be available in Q4 while production will kick off in Q1 2008 while FX-8x DVT sample and production is slated for Q2 2008. A faster iteration of the quad-core Phenom will come along in Q2 2008 while DVT samples will be available in Q1. Most likely, it will be called Phenom 9800 and clocked at 2.8GHz.

Izvor: VR-Zone

ShebY 10.10.2007. 22:41

Ova ploča iz predzadnjeg posta ce bit neka pila??
To ce puno kostat??

McG 10.10.2007. 23:26


Autor ShebY (Post 836942)
Ova ploča iz predzadnjeg posta ce bit neka pila??
To ce puno kostat??

Pošto je RD790 čipset na ploči, komotno se može zaključiti da bi ploča trebala biti u samom vrhu po pitanju performansi. Opcija za clockere ne bude nedostajalo. Kaj se tiče cijene, ploče iz MSI Platinum serije su i prije imale masnu cijenu, valjda budu i s ovom pločom nastavili tradiciju. Paprena cijena i bundle zapakiran u još jednoj kutiji.:)

ShebY 10.10.2007. 23:57

Oce bit mozd koja sa novjim, dobrim chipsetom kao GIGABYTE GA-MA69G-S3H, i AM2+ a da nekosta masne pare vec negdje 500-1000kn!!
Ako ima negdje u prijasnjim postovima, samo reci jer mi se nead citat!!

Vuco 11.10.2007. 00:13

McG nema kristalnu kuglu da bi ti to on mogao reći. Budeš i sam vidio kad dođe, kad ljudi kupe i kažu svoja iskustva. Ili kada pročitaš reviewe na netu...

Ali gledajući Gigabyte-ove matične u zadnjih godinu dana, sigurno će imati odličnu matičnu po pristupačnoj cijeni. Ova od MSIa je jedna od opremljenijih i najskupljih ploči vjerojatno.

McG 11.10.2007. 00:36


Autor ShebY (Post 837015)
Oce bit mozd koja sa novjim, dobrim chipsetom kao GIGABYTE GA-MA69G-S3H, i AM2+ a da nekosta masne pare vec negdje 500-1000kn!!

Sigurno bude kakav model, u to nema sumnje. Ploče s AMD/ATi čipsetima su se tak i tak dosad pokazale i više nego solidne. Ako maknemo modele s RD790 (790FX) čipsetom, čisto radi toga jer su ploče nakrcane s četiri PCI-E x16 slota (a rijetki su oni kojima to treba), najbolje budu prolazile ploče bazirane na RD780 (780X) i RS780 (780G) čipsetu. Prve zadržavaju sve blagodati RD790 čipseta, ali imaju dva PCI-E x16 utora, pa je s tim i layout pogodniji za većinu ljudi. Dok druge imaju integrirane DX10.0 kartice i UVD s potpunom podrškom za HD materijal.

Bilobrkster 11.10.2007. 20:47

evo izgleda da AMD napada sa tri jezgre



ShebY 16.10.2007. 23:02

Evo vidio sam da ima u vemilu ploca sa 790FX
Ajd da ja nepregledavam po svim mogucim trgovinama koji je chipset i to, molim da neko posta kad se pojave prve "normalne" polce sa am2+ i pci-e 2.0

segregator 17.10.2007. 08:43

Nadam se da neće cijene biti ko ta prva ploča jer će to dovesti cijene u rang Intel ploča (makar pretpostavljam da će ekipa to kupovati samo da mogu uvaliti 4 komada 2950XT i biti prvi u 3dmarku :) )

Daedalus 18.10.2007. 14:36

Jedno pitanje: jel se to meni čini ili na am2+ ploče mogu ić ovi 'stari' cooleri?

McG 18.10.2007. 23:54

MSI K9A3 CF - RD780 (790X) ploča
On the 20th of November AMD is due to release its Phenom X2, X4 and FX desktop processors and as surely as night follows day, that means that new AMD and nVidia chipsets will also hit the streets. This MSI K9A3 CF uses an AMD RD780 chipset with SB600 Southbridge and despite rumours that SB700 would surface this year we don't expect to see it until 2008. Although an AM2+ motherboard is backwards compatible with an AM2 CPU you don't get the benefit of the faster bus with the older processor.
Izvor: TrustedReviews

LAcy 19.10.2007. 08:07

Hoće već li više!

Problem 20.10.2007. 23:58

kolko vidim pale su cijene opterona u ve-milu...

1210 - 693,60 kn
1212 - 869,11 kn

ali proizvod nije dostupan ccc...

McG 22.10.2007. 12:07

Abit AX78 (AMD 770 + SB600)
Universal Abit is set to launch the AMD 770 board (previously known as RX780) very soon. The Abit AX78 supports the new AM2+ scket with 2600MHz HT3 with a 16bit up/down HT3.0 reaching 5.2GT/s. The board is based on AMD 770 with SB600 south bridge. It uses a x4 A-Link II inteface for connection to the North and South bridge. On board is 4 x 240 pin DIMM supporting up to 8GB of memory of DDR2-800. There is onboard PCIe GbE, 7.1 HD aucio codec, Auto jack sensing and optical S/PDIF out. There are also Abit Engineered features including abit SoftMenu, Silnet OTES, EZ CCMOS switch and the board uses 100% Japanese capacitor.
Izvor: OCWorkbench

McG 24.10.2007. 12:56

Polako, ali sigurno sve više AM2+ ploča izlazi na svijetlo dana. Od mainstream do high-end modela, poput ove DFI-ove perjanice. Za razliku od većine proizvođača, odlučili su se da ne unakaze ploču s četiri PCI-E x16 slota, pa je layout donekle pristojan.

  • 790FX
  • DDR2-800
  • 2xPCIex16 (3way CrossFire)
  • 2xGbLAN
  • RAID5
  • 1394
  • 8CH Bernstein

There will also be a DFI-LP UT 790FX-M2RV, which will include a VoIP card.
Both models can already be preordered at certain websites for about 200 euro. Board will be widely available 2 to 3 weeks after official launch.
Izvor: XtremeSystems

stef 24.10.2007. 13:14

Obje ploče (i Abit i DFI) super izgledaju. Nekako sam bliži Abitu jer je budget rješenje :). Za razliku od AMD/ATIa, Nvidija će imat grdosiju od hladnjaka na NBu na novim Intel pločama.

McG 24.10.2007. 13:19

Meni je također Abit nekak zgodnije rješenje. Za AMD, a bome i za Intel. Ploče na AMD 770, 780G i 790X čipsetima budu se fino kombinrale s novim (a i starim) procesorima. Nisu prenatrpane, a opet imaju sve kaj prosječnom (i onom naprednijem) korisniku treba, hlađenje je kak spada i cijene budu prihvatljive.:)

Vuco 24.10.2007. 17:55

5 minuta sam tražio ATX konektor na DFI-jki :stoopid: :D

Dobre će to ploče biti, samo nek daju neku po ~500kn i svi sretni. Jer ploče za AM2 imaju stvarno odličan omjer cijene/mogućnosti (oprema).

MadBoY 27.10.2007. 12:39

Kako mi idu na zivce sa stavljanjem 2 ili 3 PCI slota a od toga jedva mozes 2 iskoristiti. Valjda ce netko izdati maticnu da mogu iskoristiti barem 3, iako bi bilo pozeljno i 4 PCI. Kao da vise nitko ne koristi PCI kartice :(
Jel se zna kako bi se mogle kretati cijene quad core procesora?

stef 27.10.2007. 12:49

Pa na DFIu i ABITu možeš iskoristiti sva 3 PCI čak i sa dual slot hlađenjm grafike ;).

McG 27.10.2007. 14:18


Autor MadBoY (Post 852193)
Valjda ce netko izdati maticnu da mogu iskoristiti barem 3, iako bi bilo pozeljno i 4 PCI. Kao da vise nitko ne koristi PCI kartice :(
Jel se zna kako bi se mogle kretati cijene quad core procesora?

Imaš par starnica iza, Jetway ploču s 770 čipsetom i 4 PCI utora. Možda se još koji proizvođač odluči na takav layout, pošto se radi o mainstream čipsetu, pa nema potrebe za gomilanjem PCI-E. Kaj se tiče cijene quad modela, AMD je u par navrata izjavil da budu jeftiniji od Intelovih Penryna; cijenom navodno ~$200 - $300 (ovisno o modelu).

McG 05.11.2007. 11:01

Gigabyte MA770-DS3, SuPoX AK780U i AK790T GLi AM2+ ploče
Gigabyte MA770-DS3
This board supports the new Phenom X4 and older AM2 series processors. The board Model name MA770-DS3 is based on AMD 770 (RX780) + SB600. It comes with 1 PCIe x16 and 4 PCIe x1 slots. The board supports 4 SATA II and 1 IDE port. On board you can find a 4 phase PWM, 4 DIMM DDR2-1066 slots. GbE and 1394 are supported. At the back, you can find audio ports, COM port, USB ports, GbE, S/PDIF output port.


SuPoX AK780U
SUPoX AK780U is based on AMD 770 + SB600 chipset. It supports the new Phenom with HT3 and older AM2 series of processors. There are 4 DIMMs supporting up to 16GB of DDR2-1066 in dual channel. On board are 2 PCI connectors compliant with PCI v2.3, 2 PCI Express (x1) connectors compliant with PCI Express Gen2 V1.0, 2 PCI Express (x16) connector compliant with PCI Express Gen2 V1.0.


Most of the board we have seen so far are either AMD 770 chipset supporting single PCIe 2.0 or AMD 790FX chipset supporting CrossFire X Dual 16X or Quad 4X. The AMD 790X chipset supports Dual PCIe x8 in CrossFire mode as opposed to Dual PCIe x16 on The 790FX.

Izvor: OCWorkbench

bozzomfeeder 05.11.2007. 13:13

Supox=Epox? :stoopid:

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